HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.06.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JUNE 16th, 1981 CALL T(-1 ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Trustee Weatherbe , excused for a prior commitment . Also Present : BILLS : City Checks : $26 , 101 . 93 Special Fund: $ 1 , 295 . 72 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 26th, 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE : Letter from Mr . John K. Harries LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS : = Automated Circulation Reorganization of Library —Implementation of 3-Week Loan Period , A. L.A. Conference ,Trustee ' s Workshop in Vallejo V-Trustee' s Special Fund Account ✓C.A.L.T.A.C. Tool Kit NEW BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT : The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on July 21st, 1981, at 4 : 30pm, in the California Room. I PB/J g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 26th , 1981 CALL TO ORDER : Chairman Nagle called the meeting to order at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL : Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle , Secretary Fricke , Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons Trustee Absent : Trustee Hechinger, excused for another meeting Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: Checks in the amount of $14 , 043. 91 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 , 463. 39 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Fricke , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 21st, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of April 21st , 1981 , were approved as written and ordered filed. �. CORRESPONDENCE : None Trustee ' s Special Account Fund : Mr . Dennis Argyres , Finance Director, was at the meeting to comment on the advantages of having the "Trustee ' s Special Fund Account" set up in the City General Ledger Trust and Agency Fund. Mr. Argyres explained the advantages of higher interest rates , less bookkeeping , and happier auditors . The Board members were satisfied with his explanation, however, the matter was tabled until Trustee Hechinger could be present . It was felt that all Board members should be in attendance to vote on the change , if any . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Librarian Bergsing said she had nothing to add to the Librarian 's Report . She stated she was still trying to obtain prices for shelving, and phone systems for the reorganization of the Library, and therefore she had nothing definite to report . She also stated that the deadline for vendors to submit their proposals for automated circulation to the County, is this Friday, May 29th, and she will keep the Board informed. She reported that the modem for the R. L. I . N. terminal has not arrived, therefore the Technical Processing Department has not begun cataloging "on-line". BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 5/26/81 PAGE #2 : Librarian Bergsing said that there were "3 paid memberships for the Trustees for A. L .A. , and that Secretary Fricke had pre-registered for the full Conference . She suggested that at next month' s Board meeting, the Trustees might discuss the Conference agenda more 'specifically. Chairman Nagle asked about the outcome of the Trustee Workshop that was held in Vallejo in May . Trustee Fricke explained that she had been unable to attend because of the Friends of the Library meeting. Mrs . Bergsing said she would check with some of the other Library Trustees who might have attended and report back to the Board at their next meeting. Chairman Nagle asked that the "CALTAC Manual" be put on the agenda for discussion at the next Board meeting. Trustee Weatherbe commented on a "job well done" by the Friends of the Library at their last booksale . NEW BUSINESS: P.L .S. Slide Shote on -System Services : The meeting concluded with the slide presentation celebrating P. L. S . ' s 10th Anniversary. The slides explained all of the services that the libraries in the System have to offer to the public. It was very interesting and well presented. