HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0829OIU3'!Jh�,4 IGE NOe 829 x?%'r"OP'_'Y10 Ff REFERENCE 1964 EDXTI,`'N OF °UVIFO3mag BUILDIaNx CODE 711TH At•F�!v6s2�. ND . EP?'S JAUND FA�°��XWS BTY3fl?.9:"ZR NO. 1633 OF THE UNITED STATES FS ES ILING 6 y7 OF Rl.Cd,iLT1i��:, r,��..��,.:?,a1:.Dvsv:a Dim'`;., pEG;3�'.:���'�.���� ciN0 EXCRVATION AND GRADING; AMENDING SEC`1IGNS 18.08n0log 1S.00.110, I&ODbJOS, j&0S.1.909 1.&O&2105 U&S.250, 1€3.003100 MOM= AAD 13.08.420 OF 70 IRJRTJX,�-�W-10 MUNICI?AL CODE; ADDING SECTZONS 1 a,0i3,;209, MONKS, 18.0%540 'ate ` 18.08.545 ���O Sa�AITMUNICIPAL [ NICIPate. CODE; AND REP �eFg.�?YS` G SECTWil i 8 t 1 .01 020 OF SAID E`aVS+1�A Mo�L AL COW The City Council of the Citi of Burlingame does ordain as follows - SECTION 1. Section 8,08.010 of the Burlingame Nu n:Rici,pal Code i.a amended to read as follows: b 3 a d @ ms s � R B o of aRtR l.fo RauildiR�R ole o The rules, lygu Fations and standards p inted in two volumes and, published by International, , Confer=ence of Building Officials under the tithe uniform Building Code, 1964 Edition, Volume 1,1 includ- ing timing* appendix thereto, and 'Volume 111, Wform Building Code Standards, 1964 Edition,' hereinafter collectively called 'Build- ing Code,' are adopted as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this city as to all mattews therein contained, e2t: ept as hereinafter p7ovid d® `.'ihe mandatory requirements encs of the Appendix to they Building Cod- shall be enforceable to the Zama extent as if contained in the body of the Building Geo€neo Three copies of the Building Cade, Voltmes I and 111, shall at all tWo be inept an 3;lie in the office of the City adl.eyk. SE '1CRi 2e Section 18,,08.020 of the Burlingazo aMunicipal, Code is hereby repealed. aE2=w Section �,�.'noOWN of the P Rxlingame municipal Code is awenJed to read, �n% follouls' iiio,��o G.io.�.:.e....a �4.G`"�;�.�;bi� .64�s3�:� �'� �i1'.�'.t��4.�®,"' AMR,r'tiFSvi'.�.�, of sect'Mo n 35?6 o.sf the nails iLijuS Me is cuended by adding the .fo_D.I,Ss`w- X8[7 whenever r'*r%y person, firm or G:ox; oxatCiann applies to the 11f:anse Collector for a kbsus ess license to conduct a mind of business uhiah is not thin being conducted at the place or Premisea gor which the License is :applied, the Manse Collector shall first refer the application to the Building official, Fire Chief, and Health Officer, and it shall be the duty of said offi- cials to prevent such use or occupancy of such place or premises in violation of any provision of the Burlingame Municipal Code or in violation of any state or federal statute. (g) lRREoval of other official Required In Certain Cases. In the case of a proposed occupancy and use, except for an 'PI" or "T" occupancy, the Building Official, before issuing a Certificate of occupancy, shall first submit the application to the Fire Chief and the Health Officer, who shall examine the same and endorse their approval or disapproval thereof. an such case, no certificate of occupancy shall be issued, except for an "I" or "J" occupancy without the approval of the N re Chief and the Realth Officer, SECiON /.o Section 10®00.155 of the Burlingame municipal Code is amended to read es follows' _ Section, Oroug Ed occV,2a1 s. Section 1305 of the Building Code is amended by adding subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows: (d) sleeking Room E s�e8s. Every sleeping room below the fifth floor in a dwreUing, apartment house, apartment hotel and hotel shall have at least one openable window of sufficient size to permit emergency exit or rescue, Such win- dow shall have a. swill heigkit of not more than thirty-six finches above the floor. (e) :A e; may �n dew used of which the as an emergency exit shall have a fully openable section,�i least vertical or horizontal dimension shall be 24 inches and of which mad the least clear gross area shall be five square feet. -�. •��.�ae.-lea SPa n:G,a 5. Section 10,056190 of the d''urlingame Municipal - Code is ==snded to read as follows: 18.08.190. Section 1405 (e) ffj sa'd d_ ®-Essits in �+ ? a s ;, 1.1 - r. r, 4O �^' s s%ue3'a;RE��ed bya"ddin g .°•.1�,%iS�ae''l-tion Sect:` L�G� .6�•�Y'� £.'a'V $:.'a c,. �•� 3s.-a...�,i's.e� ,e �:#,e:r (e) and (f) to reed as follows: (e) Sie —_Ln Ever: sleeping; room below the fifth floor in a dwelling, app tms nt house, apartment hotel and hotel shall have at least one operable window -9— of sufficient size to "permit s.fergency exit or rescue, Such wi'n dow shall. have a sill, height of not more than thi-�:•ty-aiix inches above. tete floor_: (f) lE e_r rrnc .�, it 0errs 'Any Window used as of which the least an er"aergerccy exit t sisa' 1 have €: fully o arlable sectior, vertical or horizontal dimension shall be 24 inches and of which the Es''Y�FSteY?`��E�-e3�- 4.'�-�eeafis�-��i'2�.+Qzj�=B'ea='-?i'x+n't•.".ts'3�'-u`�A=�'"-,-��.g�'Yt'-��€�:�-;,��.'-::..