HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.05.26 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA MAY 26th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS : City Checks : $14,043 . 91 Special Fund: $1, 463 . 39 MINUTES OF THE IEETING OF APRIL 21st , 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE : None LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Trustee 's Special Account Funds Reorganization Plans NEW BUSINESS : P .L. S . Slide Show on System Services ADJOURNMENT : The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on June 16th, 1981 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 21st , 1981 `- CALL TO ORDER: In the absence of Chairman Nagle, Secretary Fricke called the meeting to order at 4:40 pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Secretary Fricke, Trustee Parsons , Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Chairman Nagle Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $13 , 506. 33 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Parsons , and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $632 . 58 , were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 17th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of March 17th, 1981 , were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : None LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Mrs . Bergsing discussed the Librarian's Report in conjunction with Unfinished and New Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Reorganization of the Library: Acting Chairman Fricke questioned when the reorganization of the Library was going to take place? Librarian Bergsing stated that she was hopeful that it could be started by July or August , before the new school-year begins . She explained that the Reference Desk would be moved to the Main Reading Room; the existing Reference Offices would be expanded to make more office space; the Periodicals Offices would be moved to the expanded Reference Offices and the shelving on the �- Mezzanine would be expanded. Trustee Parsons asked how the physical move would take place. Mrs . Bergsing replied that she hoped it could be planned very carefully, in advance, so that the student assistants would accomplish the move as quickly and efficiently as possible. The BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 4/21/81 PAGE #2 move will have to be coordinated with the installation of a new phone and intercom system. Mrs . Bergsing is going to get another price for a new phone and intercom system from a "private vendor" to compare the prices with Pacific Telephone Company. Trustee Hechinger advocated staying with the Pacific Telephone Company. The Board members were enthusiastic about the plans , and supported the ideas . Acting Chairman Fricke offered her help in making the move. Computerized Circulation System: Mrs . Bergsing advised the Board that she would be attending a P .L. S . Board meeting on Thursday, (April 23rd, 1981) , and would report back to them if there was any ;morenews on automated circulation. The responses to the R.F.P . are due back to the County on May 29th, 1981, and vendor selection should be made by mid-June . NEW BUSINESS : Library Operating Budget 1981-1982 : Trustee Weatherbe questioned whether more hours at the Branch were warranted as yet . Acting Chairman Fricke felt that a professional person was more important than more hours at this point . Trustee Parsons asked if there was always a Library Assistant on duty at the Branch, Mrs . Bergsing replied 'yes there was ' , however, to be efficiently and effectively run, there should be a Librarian to manage the Branch. The Operating Budget was discussed in more detail . Trustee Weatherbe expressed appreciation to Mrs . Bergsing for keeping expenses to a minimum, but hoped she hadn 't been too conservative and not allowed enough. Mrs . Bergsing stated that she had tried to figure, as closely as possible, but if inflation costs were higher , or other unexpected expenses came up during the year, she would go back to the Council and ask for more money at that time. Capital Outlay Requests : Mrs . Bergsing explained each of the requested items to the Board. The Trustees agreed that the requests were not unreasonable, and Trustee Parsons made a motion that the items be purchased out of the Special Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Trustee ' s Account Fund : Mrs . Bergsing commented on the letter from the Finance Director . Acting Chairman Fricke explained the