HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.02.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY `., BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA FEBRUARY 17th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : BILLS: City Checks : $9 ,658 . 72 Special Fund: $2 ,179 . 58 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 20th, 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE: None INTRODUCTION OF PAT HARDING_ NEW LIBRARIAN I , IN THE REFERENCE DEPT. : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Automated Circulation GRC Study Capital Improvements Update on Reorganization of the Library Book Chat NEW BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT: Next Board meeting scheduled for March 17th , 1981 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. PB/j g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY �-- BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 20th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 20th, 1981 , was called to order at 7 : 30pm by Chairman Nagle . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle, Secretary Fricke , Trustee Hechinger and Trustee Weatherbe Trustee Absent : Trustee Parsons , Excused Also Present : Mrs . Kristine Cannon, Representing A.A.U.W. Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Medlina Foge , Kathy Flores , Matt Olsen, Shelly Junkin, Phil Grenadier, Mike Vangele , Lori Podesta, Paul Moresko , Bambi Belchar, Larry Grenadier, Adam Gottlieb and Debbie Fena, all representing an American Government Class from Mills High School . BILLS: Checks in the amount of $11 , 240 . 22 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger, seconded by Secretary Fricke and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $812 . 46 were ordered paid on a motion made by Trustee Hechinger and seconded by Secretary Fricke . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 16th, 1980 : Trustee Weatherbe requested that the minutes reflect that she was concerned about the purchase of a turkey for the staff (as had been done in previous years ) rather than the annual party. With that amendment , the minutes were approved as written and ordered filed. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Smoke Detection System: Chairman Nagle asked Librarian Bergsing on the progress of the smoke detection installation. Mrs . Bergsing explained that work was continuing on the System. She expects that the job will be completed in the next couple of weeks . Community Room Foundation Leaks : Chairman Nalge questioned whether or not there had been any old and/or new leaks in the Community BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #2 : Room during the current rains . Mrs . Bergsing replied that there has been no evidence of any leaks . Hopefully, the sump-pump will be installed be- fore a really severe storm causes any further problems . Burlingame Historical Society: Chairman Nagle said that he noticed that the Library no longer has to make space for the Historical Society ' s materials. Everyone agreed that it seemed to have worked out well and that the Society had resolved its problem. Capital Improvements 1981-1980 : Librarian Bergsing said that the Capital Improvements requests were due back to the Finance Director in March, so they will be on next months agenda for discussion. She said she has spoken with two vendors regarding figures for automated circulation for Burlingame Public Library to have its own system. She will get more information and report back at the next meeting. Reception for State Librarian: Librarian Bergsing asked if anyone had planned to attend the reception for Gary Strong , (the new State Librarian) on January 25th . Trustee Weatherbe stated that she might be able to attend and Trustee Fricke stated that she had already sent a note saying that she would be unable to be there . Staff Development: Chairman Nagle qeustioned who paid for the Library staff to attend the staff development classes . Mrs . Molder explained that the City Of Burlingame pools what they think is necessary to accomodate everyones' basic needs and then pays for those particular classes by contracting with The Management Institute (TMI) . Secretary Fricke said that all the departments within the City are able to benefit from the training. It is not exclusively for Library employees . Special Programs : Trustee Weatherbe asked about the scope of Mrs . Molder 's book talk on cookbooks . Mrs . Molder gave a little back- ground on the talk, and explained her interest in the subject . Automated Circulation: Trustee Fricke asked the status of the City of San Mateo ' s automated Circulation System. Mrs . Bergsing reported that the City Librarian from San Mateo had attended the meeting last Friday with all the P. L. S . directors to go over the specifications for the County 's shared System. It appears that the City of San Mateo is going to