HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0804ORDIUA314CE NO, 304 :7 0 DINAVM ADDING SECTION 192701 To DIVISION b (USE :�;FGUL��Ly,ZMO(V�^1!S) . PART X. ARTICLE 50, OF TUE 1941 $URLINCAkg ORDINANCE CODE REGULATING THE USE OF REAL PROPERTY IN A(1,GVT-DDENkS1.TY MULTI-IAMIIX I ISTR CTS The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain: as follows Section to Section 192701 is hereby added to Division b (Uses Regulations), Part X, Article 50, of the 1941 Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame and shall read and provide as followv "Section 192701 - Regulation for R -3A (Low-density Multi- family) District The following regulations of this section shall apply to all A -1A Districts. A. Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the R -3A Districts: to All uses permitted in R-1 and R-2 Districts, subject to the same restrictions, regulations and limitations that apply to such uses in those districts or as further limited by this section. 2. Multi -family dwellings as limited herein. 3. Accessory uses as described for R-1 Districts. Ra Conditional Uses requiring a special permit, The following uses are permitted with a permit from the City Council, 1< All uses allowed with a special permit in an R-1 District and subject to the same restrictions and limitations. 2. Child care centers, kindergartens. 3., domes for aged, convalescent homes, nursing homes, all subject to such regulations as may be provided by State law for the conduct of the respective asses, The number of persons housed in any pert odtted home for the aged, convalescent home or ,nursing home within an, R district shall not ex- cec�tid one person per each 1000 square feet of lot area within the property in addition to the owner or manager and his family, C, Building Regulations, 1, Only one building used for residential purposes is permitted on any one lot, 2, There may be one dwelling unit for each 1500 square feet of land contained in the total area of the lot plus one additional unit for any re- maining land which may be less than 1500 square feet but not less than 1200 square feet, 3, where two or more recorded lots are combined to create a single lot which has a combined area of 10,000 square feet or more for the purpose of constructing a single multi -family building, 10 per cent of the number of square feet in the com- bined area may be added to the actual area for the purpose of computing the number of dwelling units which will be permitted; 4. Conversions of existing residential buildings for multi -family use will not be permitted except upon approval of plans by the planning commission and the resultant converted dwelUngs must conform to all requirements of the 'building code' pro- visions of this code, The number of dwelling units in a converted &...Telling shall be no 3reater than that provided by this section, ® 2 Do Lot Dimensions and Lot Requirements. The lot requirements shall be the same as provided for !I-1 Distracts„ z'- Height 1"I Mations Fo building may ermeed two stories in height, except that where the first story at ground level is used ex— cluc.„7ely for garage and service purposes, there may be two stories of dwelling units above such ground level story. F. Special Garage and Landscaping Requirements. to Garages or carports shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Division 12 of this Code. Multiple garages shall not be permitted in that portion of the building which abuts or fronts on the front yard setback, 2, riot less than 50 per cent of the total area within the required front yard, or the required side yard when such side yard abuts the street on a corner property, shall be landscaped and maintained with trees, shrubs, or evergreen ground cover." Section 2. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and indepen- dent provision, and such holding shall not affect the g'alidity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 3. All provisions of this code in conflict hci ewith are hereby repealed, 3 n Section fq� .his ordinance shall be published as required Y 1a f" or C'it'y," Clerk, do 12E.?"aeby certify thka 't fo-,�:f.:Soin ordinaace 'tr.sa;s introduced' at 0 regular meeting of _star Coanc—,? hcl c'4 the 6th d -OL&* of __Agril,.'i�64 and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council geld, on the 20th day of April , 1964, by the follo=,sing, vote: Ayes. Councilmen: Crosby, Diederichsen, George, Johnson, Martin. Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None Herbert K. White - City Clerk 4 m RLr'+iNNING" CMISSION OF THE CITY OF BURLI1 SME, CALIFORNIA RESOM fi I0 NO. 1-64 RT! €t ATI:NO USES IN R -3A (L%j-DENSIT7 7TULTI- WHERsEAS, on :November 12, 1963, pursuant to the provisions of Sectio: 1906 of the Burlingame Ordinance Code, the Planning Commissions of the City of Burlingame decided, upon its alum initiative, to consider the matter of recommending to the City Council of Said City that an ordinance be adopted regulating uses of real property within RVA (Low-density M41 iwfamily) Districts; and WHEREAS, on said date the Planning Commission fined Mbnday, November 23, 1963, at 5.00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the Burlingame City Ball at 267 Park Road, Burlingame, California as the time and place of hearing upon said matter; and UTERRAa^, the Planning Commission finds that notice of time and palace of said public hearing has been given by publication as required by the provisions of Sections 6061 and 65651 of the Government Code and of Section 1910 of the Burlingame Ordi- nance Code and that no other notice is necessary; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held by the Planning Commission at the time and place set forth in said publication and from time to time thereafter as said public hearing, was continued, at which hearing, and the continuances thereof, all interested persons were heard and evidence, both oral and. documentary, was received; NOW, TNE?'M�t_aORS ZT V MMESY MOLVED THAT: 1. ._. IMPaK3 f..o.:='i.osion hereby makes the findings sat forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto, incorporated herein,, and made a part hereof. - 1 - 20 The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that t an ordinance :regulating the use of real property in MA a?".?.0-a"family) Districts be adopted conal ta'ix? Lng the '.Z'3ales, regulations ons and provisions set forth in 'Inhibit A. 9 The Secretary of the Planning Commission be, and we is hereby, ordered to transmit to the City Council a copy of anis minutes of said public wearing, as and for the summary of hearing provided for by law. 4, The Secretary of the Planning Commission be, and he is hereby, ordered to transmit to the City Council a certified copy of this resolution together with its attachments. (signed) John J. Brauner Chairman of the Planning, Cosmmmm4lssion of the City of Burlingame 3, EDWARD A. MACRE, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular mmeeting of the Plan- ning Commission on February 24 , 1964, and adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners: Braunerg Cistulli, Edwards, Kindig NOES: Commissioners: None Absent Commissioners: Moore, Norberg Abstain Commissioners: Stivers (sinnedl__E_verett K. Kindig Secretary pro tempore -2- EX o SIT 2, 3 VAL1a of th-s., City of 3�tz-.rlingame finds City of n r^l.ingnme adopted Article 50, Zoning, 11!1?-- . ol'- Burlingame which classified o c 3 for ._. P rind; eases and prcvi.dec3 eguLa- Cozy n cing can November 25, 1963, and thereafter the Plan® rP-Leag Commission Field public hcv ings for the purpose of devising a ne-r8 classification, entitled R -3A, Low-density I'ALalti-fam- ly, and proposing the -regulations for such a district. 1. Psnoang the residential zones described and regulated in the Zoning Cone of Burlingame there is r. distinct lack of a type cehich may be called "low density multiple dwelling The sia5gle-family or R-•1 zone, which is further divided by minimum lot Niue areas of 5000 square feet, 7000 square feet and. 10,s' 00 s€ouare feet in designated areas, pro -,Ades for a variety of :residential districts and represents C-R. of the land area, of the city. .the apt, Duplex zone, is applied to 2.4% of she city but the building of new duplexes or the comm -Psion of single- family d.,elliTngs to duplezr u.se has practically ceased, In the years from 1960 to the p,:etsr mt time, not one duplex has been constructed. 2. The it -3, rw'.�I.t' a'e®Lanmily dwelling, zone can be con- sidered on-•side ed as medium density, except that in a raumber of legal applications of the regalati-- s to actual construction, the land has been crowded to produce the largest number of units possible. This was not always true, but it is forced by the lane costs applied to areas zoned for apartments. builders once provided ample open space and large apartment units without urging, but this is no longer economically possible. 3. The proposed zone limits the number of dwelling units to one per 1500 square feet of land. For comparison, the R-3 zone allows, teased on design of the apartment building, one unit per 600 to 900 square feet of land.. To further insure attractive appearance, the garages may not be banked in the front of the building and landscaping of portions of the property is required. While conversions are permitted, plans insist be submitted to the Planning Commission to lessen the possibilities of buildings that would be disadvantageous to the neighborhood, A nein idea has been introduced in the proposed regu- lations, t,�roviding a bonus of 107. for combining lots and e-zectipg mcn--e desirable buildings on the larger Property. and tihae open space of single-family dwelling areas. An integral provision of such zones is the limitation to the number of units permitted in relationship to the area of the lot. Buildings can be designed which provide either 1 ample open space or larger dwelling units or a combination of botka the City of San Mateo has such a sone classification which it titles "3arden apartment" gone. '.3r, On sage reasons, .EiB>ch buildingsaare2.