benefit of the higher interest rate for the savings account . The Board members unanimously agreed that they BULRINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees - Minutes 4/21/81 Page #3 : like Mr. Argyres to attend the next Board meeting on May 26th, to further explain the advantages . The item was tabled until the next Board meeting, when Chairman Nagle could be present to give his comments on the matter. Trustee Attendance at A.L.A. : Discussion was held on the various charges and rates for membership in the American Library Association, and attendance at the annual conference in San Francisco, in June. The Trustee's agreed to let Mrs . Molder know by May 1st who was going to join and attend the Conference. Trustee Parsons made a motion that the fees for joining A.L.A. , and attending the Conference come out of the Special Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. C.A.L.T.A.C. Trustees Manual : Acting Chairman Fricke suggested that the Board members consider having their own workshop regarding the manual . She encouraged everyone, who could, to attend the workshop in Vallejo, for Trustees , on May 16th. She stated that she would be going. The Trustees agreed that they would wait until after the Workshop in Vallejo to decide about the necessity for a workshop on the manual . National Secretary's Week: On behalf of the Board members , acting Chairman Fricke expressed thanks to the Library Secretary, Judy Gladysz, for her excellent work. She said they are grateful to her every month, but during National Secretary' s Week she thought she should say so . Everyone agreed. Mrs . Bergsing distributed some miscellaneous flyers on happenings at the Library during the up-and-coming weeks , and told the Board that she and the other P .L. S . Library Directors would be meeting with Congressman Lantos on Wednesday, April 22nd, to express Librarian's concerns regarding the impact the new administration cutbacks would have on the libraries in the area. She will be advising the Board on the meeting. Trustee Weatherbe commented on the magnificent work the Library staff is doing in and for the Community. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of April 21st, 1981, was adjourned at 6 :05pm, with the next meeting scheduled for May 26th, at 4 :30pm in the Calif_ . Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN'S REPORT MAY 26th, 1981 Reorganization of the Library: The majority of my time, since your last Board meeting, has been spent in seeking firm price quotations for additional shelving, and investigating different phone systems . As of this writing, we are still waiting for replies from some of the vendors , so, our investigations are still incomplete. I 'll report more fully at your May meeting. Implementation of Approved Changes 'in Circulation Policies : Beginning July 1st , we would like to implement the change in the length of our loan period from two, to three weeks . You approved this at your October Board meeting in order to conform to the other P .L. S . libraries . We have delayed implementation until now, so that we could begin at the start of our fiscal year . R.L. I .N. : The Burlingame, Menlo Park, and Daly City Public Libraries are working on a Cooperative Cataloging arrangement for the use of. R.L. I .N. Jerry Coleman, the City Attorney, has completed a first draft of an agreement for the three cities with Burlingame acting as fiscal agent. As soon as we have a final draft worked out, I 'll see that you have copies . A.L.A. Conference : Mrs . Molder applied for three memberships in the American Library Association for Trustees Fricke, Nagle, and Weatherbe, and for one full conference pre-registration for Trustee Fricke. The daily rate for the other Trustees has to be paid at the Conference. Friends of the Library Booksale : The Friends of the Library had another highly successful Booksale on May lst , 2nd and 3rd. They netted a little over $3 ,900 . 