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 2Spm, with the next meeting scheduled for June 16th, 1981 at 4 : 30pm, in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN' S REPORT JUNE 16th , 1981 Automated Circulation: I am enclosing two memos , one from the County Library, and one from P. L.S. , that will bring you up to date on the status of the Automated Circulation System. We can discuss this further at the meeting if you have any .questions . Reorganization of the Library: We are progressing ever so slowly on obtaining estimates of costs for the reorgaization of the Main Library . I am still hoping that we will have firm prices on shelving in time for your meeting . I ' d like to review the plans and a tentative time table with you at that time . Implementation of the 3-Week Loan Period: Beginning July 1st , we will be implementing our new "3-Week Loan Period". We are planning to have materials ready for your meeting which will include : copies of the newspaper releases a poster bookmarks a summary of all the Burlingame Public Library circulation policies There will still be time for changes if you wish to make any . A. L. A. Conference : At your last Board meeting, I think Judy made copies of the A. L.A. Preliminary Conference Program for some of you. If you want to bring them to the meeting, maybe we can take a few minutes and decide who is going to what . Trustee ' s Workshop in Vallejo : Karl Vollmayer, City Librarian of Redwood City, and one of his Trustee§, attended the workshop in Vallejo on May 18th. After hearing his summary of the meeting, I don' t think we missed a great deal . Briefly, the agenda included a report on legislation pending in Sacramento regarding public libraries ; a report on the special tax which was passed in Berkeley by 690 of the voters to support public library service ; a report on System Advisory Boards ; and a panel discussion on Literacy and Libraries . Karl said "the highlight of the day was lunch and that he was able to stop by a couple of good bookstores onthe way back". R. L. I .N. Agreement : I 'm enclosing a first draft of the Agreement for Joint Use of R. L. I .N. Cataloging Services by Burlingame, Daly City and Menlo Park . This was prepared by Jerry' Coleman and it has been forwarded to Menlo Park and LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT PAGE #2 June 16th, 1981 Daly City Library Directors and City Attorneys for their comments . If any of you have questions , or concerns , let's discuss them at the meeting . 'L Special Events : Joy Molder presented a program for the Burlingame ),omen ' s Club on Thursday, May 7th . She showed the 16mm sound film, 'Burlingame Pictorial" . This film, produced under the auspices of the Burlingame Lion ' s Club, continues to be an excellent resource on the history of Burlingame . Joy was also invited to present the film to the North Burlingame Women' s Club on Tuesday, June 9th. More than 80 women enjoyed the film on these two occassions . John Hoffman presented a very special slide show on Wednesday , June 3rd, in the Community Room as part of the Library' s four part travelogue series . John' s excellent pictures of England, Scotland , 'tales , and Ireland were enjoyed by 72 people . Alice Fricke served cookies and punch on behalf of the Friends of the Burlingame Public Library . Pat Harding led the Book Chat on May 26th at the Main Library in the California Room. Warren Wickliffe has been appointed Chairman of the San Mateo County Fair Poetry Competition this year. He chaired this very same job 2 years ago . Congratulations Warren! Personnel : Karen Bash , Staff Artist , has resigned as of June 15th. The recruitment and interview process for her replacement is underway . Darla Crockett , Intern, from the University of California, Berkeley, Library School , completed her 10 week internship on June 3rd. It was a pleasure having Darla work with us . He report is appended. Staff Development : Two workshops were held at Burlingame Library for P.L .S . Public Service Staff on A.A.C. R. II (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules - Second Edition) , on May 13th and 14th . These workshops were developed by the P. L. S . Technical Services and Staff Development Committees . Pat Thomas was a featured speaker. Over 75 people attended the two workshops . Joy Molder attended a C . I .N. Workshop at Mission College in Santa Clara called "Selling the Library . " A featured speaker was Roger Greer, Dean of U . S . C. ' s School of Library and Information Science . `,Ir `-✓ Greer is a strong advocate for analyzing the needs of the Community and designing the library services to meet those needs . He also feels strongly about Librarian' s going out into the Community rather than waiting for the community member to come inside . He prefers assertive Librarians and library service . He was a very stimulating speaker . STATISTICS FOR MAY 1981 IRCULATION MAIN BRANCH 'ooks: Adult, Non-Fiction 12 , 164 427 Child, Non-Fiction 1 , 516 213 Adult, Fiction: 9 , 257 1094 Child, Fiction 2 , 226 363- TOTAL: 25, 163 TOTAL: 209 Periodicals: 1_,658 �U5 'amph 1 et s (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 841 -0- TOTAL: n- TOTAL: 2.,4 9 9 TOTAL: 4 0 S Moving Pictures: -0- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 ,013 -0- Art Prints: 41 -0- Equipment Loaned: 15 -0- Slides: 0-S1ides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1 ,090 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 28 , 752 + 2 , 502 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1980 Circulation 31,050 198? Circulation 66 Inc . Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1980 1 �Q41 Main, 1981 1 06S Inc . Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 __140 Branch, 1981 12S 10 . 71 hDec. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 , 258 ILL Borro,:ied: 132 GRAND TGTAL F ILL Lent: 182 REF. ACT I V I i 3 , X72 ILL Total : 314 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 4/30/81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS P,J RO S TO Adults: 10 , 859 238 242 10855 DATE: 7 , 840 Increase o- 188 Children: 1 , 7S9 22 � 34 1 , 747 Hillsborough: 3 ,880 184 1 08 3 ,956 Other Non-Res. Patrons 139 -0- -0- 139 TOTAL: 16 ,637 444 384 16 ,69.7- ACCESSIONS 6 697ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: kidded Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 4/30/81 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137 „646-101 ,385 266 - 165 _ 107 - 22 137;''805 - t01 , 578 Child, Non-Fic: 17 ,468- 13 , 9' 9 • 43 - 38 11 6 171 .500 - 13 ,971 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3 ,308- 3 ,.135 1 - -0 -. -0- - -0- 3 ,309 - 3 , 135 Adult, Fiction: 4951764- 41 , 874 132 - 81 371 - 85 49 , 52S - 41 , 870 Child, Fiction: 13,566- 9 , 707 65 - 32 8 - 2 13 ,623 - 9 , 737 Y.A. , Fiction: 2 , 801- .2 ,358 S - S -0 - - -0 2 , 806 - 2 , -463 TOTAL: 224 , 553-172 ,448 S11 - 421 -4-9-7--l-J-13__ 224 , 568 - 1-2 , 654 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 297 MAPS ADDED: -n- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 73 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 18 , 722 TOTAL: 1 , 3 0 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 4/30/81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 5/31(81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5 ,119 / 4 , 542 16 / 16 _14 _ 14 S ,121 / 4 , 544 Cassettes: 567 / 487 -0 - / -0 - -0- /- 0-- S67 187 TOTAL: 5 ,686 / 5 ,029 16 / 16 14 / 14 5 ,688 / 5 ,! 31 D..-JSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN:_ 1 , 955 . 73 BRANCH: - 0- TOTAL: 1955 73 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 130 . 00 TOTAL: 85 . 73 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 29 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 876 `Burlingame `Public Gibrarb 430 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Li a, orarian EASTON DRIVE PATRON COUNT Saturday, May 2nd 88 Monday, May 4th 216 Tuesday, May 5th ?�� Wednesday, May 6th log Thursday, May 7th 61 Saturday, . May 8th No aunt notes? Monday, May 11th. Tuesday, May 12th 7 Wednesday, May 13th Tro count noted Thursday, May 14th 85 Saturday, May 16th 76 Monday, May 18th 111 Tuesday, May 19th 132 Wednesday, May 20th 93 Thursday, May 21st 64 Saturday, May 23rd g3 Monday, May 25th Closed Tuesday, May 26th 189 Wednesday, May 27th 115 Thursday, May 28th 44 Saturday, May 30th 83 TOTAL: F MIONTHLY REPORT Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator ^r Hours worked 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons L. Number of visits made (p C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of _te_ialS: visits / Attendance / circ late A. C. D. 5. Totals (3 & 4) i A. Shut-in patrons 91 B. Visits made C. Items circulated Comments/activities: eV / Y'✓ � �� `/��/C/L cl f'� ar !i ilii C YY_c� G�J)o ri____��?(1 ! '�'�✓~!�/� ^ or ICITY OF BURLINGAM � - BUDt;ET^ STATUS REPORT 12 IM0NTfi Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNE X P E N D E 0 ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VAR'IANCf: BALANCE E LIBRARY --7510 1b LIB SAI .5ALAff ;8 -- 5-j�li^ �� Ur 1 �" r '? 32 7A L1,'75001 . L:TEJRAR'Y EMPLOYEE 13F_NEFITS 1,3141 .10y jjZj936 1e` 2pg31 2jtS76 6 JJPJ76 750013 LIBRARY PARTT IME 1111013 156, 761 153, 896 13,261 2f865 17 r 1 17 --75-0-1 07--�Erf3 ',AfiY OFFICE EXPENSE �i, b'�7E 6p072 1 62 394 3io 862 750120 LIBRARY 3pECIAL UEPTL EXPENSE 8, : 30 7, 634 7,390 520 244 9'10 7501.21 LIBRARY BOOKS. & MAPS 78 f 856 71o731 63o ODA 9, 6147 8j.723 15,2148 ,' SiS _2 3 - 8 i �$;9* T—q;139 8 14Tw 6 Z7- 750123 7501,23 LIBRARY DMINGS 13035 12, 045 2t 1 10 110 91935 x 1 , 025✓ 75412.4 LIBRARY CATALOGING 200532 <)f 321 8, 225 Iron 311096 12,1307✓ __75012x-1Tt3RARY ► Ei�;�� S tE V-1�,I33__ _ 75 - 2--00 --13II^ -x;754—_-2-17F33;74 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP p?.