� least clear gross area shall be five square feet. SEC'TI�si`� um Section 21.8.08,2423 is added to the rlub:liragae ?baa nisi Baal. Code to read as follows 1808.209. _ sect•? on 1601 (q,2 mrsended Fipr _ 2one def:6.nition deleted. Section 1601 (a) of the aqui 1ding Code is amended to read as fal- lows, 14henever at any time the Planning i omEaaissiorr oa.° the Ci'try Council shall have: reclassified, :or greeted a variance with re- spect to real property for the 6au�laose of any other then reSidwz - tial. use, the property so reclassified, or for which such variance shall have been granted, shall automatically be included within Fire Zone No. 11 as of the date of the granting sof such reclassi- fication or variance, as the case may he. SECTION 7. Section 18.08.210 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is F�waended to read as follows 1808,210. Section 1602 a§mended---Exceptions iii Fire Zone 1. Section e.602 of the Buildirvg rods: is =ended by adding to Excep- tion& they following: Pi.raa floor walls % hosa manin entrance fronto on es street hateing a width €af at leash 50 feet may have cambus- tibl frame s�ork was approved for ons: -hour construction Baro -Ailed the structural frame is protected as required by this Code o ` hist c:upplies to Group F and G occupancies only. S5ECTI .An S. Section 13.08.2 50 of the Burlingame 'Hunici al Code is amended to recd as a.ol.l ovm s 18 08,250. Section 23,10 s��s�� l lte�a�rsin� ��5alls inn, Wj" ,,era it i,^_« necessary to retain earth to protect adjoining property or structures, a retainIng wall must be constructed. Amy ,such retaining wall may be of timber construction if the Beall does not exceed one Loot in height. Any wall of a height greater than one foot shall be constructed of Masonry. When than retain- ing waal.l is over 4'6" in height, it gust be designed by a li- censed architect or engineer and approved by the City Engineer. A .fence structure may not be substituted for a retaining wall where 3 retaining wall is reasuire& SECTION 9. Section 18.08 10 of the Burlingame Municipal Code is amended by amending the la t paragraph to read as follows perimeter footings shall extend 8 inches below grade and contain at least two 1/2 inch continuous gars of reinforcing Leel and have a 'base of at least 12 inches in widen for one starry and 16 inches in width for two story structures, and extend at least 6 inches above finish grade. All slab floors within livable area shall be placed on well drained base material and a waterproof membrane which must be approved by the Building Official and shall have a lap of at leas: 6 inches when sections are used. SECTION 10. Sections 18.08.320 of the Burlingame bunicipal, Code is amended to read as follows: 18 08n320. Secti2 n r 3 Z� sasrsn eeE�mE�oat:L&e c o tions deleted. Section 2806 of the Building .Code is amended by deletQ9 '°ENCOV tions", "2" and "3" and N.'' SECTION 11. Section 18 .08.420 of the aurlingams ordinance Code is amended by adding thereto the following sentence This ezzept'ion'a shall apply only to residential use. SE&TION V Section 18 08.425 is hereby added to the Burl- ingame Ordinance Code and shall reap as follows: 13.08.425.Section 5107 (s)—Strrapn"n& The following sentence is hereby added to Section 5107 (m) 1 of the .yep. il.ding Code: All duct work r',oiats are to be secured by sEt!'.ION 13� Section 193 08.540 is added to the Nrl.ingd. ' Municipal Cede to read as: follows 18.08,5400 Sections 7009 and 701.0 deleted. -4- Plan checks Mea and beY dku delete& Sections 7009 and 7010 of the Building ode are deleted, SECTIOV 14, Section 18,08,545 is added to the Burlingame YMnieipal Code to read as follows .3 08 5450 Section 70-L Ec3 amended._ $10 Section 7012 (c) of the Building Code is amended to read as fol® lows a No compacted fill shall be made which creates an exposed surface greater in slope than two horizontal to one vertical. The Building Official may require that the fill be constructed with an exposed surface flatter than two horizontal to one verti- cal if he finds this necessary for stability and safety. Slopes of fill; which are not compacted in accordance with Section 7012 (a) may not exceed two horizontal to one vertical. SECTIDV 15� if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this, ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court or courts jurisdiction, decision shall not affect the validity of the re- maining portions of this ordinance. he City Council of this City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that; any one or more .sections, subsections, clauses, phrases or portions may by declared invalid or unconstitutional. " TION 16. This Ordinance shall be published once as re- quired by law. y, 1�.erbert te�. odhite, City Clergy., do hereby certify that ;;he foregoing ordinance was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Caann a 1, `r.*eld can thy. 20th day of September � A 1955, at/ a regular meeting of the City Council held on October 4, 1965 Au'"LQ C*Un Ci.lmen: Crosby-Diede rich sen-George-Johnson-Mart in. NOES: Councilmen: n: None Absent Councilmen: None