00, which is more than they have ever made before. Many thanks and Congratulations to Chairman Woody Knudsen and all of the Friends . Programs : The two "Brown-Bag Concerts" , co-sponsored by the Friends and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music were a big success . Approximately 90 people attended the first recital, and about 50 were at the second. We are all hoping for equally good attendance at the BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : 5/26/81 PAGE #2 June travel series . �- Reference Department : Reference transactions were up 8% over April 1980, this is a 35% increase over the 5 year average (1975-1979) for Reference transactions . Collections : The telephone book revision project is proceeding. Nearly 300 books have been received to update and fill-in our collections . Part of the process will be to create an index for the telephone books we own, as well as a check-in procedure. Several 8mm films have been received, and will be processed in the coming weeks . We are in the process of weeding and updating our film collections . Several hundred books have been weeded andixpd'-ted in our Reference collection during the past month. The Burlingame Public Library is again the recipient of the'National College Catalog Collection' on microfiche. This is a Peninsula Library System purchase for the next fiscal year. The set contains all accredited institutions in the United States , their general as well as specialized catalogs . Publicity will be going out soon on this new system service that is housed at the Burlingame Library. Class Visits : Mrs . Palluchi of Burlingame High School brought her English class in on Wednesday April 22nd. They were working on critical evaluations of "Ordinary People" , by Judith Guest . Ms . Harding worked with the class , helping them with research tools and critial essays . On April 29th, Mrs . Palluchi brought her history class to the Library to get information on how to write a term paper on California. Ms . Harding gave the class a short tour of the Library and introduced them to various Library resources that would aid them in doing their research for this paper. Exhibits : Mrs . J. Krebser 's fourth grade class at St . Catherine 's School shared their California Mission models with us ; National Library ~ Week was featured as well as Books to Aid Business Profits and Refresher Mathematics . Burlingame Public Library LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 5/26/81 PAGE #3 Book Chat : Children's Librarian, Joan Leach, was guest reviewer, discussing William Hallahan's exciting book "The Trade". Attendees listened to arias sung by Pavarotti as an introduction to a review of his biography. Other titles discussed were Fred Mustard Stewart 's , "Century" ; James Grady' s, "Catch the Wind" ; and Tom Keene 's , "Spyship" . STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1981 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: _ Adult, Non-Fiction 11 .496 496 Child, Non-Fiction 1,6Q9 262 Adult, Fiction 9 ,084 1 ,077 Child, Fiction L_8 613 TOTAL: - 24, 557 TOTAL: 2.,,448 Periodicals: 1,654 362 Pamphlets (Inc] . Maps & Sm. Press: 552 3 TOTAL: 2,206 TOTAL: 365 Moving Pictures: 7 -0- Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 1 ,0 16 -0- Art Prints: 2�7 --0- Equipment Loaned: 10 -0- Slides: 0-Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: - 1 090 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 27 , 853 + 2, 813 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1980, Circulation 30 29 198? Circulation 3.0 66 1 . 11 %Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1980 979 Main, 1981 ,013_ 3 .47 %Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 154 Branch, 1981 128 16. 88 %Dec. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 ,002 ILL Borrowed: 154 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: J95 REF. ACTIVITY3 , 351 ILL Total : 349 _RFQISTRATIONS: AS OF 0,1X11 /R1 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10,780 _300 221 108-59 DATE: 7� 52 Children: 1 , 746 42 29 1,759 Increase of 2 Hillsborough: 3 ,810 162 . 92 -3. so Other Non-Res. Patrons 132 7 0 139 TOTAL: 16,48 511 _ 34.2 16 37 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date. AS OF: 3131/81 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137 ,854 - 101 , 385 301 - 187 509 - 137 137 , 646 - 101 , 435 Child, Non-Fic: 17, 451 - 13 ,930 62 - 41 45 - 32 17,468 - . 13 , 939 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3 , 319 - 3, 132 5 - 4 16 - 1 3 , 308_- 3.,1 35 Adult, Fiction: 49 , 589 - 41 , 761 187 - 114 12 - 1 49 , 76' 41, 874 Child, Fiction: 13 , 509 - 9 , 675 77 - 35 20 - 3 13 ,56 4 . 9 , 707 Y.A. , Fiction: 2, 794 - - 2, 352 7 - 6 -0- - -0- 2,80.:. - 2...Z..358 TOTAL: 224, 516 - 172, 235 639 . - 387 602 - 174 224, 553 - 17-2',--4-4 8 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 102 MAPS ADDED: 0 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 126 MAPS DISCARDED: 0 TOTAL: 18 , 588 TOTAL: 1 ,350 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 3/31/81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 4/30/81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5 , Q71 / 4495 48 / 47 0 / 0 5,119 / 4,542 Cassettes: 553 / 473 14 / 14 0 / 0 567 / 487 TOTAL: 5 , 624 / 4,968 62 / 61 0 / 0 5, 686 / 5, 029 [,,„OSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 2 . 