HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.07.21 BURLINGA" E PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA JULY 21st , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL C.-TL: Trustees Present : -- Trustees Absent Also Present BILLS: City Checks : $$23 ,800 . 81 Special Fund: $125 . 46 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 16th, 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Dan Tilles Letter from Ronald Kriletich LIBRARIAN` S REPORT- UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation Report on A. L .A. Conference : Trustees Fricke F; ?tieatherbe NEti BUSINESS: Change of hours at the Easton Drive Branch effective September 14th, 1981 Demonstration of the R. L. I .N. Cataloging System ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on August 18th, 1981 at 4 : 30pm, in the California Room PB/4 _ BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JUNE 16th, 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Fricke , at 4 : 30pm, Chairman Nagle arrived shortly thereafter and Chaired the meetir,. ROLL CALL : Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle , Secretary Fricke, Trustee Hechinger and Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent : Trustee Weatherbe , excused Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $26 , 101 .93 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. Special account checks in the amount of $1, 295 . 72 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 26th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of May 26th, 1981 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Chairman Nagle read a letter from Mr,. ,John Harries , an Outreach parton at Bayview Convalescent Home in Burlingame . Mr. Harries told of his appreciation of Mrs . Pamela Stamnes , (Outreach Coordinator) , and the magnificent job she is doing. Chairman Nagle also read a letter from Edith Bennett of the Burlingame Women's Club, thanking Mrs . Molder for all of her efforts in providing the film on the history of Burlingame for the Club . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: The Librarian' s Report was discussed in conjunction with Unfinished Business , with the exception of Personnel . Chairman Nagle asked about the resignation of the Staff Artist , Karen Bash . Mrs . Bergsing stated that Nancy Montague, of Menlo Park, had been hired. She said Mr. Escoffier had interviewed 26 people in order to find a satisfactory replacement. Some discussion followed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Trustee' s Special Fund Account : Chairman Nagle explained to Trustee BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 6/16,'81 PAGE #2 : Hechinger , who was absent from the last meeting, that Dennis Argyres , the City Finance Director, had attended the last meeting and explainer the advantages of having the Special Fund set up in the "City Genera= Ledger Trust and Agency Fund". Trustee Hechinger was also satisfied with the higher interest rates , less bookkeeping, etc. Trustee Fricke made a motion to remove the Special Fund from Bank of America and - Northern California Savings , and put it into a City Account to be invested by the City Treasurer. The .motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons ,-and-carried unanimously. Trustee Weatherbe had sent a "proxy" "yes" vote in the event a decision had to be made . C.A. L.T.A.C. Tool Kit : Chairman Nagle pointed out some of the important items that were covered in the "Public Library Trustees and Commissioners Tool Kit Orientation Guidelines". He stated that he found the manual to be an excellent reference source , and urged all the Trustees to read it . Everyone agreed that it was a very useful summary and thought it should be part of the packet of information given to all new Trustees . Automated Circulation : Librarian Bergsing explained to the Board a'7!out the evaluation process for the County Automated Circulation System. She said that she had spoken with Mrs . Jean Davis , County Librarian, and Mrs . Davis was in the process of organizing : a meeting between all the City Librarians in the System and all the City Managers , on Jule 21st , at 1 : 30pm at the Burlingame Library. The purpose of the meeting would be to discuss the findings and recommendations of the evaluation tean, the costs of the System, and the ownership and management of a shared System. Trustee Fricke asked if this was the budget year that Burlingame ' s City Council should consider automated circulation, to which Mrs . Bergsing replied "yes" . She said there was to be a study session in July regarding the operating budget , and capital improvements for the Library. She said that Council needs more information regarding automated circulation before they can made such a decision. Mrs . Bergsing explained that it is only the beginning of a process that will be extremely lengthy. .. Reorganization of the Library: Mrs . Bergsing distributed a "memo" regarding shelving for the Reference Room and the rest of the Librar;.