`LAP•pal=ab e heightwith oioja-fawlly Wellings vith the same This is Wi_aortc",Snt 'bscause All existing homes would not be re- placed = Ole same ti= E As some areas of Burlingame are becoming older, an Z easing i?u &i' of ' ;.isti.n g buildings are deteriorating; Z76 in post 5uch cases 'i'."'..pla€,'eEIl n?t Fd.;.$:°e e. nQ'C9 single -family _C.,': U-Li jf IS impossiblae This is particularly true where the neighNning homes are ,all old, even if well maintained. No `'c.3u"alder will a-u s: t.;lm "se house and lot and raze the house to replace it with another d aping--it is not economically reasiale, The application of the proposed zone to such blocks on districts will make replacement possible b. The present proposal is to add the ROA zone to the Cods9 but no recommendations are made at this time as to specific locations, This will come later after study, public hearings, and resultant recommendations to the City Council, 2 EXHIBIT A AN WAM-*ME ADDING 3 C IOW 1927.1 s.'o DIVISION b (USE PEGUIAXIONS), PART Q ARTICLE 50, OF TSE 1941 BUILINGAME, 05DISa1°NCE CODE . REGULATING THEUSEOFREAL PEDPER ALPEDPaRT IN i9QA +LOfD<NT JIUIY FntpLJ�DS RgGIS i6V.-^,Y The City Council of they City of Durli€agame does ordain as follows Section 110 Section 192701 is hereby added to Division 6 (Use Regulations), Fare X. Article 50, of the 1941 Ordi Yea r - Code of the City of Burlingame and shall read and provide as follows "Sectiona 1927,1 - Regulation :dor RM (Low-density Multi- family) District The following regulations of this section shall apply to all R®>A Districts, A. Permitted Fries, The following eases are permitted in the R -3A Districts L, All uses permitted in R -I and Rd2 Districts, subject to the same restrictions, regulations and limitations Haat apply to such uses in those districts or as further limited by this section. 2. Multi -family dwellings as limited herein. 3. Accessory uses as described for R -L Districts S. Conditional uses requiring a special permit, The Following uses are permitted with a permit from the City Council, 1. All uses alloved with a special permit in an 1-1 2< Child care centers, k ndergarte= 3. Homes for aged, convalescent homes, nursing homes, all subject to such regulations as may be provided by State lana for the conduct of the respective uses o The number of persons housed in any per- mitted home for the aged, convalescent home or n9"rc:'-„?ng Name M'v`.;.h'ani an R district shall not em- ceed one persona per each 1000 square feet of lot area item the property in addition oto the owner or manager Garold his family. 1. Only one building used for residential purposes is permitted on any one lot, 20 There may be one dwelling unlit for each 1500 square feet of land contained in the total area of the lot plus one additional wait for any re- maining land which may be less than 1500 square feet but not less than 1200 square feet, 3e Were two or more 'recorded lots are combined to create a single lot which has a combined area of 10,000 square feet or more for the purpose of constructing a single multi -family building, 10 per cent of the number of square feet in the com- bined area may be added to the actual area for the purpose of computing the number of dwelling unfits which will be parmitte& iso Conversions of existing residential buildings for multi -family use will not be permitted except upon approval of plans by the planning commission and the resultant converted dwellings rest conform to all requirements of the 'building code' pro- visions of this codec The number of dwelling „. ----- than true: provided by this se?cti= ® 2 W lot Dimensions and Lot Faquirementso The lot requirements shall be the same as provided for Rml Distriet o E. Height Umitations, NO WMAS '9u".Ws`�£�T e5£ccwG-'d two stoh;iti_'s in height, except :':?w where the first story at ground level is used ex— : usi-y'ely for garage and sno ice purposes, there may be tido sto_:'i es of dwelling units above such ground level story. F. Special Garage and Landscaping Requirements. I. Garages or carports shall be pro•'*y"ided in accordance with the provisions of Division 12 of this Code. MAltiple garages shall not be permitted in that portions of the building which abuts or fronts on the front yard setback 2. Not less than 50 per cent of the total area within the required front yard, or the required side yard when such side yard abuts the street on a corner Property, shall be landscaped and maintained with trees, shrubs, or evergreen ground cover." Section 2,20 SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and indepen- dent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validi't of the remaining portions thereof. SectSect%nn Q All provisions of this code in conflict 3 Section 4. This ordinance shall be published as required by lawn Mayor 1, Herbert K. White, City Clergy., do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the dray of , 1964, and adopted thereafter at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 1964, by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Herbert Ko White - City Clerk - 4 -