2 64. 17 BRANCH: 124. 79 TOTAL: 2 . 3$8.96 . MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 98 . 50 TOTAL: 2,487 .46 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 6 . PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 217 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from April: $1, 734.35 April 21 Withdrawal (60 .00) April 22 Deposit 360 . 10 April 29 Deposit 367 . 05 May 6 Deposit 225. 60 May 13 Deposit 293 . 80 May 20 Deposit 358 .45 May 26: Withdrawals (1,463. 39) Balance forward to June : $1 , 815 .96 t SPECIAL FUND SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from April : $5,986.'81 No Activity Balance forward to June : $S, 986 .81 Burlingame `Public Librarb 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian EASTON DRIVE PATRON COUNT Wednesday, April lst 189 Thursday, April 2nd 107 Saturday, April 4th 80 Monday, April 6th 199 Tuesday, April 7th TV.7 Wednesday, April 8th 140 Thursday, April 9th 90 Saturday, April 11th qc, Monday, April 13th 121 Tuesday, April 14th 107 Wednesday, April 15th 103 Thursday, April 16th 713 Saturday, April 18th 76 Monday, April 20th 133 Tuesday, April 21st 186 Wednesday, April 22nd 100 Thursday, April 23rd 84 Saturday, April 25th 51 Monday, April 27th 10q Tuesday, April 28th 1�0 Wednesday, April 29th 66 Thursday, April 30th 89 r Total : 2511 •� l"1V.\LULL LILL VL\L 1 MONTH �/ /A i<1._.I� �3>/ Outreach Activities C1. Volunteer Coordinator �. A. Hours worked 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons j B. Number of visits made >l C. Items circulated ��� 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. a� B. SF'c/u/c i i o C. 'y/ l=i%mss D. /Lire � F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) " A. Shut-in patrons B. Visits made s3 5 C. Items circulated Comments/activities: ' v C � j. .._.:C.ITY OF f3U LINCA,ME _._ �...__. _.`.. .. BUO(',FT STATUS REPW 1? MONTH Y-T-D Y•-T-D CUR mo lJHCXf'F N0FD ACCT_�..._.., - DESCRIPTION _ - __.._ . 0 •._.:_ _ S�. MArE_ ._ ACVJA�.. __._. .. ACTt.►AL-.. .. .VA i�r�c :: . __f3ALnr�cE. _ LIBRARY L. 750010 (_I8f?ARY...5ALl�flI E .. ... __:;_.. _.:___.. .._ _ -....._ 282 8h6 ...;.. ._ 235, 7ttp 226,553 ?3,clh l 9 r 187 6,333 3 750011 L 16RARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 13x1, 106 1 1 1 , 760 111 , 755 1 1 , 176 22, 351 75Ap1'3 _ ._ l i3 ?ARYPARTTIME __. 17 , 0 � ._ .._t , u9I _ 1 , 875 _ 30 , 378 ...__ .._. . ... 750110 LIkZA2Y.. )FEICE F.XPE:r1SE6, 6211 1' �;, 52A 5l3.67 2611✓ 153 1 ,.257 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE , 334 6, 940 6, 00 3, 7 8✓ 70 1 , 466 750121 LTBR11f7Y BOOKS.:. & .. A.PS.. . :_..... , 78 2256. . . 65, 21.1 .. . . 53, 161 c', 14�/ 1210491 25105 : ---75()12_2 LHRARY PE:RTODICALS 91 8.17 81180 9, 052 1/;t)✓ 872- 765 i 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 13, 135 10, 950 950 2, 071 ��✓ 8, 879 1 1. , 064 75,()124 LIBRARY CATALOGING cl 13 _.8 ..7f.;_1110 1. 63 3r1189✓ !1(,9(17 _ _ 13, 329 _. 75012`3 LI13EtARY . RECORpS ._&.... CA37ETTES 1►, 133 , 410 1 ` bhp? __... r�i2. ✓ 1 , 778 750130 LIBRARY 31MALL TOOLS &' E001P 225 190 1911 ,A rla 41 750160 LIBRARY COMIMUNICAT IONS 2,566 2, 14o 1, 595 17g✓ 5H5 `)71 750170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 16, ,822 14, 020 111 , 086 1 , 5ti1 � t>h" 2, 736 75,0190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROUNDS G, 367 51310 3t046 344L/ 2., 264 3, 321 750200 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: 866 720 298 0 ✓ 4?2 5x,13 _ . _ 750201 LIE3fzARY Er)i1 F .M��tI UT-A'tiE)IQ VTS 350 - 290 3.1 __. _... `?.✓. 25�3 . 319 'SYSTEM 333 28th 375 4,/ 95- 112• 75024?_ LIF3f�ARY EQUIP t�AIFiT-•SEC. • 75021 r) LIBRARY PROF ' & SPECIAL SERVICE' 3,600 ��000 3rbi:4 :._, ._ '� X00" 0 t ✓ 75r12g0 LIBRARY"DUES & .SUBSCRIPTIONS 335 __. 280 53u - , .. .._ _ 1�� ✓. 250 1« ;. 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 375 310 28 24 750251 Lm CONF & MTO -MIRARIAN 60b 500 UriO l �lr)�/ C,1y 1 f0 75025 LIB cc�F.. �, c�TrS�srAFF 704 51;0 362 tct?� 2 1 a '. 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING & SAFETY 32.5 270 3.137 5`.? � 37- 11; 750290 LII3t2ARY OTHER CHARGES 79.5 EiO.- 2.5 (! 35 **** TOTAL LTBRAR.Y 762, 371 636,310 589f505 61 , 119°i 4h, fi,t� 172, 366