HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 0840ORDINANCE No. _ 840 ADOPTING BY REFERENCE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1964 EDITION WITH AMENDMENTS, and AMENDING CHAPTER 18.12 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME and ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALL- ATION OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES. The City Council of the City of Burlingame does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 18.12 of the Municipal Code of the City of Burlingame is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 18.12 PLUMBING CODE ADOPTING UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE,1964 EDITION AND ESTABLISHING RULES, REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PLUMBING FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES. 518.12.010 - of Uniform Plumbin tion. The rules, regulations and standards printed in one volume and published by the Western Plumbing Officials Association uni the title "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1964 Edition", including the appendixes thereto, hereinafter called plumbing code, is adopt as and for the rules, regulations and standards within this Ci as to all matters therein contained, except as herein otherwis provided. The mandatory requirements of the appendixes to the plumbing code shall be enforceable to the same extent as if contained in the body of the plumbing code. Three copies of the I plumbing code shall, at all times, be kept on file in the offidie of the City Clerk. §18.12.011 - Amendment to Sec. 1.1. Sec. 1.1. of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows--„' i Section 1.1. - Administrative Authority and Assistants.'. i Whenever the term "administrative authority” is used i I in this code, it shall be construed to mean the Building M; Page 2 Official or his authorized representatives. §18.12.012 - Amendment to Sec. 1.2. I Section 1.2 of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: Section 1.2. - Assistants. Whenever the term "assistants" is used in this code, it shall be construed to mean the Assistant Building Officials. §18.12.013 - Amendment to Sec. 1.3, Section 1.3 of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: j Section 1.3 - Department Having Jurisdiction. Unless otherwise provided by law, the office of the Administrati Authority shall be part of the Building Department except that for the purposes of Secs. 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1118, and 1119, administrat shall be under the Director of Public Health and Welfare. Secs. 1500 et seq. shall be under the joint administratic of the Building Department and the Director of Public Health and Welfare. §18.12.014 - Sec. 1.4 (10) Not a Part of this Chapter. j I Section 1.4 (10) of the Plumbing Code shall not be a part of thi Chapter. §18.12.015 - Paragraph 1 of Sec. 1.7 Not a Part of this Chapter. i Paragraph 1 of Sec. 1.7 of the Plumbing Code shall not be a part of this Chapter. §18.12.016 - Amendment to Sec. 1.10 (a) and (b). Section 1.10, (a) and (b), of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: � (a) No permit shall be issued to any person to do or cause to be done any plumbing or drainage work regulated !i by this code, except to a person holding a valid unexpirOd I and unrevoked Plumbing Contractor's License issued by theI State of California, except when and as otherwise herein - 2 - Page 3 after provided in this section. (b) No permit shall be issued to any person to do or cause to be done any sewer or private sewage disposal system work regulated by this code, except to a person holding a valid unexpired and unrevoked Sewer and Sewage Disposal Contractor's License issued by the State of California, except when and as otherwise hereinafter pro- vided in this section. §18.12.017 - Amendment to Sec. 1.12. Sec. 1.12 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding to the schedule of fees to read as follows: For issuing each Home Owner Permit $ 3.00 For each Swimming Pool - Public 10.00 Private 5.00 For each Gas Appliance - For the first 100,000 BTU 1,50 For each additional 100,000 BTU or fraction thereof 1.00 For each extra inspection made necessary by defective workmanship or materials 5.00 §18.12.020 - Amendment to Sec. 2.2. Section 2.2 of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2.2 - General Provisions. - It shall be unlawful fo any person to conduct, carry on or engage in the busines of plumbing or act in the capacity of a plumbing contract or i without first securing a valid State of California PlumbinIg Contractor's License. I §18.12.021 - Section 2.3 through Section 2.11 not a Part of this I Chapter. Section 2.3 through Section 2.11 of the Plumbing Code shall not be a part of this Chapter. I §18.12.022 - Amendment to Chapter 1. a. Chapter 1 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding to the - 3 - Page 4 definitions to read as follows: Bathroom (Private Use). A room containing a bathtub, shower, or water closet, installed individually or as a single group in residences, apartments, hotels, hospitals or rest rooms in commercial establishments where the fixtures are intended solely for the use of the occupants or family. Condensate Waste. waste water caused by the formation of moisture on the outside of coils or other surfaces. First Floor. The first floor is the ground floor, or the slab floor above the garage, basement, or crawl space. b. Chapter 1 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing the def- initions of "horizontal Pipe" and "Vertical Pipe" to read as fol Horizontal Pipe. An horizontal pipe is any pipe or fittL which is installed in an horizontal position or which makes an angle of more than 72° with the vertical. Vertical Pipe. A vertical pipe is any pipe or fitting which is installed in a vertical position, or which makes an angle of not more than 72° with the vertical. 