HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.03.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA MARCH 17th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS : City Checks : $12 , 631. 10 Special Fund.: $806. 16 MINUTES OF OF FEBRUARY 17th, 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE : None LIBRA RIKIN' S REPGRT UNFINISHED BUSINISS : Capital _Improvements 1980-1981 Reorganization of the Library Library Party - April 11th NEW BUSINESS : Operating Budget Instructions 1981-1982 Change in May meeting date to May 26th Brief Tour : New, centralized mail distribution unit New lights and arrangement in Technical Services area ADJOURNMENT: Next Board meeting scheduled for April 21st, 1981, at 4: 30pm in the California Room. `' PMB/jag BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 17th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of February 17th , 1981 , was called to order by Chairman Nagle at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle , Secretary Fricke , Trustee Parsons and Trustee Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Trustee Hechinger , excused for vacation Also Present : Mrs . Patricia Harding, Reference Librarian Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $9 ,658 . 72 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Weatherbe , seconded by Trustee Parsons , and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 ,179 . 58 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 20th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of January 20th, 1981 , were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : None INTRODUCTION OF PAT HARDING, NEW LIBRARIAN I , IN THE REFERENCE DEPARTMENT : Mrs . Bergsing introduced Pat Harding, the new Reference Librarian, to all of the Board members present . Pat told a little about herself, and some of her past experience in Library work. Chairman Nagle expressed , on behalf on the Board members , how pleased they were that she was working at the Burlingame Public Library, and that she had accepted the position in the Reference Department. He commented that the Library has one of the best staffs in California,if not the very best. Pat said she was pleased to be here . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Discussed in conjunction with Unfinished Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation : Librarian Bergsing stated that the City of San Mateo is "on-hold" waiting to hear what the County is doing. She discussed some of the options BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 2/17/81 PAGE #2 : available to the City of San Mateo. She said that the County , hopefully, will go out for bid in March . Mrs . Bergsing stated that she had received two estimates , for Burlingame to "go it alone" , one from DataPhase, in the amount of $179 , 740 . 00 and one from C .L.S . I . in the amount of $207 , 000 . 00 . Neither estimate includes Conversion Costs . There are no final figures available for the County, until the vendors respond to the R.F.P . Trustee Parsons asked if a "shared" system would be less expensive and Mrs . Bergsing told her that it would be , probably half the cost of what it would be to purchase our own. Then Mrs . Bergsing explained the function of the computer, its holdings capacity, etc . Secretary Fricke asked about the possibilities of going into a shared system and later "pulling out" . Librarian Bergsing said the DataPhase representative was going to check into the problems and availability of that capability. Trustee Weatherbe asked what the process was to convert the collection over to "machine readable form". Mrs . Bergsing explained that there were several conversion methods that were possible. One method would be to use another library 's holding that had already been converted. �.. Burlingame would "match" its holdings against a tape of the machine readable data base , and then at the end of the process , purge the other library ' s holdings that did not match Burlingame ' s holdings . The remaining titles , that did not match, would have to be added manually by the Burlingame staff. Mrs . Bergsing explained that so many libraries in California, and on the West Coast , had already converted their collections , that the "hit-rate" was getting better and better. Joseph Matthews , the Library Consultant , thought that San Mateo libraries should be able to find one or more data bases that could produce an 85% to 900 match. Trustee Parsons asked if the Branch had its own shelf list of books and Mrs . Bergsing replied "yes" . Trustee Parsons also raised the question as to whether or not the Library would close down for the conver- sion period. Mrs . Bergsing said "no" . The Burlingame Public Library collection was too large to complete a conversion in a "crash program" while the Library was closed for a few days . It might be feasible to convert the Branch Library that way, but not the Main Library. After further discussion, Mrs . Bergsing told the Board that she would keep them informed of any new developments . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 2/17/81 PAGE #3 : G. R. C. Study : Mrs . Bergsing informed the Board that she now had extra copies of the G.R. C. study on"The Feasibility of Automating Circulation Systemwide for P. L. S . " , if anyone was interested in reading the report . Trustee Weatherbe and Secretary Fricke each took a copy and Chairman Nagle and Trustee Parsons said they would read it when they were finished. Capital Improvements : Mrs . Bergsing stated that she was still working on the Capital Improvement budget requests . The major items will be computerized circulation, reorganization of the Library, and replacement of the communication equipment. Chairman Nagle asked if she had obtained any new figures for making the physical changes and Librarian Bergsing informed him that she had met with architect , David Crabbe, A. I .A. , to ask what the possibilities were to enclose the mezzanine and to convert it to Reference office space. His recommendation was to enclose the mezzanine section in order to eliminate the noise of the Reference offices if they are to move up there . A pre- liminary work estimate was around $6 ,500 . 00 . Mrs . Bergsing stated that she was meeting with Anne Kirkland, the Building Consultant , from the California State Library in Sacramento , on Wednesday , and she was anxious to get Ms . Kirkland' s opinion regarding the subject . Mrs . Bergsing briefly explained some of the other various changes to the Board members and discussion followed. Chairman Nagle stated that whatever plan is presented, that he would like to see alternatives , in order to have as broad a range of options , as possible , to choose from. Mrs . Bergsing told the Board that she was meeting with a telephone representative to find out what the alternatives are for a new communications system. She said she would keep them informed. Mrs . Bergsing said she was obtaining new estimates on the painting that needs to be done. She said that last year's estimates are a year old now, and furthermore , since the installation of the smoke detectors , more areas need painting. She also stated that she was having some problems obtaining an electrician. There are some outlets that need to be changed, and new light fixtures installed in the Cataloging Department . She will keep the Board informed. Book Chat : Mrs . Molder was called upon to give the Board an update on the progress of the Book Chat Program. She explained to the Board that BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 2/17/81 PAGE #4 : it is scheduled in the Main Library, in the Community Room, on the fourth Tuesday of each month. This schedule will be in effect for 4 months , then the program will be held at the Easton Branch Library for 4 months . Smoke Detection System: Librarian Bergsing told the Board members that the Smoke Detection System is completely installed. She further stated that Mrs . Molder is doing an extensive training session with the staff in order to be able to handle an emergency. Mrs . Molder hopes to carry the Smoke Detection System training one step further in order to consolidate it with the "Disaster Plan" that the Department of Emergency Services developed a year ago . Miscellaneous : Secretary Fricke announced that she had received a phone call at home, from a collector of antique prints . He was interested in selling his prints and donating loo of his profits to the Friends of the Library. Librarian Bergsing said she was concerned with anything that might involve staff time, but other than that she couldn't see why it wouldn 't be legal for the Friends to participate in such a sale. Chairman Nagle suggested that Alice call Jerry Coleman to find out if there were any objections or legal problems involved. Mrs . Fricke said she would investigate the situation. Chairman Nagle was concerned about the funds in account #750210 and 750251 which specifically are : Library Professional and Special Services and Librarian-Conference and Meetings . Mrs . Bergsing stated that in order to receive more money for these two accounts , she might have to petition the City Council . She already planned to request additional funds for both the Librarian and Staff Conference Accounts . She stated that she had forgotten when she did the budget that the American Library Association was meeting in San Francisco in June. She wants as many staff as possible to attend the National Conference since the American Library Association has met in San Francisco only twice since 1957 . Chairman Nagle and the rest of the Board members expressed �. support for the need for additional funds . Barbara Parsons moved for reasonable and prudent additions to the Conference Accounts . The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried unanimously. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 2/17/81 PAGE #5 : Mrs . Bergsing announced that there is going to be a staff party in April. She further stated that it is going to be held at the Lion ' s Hall on the eleventh. She said the "theme" was going to be "Western" , and for everyone to drag out their cowboy boots and hats and come and have a good time . The Board members all agreed that this was a good idea and that they would all try and be there. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 50pm, with the next scheduled meeting set for March 17th , 1981 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN'S REPORT MARCH 17th, 1981. Capital Improvements : A copy of the Capital Improvement requests are enclosed as they were submitted on March 6th, to the City Manager. They are discussion items on your meeting agenda; however, they are pretty much what we have -. discussed on earlier occasions . Reorganization of the Library : The major changes we are suggesting for reorganizing the Library are listed on the attached sheet. Also enclosed, are some estimates of the larger costs attached to this project. I have asked Al Escoffier to attend the Board meeting next week, so , he can show you the plans lie has drawn up to illustrate these proposed changes . After discussion, if you agree, I 'd like to ask the City Manager to put the plans on the Council ' s Study Session Agenda for .April. Since the reorganization has1-been, a capital improvement budget item for two years , pending submaission of more detailed plans , we would like to proceed before this ;ear's. budget discussions begin. If we receive Council �— approval to go ahe�.d, we might be able to accomplish the changes this Summer. Automated Circulation There is nothing new to report on this . The County is still planning on issuing it ' s R.F.P . this month, but we have not heard that they have done so, to dale. Operating Budget 1981-1982 : We have received the Finance Director 's Budget Instructions for next year . I am attaching a copy for your information. Since the budget is due to the City :Manager on April 24th, we will plan to have it ready for discussion at your April 21st Board meeting. P .L. S . News : The third quarter, 1980-1981, C .L.S .A. survey was held from February 16th through March lst . Even if there is. not much difference in the number of Non-Burlingame cardholder use of Burlingame Public Library, there is a significant difference in the amount of total circulation for the survey period this year and last . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: 3/17/81 Page #2 3rd Quarter 1979-1980 3682 = Circulation to non-Blgm (14 days) cardholders 13592 = Total circulation 27% 3rd Quarter 1980-1981 3693 = Circulation to non-Blgm cardholders 14767 = Total circulation 25% (there were only 13 days of survey this quarter, due to Washington' s Birthday holiday) Collections : Pat Harding has compiled a list of spoken cassettes available at the Library. Warren Wickliffe has inventoried, and ordered new telephone books , in an effort to completely revise, and update our collection. We now will find it necessary to order telephone books every year, as the telephone company is reluctant to send out books on a standing order basis . We will continue to pursue this aspect of our telephone boor sertrice. Book Chat : The first :meeting of the Book Chat was held on February 24th, at 2 : OOpn.. TwentT-sir. Ladies and one gentleman attended. Books that were discussed were: Kornfield ' s "Vintage" ; Theroux :"California and Other State of Crace" ; Walsh ' s "Illustrated History of the Popes and Wallace ' s "The Second Lady" . Personnel : Diane Kirsten-Martin, a graduate student at San Francisco State University, has been hired to replace Sidney Poland in the Circulation Department . Martha Peeples joined the Library staff_ , as a volunteer, 3 hours Per week, in the Reference Department . Martha was a legal typist for many years and is very skilled. She has finished up a number of projects , particularly booklists and procedure memos and manuels . We