`.i 209 194 0 15 31✓ 750160 L 18RARY COMMUNICATIONS ?r 566 2, 354 1 ' 768 173 5136 798 7 50.I77J_CI TR,"--IJ T ICS 1. —_ 15-o3-3 7 817-- ,4' 7501.90 LIf�'si2ARY MAINT BLDG & Gf7OUNDS 61 :367 5, f3141 3r4Q0 353 2114141 2x967✓ 750200 LIBRARY E01JIPt-1EN1 MAINTENANCE 866 792 298 0 1194 568"' 5r 2�i 1-CTBTtY-E Ct7I F�d �Nfi.�UTTU-V y� -s5o 9 155 —I srI✓ 750202 LIl RARY EAUIP MAINT-SEC`o�SYSTEM 333 308 375 0 67- 42Mv 75020 LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE :;f6()0 3,;34 4 3, 600 4 300- 0✓' ..3.0 f: - __ ___ ,��-- - 0 --- -22 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 375 3111 315 29 26 6�4✓ 4 7502 5t LIb CONF & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 600 5 S o 5140 l Oq 10 6p✓. 7W,252 . . �. f3 750260 LTURARY TRAT ITNG K SAFETY 325 297 365 58 hf1,. Ups 750299 L I .NZARY OTHER CHARCE S 75 66 25 0 1.41 501/ I ' * ***�► TOTAL, LI BR,hRY 71x2, 371 699r341 65119,17 62.f472 47, 36A 1 :10, 394 1.1 SPECIAL FUND CHECKING ACCOUNT Balance forward from May : 1 , 815 . 96 June 1 Deposit 445 . 80 June 10 Deposit 421 . 65 June 16 Withdrawals ($1 , 295 . 72) Balance forward to July : $1 , 387 . 69 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Balance forward from May : 5 , 986 . 81. �.. No _Activity Balance forward to Jul)- : $5 , 986 . 81 Spm matco C:ou.nly Library BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EDWARD J. BACCIOCCO. JR. — - �_ ARLEN GREGC'10 " •' — - air k: WILLIAM J. SG- 'AGER �JiI: K. JACQUELINE_ SPE1=R �'{/SAF• �"k� JOHN M. VAP _JL_ ®del.' .L`� M T couN JEN8 i D�1JAS � Fw�g ':--•- -• 25 TOWER ROAD BELMONT CALIFORNIA94002 TELEPHONE(4-5)573-2:;50 June 1 , 1981 To: PLS Library Directors From: Nancy Lewis, San Mateo County Library Subject: Automated Circulation Update Copies of the automated circulation RFP were sent to a total of 18 different firms. In addition to those on the list attached to my memo of April 2.2, copies were sent to };erox Corporation, Picodyne Corporation, Sperry-Univac and Tamde-n Corporation. Two vendors, Cincinnati Electronics and GEAC, asked questions about the RFP. The vendors asked for clarification of meaning in nest instances. One question resulted in our making a change in the RFP. Section 3,8F Duplicate Holds, (page 18,) states that the system shall "allow for the acceptance or cancellation of the duplicate hold at the _ patron' s choice". Since no systemcurrently allows the placement of duplicate holds, all_ vendors were advised that the Library will accept a system which does not allow duplicate holds. Proposals from CLSI , Dataphase, GEAC, IBM, Picodyne, and Universal Library Systems were received by the County Pur- chasing Division before the deadline of 4:00 P.M. PST, May 29, 1981 . The proposals from IBM and Picodyne were disqualified as neither firm has two (2) installed operating circulation control systems. The remaining proposals will be reviewed by the Proposal Evaluation Team during the next two weeks. Proposal Evaluation Team members are: Mike Bruer, CLASS . Cindy Coale, County Library Nancy Crabbe, Redwood City Public Library Jean Davis, County Library Nancy Lewis, County Library Jane Light, PLS Rich Mlachado, County Data Processing Division Pete Quey, County Purchasing Division Mike Wilson, City of South San Francisco The team met for the first time on May 15. Proposal evaluation guidelines prepared for the County by Joe Matthews were reviewed and slightly revised by the group. In addition, the Team reached consensus on the weights to be given each of the evaluation criteria. A summary of the evaluation guidelines and the weighted criteria follow. Steps in the evaluation process: l ) Evaluation Team establishes weighted vendor proposal evaluation criteria before proposals are received. The following criteria and %•;eights were agreed upon at the Team' s May 15 meeting: Compliance with functional and file specifications 25% Response time 100, System reliability 20% . Maintenance support 15% Training/documentation _ 5% Past Performance on installation and delivery _ 5% Capability for system expansion and upgrading 15% Financial credibility of the vendor 5% dote: the cost of various systems is not considered at this stage in the evaluation process so that financial information will not influence the evaluation team in its review of technical considerations. -2- 2) :receiving agent, County Purchasing Division representative Pete Quey, screens out any proposals not meeting the minimum qualifications of: a) two installed systems b) any specification in the required (R) category which the vendor indicates cannot be met and which the the vendor has no plan to meet (see RFP section 1 .5, Format of the Proposal , D, page 3 ) 3) Vendor technical proposals are distributed to the Evaluation Team; each member reads quickly and makes note of any questions or concerns. 