HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1981.01.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 20th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 20th, 1981 , was called to order at 7 : 30pm by Chairman Nagle . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle, Secretary Fricke , Trustee Hechinger and Trustee Weatherbe Trustee Absent : Trustee Parsons , Excused Also Present : Mrs . Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Medlina Foge , Kathy Flores , Matt Olsen, Shelly Junkin, Phil Grenadier, Mike Vangele , Lori Podesta, Paul Moresko , Bambi Belchar, Larry Grenadier, Adam Gottlieb and Debbie Fena, all representing an American Government Class from Mills High School . BILLS: Checks in the amount of $11 , 240 . 22 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Secretary Fricke and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $812 . 46 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger and seconded by Secretary Fricke . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 16th, 1980 : Trustee Weatherbe requested that the minutes reflect that she was concerned about the purchase of a turkey for the staff (as had been done in previous years ) rather than the annual party. With that amendment , the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Smoke Detection System: Chairman Nagle asked Librarian Bergsing on the progress of the smoke detection installation. Mrs . Bergsing explained that work was continuing on the System. She expects that the job will be completed in the next couple of weeks . Community Room Foundation Leaks : Chairman Nalge questioned whether or not there had been any old and/or new leaks in the Community BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #2 : Room during the current rains . Mrs . Bergsing replied that there has been no evidence of any leaks . Hopefully, the sump-pump will be installed be- fore a really severe storm causes any further problems . Burlingame Historical Society: Chairman Nagle said that he noticed that the Library no longer has to make space for the Historical Society 's materials. Everyone agreed that it seemed to have worked out well and that the Society had resolved its problem. Capital Improvements 1981-1986 : Librarian Bergsing said that the Capital Improvements requests were due back to the Finance Director in March, so they will be on next months agenda for discussion . She said she has spoken with two vendors regarding figures for automated circulation for Burlingame Public Library to have its own system. She will get more information and report back at the next meeting. Reception for State Librarian: Librarian Bergsing asked if anyone had planned to attend the reception for Gary Strong , (the new State Librarian) on January 25th . Trustee Weatherbe stated that she might be �. able to attend and Trustee Fricke stated that she had already sent a note saying that she would be unable to be there . Staff Development: Chairman Nagle geustioned who paid for the Library staff to attend the staff development classes . Mrs . Molder explained that the City Of Burlingame pools what they think is necessary to accomodate everyones' basic needs and then pays for those particular classes by contracting with The Management Institute (TMI) . Secretary Fricke said that all the departments within the City are able to benefit from the training. It is not exclusively for Library employees . Special Programs : Trustee Weatherbe asked about the scope of Mrs . Molder 's book talk on cookbooks . Mrs . Molder gave a little back- ground on the talk, and explained her interest in the subject . Automated Circulation: Trustee Fricke asked the status of the City of San Mateo ' s automated Circulation System. Mrs . Bergsing reported that the City Librarian from San Mateo had attended the meeting last Friday with all the P. L. S . directors to go over the specifications for the County 's shared System. It appears that the City of San Mateo is going to wait until vendors respond with bids on the County ' s System, before deciding whether they will continue to develop their own System, or join with the BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #3 : County and the other P. L. S . libraries . Mrs . Bergsing stated that she thought it would be Summer before the vendor could be chosen. It also appears that San Mateo is not going to hire a consultant to compare the two systems . She felt this was unfortunate, because , unless we clearly understand the capabilities , the similarities and the differences between the two systems , we really can't accurately compare costs . Mrs . Bergsing further stated that she had spoken with C. L. S . I . (the biggest circulation vendor) , who installed the Palo Alto Public Library 's Automated Circulation System and she had also spoken with a representative from DataPhase. Another representative from DataPhase indicated that he would be able to bring out a terminal to the Burlingame Library and have a demonstration both for the staff and the Board members . She explained that DataPhase is now in the process of bidding on a system for Orange County Library. She will try to set up an appointment date and will keep the Board informed. Mrs . Bergsing said she felt that for Burlingame to "go it alone" would probably cost about double the amount it would cost to share in a System with the County and other P. L. S . libraries . However, she is getting figures from at least two different companies , and she should have them for the February Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman Nagle acknowledged letters from Mrs . Meyers , a resident of Burlingame , commending Mr. Alfred Escoffier for his continued fine job in the Reference Department . He also acknowledged a letter from Ms . Jackie Schiedeck, commending Sharon Porter of the Reference Department as well . NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner' s Dinner, January 30th, 1981 : Everyone of the Trustees said that they would be attending the dinner with the exception of Trustee Fricke who will be out of the Country on that date . There was discussion regarding the time for the next meeting. Trustee Hechinger stated that he would like to return to the 4 : 30pm meeting time . He felt it was more convenient for the Staff, and that �— just as many members of the public could attend at 4 : 30pm as at 7 : 30pm. After further discussion, it was decided that the meeting time could be changed to evening if something of great public interest seemed to warrant it . Trustee Weatherbe still felt however, that the evening hour BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #4 : was more convenient , for both the public and for herself. Trustee Hechinger moved, and Trustee Fricke seconded a motion to return to the 4 : 30pm meeting time. The motion carried with three ayes , and one no from Trustee Weatherbe . Librarian Bergsing announced that Pat Harding has been hired as the new Librarian I in the Reference Department . Mrs . Kristine Cannon expressed regret at losing Pat ' s services at the Branch Library, because she was doing an outstanding job. Mrs . Bergsing agreed, and stated that staff turnover was one of the problems at the Branch Library . Since the passage of Proposition 13 , and the subsequent cutback in hours , she explained that there has been a rather constant turnover in Branch staff. Also , the necessity to staff the Branch with a Library Assistant , rather that a Professional Librarian has further limited the service that the Branch can provide. Mrs . Bergsing suggested that perhaps one of the budget requests this year should be to hire a Professional Librarian for the Branch Library. Discussion followed. Chairman Nagle requested that the minutes show that the Easton Drive circulation statistics were up again for the month of December. Mrs . Bergsing requested an amount , not to exceed $500 . 00 , in order to purchase some shelving for the mail distribution unit in the back hall. After discussion, Trustee Fricke made a motion to approve the request , from the Special Fund, not to exceed $500 . 00 , for the shelving. Trustee Weatherbe seconded the motion. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 25pm, with the next scheduled meeting for February 17th, 1981 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board �. PMB/jag