wait until vendors respond with bids on the County ' s System, before deciding whether they will continue to develop their own System, or join with the BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #3 : County and the other P. L. S . libraries . Mrs . Bergsing stated that she thought it would be Summer before the vendor could be chosen. It also appears that San Mateo is not going to hire a consultant to compare the two systems . She felt this was unfortunate, because , unless we clearly understand the capabilities , the similarities and the differences between the two systems , we really can 't accurately compare costs . Mrs . Bergsing further stated that she had spoken with C. L. S . I . (the biggest circulation vendor) , who installed the Palo Alto Public Library ' s Automated Circulation System and she had also spoken with a representative from DataPhase . Another representative from DataPhase indicated that he would be able to bring out a terminal to the Burlingame Library and have a demonstration both for the staff and the Board members . She explained that DataPhase is now in the process of bidding on a system for Orange County Library. She will try to set up an appointment date and will keep the Board informed. Mrs . Bergsing said she felt that for Burlingame to "go it alone" would probably cost about double the amount it would cost to share in a System with the County and other P. L. S . libraries . However, she is getting figures from at least two different companies , and she should have them for the February Board meeting. CORRESPONDENCE: Chairman Nagle acknowledged letters from Mrs . Meyers , a resident of Burlingame , commending Mr. Alfred Escoffier for his continued fine job in the Reference Department . He also acknowledged a letter from Ms . Jackie Schiedeck, commending Sharon Porter of the Reference Department as well . NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner' s Dinner , January 30th, 1981 : Everyone of the Trustees said that they would be attending the dinner with the exception of Trustee Fricke who will be out of the Country on that date. There was discussion regarding the time for the next meeting. Trustee Hechinger stated that he would like to return to the 4 : 30pm meeting time . He felt it was more convenient for the Staff, and that �— just as many members of the public could attend at 4 : 30pm as at 7 : 30pm. After further discussion, it was decided that the meeting time could be changed to evening if something of great public interest seemed to warrant it . Trustee Weatherbe still felt however, that the evening hour BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 1/20/81 PAGE #4 : was more convenient , for both the public and for herself. Trustee Hechinger moved, and Trustee Fricke seconded a motion to return to the 4 : 30pm meeting time. The motion carried with three ayes , and one no from Trustee Weatherbe. Librarian Bergsing announced that Pat Harding has been hired as the new Librarian I in the Reference Department . Mrs. Kristine Cannon expressed regret at losing Pat ' s services at the Branch Library, because she was doing an outstanding job. Mrs . Bergsing agreed, and stated that staff turnover was one of the problems at the Branch Library . Since the passage of Proposition 13 , and the subsequent cutback in hours , she explained that there has been a rather constant turnover in Branch staff. Also , the necessity to staff the Branch with a Library Assistant , rather that a Professional Librarian has further limited the service that the Branch can provide. Mrs . Bergsing suggested that perhaps one of the budget requests this year should be to hire a Professional Librarian for the Branch Library. Discussion followed. Chairman Nagle requested that the minutes show that the Easton Drive circulation statistics were up again for the month of December. Mrs . Bergsing requested an amount , not to exceed $500 . 005 in order to purchase some shelving for the mail distribution unit in the back hall. After discussion, Trustee Fricke made a motion to approve the request , from the Special Fund, not to exceed $500 . 00 , for the shelving. Trustee Weatherbe seconded the motion. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8 : 25pm, with the next scheduled meeting for February 17th, 1981 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN' S REPORT FEBRUARY 17th , 1981 Automated Circulation : As you know from our earlier phone conversations , we have scheduled, a demonstration of an Automated Circulation System by the DataPhase representative , Mr. Mark Jones , at 3 : OOpm on Tuesday, February 17th , prior to your Board meeting. Depending on your questions, this may delay the' start of your Board meeting until 5 : OOpm. We have also invited members of the City Council , the City Manager, and the Finance Director to attend any of the three demos , the one on the 17th or either of the two on the 18th. We have received some "ball-park" estimates from DataPhase and C . L. S . I . for Burlingame to install its own system without joining the County or other P. L. S . libraries . These are in the $200 ,000 . 