4) The Evaluation Team meets to discuss 2) and 3). This meeting is scheduled for June'll , 1981 . 5) Nancy Lewis and possibly another member of the Evaluation Team will make reference phone calls to users of already installed systems. Questions about the size of the system, equipment used, down time, response time, installation, conversion-assistance, any cost savings, etc. will be asked of each user. 6) After the results of the phone calls have been shared with other members of the Evaluation Team, each person on the team independently assigns a score for.each vendor's proposal for each of the criteria �-- listed above. 7) The Evaluation Team meets again and each team member' s scores are tallied. An average score for each criterion for each vendor is calculated and then multiplied by the weighted factor for each area. 8) An analysis of initial and continuing costs of each system is prepared. Costs will be projected over a seven year period and totalled for each vendor. 9) She most responsive vendor will be contacted by Jean Davis who will indicate that the Library will be recommending that vendor's system to the Board of Supervisors. If you have any questions about the evaluation process as outlined above, please let me know. - NL:pp -3- TO: CHARLES' SCHWA 1, CITY MANAGER, CITY OF BURLINGAME FROM: Sam Chandler, Chairman, PLS Board of Directors and Jean Davis , County Li brari a '!U. SUBJECT: MEETING OF CITY AND COUNTY MANAGEMENT AND LIBRARY DIRECTORS TO DISCUSS SHARING AN AUTOMATED CIRCULATION SYSTEM AMIONG PLS MEMBERS DATE: June 8, 1981 This memo is a request from the Peninsula Library System's Board of Directors that you attend a meeting to discuss the sharing of an automated circulation system by libraries in San Mateo County. The library directors and their staffs have parti- cipated in the preparation of a request for proposals from vendors of circulation systems which was issued by the County. A committee which includes a representative of city management, of a city library, and of PLS management as well as County staff will select a recommended vendor by the end of June. We will then know, for the first time, the proposed costs of a circulation system shared by all the libraries. Therefore, July seems to be the appropriate time for a meeting of county manaenent and management of those cities operating libraries as well as library directors to discuss matters of general concern. Although not all jurisdictions may not be able to participate in an automated circulation system in FY 81/82, we feel all the jurisdictions should be represented at this meeting. Agenda items include: I. Start-up and ongoing costs of a shared circulation system (information otained from the recommended vendor's proposal will be sent out prior to the meeting) II . Review of benefits of automation and of sharing a system III . Options for sharing costs of a circulation system (a) cost sharing by those who go into a system at beginning (b) costs for those who enter later IV. Ownership and management of a shared system V. Impact on inter-jurisdictional library activities Probably the most difficult aspect of this type of meeting is choosing a date. The library directors selected three dates and times which are okay for all of them -- Thursday, July 16 at 1:30, Friday, July 17 at 1:30, and Tuesday, July 21 at 1:30. Please call Jacquie Eastman-Williams, PLS Secretary, at 349-5538 by Monday, June 15 to tell her on which, if any, of these dates you would be able to attend. She wiII compile the responses , choose the best date and send a memo confirming date, tine, and place of the meeting. JEL:je-w cc: Patti Bergsing ✓ cc: Jane Liaht 25 Tower Road•Belmont C4 94002•(415)349-5538 Member Libraries:Burlingame Da/y City.Menlo Park•Redwood City•San Bruno•San Mateo City-San/Mateo County..outh San Francisco AGRFE-MF7NT FOR JOINT LIBRARY SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, between the CITIES OF BURLINGAME, DALY CITY and MENLO PARK, entered into this day of 