18.12.023 - Sec. 201 (k) Not a Part of this Chapter. Section 201 (k) of the Plumling Code shall not be a part of this Chapter. §18.12.024 - Amendment to Section 203 (c). Section 203 (c) of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: (c) Copper tube for water piping shall have a weight of not less than that of copper water tube Type L. Type M copper tubing may be used for water piping when piping is,. above ground, and the normal pressure does not exceed 100 pounds and the working temperature does not exceed 210° F. - 4 - Page 5 §18.12.030 - Amendment to Sec. 302, Section 302 of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 302. - Connections to Plumbing System Required. All plumbing fixtures, drains, appurtenances and appliances used to receive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage shall be connected properly to the drainage system of the building or premises, in accordance with the requirements of this code. The arrangement of all sewer, soil, waste and drainage pipe lines shall be as direct as possible and grouped at a point not to exceed three (3) feet beyong the wall of the building, or buildings nearest the main sewer in the street, alley or easement, and shall have a continuous fall of not less than 1/4 inch per foot, except as pro- vided in Section 1106 (a). 18.12.031 - Amendment to Section 310. Section 310 Of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Sub -Sec- tion (e) to read as follows: (e) No fitting, connection, device or method of install- ation which obstructs or retards the flow of water, waste$, sewage or air in the drainage or venting systems in an amount greater than the normal frictional resistance to flow, shall be used unless it is indicated as acceptable I in this code, or is approved by the Administrative Auth- ority as having a desirable and acceptable function and as of ultimate benefit to the proper and continuing func-!, tioning of the plumbing system. The enlargement of a 3 i�ch I closet bend or stub for 4 inches shall not be considered an obstruction. - 5 - Page 6 §18.12.040 - Amendment to Section 406. Section 406 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Subsecs. (a) and (b) to read as follows: (a) Each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper terminal; and each such run of piping which is more than 100 feet in length shall be provided with a cleanout for each 100 feet, or fraction thereof, in the length of such piping; provided, however, that excepting the building drain and its horizontal brant a cleanout shall not be required on any such concealed or completely enclosed pipe or piping which is above the first floor of the building. (b) Each change of direction of horizontal drainage pipe shall be served by a cleanout if such change of direction exceeds 60° from a straight line. §18.12.041 - Amendment to Table 4-3. Additional Footnote is added to Table 4-3 of the Plumbing Code to read as follows: NOTE: All horizontal drainage piping below the first floor, receiving the discharge of water closets shall be not lessi than 4 inches in diameter, except that additions to, or remodeling of, an existing system may be installed in acc i ordance with Table 4-3. §18.12.060 - Amendment to Section 608. t i Section 608 of the Plumbing Code is amended to read as follows: i Section 608. - Appliances. Appliances, devices, equipment or other apparatus not regularly classed as plumbing fix- tures, but which are equipped with pumps, drips or drainage outlets, may be drained by indirect waste pipes discharging i into an approved type open receptor. No domestic dishcaashiing i machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system. I - 6 - Page 7 Sizing of gravity condensate lines shall be not less tha permitted in Table 4-3 (a) of this Code. Discharge unit values shall be as shown in Table 4-3 (a). §18.12.061 - Adding Table 4-3 (a), Table 4-3 (a) is added to the Plumbing Code to read as follows: GRAVITY CONDENSATION DRAINS TABLE 4-3 (a) II Drain Outlet I Size 3" Total 22 Connections shown below- Main Waste Size 2" 1 it 1 " 1" 3/4'1, �i•'* Horizontal Main nJaste r'ixture Assigned Unit Value 1/211 II 36 25 20 9 6 4 2 0 ° 4 II 3/4" II 16 11 7 4 3 1 1 0 3/4°' 2 li 1" r 9 6 4 2 1 1 0 0 1" I 3/4 6 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 14" 1 12 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 12 2 li2" 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2" 5 it 22" 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 22°° 9 3" 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3" 14 Smaller drains may be added not to exceed main horizontal cross-sectional discharge area, *No 2" Horizontal The sum of the drain outlets, using the total fixture unit values, determines the size of the main waste. If the Manufacturer gives the rate of flow per refrigerator unit, then the unit value (based on 72 gallons per minute) may be used in lieu of drain outlet column. §18,12,070 - Amendment to Section 702, Section 702 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Sub-secti (c) to read as follows: (c) A trap arm may change direction without the use of a cleanout when such change of direction is accomplishe - 7 - M by the use of not more than two 45° fittings, or one 90° fitting of approved radius. 