00 category for equipment and start-up costs as compared with $80 ,000 . 00 to $90 ,000 . 00 for going into a shared system. Conversion will be an additional $40 ,000 . 00 to $50 , 000 . 00 in either case . 4 GRC Study: We now have some extra copies of the G .R. C. study on the feasibility of autoniatin,g circulation systemwide for P.L. S . If you are interested in reading the entire report , I 'll have copies at the meeting. If you are interested primarily in a. ,summary, I 'm enclosing a copy, along with some cover memos and correspondence , and a copy of the article that appeared in the San Mateo Times . Capital Improvements : As I reported to you last month , the Capital Improvement requests are due to the City Manager on March 6th. I had hoped to have been able to present these requests to you in final form at your February 17th meeting. However, between the February holidays , and the difficulty- in getting price estimates from vendors , it doesn't look like it will be possible . However, since there won't be any major new projects , other than computerized circulation , perhaps we can discuss the programs in general terms and I can bring you up to date on whatever figures I have by that time. LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: PAGE #2 : 2/17/81 Smoke Detection System : The installation of the Smoke Detection System has been completed except for a few minor changes and additions . The Library is now connected directly to the City ' s Fire Department . Mrs . Molder is planning an extensive staff training program, in conjunction with the General Emergency Plan that the Library and the Office of Emergency Services developed last year. Foundation Leaks : Basically, no report . We are still waiting for the sump pump to be installed near the Community Room entrance . However, we experienced no leaks during the recent rains . The leak at the back of the building, in the basement periodical stacks, has reappeared, however, and I 've contacted the company t:iat sealed the wall last summer. They will come back out and try again. Mail Distribution Unit : The shelving has been installed for the centralized distribution of incoming mail to the departments and staff. If you think it would be useful , we can include a slot or space for each of the Trustees . What do you think? Update on Reorganization Plans : We have rearranged the Technical Services area to improve the workflow and to accomodate the automated cataloging terminal which we plan to have installed this Spring. We are at a standstill now, because we have not been able to get an electrician out here to install the new light fixtures or the new circuit and outlets . In early February, we consulted an architect and an acoustical engineer about the feasibility of enclosing the mezzanine outside the Cataloging Workroom, in order to move the Reference offices upstairs . This would allow us to move the Periodicals and the Periodical work area �.. to the current Reference offices onthe Main floor , move the oversize art books and locked cases to the current Reference Room from the mezzanine, and move the Reference Department to the big Reading Room. We are still waiting for an estimate of the costs it would involve to do this . L,IBRARIAN ' S REPORT : 2/17/81 PAGE #3 : We are also waiting for cost estimates to replace and upgrade our current phone and intercom systems . We have contacted both the phone company and an independent communications contractor. I doubt if we will have these figures in time for your meeting, but preliminarily it may cost $7 ,000 . 00 to $10 , 000 . 00 to improve our communications . California Library Services Board Meeting : The C . L. S . B. is the board which sets policy under the California Library Services Act . It consists of 13 members ; nine appointed by the Governor, two appointed by the Senate Rules Committee, and two appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly . They are meeting at the Menlo Park Council Chambers on February 19th and 20th , from 10 : 00am until 4 : 00pm. On the 19th, they will be listening to reports from various task forces and committees ; on the 20th, they will be considering L. S .C.A. grant applications . The public is invited, in case any of you are interested in attending. The policies and decisions made by this Board directly affect the operation of all the Public Library Systems in California. They usually meet in Sacramento . Personnel : Two part-time Library Assistants have been hired to fill vacancies in the Circulation Department , Robert (Rob) McCormack, and Richard MacDonald. Rob is a graduate of U C Santa Barbara and is continuing his studies in creative writing. Richard is a graduate