are very pleased to have her. Staff Development : All Library Assistants and Librarians attended the DataPhase computerized circulation system demonstration .which was arranged for February 17th and 18th. The staff found the demonstration very helpful in order to better visualize how such a system works . The staff was LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : 3/17/81 Page #3 enthusiastic about the possibilities a computerized circulation system holds for Burlingame. �- Children' s Department : In honor of St. Patricks Day, a school age story hour, featuring Ruth Stotter, a storyteller, was held on March 14th, at 11 :00am in the Community Room. The following classes and groups visited the Library during February: the fifth grade class from St. Catherine' s School , a Brownie troop, and the Presbyterian Nursery School. Exhibits : The Library is priviledged to exhibit Mr. Alf Werolin's collection of military figurines, books and illustrations of uniforms ' worn during the Napoleonic, American Revolutionary and Civil wars . PMB/jag 2;urlin8ame `Public Librarb 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian EASTON DRIVE PATRON COUNT Monday, February 2nd 114 Tuesday, February 3rd --200— Wednesday, February 4th 134 - Thursday, February 5th 39-'- Saturday, February 7t;! -4�Y Monday, February 9th ?70 Tuesday, February 10t-h 17°I Wednesday, February Thursday, February 12th CLOS-7 Saturday, February 14ti; 101 Monday, February 16th CLOS17-r) Tuesday, February 17th 218 _ Wednesday, February 18th Thursday, February 19th �1 _ Saturday, February 21st Monday, February 23rd 143---- Tuesday, 43 _Tuesday, February 24th -156- _ i Wednesday, February 25th X12 Thursday, February 26th Saturday, Feburary 28th _ a i STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1981 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 17 4R8 Child, Non-Fiction 1 , 507 225 Adult, Fiction 8 , 302 1066 Child, Fiction 2 , 297 .. 466 TOTAL: 22 , 613 TOTAL: 2 ,_2 4 5 Periodicals: 8- JR4 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 298 -n- TOTAL: -1-,5 L6 TOTAL: 3R4 Moving Pictures: S.9 -0- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 , 911 -0- Art Prints: 47 -0- Equipment Loaned: 9. -0- Slides: 20 -0- TOTAL: 1 , 3 3 9 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 2.5618 + 2 ,629 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1980 Circulation 28_, 894 1981Circulation, 2 247. 2 . 24 .0 Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1980 1 ,042 Main, 1981 , 7 2 ..34 oInc. Average Daily Circulation, Branch,1980 157 Branch, 1981 146 7 . 01 Dec . REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference QuestiOns 2 , 26. ILL Borrowed: R GRAND T.OTAL OF ILL Lent: 217 REF. ACTIVITY,) -7 ILL Total : REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 1J ; 1 " I ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: i 1 79 DATE: � _ _ 257 ._ 251 10 , 715T 7 , 568 Children: 1 , 51 26 1 729 Increase of�c �. Hillsborough: 149 87 3 , 755 Other Non-Res. Patrons _ '4 _ 2 0 126 TOTAL: l6 . 2C'0 489 364 16 , 325 ACCESSIONS AND ':WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 1/31/81 VOLUMES,/ 'l;LE VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. . 137,628 - - _1,Oi 262 - 140 159 - .77 137,731 - 101,161 Child, Non-Fic: 17,648 '14,057 20 - 8 207 - 153 17,461 13,912 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 33:314 3 - 1 3 312 - 3,�12C Adult, Fiction: 49,434 - 41_, 74 - 48 34 - 7 49,474 - .41 ;67 Child, Fiction: 13,450 - 95640 33 - 11_ 51 - 14 13,4;2 - 9,6 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,775 - 2,3! 3 5 - 3 0 - 0 2 ,780 TOTAL: 224,249 - 171,89S 395 - 211 454 - 252 224,190 - 1.71..857 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 395 _ MAPS ADDED: R PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 2'S :; MAPS DISCARDED: TOTAL: 18 TOTAL: 2 RECORDINGS: A5 OF: _1/31/81 _ ADDED DISCARDED AS UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5037 / 4469 25 / 21 0 / 0 5,062 / 4490 Cassettes: 491 / 422 25 / 21 0 / 0 516 / 443 TOTAL: 5528 / 4891 50 / 42 . 0 / 0 5578 / 4933 ,,,1EPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 ,4 80 . 10 -� BRANCH: 256 . 814 TOTAL: 1 , 736 . 94 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ . 00 TOTAL: 1 , 736 . 94 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 13 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 405 CITY OF HURLINGAMC DUOW-T STATUS .REPORT _. D R MO UNEXPENDED Y•T-D CU 12 .MONTH Y. Y. ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE:: ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENC, LIE3E.ARY ---3.50 Q-L4--LS E3"f4.Y- SAL-A R If .S-- 4-B b _- -1 FSS r9 9 2---__..:..1-7.9 r..b --- 750011 LI8RARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 134x106 890,408 890404 11x176 4 44,702 750013 L18RARY PARTTIME 171r013 114 # 008 1131149 V2,537 .859 5708611 7 52110_L II3 R A_R-Y._-Cf_F IC.E-ME-N 3 E 6_,_6_�'4^._. 9,�g1 b a-r-.6 7 6t t S 2 6 0 w T.-.1._9 l 8 75oI20 < LIBRARY SPECIAL >DE 'PTL EXPENSE 8,330 5 #,552 3, 027 1U0 2.11525 5r 303 750121 LIBRARY BOOKS 78 # 256 570168 +43,45t 4rt354 8 717 34s8O5 ---- 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 1301.35 8060 20071 938 6r689 il # 0b4 750124 08RARY CATALOGING 20x532 115 #,688 2x644 11, 0211 13r044 17x888 75- j?-5_LjaR.A tY RE.CM S-$-C-A-BS '2,v7S:2-_-_--- 1-0-0-1.6_._..- - - - 88_ .-... -- --1-r 136 .1-7---- 750110 LIBRARY 7 -- 750130 'LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP 225 Isla 191 0 3q 34 7501.60LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS ' 2r566 10712 10167 1013 5/15 1 # 39q 11 072 ... 1 ,613 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROUNDS 6 # .367 40,248 2, 422 451 11826 3,945 750200 LIBRARY EOUIPpENT MAINTENANCE 866 576 264 201! 312 602 7 5-0-24.1__1.I Q R g R Y 1;R U I P MA_1_NS�A-U 0-1 Q-U 3-___...___.__ -._3'5.0......_.._-..-- _._....__2.3 2 31.-------------_ - - 0Z0.1_.T 750202 LIBRARY COUIP MAINT-SEC .SYSTEM 333_ '224 375 0 151 - 42- 75021J LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE - 3#600 2.R'100 31600 0 1 , 200- 0 W__?5:0 2.0 Oy L I B R A R Y DUES�B S U fJ S CRjPTjO N S _` _.��3 3 5..- :-..... 750250 LI8RARY TRAVEL 375 248 ? !. 0 26 314 161 750251 LIB CONF R MTGS•LIBRARIAN 300 200 300 0 100• 0 7 ..0252_.L -- 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING & SAF°t Y 325 °216 2S2 10 360 73 750290 L TBRARY OTHER CHARGES 75 48 0 0 48 75 ****** TOTAL LIBRARY 762x371 510 , 248 467, 114 56#,699 43, 134 293 , 257 MONITHLY REPORT MONTH Cl, Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked o3 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers _B. Hours contributed . ^ 3o Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons �� B. Number of visits made ;rte C. Items circulated 4.. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance /circulated 77 C. f F K/� 5. Totals (3 6:11 -47) A. Shut-in Pu tror1 s %`I 0 B. Visits made ; C. Items circulated Coraiments/ac tivi ties i ,�// !:�srt..-�e /•;•�,A �//�d�,r�� �A� /� /n, ;7 � c�Cr..�> 1 F��(�Pl� C�� .� } Z12 0;2kS/hap -�' /C +.'roe.>,t../ ,� /• '%• J<"%�C/` Clln'.S• L!."/� �/c','?C;�•-•';" /- .-.j / ! f-a4C:`j .5/HJI! _ 1..`..�'���-j,[.•..-.,� Jf: C7 cal.:.., ylJ�,/rr�.,P, `.ti-i/.. ... �^•;l C-'h. ���t:. z�'i /Tl:. J i r.', :/�"i ' �/� .. ��. � .j:)[:` Gr�r)•.. it7aS� !)N /L'jd-� /�7 7��C."r:• fs.�$CS. rn•. .`•1 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance Forward from February: $88 .07 February 20th Deposit 409 . 80 February 27th Deposit 305 . 00 March 9th Deposit 445. 30 March 17th Deposit 391. 35 March 17th Withdrawals (806 . 16) Balance Forward to April : $833. 36 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance Forward from February: $5 ,900 .94 �- No Activity: -0- Balance Forward to Apria : $5, 900. 94 March 2 , 1981 TO: All Department Heads . FROM: Finance Director RE: 1981-82 Budget Instructions The following are the budget instructions and timetable for the 1981-82 fiscal year. The budget format and forms are similar to last year. Some important things to remember are as follows: v Budget salaries at the 1981-82 level as shown on the enclosed salary, tables. s In addition to the salary account all depart- ments must have an "Employee Benefit" account as shown on your current budget printouts. t_ These employee benefits are to be calculated as follows: Safety .Employees 42% of salary plus $1,795 (Police & Fire) per full-time .budgeted position (excluding uniform) Non-Safety 27 0 ,of salary plus $1,772- per �. full-time budgeted position Permanent Part-Time 230 of salary plus $849 per (Librarjr) employee No employee benefits should be calculated for regular part-time employees or on overtime. 1980-81 Budgeted items that are not physically received by June 30, 1981 must be rebudgeted for 1981-82. The final date for paying for items out of the 1980-81 budget will be about July 15th. If you know that an item will not be received or paid until after these dates, rebudget the item. o The basic budget strategy will again be to submit a "Status Quo" budget with current service levels ad- justed for inflation. If you have new programs or increased service levels to request, include your proposal and justification in the budget transmittal letter and as a clearly identified "New Item" in the budget forms. Complete Budget Submittal �- A complete budget submittal should include the following: 1. Budget Transmittal Letter - One for each department. If appropriate, mayor divisions may have separate letters. Department Heads 1981-82 Budget Instructions -2- 2. Organization Chart - Include a functional organization chart of your current organization with all full-time and full-time equivalent part-time positions. 