1981, WITNESSETH : WHEREAS, the Cities of Burlingame, Daly City and Menlo Park each pro- vide a library system and services for their residents; and WHEREAS, said cities desire jointly to utilize the cataloging services of the Research Libraries Information Network (hereinafter referred to as "RLIN") as provided through the California Library Authority for Systems and Services (hereinafter referred to as "CLASS"); NOW, THEREFORE, it is AGREED by the parties hereto as follows: I. ODerational Provisions 1. Each city shall maintain a contract with CLASS for the cataloging services of RLIN similar to that agreement attached hereto as EXHIBIT A, provided that all cities shall share the same on-line file. 2. The ownership of records in the shared file shall be joint among the cities. Each city shall have the right to obtain a copy of the shared file from RLIN for local use; jointly seared data shall not be sold without written consent of all three cities. 3. Records entered into the shared file shall not be deleted from the RLIN databases without prior notification and approval•of the other cities. 4. The cities shall formulate mutually acceptable guidelines for catalog record maintenance and shall update and modify shared records in accordance with those guidelines. II. Fiscal Provisions 1. Each city shall, directly order such start-up and installation services of RLIN as it determines necessary, and may from time to time incur l r costs of on-going lease line communications charges, terminal maintenance charges, catalogue card charges, training charges, supplies, tapes, and other associated services. It may also order such individual services as retrospective conver- sion services, acquisition services and other associated services. Billing for all such charges shall be directed each month to the City of Burlingame, and such charges for Daly City or Menlo Park shall be rebilled in full by Burlingame to each individual city. Such rebillings shall be monthly, except that start-up costs may be individually rebilled as they are received if Burlingame so deter- mines. 2. Each city shall have a separate log on procedure for accessing RLIN so that each system use by each city can be determined by the City of Burlingame for billing and statistical purposes. 3. All charges for cataloging services shall be prorated among the cities as set forth in this paragraph. During the first fiscal year of this agreement charges shall be divided among the three cities in the proportion of the number of titles added by that city during the preceding fiscal year to the �- total number of titles added by all three cities during the period. On April 1st next following the execution of this agreement, the actual number of titles cata- loged from RLIN by each city shall be determined, and the billings previously made to each city shall be adjusted proportionately on the basis of the actual number. .Those figures shall also be used for determining the proportionate billing of the cataloging cost until June 30 of that year and for the fis.ca:l.year commencing on the following July Ist. Thereafter, on April 1st of each year, a. determination shall be made of each city's proportionate number of titles obtained through RLIN for the use in the next years billings. All bills sent to Daly City or Menlo Park under either this paragraph or paragraph II 1 shall be paid within thirty (30) days of receipt. III. Term This agreement shall continue from year to year unless terminated by one of the cities, Such termination shall result if any city gives notice to .... the other cities of its desire to terminate said agreement at least ninety (90) days before the end of a fiscal year. This agreement shall thereafter terminate 2 at the end of said fiscal year, except that Daly City and Menlo Park will remain responsible for any billings received by Burlingame for services provided to �.. Daly City or -Menlo Park up to the end of said fiscal year. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers as of the day ana year first above written. a CITY OF BURLINGAME By Its City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF DALY CITY By Its ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF MENLO PARK By Its ATTEST: City Clerk 3 jv n 3 I-Y"4,e --- / ZL--- L s - r t� COOP ERt, T IV E AGREE ;IE: NT THIS ALR- -li-EN is made and entered into by and between t}►e California Libr.zry Authority for Systems and Services ("CLASS") and Library ("Participant") . W I T N E S S E T H: CLASS has, among its other purposes, the goal of developing a Cooperative Library Network (CLN) which seeks to reduce the rise of cast increases to libraries and improve library and information services to their users. It is e:cpected that sharing of library bibliographic resources through access to common cataloging and other data bases by means of remote access computer resources by Participants in the CLN will support that goal... Cooperation between CUSS, Participants and such remote-access systems is essential to promote such sharing of library resources for education purposes. Accordingly, CL_ SS it l? provide its services to Participants in cooperation with the Research Library Information Netvork (RLI;,i) located at Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, and operated for the Research Libraries Group, incorporated (RLG) . Therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 D%TA E .SES 1. 1 CLASS will provide to Participant Iecess to the RLIN data lase inclining but not necessarily limited to read access to the Catalog Data File and write access to the In-process File, and read access to the (Cross) Reference File, ati ..,o11 as other files as they become available. 1.2 Participant may make arrangements with CLASS to input or----gii-ial catalog data into the RLIN data base in accordance with RLIN standards and procedures, as agreed to by CLASS. 1.3 All data added to the RLIN data base by Participants may be used by RLG/ RLI.N for any purpose without restriction. RLG/RLIN has the right to use with- out restriction any programs it develops under this Agreement. CLASS MAKES NO WARRANiTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PUR- POSE OF THE DAT:'., PROGILA.^iS, OR SERVICES PROVIDED HEREUNDER. CLASS offers its services on an "As ;s" a :. sis, and cannot guarantee any information derived from the :.LI system or its Participants. 1.4 Participant shall have the right to obtain a copy of the data it enters or of all records containing data entered by Participant as provided in Schedule I. 1 -2- 1.5 In no event shall Participant_ copy all or any portion of the data base in machine readable fora except with the prior written consent of CLASS. 2.0 SERVICES 2.1 CLASS will provide. to Participant access to shared cataloging services and other services as they become available from RLII, as specified in Schedule I, attached and made a part hereof. 2.2 CLASS will provide Services to Participant, including system installation, training, profile definition, information and documentation distribution, user group administration and other services as specified in Schedule I, subject to mutual scheduling approval. Participant shall exercise best efforts to use the system efficiently by conforming to procedures described in documentation provided by CLASS. Since the rates set forth in Schedule I -are based on use of efficient procedures, a consistent use of inefficient procedures, despite notice from CLASS, shall be grounds for termination. 2.3 Participant will not use RLIN computer accounts provided under this Agree- ment for any purpose ether than those specified herein. Participant and CLASS shall specify the uses (from Schedule I) which shall be rade of each account, and thereafter Participant shall restrict each account to such specified uses. Each account shall be charged according to the permitted uses specified .for it. 2.4 Participant shall- be responsible for insuring that its account numbers an- their keywords are not misused by anyone using terminals under Participant's control, and agrees to pay for all charges resulting from any such misuse. 2.5 Participant is under no obligation to make use of those services described herein. 2.6 The computer system used to provide RLIN services is currently scheduled to be available as follows (all times are Pacific Time) Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5:31 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday 5:30 a.m. - 10:30 p.m.. *Sattrrday 1:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. (*for searching and display only; weekdays, for searching, display and shared cataloging) The system is not available during the following holidays: New Year's Day, 14ashit:gton's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day following, and Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This SC-h edule m.?y be changed, but not curtailed. 3.0 ACCESS DEVICES AND TECHNICAL ARRANGEMENTS .