11Approved radius" shalt mean not less than a medium -sweep elbow. §18.12.103 - Amendment to Section 1003. ! i Section 1003 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding Sub -section (p) to read as follows: j (p) Air Chambers. All faucets on the inside of the building with the exception of water heaters, tub and shower valves, shall be provided with air chambers con sisting of sections of pipe equal in size to the risers supplying the openings, and to be not less than 16 inchos long. i §18.12.105 - Amendment to Section 1005. Section 1005 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding Sub-sectio#s I (f) and (g) to read as follows: (f) Air Chambers. All faucets on the inside of the build- ing with the exception of water heaters, tub and shower valves shall be provided with air chambers consisting o sections of pipe equal in size tothe risers supplying the i I openings, and to be not less than 16 inches long or app -j roved Manufacturing devices or approved master chambers (g) A gate shutoff valve shall be installed on each water supply system at any accessible point where said supply enters the building, and on each apartment or dwelling I of more than one family. In lieu of a main supply shuti off in each apartment, individual shutoff valves shall be provided at each fixture. i §18.12.107 - Amendment to Section 1007. Section 1007 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Sub -section (b) to read as follows: (b) An approved type pressure regulator preceded by an - 8 - Page 9 adequate strainer shall be installed and the pressure re- duced to 60 lbs, per square inch. Each such regulator at strainer shall be accessibly located and shall have the strainer readily accessible for cleaning without removin€ the regulator or strainer body or disconnecting the supp: piping. All pipe size determinations shall be based on 80% of the reduced pressure. §18.12.108 (a) - Amendment to Section 1008 (a) Section 1008 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Subsecti (a) to read as follows: (a) Installation. All water piping shall be adequately supported to the satisfaction of the Administrative Auth+ I ority. Burred ends shall be reamed to the full bore of the pipe. Changes in direction shall be made by the app, i ropriate use of fittings except that changes in direction in copper tubing may be made with bends having a radius I i of not less than 6 diameters of the tubing, provided that such bends are made by the use of forming equipment which does not deform or create a loss in cross-sectional area of the tubing. Approved provisions shall be made for I expansion in hot water piping. All piping, equipment, ! appurtenances and devices shall be installed in a workman_ like manner in conformity with the provisions and intenti I of this code. Soft -tempered copper water tubing, Type LI or K installed under concrete slabs, may be bent with no less than a 6 inch radius by hand, or a 2z inch radius bend by a tool made for that purpose. All such work mus be tested and inspected before covering. §18.12.108 (b) - Amendment to Section 1008 (b). Section 1008 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding the following i provisions to Subsection (b): i In all instances where ferrous and non-ferrous metals are used on water piping systems, all connections between the - 9 - Page 10 two metals shall be made by a brass fitting and such fitting shall be in an accessible location above grade. §18.12.108 (c) (2) - Amendment to Section 1008 (c) (2). Section 1008 of the Plumbing Code is amended by changing Subs (c) (2) to read as follows: (2) Copper tubing shall be installed without joints wh possible. Where joints are permitted, they shall be soldered with 95.5 solder and fitting shall be wrought copper. §18.12.113 - Amendment to Section 1103. Section 1103 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) When converting from septic tank to sanitary sewer system, cast iron pipe shall be run to a point of at least 3 feet inside the required side yard line. The balance of the line may be of any of the approved types for sewer systems. §18.12.117 - Amendment to Section 1107. Sectibn 1107 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: (e) When a main sewer is located in the street, alley ori easement, there must be provided a cleanout brought up I flush with sidewalk level next to curb and, if no curb ori sidewalk exist, then the cleanout must be located inside! of the lot line! Riser shall be of cast iron, the same I size as the drain it serves, brought up to the level of the ground by a wye and branch fittings, and top of same to be provided with a regulation cleanout. If the side- walk space mentioned is entirely concrete, then a cast ion sidewalk box, with loose cover fitting with brass screws,l shall be installed. The maximum size for a cleanout p14 i shall be 4 inches, - 10 - I Page 11 18,12.130 - Amendment to Section 1310. Section 1310 of the Plumbing Code is amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) water Heater Safety Pans, [Nater heaters shall have � safety pans with drains when located in living area or when leakage would do damage to the building or its cont nts The pans shall be of metal and be of such dimension as tb provide a minimum of two inch clearance between the pan and the outside diameter of the heater, with a depth of 3 inches. The drain shall not be less than 3/4 inch. shall be The drain taken to the exterior of the building. §18.12.135 - Section 1325 is added to the Plumbing Code to read as follows: Section 1325. Gas Appliances, Miscellaneous. All gas appliances, including, but not