3. Budget Forms a) Budget summary - include description of activity. What will the public get for this money? What are the program objectives? Departments may combine or add new budget divisions with prior approval. b) "Narrative" page - three headings : program status , significant workload statistics, changes from current year. ® Program Status - Briefly summarize the highlights of this activity in the past or upcoming year, i.e. revised fire alarm system, increased Easton Branch hours, designed new sewer improvements, reduced response time, etc. 0 S.�.gnificant Workload Statistics - Identifies areas of increased or decreased workload or activity as compared to prior years, i.e.. number of Calls for service, crime or fire loss Statistics, book circulation, etc. The idea is to use existing -statistics which you feel are significant to the public. 0 Changes From Current Year - Summarizes major changes in new budget request from current budget - i.e 2 positions of crossing guards elimin- ated, increase in overtime for emergency sewer calls, 2 additional replacement cars requested, etc. If no major changes, state "No Change. " c) Personnel Summary include as a separate category ` `. _ full-time equivalent part-time. This is the number of part-time hours requested divided by 2080 hours. d) Personnel Worksheet - by category list full-time, part- time and overtime. Use July 1, 1981 salary rates, plus. appropriate fringe benefits outlined on page 1. e) Budget line item - 'include all line accounts including salary, employee benefits, overtime, part-time, and capital outlay. The total of this page must agree with the budget summary. Department Heads 1981-82 Budget Instructions -3- f) Operating and capital outlay worksheet - fully detail and justify your requests. Capital outlay items, dues and subscriptions and travel must be individually listed. The typed original of your budget request should be forwarded to the City Manager on or before April 24, 1981. We are trying to eliminate the "fourteen Xerox copy" appearance of the final budget, so the typed original is important. Budget Timetable April 24 - Department budget request to City, Manager. May 1 - May 8 - Department heads meet with City Manager. June 1 - .Proposed budget to City Council. June - August - Budget review and hearings. Budget Gutaook r- — } 11ATAXE IBUTCHER CHOP TODAVS SPECI A1.. My H&L C=" t Y7_ tt/ PIRICE i tn. t ��gRARY FbUCE FIRE IMM DF This will be our seventy-fourth straight year of a "Bare Bones" Budget. The basic budget philosophy will again be the current service levels adjusted for inflation. Preliminary revenue estimates are.�not very good. Assuming the state does not reduce its subventions to us . and that auto sales improve from the 1980-81 level General Fund revenues may increase by 5% in 1981-82. If the state reduces. our subventions by $350, 000 and if we do not have a property tax reduction (i.e. $300,000 in 1980-81) revenue for 1981-82 may increase only 1. 50. Meanwhile on the expenditure side, expenditures will increase at least 10% ( i.e. salaries 9-10%, P.G. & E. , Gasoline + 15-25%) . Water and Sewer rates must also be increased in 1981-82 . The only way the City will have a Department Heads 1981-82 Budget Instructions -4- "Balanced" operating budget in 1981-82 is by holding expenditure increases to about 10% and utilizing the revenue increases which have occurred in 1980-81 and will hopefully occur in 1981-82. In short, the "Gap" between our revenues and expenditures is getting very narrow. Luckily our fund balances are adequate to cushion any sudden actions at the state level. Lang Run Budgeting In order to adapt to the future, we should continue to define our service levels, review alternative service levels and more flexible methods of service delivery. We -need also to start to budget in more than just dollars which; due to inflation, lose'comparability over time. We need to budget in service units, person hours, and objectives. As you are well aware, our environment ischanging and we must..also be ready to adapt. >1!We.'ye got to become- more productive by being smarter,_,pot by working harder. ^� Dennis Argyres Finance Director `.DA/sn �., attachments { I ( f � DEPT PROGRAM LIBRARY PROPOSED PROGRAMMING TOTAL PROJECTS . 