of Arizona State University and currently studies at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. We are pleased to have these two men join our . staff. Pamela Stamnes has accepted the responsibility of Easton Branch Supervisor, replacing Pat Harding. Pamela has worked at the Branch on a regular basis since she joined the Library staff. Pamela is also the coordinator of the Outreach Program. We are very fortunate to be able to utilize Pamela' s excellent organizational and managerial skills . Sidney Poland , part-time Library Assistant , has resigned effective February 21st . Sidney has been working part-time at the Main Library Circulation Desk , and assisting the Periodical Department , and working a few hours per month at the Branch . She has been an excellent employee and the Library will be sorry to los her skills . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: 2/17/81 PAGE #4 : Sidney has accepted a full-time position elsewhere. Reference Department : Year-end statistics show Reference transactions up 10% for 1980 ; Interlibrary Loan transactions were up 170 overall . The cassette browser is proving to be a very good way to display our cassettes . Circulation of cassettes has nearly doubled in the past month , since more people are now aware of what we have available . The Young Adult Collection has been shifted to the second floor, Fiction Section. New Young Adult Fiction has been .placed in the Browsing Room, and it seems to circulate better than ever. Programs/Workshops/Outreach : Pamela Stamnes has arranged for Joyce Brothers , MA, Peninsula Hospital Community Mental Health Services , to present a 2 hour seminar for the Library' s volunteers on "Loss , Grief', and Recovery" . The seminar will be held on February 24th , at 9 : 30am in the California Room. This seminar fills a need to help our volunteers understand and adjust to recent deaths of Outreach patrons as well as volunteer colleagues . The Board of Trustees are welcome to attend this free seminar which is being sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Mr. Wickliffe attended the Burlingame Writer's Club meeting on January 22nd. Joan Leach will be the guest speaker at the March 19th. meeting. In the Fall , the Writers Club will have its meeting in the Community Room and will hear Pat Thomas discuss and demonstrate RLIN, Al Escoffier attended a workshop on "Reference Use of RLIN" on February 10th at the C. L.A. S . S . offices in San Jose. - We would like to begin using RLIN for reference in the near future . Children 's Department : The following classes and groups visited the Library during January: the fifth grade class from Franklin School, and the first grade class from McKinley ; the Little Lambs Nursery School and the Presbyterian Nursery School . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: 2/17/81 PAGE #5 : Children' s Department Continued : One of our goals, this year , is to visit as many classes as possible in the elementary schools in Burlingame and Hillsborough. This month , Joan Leach, the Children ' s Librarian , visited North School in Hillsborough. The visits include procedures for obtaining a Library card, reading a story , and briefly talking about some of the new books in the Library. Mrs . Leach has made arrangements to visit Franklin School in February. A full.-time School Librarian , Mrs . Linda Randall, has been appointed at Crocker School in Hillsborough . Joan visited her and invited her on a tour of the Burlingame Public Library. They discussed ways to help the students and arranged a series of booktalks starting with the sixth grade . PB/j g STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1.9 81 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction, 12134. 500 Child, Non-Fiction 1578 24Q Adult, Fiction 10002 1133 Child, Fiction 2212_ -481 . -- TOTAL: 25926 TOTAL: 2354 �•� -- eriodicals: 1.71.7. 514. Pamphlets ( Inc] . Maps & Sm. Press: 51.3 -0- TOTAL: 2230 TOTAL: 514 Moving Pictures: =0- Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 1674. -0- Art Prints: 40 -0- Equipment Loaned: 13. -Q- S1 ides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 17 2 7 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 29 , 883 _ + 2868 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 198Q Circulation '31 .172 1981 Circulatio 32 751 5 . 07 % Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Pain, 1980 990 Main, 1981 _ , 067 7 . 78 % Inc . Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 164 Branch, 1981 137 16 . 46 % Dec . REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 , 072 ILL Borrowed: 5a._4 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 202 REF. ACTIVITY 342 ILL Total : 356 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 1%!