- where new shelving will be needed after reorganization. She expressed that it was "most critical" to order now as there is an approximate 120 day waiting period. After explaining the relocation plans , she discussed the estimates for the shelving that she had obtained over the r BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 6/16/81 PAGE #3 : past couple of months . After Lengthy discussion, the Board members unanimously agreed that to maintain the aesthetic integrity of the Library, that they would prefer wood shelving in the Reference Room. They also decided to purchase the wood shelving from the company "Library Bureau" . The company has supplied the majority of the wood shelving for Burlingame in the past, and the Board felt that it was important to maintain some uniformity. Trustee Fricke made a motion to purchase the "Library Bureau" 'I wood. shelving for the Reference Room. That motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. Trustee Fricke then made a motion to purchase "Wilson Company", steel shelving for the record, mezzanine and office areas . The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons , and carried. Mrs . Bergsing said she would notify the vendors and write-up--the purchase orders accordingly. Implementation of the 3-Week Loan _Peri*od: Mrs . Molder explained that last October, the Board members had approved a 3-week loan period, in order to standardize circulation policies within the public libraries located in San Mateo County. She further explained that this new `- policy will be implemented, officially, on July 1st , 1981 . Posters and bookmarks will be used to advertise the new lending period, and a newspaper release will be sent out . There will be staff training on Monday, June 22nd. Trustee 's Workshop in Vallejo : Mrs . Bergsing reported that she had nothing to add to the Librarian' s Report . It doesn' t appear that the Burlingame Trustees - missed much by not attending the workshop. A.L.A. Conference : Mrs . Bergsing stated that Trustee Fricke was the only Trustee who Had pre-registered for the Conference and asked if any one else planned to attend. Trustees Hechinger and Parsons stated they were definitely not going, and Chairman Nagle reported that he would be on vacation at the time of the Conference and would not be attending. Trustee Weatherbe is planning to attend at least one day. Mrs . Bergsing said she would talk with Trustees_Fricke and Weatherbe before the Conference . about schedules , car pools , etc . Mrs . Bergsing showed the Trustees the materials for this year 's Summer Reading Club. The Lion' s Club of Burlingame is once again sponsoring the program for the Children' s Department . She said that sign-ups were now being taken and the program will last from June 22nd through August 26th, with a party following for those children who ful- BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 6/16/81 PAGE #4 fill the committment they make to read the books . The name of the program this year is "Grab Bag Summer". NEW BUSINESS : None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of June 16th, 1981, was adjourned at 5 : 55pm, with the next regularly scheduled meeting to take place on July 21st , 1981 at 4 :30pm. Respectully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag i LIBRARIAN' S REPORT `.' JULY 21st , 1981 1981-1982 Budget : The City Council tentatively approved the Library Budget , as . submitted,. attheirStudy Session on July 8th, 1981 . At Councilman Crosby's request , the Council approved an upgrade in the Personnel at the Branch from Library Assistant II to Librarian I , if the employee currently holding the job should resign. Councilman Crosby also asked for an additional 4 hours of service at the Branch but this was not approved. Final approval of the Budget is scheduled for Monday, July 20th, 1981 at the regular Council Meeting. I ' ll let you know what happened at your July 21st meeting. Trustees Snecial Fund Account: The funds have been transferred to the City' s General Trust Fund, and Judy will have a more complete report ready for your meeting. Hillsborough _Agreement : ' Enclosed is a copy of the Finance Director' s letter to the City Manager of Hillsborough regarding the Library Agreement . I ' ll let you know if they agree to the higher rate for 1981- 1982 . Reimbursement for Serving Non-Residents : I 'm attaching a copy of the memo we sent to the staff regarding the reimbursements the Library received for serving non-residents . I thought you would be interested to see the increase . Annual Circulation Statistics : I am enclosing the summary sheets for the Annual Circulation figures at the Main and Branch for last year and this year. As you can see , the circulation at the Main increased by 4 , 789, or 1 . S% , and the Branch increased by 691, or 2% . I am also including the summary