limited boilers, ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, and burners, shaill be installed in full compliance with the Building Code of the City of Burlingame. §18.12.330 - Appendix D not a Part of this Chapter. Appendix D of the Plumbing Code shall not be a Part of this Chapt�,r. §18.12.400 - Adding Chapter 14. Chapter 14 is added to the plumbing Code to read as follows: 1 CHAPTER 14 I RAINWATER DRAINAGE j I Section 1401. Disposal of Rainwater drainage. Rainwater from roof or other approved areas :e xposed to rainwater may be drained into the storm drainage system, or the combined sanitary and storm water drainage, but shall not drain into any sewer intended for sanitary I sewage only. Section 1402. Paved Gutter. Rainwater from roofs or other app -i roved areas exposed to rainwater may drain into a public street i gutter, provided that such gutter is paved and runs to a catch basin - 11 - Page 12 storm drain connected to a public aew®a=a�aens, and provided further that such drainage has the approval of the City Engineer or other public storm dram authority having jurisdiction over public streets or public/aeww" Section 1403. Rainwater to Public Gutters. No rainwater from roofs, or other rainwater drainage of premises, shall discharge i a public sidewalk. When it is desired to conduct rainwater from a building or premises to a public street gutter, the outside under ground drainage piping shall be vitrified clay pipe, galvanized wrought iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, approved concrete pipe, asbestos cement sewer pipe or cast iron pipe. when clay pipe, asbestos cement sewer pipe or approved concrete pipe is used, such pipe shall be 2 feet from the building and one foot below the official grade. relater leaders connected to such background drain- age pipe which are on the outside of the building wall that abuts on a public thoroughfare, shall be constructed of galvanized wrough iron pipe, galvanized steel pipe, or cast iron pipe for a distance of not less than 5 feet vertically above the official grade. Section 1404. Sheet Metal Leaders and Downspouts. No sheet metal water leader shall be installed on the inside of a building, inner court or vent shaft, nor shall any sheet metal leader be directly connected to any drainage system which connects with a public sewe3 Section 1405. Defective Sheet Metal water Leaders. When an existing sheet metal leader pipe within the walls of any building becomes defective, such water leader shall be replaced with one which conforms to the provisions of this Chapter. Section 1406. Rainwater Drainage Piping Materials. All undergroL id roof and area rainwater drainage piping within the walls of a buildiing shall be cast iron pipe and fittings, and all such piping above the; ground shall be cast iron pipe and fittings, galvanized wrought iro I - 12 - Page 13 pipe with approved drainage fittings, galvanized steel pipe with approved drainage fittings, or copper DW pipe with approved drain age fittings. TABLE No. 14-1 SURFACE AREA IN SQUARE FEET SIZE OF PIPE --------INCHES 360 500 1000 1500 2460 5220 9430 15030 31490 55150 14 14 2 2z 3 4 5 6 8 10 Section 1407. Non -Conforming Rainwater Drainage, Amortization Period, Every existing drainage of rainwater into a sanitary sewer, in violation of the provisions of this Chapter shall be altered or terminated or replaced so as to conform to the of this Chapter within one (1) year from its operative date. SECTION 2_._ If any section, sub -section, clause, phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any Court of competent juris- diction, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remain ing portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, sub -section, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof irrespective of the fact that aiy one or more sections, sub -sections, clauses, phrases, or portions may be declared invalid or unconstit utional. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be pu lished as required by law. Mayor - 13- Page 14 I, Herbert K. White, City Clerk, of the City of BurlingameAI I California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of Ordinance No. 840 , which was introduced on May 16, 1966; that thereafter a public hearing on said Ordinance was scheduled for June 6 , 1966, at 8 o'clock, P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 267 Park Road, Burlingame; that notice] of said hearing was published twice in the Advance -Star, a news- paper of general circulation in said City of Burlingame, once on I May 20. 1966 , and once.- on May 27 1966, the firsIt publication being at least fifteen (15) days preceding said hearing; that said notice stated the time and place of hearing, a description of the purpose and subject matter of said Ordinance No. 840 l; that at least three (3) copies of the 1964 Uniform Plumbing Code, I and of the City of Burlingame Municipal Code, and the date of pub -j I lication and of the name and address of the agency by which each was promulgated, were on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and open to public inspection, at least fifteen (15) days preceding the hearing; that said hearing was duly held at the time and place i stated in said notice, and that at the meeting of the City Council ll held on the June 20 , 1966, said Ordinance was duly i adopted by the following vote of the members thereof: i AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmen: Crosby-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-Martin, NOES, Councilmen: None I Absent Councilmen: None i i `-City Clergy - 14 -