^ /8 )_ ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PA"IRONS TO Adults: ^10 �2 350 _ 333 l0r 79 DATE: 7 47.q jv Increase o Children: _ 1_ , '06 36 1 , 704 16( Hillsborough:_ 3 , 31 178 116 1 ,698_ -e"'ather Non-Res. Patrons1 2 0 124 TOTAL: 16 ,"I21i 566 487 16 ,200 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: y Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 12/31/80 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137 , 46 1 (10 . 930 308 -.__217 145 119 137 ,625 -10_1 .098 Child, Non-Vic: L7��917 � � 7 - 65 - 20 44 - 30 17 ,6 8 - 14 , 157 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3 ;_314- '1 5 2 - 2 20 - 1 31314 - 3 ,126 Adult, Fiction: 49 ,3:367 41 X567 110 - 72" 12 - S 49 ,434 - 1.,.1 ,634 Child, Fiction: 13 ,40x. 9 , 629 73 - 15 30 - 4 13,450 - 9 .64.0 Y.A. , Fiction: 2 ,7717 ' 2-,_337 10 7 6 - 1 — 2 , 775 - 92 _3 TOTAL: 22.3 , 92.0' 171 ,655 568 - 333 239 - 90 224 ,249 -171 , 898 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 241, MAPS ADDED: 38 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 265 MAPS DISCARDED: 3 TOTAL: 18 , 356 TOTAL: 1_ , T?_0 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 1.2/31/80 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 1/31/81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5039 / 4461 8 / 8 0 / 0 5037 / 4469 Cassettes: 480 / 418 11 / L1 0 / 0 _1+91 / 422. TOTAL: 5519 / 4879 19T/12 0 / 0 5538 / 4891 OSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 2677 . 90 L BRANCH 193 . 40 TOTAL: _ 2871 . 30 ' MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 253 . 00 TOTAL: 3124 . 30 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 19 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 573 �t PCZ 7..Y-:aF_.:_RUPL zt'1.DAML- . {i U1)G F-T-S T-t�7 U3=Ii E P-01Z-T- AC.t,J_. --- -,_ --RIwSGI,.IPT T�] K w 12 MONT" 1'�.T-1) Y—TMC CUR M0 l(p.lF YPEj4DED f .. ...... N, m,. Pf',.1.LlI1 Y r:5 1 Xt'TE, �C71'`,L AC T(JA �! E7.I t AP1C 3x1E.A�!Cf A LIBRARY 750010 L I E3 R A R Y S A L A EZ I E S p F3 31 tI o b...____.165, 368 6i, 36E3 156,212 W 22, 133- q, 15 b 127, 274 750011 27, 274750011 LIBRARY E=MPLOYEE~ BENE.F'ITS 13l+ , 1u7£1, 2:52 78,229 . 11 , 176. 4 55, 878 _._ .7.5 0,0 1.3-L-1.13 17 A}3.Y._:P1f R:T.x I PAL _: - --_ --E 7 l r i) 1 �.. . r�9.,75 7._.. _:_.1 0 0L.-, 7$41IO,.L113PAPY.'. t)Fi ICE C XF'E"t+!S 6062-1 3r.864 11156,1, 162 697 , x,.043 7'54120 : LIE3RA12Y' �SP�CIAL 'OE`E'1'L ° X1'E�N CT E4 SSt7 ' �i ; 6'`�ls ? 8E3t� „ 39 {...,, 7-134-2-5 tz 1:6 A..7 S -"}9.hr-G 6-0- 7`�0122 LIBRARY PFRIoDICALS <�, 817 51726 7, 7x16 544 1 , 9F30�- 2, 111 75012.3 LIBRARY BINDINGS 13, 135 7, 665 1 , 13.E 919 6,532 1?. 002 1211...LIURAE?Y_CATAL.O-GI �, ;,.� �.2Q.,_5 P-1-1--.,_.1 (1.1117.7._.__ 1 , �i20 m..1 02i1,. 2, 750125 LIE3RARY RFC K t;ASSE:TTF5 : +'i, 133 3r2a_5 750130 LIE3I�ARY SMALL T001 '3 � Eo13Tla 225 ` t �3 1.91 191 SSw 3(a 'S0.1f_O .L 113 ftA�2Y-C 01.4ME1.gI»C.A-ILt�.r�� T �� ,-5- . 1.:,:X11_S__ �_� _5� �3�� x 1-r5: .7 750170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 16, 822 91814 gr 1459 1 , 858 : 355 7. 3():5 : 7501.90 LIBRARY MAINT E3LDG R G13OLINDS 6x367 3, 717 1 ,971 611.4 1 , 74E 11, 396 04__.._ .750201 ;:L IHRARY EOU P VA INT 0 T .V,T8 :S50 ?(;3 31 a M;T 1 7' ? 1{�: 7`302Q LiLi.PARY 1:OU TF' 14;111°Y t» ;i .0 5YS 1 f»`' X 53 j 94 37,5., p 179 60� 750200 LIBRARY DUES K SUBSCRrPTIO14S .535 1 `?6 215 75 19- 120 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL375 .. 217 1813 30 29 1F7 7S.n. .5.1_.1.I.ki._.. _�P�1`_.K _i47C.S-.G.IF1nAI11.► 3.0.0.. 1.75._ . ._:._ _3 Q.0 --77777777- 750252 T .....7502 s2 LIt3 Ct7fJF : 't,-;TCaw9T lEF1100 .. 231 242 750260 LTBRARY TRAINING SAf=E:"f Y 325 l fey 24?. i.35 53�, 13.3 ** ** 7nTA1--1, 1P Pl7-1: li7c?? 7.1 _!ill _�� 7- �1 inJ 1115_ _5,q� 5h5 3(� 3 S i - - SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from January : $1,557 . 05 January 28th Deposit 356 . 75 February 5th Deposit 353 . 85 February 17th Withdrawals 2 ,179 . 58 Balance forward to March : $ 88 . 07 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from January: $5900 . 94 No activity Balance forward to March: $5 , 900 . 94 `Burlingame `Public Library 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian EASTON DRIVE PATRON COUNT Thursday, January 1st Closed Saturday, January 3rd 10S-- Monday, January 5th 110 Tuesday, January 6th T77 Wednesday, January 7th ^ Thursday, January 8th TOG Saturday, January 10th TIT— Monday, January 12th 115 Tuesday, January 13th 176 Wednesday, January 14th �- Thursday, January 15th Saturday, January 17th -79— Monday, January 19th 1 A 8 Tuesday, January 20th T55-- Wednesday, January 21st T55— Thursday, January 22nd ST— Saturday, January 24th 100 Monday, January 26th 96 Tuesday, January 27th — Wednesday, January 28th Thursday, January 29th -77— Saturday, January 31st TOT— Total : . 2623 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH /;(.i:•,= :/ ,''� �. 7- Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 20 Volunteers - A. Number of volunteers /J B. Hours contributed �J 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons S j B. Number of visits made "/•,, C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated C. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons "� 7 B. Visits madeC. Items circulated /:/ Comments/activities: /"`'� r -->G,- �_-.� � _I ..r- _./- % �•� �r•� n F'r.o 1 ;'_/c�J'a-/`- � <j C /1C L'/-l-�i•�-�it�'r�/•i-3 /�Gt/!?�, / 1)C.�,�/c'U�.t_'-/-�-/�� LG///� /.)E'_- � /vc�i1 ..)j r - LJ� 4-/ r` ��7 }• �'�c?/�J 7�S Gt4a 'S :•. (-C���C'G/!1 r-ter - - f 555 Veterans Boulevard, #122 Redwood City, California 94063 CONGRESS OF ELECTED OFFICIALS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY December 18, 1980 Mr. Samuel C. Chandler, Chairman of the Board Peninsula Library System c% San Mateo County Library 25 Tower Road Belmont, CA 94002 Dear Mr. Chandler: Enclosed herewith is the final report on FEASIBILITY OF AUTOMATING CIRCULATION SYSTEMWIDE FOR THE PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM, which was prepared at the request of the Congress of Elected Officials by the Governmental Research Council of San Mateo County. The report recommends that the public libraries of Burlingame, Daly City, Menlo Park, Redwood City, San Bruno, San Mateo City, San Mateo County, and South San Francisco implement an integrated, automated circulation system embracing the collections of all eight �-- libraries in the Peninsula Library System. Benefits to users and improvements in library operations, judged to be potentials from such implementation, are immediate identification of availability of any items in any one of all eight library systems; electronic holds on items not immediately available; improved collection management through identification of most-sought items, plus weeding out of deadwood; ab- sorption of circulation growth without inordinate addition of staff; facility in converting to on line catalog, replacing card catalog, and added security through immediate identification of delinquent borrowers; immediate identification of stolen library cards, and others. Over a seven year period, operating savings are estimated at $1 .3 million, or about $185,000 per year. Consultants and GRC Executive Committee members with knowledge in the field, believe there is a good possibility that this rate of savings could continue for as much as 10 years before computer replacement would necessitate another cost-benefit analysis. In delivering this report to the CEO, GRC has advised that it is final in all respects, and that it does not believe there will be any revision. However, because of views expressed in its Library Study Advisory Committee, GRC is conducting some additional investigation into the projected cost-benefit figure, with particular reference to system operating costs, and into debt retirement. The result of this investigation will be furnished to you promptly. On behalf of the Executive Committees of both CEO and the GRC, I should like to express �. appreciation to all members of the Peninsula Library System for their cooperation in supplying information necessary for this analysis. Mr. Samuel C. Chandler December 18, 1980 Page 2 It is our hope that the recommendations in this report can be implemented substantially, or in total, within a reasonable period so that our fine libraries can continue to make pro- gress in serving their patrons and so that the indicated economies can be accomplished. For additional copies or information about this report, please contact the Governmental Research Council . Sincerely, James R. /ormey, Jr. Enclosure 115) 349-5538 THE PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEM 25 TOWER ROAD BELMONT, CA 94002 � (rcun�ed 1910) December 29, 1980 James R. Torrey, Jr_ , President Congress of Elected Officials 555 Veterans Avenue, Suite 122 Redwood City, CA 94063 Dear Mr. Tormey: The Peninsula Library System Board of Directors discussed the second draft of the GRC Report on a Study of the Feasibility of Automating Circulation System-wide for Peninsula Library System at its December 18 meeting. The Board of Directors asked me to write to you telling you of its reaction to the report. The PLS Board was pleased to see that the study supported the need for investication of automation in libraries in San- Mateo County. Furthermore, the PLS Board agreed with the recom;lendation of the report, as stated on page 68, that ". . . PLS acquire a single aut6mated system serving, at best, all member libraries , or, at minimum, a participation for all those who wish to take part. " I would like to -join with the PLS Board in saying that vie are pleased the GRC and the Congress of Elected Officials has recognized the importance of library service to the people of San Mateo County by commissioning a thorough study of one of the basic public library functions. Sincerely, _ O e Light System Director jme - He Snpme Public Libra-y-344-7107 Dill Cit?Public Libraq-378 8900 Menlo Pah Public Libr2ry-326-3421 Rt6-01City PLMiC library-369.3737 4E0 7r.