sheets for non-resident circulation at both Libraries for the past two years . Here the increase is rather astonishing -- up 11 ,333 in the two Libraries , or 9 .4% from last year to this year. This partially explains why the Circulation Department gets further and further behind, because everything must be written down individually when checking out materials to non- LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: 7/21/81 Page #2 : residents . The non-resident circulation (including Hillsborough) , represents 37% of the total Burlingame Library circulation. Excluding Hillsborough, the non-resident figures represent 240 of the total circulation. Circulation to San Mateo City residents represent 360 of the non-resident circulation, and 130 of the total circulation. Automated Circulation: At 1 : 30pm, on Tuesday, July 21st, the day of your Board meeting, the seven City Managers and seven City Librarians will be meeting with the County Librarian and other representatives of the County to discuss the County' s Automated Circulation System. The major focus of the meeting will be to bring the cities up-to-date on the responses to the County 's Request for ProposalsJor a Turn-Key Automated Circulation System, projected costs , and County- vs shared ownership of the System. The County must know soon, who is going to share the System with them or it will be very difficult to negotiate a contract with a vendor. I ' ll let you know the outcome at your meeting. Implementation of the Three-Week Loan Period: Everything has gone smoothly regarding implementation of the new longer check out period. So far as I know, all the feedback from borrowers has been positive . As we feel the full impact of the change , it is possible that we may experience some drop in the circulation count. The longer loan period may slightly reduce the "turn-around time" on some materials . I think this will level out in the long run, but we will have to see . Change in Branch Hours : Beginning Monday, September 14th, I would like to request that the Board vote to change the hours at the Branch Library to the following: Monday-Friday : 2 : OOpm to 6 : OOpm (20 hours) Saturday : 2 : OOpm to S : 00pm (3 hours) Sunday : Closed Total : 23 hours This means closing the Branch at 6 : OOpm, on Mondays and Tuesday, and opening the Branch for the four hours on Fridays that is currently closed. We are recommending this change based on requests from LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : 7/21/81 Page #3 : 9 the Branch users , and on surveys of the hours from 6 :OOpm- 8 : OOpm �.- which show very little business . If this does not prove to be satisfactory we can always consider other alternatives . Reorganization of the Library: The shelving has been ordered for the reorganization of the Library. Delivery dates are scheduled for late October to mid-November. If things get very hectic , or shipping is delayed, we may plan for the entire move for Christmas vacation. This would give us student help to move books for longer periods of time than during the regular school days . Also , we still need to discuss the phone and intercom system, but we are still researching alternatives . Maybe , we can have. the information ready for your Agust meeting. Children' s Department : The Summer Reading Club began the end of June . To date , 175 children have joined the Club . The Children' s drawings , mobiles , and dioramas are decorating the Children' s Room and the Branch. Pre-School Story Hour is being held at the Branch on Tuesday mornings from 10 : 00 to 10 : 30 through August 11th. Staff Development : Pamela Stamnes attended a San Mateo Foundation Workshop on "Sustaining a Volunteer Program", on June 25th , 1981 . The instructor was Charlotte P. Ross , Executive Director of the Suicide Prevention and Crisis Center of San Mateo County. The Workshop centered on the philosophy of volunteers . Mrs . Stamnes is the Coordinator of Outreach and Volunteers . Pat Thomas , Joy Molder and I attended a Workshop on June 12th , on Retrospective Conversion, (for the purposes of computerized circulation and on-line cataloging systems) sponsored by the Northern California Technical Processors Group . This meeting helped to introduce us to various methods of conversion and problems that arise during a conversion project . American Library Association Conference : I am enclosing the un-edited reports from most of the staff LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : 7/21/81 Page #4 : who attended meetings at the American Library Association Conference . You are not receiving a separate report from me , because I attended the same Pre-Conference Workshop on Automated Circulation as Joy did, and she has given you a good summary . Alice , Joy and I spent several hours at the Exhibits on Saturday, and I went home ill on Sunday and missed the remainder of the Conference . Trustees Fricke and Weatherbe are on the Agenda to report