1931-82 1982-83 198.3-84 1984-85 1985-86 FIVE YEARS 1. Reorganization of Public Service Areas of the Main Library Funding: C.L.S.A. or Revenue Sharing 35,000 35 ,000 2. Computerized Book Circulation System Funding: C.L.S.A. and/or Revenue Sharing 100,000 50,000 150,000 3. Maintenance; Additional Painting, New Carpet for worn areas, Covers for flourescent tubes. Funding: Revenue Sharing 10,000 10,000 TOTAL LIBRARY: $145,000 50,000 -0- -0- -0- $195,000 etfi CITY OF BURLINGAME - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CITY OF BURLINGAME CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE REORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE AREAS _- DEPART,AENT LIBRARY DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY 1 DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: Develop a plan, with the help of an outside consultant, to rearrange some service areas within the Main Library and to replace worn out equipment and furnishings. Implement as many recommendations as money permits based on needs. -- -- o ' COST BREAKD04PN PROPOSED FINANCING: FUNDING TIMING LAND _ C.L.S.A. or Revenue 1931-82 35,000 ENGRNG. Sharing 1982-83 CONSTR. 1983-84 EQUIPME 30,CJ 1984-85 OTHER 5"000 1985-86 TOTAL 35,000 _ TOTAL $ . 35,000 ESTIMA'-ED EFFECT OPERATING BUDGET Should improve service and increase `-- efficiency. Unsure or e=rect on the operating budget. JUST IFIC>TIGNj DDIT=ONAL DESCRIPTION: Since the Main Li brary was remodeled in 1971, it has become apparent that the building design has created some problems , in effectively serving the public. Additionally, some new problems have developed that should be addressed. It is the recommendation of the staff that an overall plan should be developed with the. help of an outside Library consultant, so that any changes instituted will produce the most benefits for the least cost. Specific Problems: Possible Solutions: 1. Lack of communication and visual 1. Move the Reference Department to the contact between public service Main Reading Room, move the Childrens areas - i .e. the Circulation Desk, . Department Desk so it is visible from the Reference Department and the the Circulation Desk. Children 's Department. 2. Workload at the Circulation Desk 2. Consider a new communications system is increasing. Poor service is that will serve both external and developing because all three out internal communication needs.. side lines ring in at the Circ. Desk. Intercom-system is wearing out. 3. Public has difficulty locating 3. Have new, improved, directional signs services and resources within the installed throughout the building to Library. direct the public. LIBRARY REORGANIZATION GOAL: To reorganize the public service areas of the Main Library, particularly the Reference/Information Department. To provide greater ease of access, and improve direct-user service. OBJECTIVES OF THE PLAN: 1. Centralize Tike services and facilities. 2. Bring Reference/Information Desk in closer proximity to the Circulation, Desk. 3. Bring more books and public services to the main floor. 4. Improve arrangement of stack areas to make more sense to the user. 5. Improve internal and external communication systems. 6. Increase space for storage and use of microfilm materials_.and equipment. 7. Increase space and improve visibility of audio-visual materials. 8. Improve signs and graphics to assist user in locating materials and services. 9. Maintain current seating, if possible. 10. Improve office space for Reference, Periodicals and Children's Dept. staff. 11. Pian for increased use of computerized services. IMPLICATIONS OF THE PLAN: a. Move reference desk; reference collection, vertical files and indexes to the --� current large Reading Room. b. Centralize current, (plus last five years) of all periodicals in the current Reference Rosin. c. Centralize all microform materials (primarily periodicals) in the Periodical area.of the current Reference Room. d. Centralize all oversize (f), non-fiction books, and all locked case books in the current Reference Room. e. Shift Reference Office to Mezzanine, enclosing Mezzanine to avoid noise/ privacy problems. f. Shift the Periodical Office to the Periodical area of the current Reference Room; g. Move the record and cassette collection to more visible area in the current Reference Room. h. Circulate cassettes, art prints, 8mm films, and equipment from newly created A/V Desk. This will be staffed primarily by pages and Library Assistants. i . Rearrange stack areas so fiction and biography are shelved on upper floor; 000-700 on main floor; 800-900 in the Basement. j. Browsing