-:ac P036.Burlir.iane.CA 94010 40 Wembley Drive.Dal?City.CA 94015 Civic C2n!v.M.,"13 Park.CA 944025 831 Jeffv an A,-r.u••Ped-ad Cit),CA 54053 San✓uno Public Library-SE8-7726 San Milto City Library-574-6950 San Malco County Library-5712056 South San Francisco library-317-352S 701 hes!Argus.San Bruno.CA 9.066 55 West Third Avenue.San Matto.CA 94402 25 Te-er P.oad.Belmont.CA 94002 940 Mies!Cranle A,e-,So.San Francisco.CA 54030 -� 555 Veterans Boulevard, #122 Red%. ood City, California 9406 CONGRESS OF ELECTED OFFICIALS OF Sr,r4 MATEO COU.-JTY January 21, 1981 TO: CEO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Subject: Library Study - Acceptance by PLS You will be pleased to know that the Library Study performed by GRC at the request of CEO has now been unanimously accepted by the Board of Directors of the Peninsula Library System (PLS) , and that the way is now clear for implementation, providing important benefits to library patrons, plus the saving of over $185,000 per year. (See Summary enclosed). The enclosed copy of letter from PLS informed us of the acceptance. This m=ans that the principle and main recommendation of our study has been accepted by the Head Librarians of all seven City library systems on the Peninsula, and also the County Library. One member of GRC's Library Study Committee, whose company is a heavy computer user, has suggested the possibility that our study does not assign sufficient cost to computer people in the maintenance of the system after it is up and going, and that if this is true the $185,000 annual saving is subject to challenge. GRC immediately checked this with our consultant, who is confident that enough cost has indeed been assigned . A GRC Executive Committee member expressed the same view as the consultant, but agreed with GRC staff that it should be checked. GRC is presently recruiting outside, independent talent to render an opinion. You will be kept informed . Another development along the way was that some weeks ago GRC learned that the Son Mateo City Library - largest of the city systems - had made a determina- tion to automate its circulation system individually - without any plan for integrating it into the other six city libraries and county library - which is the CEO plan. GRC called fora meeting on the subject and the San Mateo Library Study- Acceptance by PLS January 21, 1981 Page 2 City Manager's office was most cooperative. The Son Mateo plan has been temporarily halted, pending further study. This acceptance of the CEO study is of timely significance in light of predictions that state aid to cities and counties will be drastically curtailed next year. You may'have received directly from GRC the enclosed copy of notice of their January 30 amual meeting. The clipping attached to it is significant. We beg your indulgence to let us supply you at this time with only-a summary of the final Library Study Report. A limited number'of"copies was printed; they are , expensive, and GRC is'on a tight budget. They do expect to print more, however, and will then supply a free copy to each of the addressees who want one . In the the meantime, if those Committee members who would like to have a full copy immediately will simply call Bob Mayer at GRC office, I'm sure he will be able to supply it. More later. Sincerely, .James R.R. Tormey, Jr. President J RT:vp Enclosures Governmental Research Council of San matco Count ► . • 555 Veterans Blvd..suite 122 'A cdwood City,Calif or n:3 940G3 •Tclrphonc (415) 30.8171 •5932552 November 17, 1980 : i GRC LIBRARY STUDY ' (A SUMMARY) , "FEASIBILITY OF AUTOMATING CIRCULATION SYSTEMWIDE FOR THE PENINSULA LIBRARY SYSTEMIJ What This Report Says: 1. The eight city libraries on the Peninsula and the county library, making up the Peninsula Library System, should join in one integrated, automated circulation system, serving the more tnon one-half million people in San Mateo County. �. 2. Such a joint effort would bring these benefits to users of these eight. library systems: ' Improved Patron Service Patrons can learn i, edia 4ely if a specified item may be found among participating libraries and whether copies are presently available. If items uriavail- ble, electronic holds can be put on them immediately, for immediate alert when they are-returned. - Improved Collection Managermenfi Libraries can determine items in greatest demand, thus enabling them to eliminate deadwood and maintain sufficient copies of better moving items to better serve patrons. Last copy available warning can be immediately available to library staff. - Growth in Library Circulation Can be absorbed without excessive, costly staff addition. - Ability To Add New Functions Adoption of countywide integrated circulation system using a centralized computer can permit additional functions to be added to the some hardware. Example: Replace card catalogs with automated catalog - increasing patron service and reducing cost. GRC LIBRARY STUDY. (A SUMMARY) Page 2 • 1• Q � - Increase Security - Reduce Delinquentyt Theftr Etc. � Immediate identification of a delinquent patron when apply- ing for books --- Immediate identification of stolen library cards --- Prevention of theft by means of switching inexpensive books for expensive ones --- Increase collection of fines by 25 to 40% --- Prevent unwarranted fines through human error. 