to you at the Board meeting. A.L.A. CONFERENCE JOAN RIORDAN LEACH During A. L.A. Convention, I attended a number of programs for both Children and Adults . The first program dealt with "the future of the book". The consensus of opinion of the panel was that the book will not disappear, but electronic media will have an increasingly important part in Library Services . � . The ses-sion "Evaluating Adult Library Programming" challenged the audience to assess their programming in relationship to the Library' s goals and objectives , staff time , money, and available space . Questions to-he addressed are : Did the program provide significant service to the Community? Did the program duplicate services already provided in the Community? Evaluation forms , used by various libraries , were made available to the audience . The Children' s program was entitled, "Dream and Reality : Seeing Books from Both Sides". It involved looking at the book from the . viewpoint of the reviewer, the reviewers relationship to the Librarian, and the Librarian introducing the book to the parent . This program was mediocre at best . CITY u BURUNGAMS AgT[O JV1[6. V (!Hui Cltfir .af Wrurlingamn SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY MALL- 501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 TEL:(415)342-8931 July 13 , 1981 Mr. Robert Davidson Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Avenue Hillsborough, California 94010 _ Re: Increase in Hillsborough, Burlingame,* San Mateo Library Agreement Dear Bob : The adopted budgets -for San Mateo and Burlingame libraries are as follows : . . Burlingame - $834, 650 less $147, 978 for fringe benefits not in base year for a net total of $686, 672, San Mateo - $1,114,992 The combined total of $1, 801, 664 is a 21. 95% increase from the 1977/78 base amount of $1,477,419. In accordance with our agree- ment for library services the 1980-81 consideration ($90, 000) is adjusted to $109, 755 for 1981-82. Burlingame is agreeable this year to the current 2/3, 1/3 division of funds. . The monthly amounts would, therefore, be: Burlingame - $6,097 monthly San Mateo 3,049 monthly Since you may have already paid the July amounts at the old rate, we would appreciate it if your could adjust the August payment accordingly. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cordially, 4' Denr_is Argyres Finance Director DA:ag �- cc : City Manager - San Mateo & Burlingame City Librarian - San Mateo & Burlingame TO: STAFF FROM: PATTI BERGSING RE: REIMBURSEMENTS FOR SERVING NON-RESIDENT BORROWERS DATE: JUNE 26th, 1981 Again, many, many thanks to all of you for your extra hard work this year in keeping track of non-resident use of the Library through direct Loans and Interlibrary Loans . Here are the figures : Quarter: Direct 'Loans I .L.L. Total reiFabursed by reimbursed State @ 46� by State @ per item $2 . 58 per item 1st Quarter July-Sept . : $ 6 , 871.02 $1 ,221 .66 $ 8,092.6 2nd Quarter Oct. -Dec. : $ 7 ,418.42 $12444.80 $ 8,863.2: 3rd Quarter Jan. -Mar. : $ 83,961. 26 $13,677.00 $10 ,638.2i 4th Quarter Apr. -June : $ 8. 835 .68. .$1 ,578.96. $10 ,414.6, TOTAL: $32 ,086 . 38 $5 ,922 .42 $38 ,008. 8, Last year we were reimbursed $273,204.66 for direct loans , and $5,534. 54 for Interlibrary Loans ,. for a grant total of $32 , 739 . 20 . So, as you can see , we received over $5,000 . 00 more. EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS ! ! CbNGRATULATIONS1 =AGAIN, MANY THANKS! ! BUDGET STATUS - FINAL - 1980-1981 BY ACCOUNT Account # Amount this month Previous Balance New Balance 750110-Office Supplies 590 .62 838 . 00 247 . 00 750120-Special Supplies 346 . 10 628. 00 282 . 00 750121-Books 7 ,079 .66 4 ,482 . 00 (2 , 598. 00) 750122-Subscriptions . 00 436 . 00 436 . 00 750123-Binding 2 ,010 . 17 1 , 921 .00 (89 . 00) 750124-Cataloging 30 . 15 150 . 00 120 . 00 750125-Records 13, 474 . 76 538. 00 (936 . 00) 750130-Small Tools 5 . 12 31 . 00 26 . 00 750160-Telephone 62 . 91 790 . 00 727 . 00 750170-Utilites-P G & E 1 , 354 . 39 233. 00 (1, 121 . 00) 750190-Maintenance 3 , 530 . 35 2 , 732 . 00 (798 . 00) 750200-Equip. N?aint . 217. 44 568. 00 351 . 00 750201-A/V Maintenance . 00 (2 . 00) (2 . 00) 750202 -Sec. Sys . Maint . .00 (42 . 00) (42 . 00) 750210-Prof. Services . 00 . 00 . 00 750240-Dues $ Subscriptions . 00 (195 . 00) (195 . 00) 750250-Travel 16 . 94 36 . 00 19 . 00 750251-Librarian Conf. 52 . 00 52 . 00 . 00 750252-Staff Conference 201 . 92 158. 00 (44 . 00) 750260-Training & Safety . 00 (40 . 00) (40 . 00) 750290-Other Charges 50 . 00 50 . 00 . 00 TOTAL : $16 , 911 . 40 13 ,475 . 00 3 ,658 . 00 j g/7/81 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 198.6 - 19 82 Account # This month' s Total Expenditures 750121 $ 564 .66 750122 $ 5 ,928 . 75 750124 $ 396 . 00 TOTAL : $ 6 , 889 . 41 JG 7/81 SPECIAL FUND Report as of July 13th , 1981 : Bank of America Balance : $2 , 171 . 49 Northern California S & L�, : $6 , 070 .62 Total : $89242 . 