-r -3- 3.1 Before opening a new account for si_rvices, Particip!Ilt aid CLASS shall agree as to tie terminals, modems, multi-drop bose.s, co,::nunicatians lines, and oth,,r equipment to be used for connections to RLIN services. CI,:?SS intends to 1, ke such equipment available and to maintain such equipment in order to contr^_'. system breakdowns. Participant and CLASS shall agree in writing as to potential s c�:hic}i co-;:orients shall be furnished and/or maintained by CLASS at rates than Len- erally charged by CLASS; all other components shall be the responsibility of Partici;nant. 3.2 All equipment referenced in 3.1 move shall meet RLIN specifications. 4.0 REIMBURSMENT 4.1 Participant will reimiburse CLASS for costs at the rates for the various services provided for in Schedule I. The rates in Schedule I may be amended at CLASS°s sole discretion upon 30 days notice to Participant. New services with their respective rates may be added to Schedule I by CLASS at any time during the term of this Agreement; such rates shall be applicable from. the date the corresponding services are used by Participant. 4.2 Participant will be responsible for any sales, use, property, or similar taxes fees or assessments levied by any governmental agency to which Partici- pant or the services supplied to Participant hereunder or the equipment installed at Participant pursuant hereto or the paynents in respect thereto may be subject. 5.0 TERM 5.1 Subject to the provisions of Section 5.2 below, the initial term, of this Agreement shall be one year, beginning on the effective date hereinafter set forth, and will automatically be extended from year to year. 5.2 Nevertheless, this Agreement may be terminated by either of the parties, at any time, on 90 days written notice to the other. 6.0 BILLING AND PAYr2 NrS 6.1 RLG/RLIN will render billings monthly and all payments will be due 30 days from date of billing. Late payments shall bear interest at the rate of 10 per annum. A deposit account -may be established in any amount for payment of ser- vices in advance in order to reduce risk of a late payment. amounts involved will be deducted from the deposit credit balance monthly, and unused deposit amounts refunded upon request. 7.0 GENZERAL PROVISIONS 7.1 This Agreement shall not be assigned by either party in whole or in part without first obtaining the express written consent of the other party. Not- withstanding the foregoing, in the event of a merger or reorganization of either party, this Agreement may be assigned to the successor entity. Participant shall use, or permit the use of, RLIN services provided hereunder only for the benefit of Participant's libraries and their users unless specific written acceptance of any other library is provided by CLASS. -4- - 7.2 excuse for non-performance. Any failure of performance by CLASS here-- under which is duce to causes reasonably beyond its sole control, including but not limited to acts of civil or military authority, national emergencies, fire, flood, other catastrophies, labor dispute::, acts of God, quarantine, or insurrection, wars, riots; as well as a failure of communications or computer systems a€fec[ing the RLIN system shall not be deemed to be a default by CLASS. 7.3 This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and any void or voidable provision hereof shall not invalidate the other provisions of the Agreement. i 7.4 Participant agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless CLASS, its dir- ectors, officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all losses, damages, liability, expense, claims or demands of whatsoever ciiaracter,'arising or resulting from the acts or omissions to act of Participant, its officers, agents, employees, students, invitees and guests, except for any claim for in- fringement of violation of ownership rights which may arise from Participant's use of the RLIN data or programs. 7.5 This written Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties. 7.6 Addresses for communication. Communications concerning this agreement shall be addressed as follows: CLASS: Executive Director ._. California Library Authority for Systems and Services (CLASS) 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 101 San Jose, California_ 95112 (408) 289-1756 Par.ticipant: )3 t j r_ i nna m o P 11b I i r ihrary _ 480 Primrose Road Burlingame' CA 94010 (415) 342-8931 EXt. 61 IN ;JITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in duplicate, effective on _Augii�*_l, 1979 date By the California Library Authority BY BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY fo Sys ems and Service. (Partici. ant) Z�_ f Authorized Stflnature Authorized Signati► C I TY L I BRAR I AN 1-� Title Title