3. One countywide integrated, automated circulation system would also bring these benefits to San Mateo taxpayers: i $1 .3 million saving over 7 year period Return of Investment in 4-1/2 year Possible reaula r annual savings for as long as 10 ears, before Hardware needs replacement NOTE: These savings to taxpayers would be reduced in rough proportion to the number of libraries which might decline to joirl a countywide system. Also, improved services would be denied to some extent to patrons whose libraries might not join. More efficient service FOR YOUR ` 6NIAI llfty' , e015 0 V By DUANE SA,'VDUL The idea is supported by the Con- trict"bailout funds from the state to Robert E.Mayer,executive direct Times Staff Writer gress of Elected Officials of San Ma- toward the system. for of GRC. San Mateo County's 28 branch li- teo County, an informal association The county operates libraries in The Peninsula Library System's braries could save up to$185,000 of elected officials. Atherton,Belmont,Brisbane, East board of directors also has endorsee annually and provide more efficient "With the coming cuts in state aid Palo Alto,Foster City, Half Moon the plan.The system fosters 000rdi• service by combining in an auto- to cities,I would think the city coun- Bay,Millbrae,Pacifica,Portola Val-. nation and cooperation among it, mated circulation system, according cils would adopt this plan," said ley, San Carlos and Woodside and member libraries: to a report released today. James R. Tormey, president of the two bookmobiles. Branch libraries in that system,at The plan has the support of library Congress.He is a member of the San well as those operand by the county, leaders but needs funding from the Mateo Community College District Separate libraries in seven cities presently use manual means of oper• county Board of Supervisors and governing board. "It's a chance to are members of the Peninsula Li- ation,a system which the study call seven separate city councils. cut local expense and to give better brary System.They are in Burlin- inefficient and costly. The study was conducted for the service to library putrons. game, Daly City, Menlo Park,- Advantages of automation;ac• Governmental Research Council The Board of Supervisors earlier Redwood City,San Bruno,San Ma- cording to the report,include: (GRC),a businessmen's watchdog this week took the first step in get- teo and South San Francisco. . •instant response to borrowers on roup which says it looks for ways to ting the proposed&400,000 computer City councils in those cities would the availability of a book at any one improve government efficiency and system into operation'. The board have to share in the cost of the reduce costs. authorized $162,500 in "special dis- system to make it feasible,according (See Page 8,Column 4) . � . Libraries / ► mer fir; -•u 3 D l `l2/ __�._._ ppI _ J t _- (Continued from Page i) of the 28 branch libraries. •immediate electronic reserva- tions for books already checked out. j •An ability to absorb increased i i future circulation without staff addi- dons. - e Increased security through im- mediate identification of a delin- quent borrower who applies for "Don't fight the system)Jessup. The systern is good." books. e A projected way of increasing fine collections by up to 40 percent: e " e More efficient record-keeping of boot:titles. Mayer said that the$185,000 pro- 1 jetted annual savings would come in reduced staff requirements,though the report docs not contain an ex- plaination or precisely how. County Librarian Jean Davis has previously echoed similar suggestions to the Board of Supervisors. The 28 branch libraries presently 1 _-- employ the equivalent of 459 full- time . postions. There are an addi- tional 654 man-hours of volunteer help each week. Total operating expense for librar- ies in San Mateo County in 1979-80 was$6.5 million,according to the study,which also stated that 3.5 mil- lion books and materials circulated 'ill that year. L The study concludes that efficiency• and savings would be maximized by,. full participation,but it also presents` ,la plan for automating all librarics� ' except San Mateo. Mayer said that San Mateo has been looking at its own automation system but is nonetheless interested in exploring the Joint system with other libraries in the county. �+ �FgRgS "Can you give me something to take for inflation, high gas prices,taxes,energy shortages,nuclear power worries,crime in the street,lob security..."