11 Check #439 issued to City of Burlingame for transfer of Special Fund: $8 ,241. 11 Deposit 7/13/81 : 384 .60 Balance with the City of Burlingame : $8 ,625 . 71 Check to XeroX Corp. : - 125 . 46 Total as of 7/21/81 : $8 , 500 . 25 *Northern California Savings and Loan to send a check in the amount of $1 . 00 to close account . STATISTICS FOR mune CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction _9259 Child, Non-Fiction 2 2 Adult, Fiction 9845 1.302 �-- Child, Fiction 3106 _:,6.93 TOTAL: �2 TOTAL:�,�_ Periodicals: 1436 4 52 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 260 -0- TOTAL: X96 TOTAL: 458 Moving Pictures: - -0- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1167 -0= Art Prints: 30 -0- Equipment Loaned: 13 -0- Slides: 0 -0- TOTAL: 17?8 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 26, 316 + 3178 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1980 Circulation 23, 269 1981 . Circulation 29.4 9_4 A 1S inc. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1980 gig Main,' 1981 S40— 2 , 3,4.E inc. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 1A3 Branch, 1981 __ — r� inc. REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2521 ILL Borrowed: 1=e GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 192 REF. ACTIVITY ILL Total : 353 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 5-31-81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO ' Adults: 0855 298 324 10829 DATE: 7579 `.. Children: 1747 56 42 1761 Increase ofd_ Hillsborough: 3956 179 402 3 — dec. of 338 Other Non-Res. Patrons 139 0 0 1 ,�a TOTAL: 1 6_rA7 S Z Z 472 r ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 5-31-81 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 1 '17, 017 301, 578 dE7 - 2'1 539 ' - 137,6-13 191,-4-94 Child, Non-Fic: 17 , 500 - 13, 971 44 - 1 42 - L 171502 - 13-, 9-71 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3309 - 3135 2 - 1 A - l— 1101 - 31.25 Adult, Fiction: 49- 52-5 - 41 , 87(1 Ing - 8'� 705' 521 48, 9S8 4411; Child, Fiction: 13,623 - 9737 169 - 16 10 - 3 13�, 7R2 - a?r(1 Y.A. , Fiction: 2806 - -2363 17 - 16 36 - -R- 2787 - X379 TOTAL: 224 , 56Fr 1.72 , 6 4 7,7 - 2A 1,160 2A 1 223, PAMPHLETS ADDED: 203 18, 722 MAPS ADDED: 33 1 350 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 100 MAPS DISCARDED: d 0 TOTAL: 18, S25 TOTAL: RECORDINGS: AS OF: 5-31-81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: ti_�n-R1 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5121 / 41;AA 1123 Cassettes: Sr,? / 4.3.7 sr / , •, TOTAL: - 5688 / 5031 153 / _L5 / 0 Sha 1 OSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1933 .78 BRANCH: 103.62 _ TOTAL: 2042 .40 e- MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ -0- TOTAL: 2042 .40 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 18 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 7�'L C� MOIITEE Slutl Outreach Activities / 1. Volunteer Coordinator l A. Hours worked 91 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No- of Materials _ visits Attendance circulated A. C. C. , F• 5. - Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons B. Visits made C. Items circulated Comments/ac tivi ties: r r I . L2 all Yearly Activities for Outreach July 1980 - July 1981 1 . ) Volunteers OUTREACH PLS A. Number of Volunteers 11 1 B . Hours Contributed 350 80 2 . ) Shut - In Patrons A. Number of Patrons 40 1 B. Number of Institutions 1 (conv. ) 4 C. Patrons in Institutions 3 1 D. Collections for Instituions 1 3 3.) Visits A. Number of visits made 484 21 B. Items Circulated 2440 235 4 . ) Totals Combined of Outreach and PLS A. Volunteers 12 B. Hours 430 C. Patrons 41 D. Institutions 5 E . Insti . Patrons 4 F. Collections 4 G. Visits Made 505 H. Items Circ. : -. =.2675 For the past twelve months you will note a decline in Outreach activity, this is due to three separate reasons . One being the Outreach coordinator cut back hours in order to work at the Easton Branch Library. Two , being the loss through death of one volunteer as well as eight Outreach patrons , and the third being the patrons themselves, who as they become older they tend to take longer reading and therefore do not require as many books . We are hoping that in the fall we will raise our service to patrons by adding more from the institutions . `Burlingame `Public Librarib 480 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 344-7107 Librarian EASTON DRIVE BRANCH PATRON COUNT Monday, June 1st 154 Tuesday, June 2nd 13.0 Wednesday, June 3rd 118 �. Thursday, June 4th 85 Saturday, June 6th 85 Monday, June 8th Tuesday, June 9th Wednesday, June 10th Thursday, June 11th 1 M i Saturday, June 13th 100 �-' Monday, June 15th 117 Tuesday, June 16th 101 Wednesday, June 17th 117 Thursday, June 18th 71 Saturday, June 20th Monday, June 22nd 14 Tuesday, June 23rd Wednesday, June 24th Thursday, June 25th Saturday, June 27th 70 Monday, June 29th 132p Tuesday, June 30th 182 I TOTAL: 2516 i i i i . w