Room to remain the same. k. Re-configure card catalog with last six units facing each other at the elevator end of the catalog area. Replace three sections of card catalog. �- 1 . riove Periodical indexes to shelves with work counters hung beneath in the archway facing new Reference Desk. m. Move Children's Librarian's Desk to center of Children's Room so it is visible from front entrance and to the Circulation Desk staff. Create a Children's Librarian's office on Mezzanine of the Children's stack area. REORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SERUICE*AREAS ESTIMATED COSTS Consultant and Architect Fees and Drawings: $ 2,000.00 Enclosing the mezzanine: 7,000.00 New electrical outlets: 3,000.00 Additional shelving: 5,000-.00 New signs: 3,000.00 New carrels, and newspaper holder: 1 ,000.00. Three new Card Catalog sections 2,000.00 Carpentry(shelving in Reading Room and fixing the Reference Desk) : 1,000,00 Labor to move materials and furnishings: 1,000.00 New communication system: 10,000.00 ------------ �' $35,000'.00 CITY OF BURLINGAME CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROPOSAL L PROJECT TITLE COMPUTERIZED CIRCULATION SYSTEM DEPA=1EENT LIBRARY DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY 2 DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: Install an on-line, automated circulation system in conjunction with other P.L.S. libraries to im- prove efficiency and effectiveness of Library service to citizens of Burlingame. COST _>REAKDO 2, PROPOSED FINANCING. FUNDING TIMING 4 LAND Revenue Sharing 19 31-8 2 100,000 ENGRNG. 1982-83 50,000 (conversion. g CONSTR. 1983-84 costs) EQUIPI'1LN T 80 00`; 1984-85 OTHER 20,000 gaff-for 1935786 — conversion) TOTAL $ 00,0i TOTAL $ 150,000 ESTIMArZED Et'j'r(__`7 BUDGET `- Costs will increase 'or maintenance of equipment, but these should be offset by a the lack of need to hi} additional personnel to handle increased circulation. Annual costs would be a--proximately $25,000.00 JUSTIF ICA IOiIT/hUDITIO=v AL DESCRIPTION: The Burlingame Public Library must change its current manual circulation systema The present equipment is worn out and is. no longer being manufactured. The increase in circulation activity, and the rising costs of personnel , do not make it practical to convert to another manual system. An automated system will handle a large number of repetitious, labor-intensive activities, less expensively, more accurately, and more rapidly. There are many benefits -to patrons in resource sharing by joining a shared County-wide system. However, if the City of Burlingame decides to install its own computerized system, "ball-park estimates" suggest that approximately $100;O00.00 should be added to the above figures. PRORATED COS', '7 CITY LIBRARIES Continuing Library to of Costs* First Year Costs Costs Burlingame 9.00110 $79,542 $13,092 Daly City 2.3% 108,707 17,892 Menlo Pari} 5.9% 52,144 8,582 Redwoou C '?.1% 98,102 ,.' 16,147 San Br-. 5.0ro 44,190 4- 7,273 San Fla '_�.l�0 124,616 20,510 San 4.8a 307,563 50,622 South 7.$% 68,936 11,346 Total " o% $883,800 $1450464 *P,_ :irculation volumes,- and population served Note', tingency fund. -,Iigher or lower depending upon the vendor = sele Der of libraries participating in a shared syst rl 2 r, CITY OF BURLINGAME CAPITAL IMPROVE;TENT PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT TITLE BUILDING MAINTENANCE - INTERIOR _PAINTING - COVERS FOR THE FLOURESCENT FIXTURES - NEW CARPET IN HEAVY USE AREA. DEPARV ENT LIBRARY DEPARTMENTAL PRIORITY DESCRIPTION/OBJECTIVE: Maintain building in good condition for both safety and aesthetic reasons. COST BAWA_KDO v'N PROPOSED FINANCING: FUNDING TIMING LAND Revenue sharing 1931=82 10,000 ENGRNG. _- 1982-83 CON,ST R. 1983-84 EQUIPrIEIl,T 1984-85 OTHER 1985-86 TOTAL > 110,000 TOTAL .$ 10.000 ESTIM_<T7'!L' EF*` C''_' O^ 0PE1RATING BUDGET a Will reduce maint^nanca costs JUSTIFICATION/A'',-)F^=0`yAL DESCRIPTION 1. Double the area to be painted to cover the additional worn areas, and to cover -the spots that were created due to the installation- of the smoke detection system.. $3,000.00. 2. Replace the carpet in heavily traveled areas near the card catalog, stairs, and around the Circulation Desk. $2,.000.00 3. Cover bare flourescent light fixtures over the card catalog-and' -in Audio-Visual and Reference Offices with prismatic diffusers to reduce the glare and eyestrain and protect public and staff from breaking or .exploding tubes and%or.bal.lasts: ''. . $2,500.00 4. Cover bare flourescent'.bulbs in the stack areas, with safety sleeves, to protect the public from breaking or exploding tubes and/or ballasts. $2,500.00