HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.08.18 �-- BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA AUGUST 18th , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL : Trustees Present : { Trustees Absent : Trustee Parsons , excused for vacation Also Present : BILLS : City Checks : $10 , 223. 58 jr Special Fund: $2 , 269 . 30 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 21st, 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE : Letter from Bill Somerville , San Mateo Foundation Letter of appreciation from. Gerald Curo to Mayor �.. Mangini , regarding Ms . Barbara Rowe LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Study of Communication needs for B .P.L. Computerized Circulation NEW BUSINESS : Election of Officers for 1981-1982 ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on September 15th, 1981 , at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. PB/j g BURLINGANE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JULY 21st , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of July 21st , 1981 , was called to order by Chairman Nagle at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL : Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle , Trustee Fricke , Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent : Trustee Hechinger, excused Also Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary } BILLS : Checks in the amount of $16 ,911 . 40 , from the 1980-1981 fiscal year budget were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. Checks in the amount of $6 , 889 . 41 , from the 1981-1982 fiscal year budget were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $125. 46 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 16th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of June 16th, 1981 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Fricke read . a letter from Mr. Dan Tilles commending Mrs . Sue Reiterman on her outstanding assistance in the Reference Pepartment . She also read a letter from Mr. Ronald Kriletich, addressed to the Mayor of Burlingame, commending Mr. Warren Wickliffe on his capabilities in locating a rare photograph for him. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT : 1981-1982 Budget : Mrs . Bergsing handed out a report to the Board members from the Finance Director, which stated that on Monday, July 21st , 1981 , the City Council had adopted the proposed budget for the 1981-1982 fiscal year. Trustee ' s Special Fund Account : Judy Gladysz explained that the transfer of funds had been made to the City in order to utilize the benefits of the City ' s General Trust Fund. The Board members were pleased that this would make bookkeeping procedures easier every month , and increase the interest earned on the money. BURLINGANE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 7/21/81 Page #2 : Hillsborough Agreement : Librarian Bergsing stated that she had nothing to add regarding the Hillsborough Library Agreement . She will keep the Board informed as to whether or not Hillsborough will agree to a higher rate for 1981- 1982 . Implementation of the Three-Week Loan Period: Mrs . Bergsing explained that the 3-week loan period conversion had gone very smoothly and that all of the feedback she has received has been positive . The Board members were glad that the change had gone into effect . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation: Mrs . Bergsing reported that all the City Managers and City Librarians from the seven cities in the P .L .S. System, and the County Librarian and other representatives of the County, had met earlier in the day . She said that the County has not yet selected a vendor for their Automated Circulation System, but , they were in the process of evaluating the responses to their request for proposals . Librarian Bergsing said that ownership of the System was dis- cussed in great detail ; shared ownership vs cities buying into a County owned System, and that the seven cities need to make up their minds by mid-October as to whether or not they will be participating in the System at all. San Bruno, Menlo Park, South San Francisco and the County are all pretty firm in concluding that they will go with the County System. Daly City was interested in a lease-option plan with shared ownership , as was Redwood City. San Mateo Public Library agreed to look at the System, but indicated a strong inclination to implement their own system. Burlingame remains uncommitted. She said that the 4 vendors that they are considering are C.L .S. I . which is up and running in Palo Alto , San Francisco , and many other libraries throughout the area ; Universal at Mission College ; Data-Phase in Houston and Atlanta areas ; and GEAC in Ontario , Canada. She said some members of the evaluation team will make some site visits to these libraries to investigate each system first hand before making a final decision. Chairman Nagle asked what the general feeling was on a P.L.S. or shared ownership System. Mrs . Bergsing replied that , in general , the responses were positive to a shared System, but there was some opposition to a County run-owned System. She will keep the Board informed if there are any changes between now and the next meeting. Discussion followed. BURLTNGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 7/21/81 Page #3 : Report on A. L.A. Conference - Trustee Fricke : Trustee Fricke said she had attended the A. L .A. meetings that �- were primarily for Librarians rather than Trustees . She explained that she had filled-in for Mrs . Bergsing at some of the meetings and had taken notes . She reported that she had attended a meeting on Public Relations but she felt that the Burlingame Library Staff was already doing an outstanding job in the public relations field. She further stated that the speakers were i not impressive . ; She said she attended a very interesting meeting on the "Legal Responsibilities for the Trustee", and after hearing some of the experiences of other libraries , she commended the Board for making the wise choice to include the Special Fund Account in the City' s General Trust Fund. She reviewed some of the other topics of the meeting and discussion followed. Report on A.L .A. Conference - Trustee Weatherbe : Trustee Weatherbe attended the Conference and commented on the organization that was present throughout the Convention . She said they had done a "superb job" and the exhibits were great. Patti Bergsing thanked June and Alice for attending the meetings at the Conference for her while she was ill. NEW BUSINESS : Change of Hours at the Easton Drive Branch , Effective 'September 14th , 1981 : Trustee Weatherbe made a motion to change the Branch hours , beginning on September 14th, 1981 , to the following : 2 : OOpm to 6 : OOpm, Monday through Friday ; 2 : OOpm to S : OOpm on Saturday and closed on Sunday. The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. This means the Branch won' t be open any evenings , but it will be open on Friday afternoons . The action was recommended by the City Librarian in response to requests from Branch Library patrons . Demonstration of the R.L. I .N. Cataloging System: The meeting concluded with the Trustees going to the Technical Services Department to see a demonstration of the new R. L . I .N. CRT Cataloging Terminal . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting of July 21st , 1981 , was adjourned at S : 3Spm, with the next regularly shceduled meeting to be held in the California Room on �..- August 18th , 1981 at 4 :30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PNlB/j a LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT AUGUST 18th , 1981 Julia Farrell Fund: `-' You will note on the agenda under Correspondence , there is a letter from Bill Somerville of the San Mateo Foundation. This is the annual notification of the amount of money the Library has received from the Julia Farrell Memorial Fund. The Library has been receiving several hundred dollars per year for the last 10 years to purchase books . The money was left in trust by Mrs . Far. rell ' s Will , to the San Mateo Foundation, with the interest that accrues annually being given to the Library. I think it ' s a wonderful way to provide a living memorial for someone . I thought you might be interested, so I 'm enclosing a list of the books we purchased with this year' s check. New Communications System: The past month has been spent in the on-going research and exploration of the various phone and intercom systems that are avail- able to the Burlingame Public Library. I am still hoping to have a report for your Board Meeting, but I have come to realize that finding "the" system that will meet our needs, without costing a fortune , or �- providing us with a lot of options we don 't need, is not easy. If I don' t have a recommendation for your meeting, I ' ll at least try and bring you up to date on the various options we are considering . Automated Circulation : Nancy Lewis , Assistant County Librarian ; Nancy Crabbe , Assistant Redwood City Librarian; and Karen Foss , the new Assistant City Manager for San Mateo , all left on August 9th for Georgia, and then Canada to visit libraries using Data-Phase &_ G'., .,A:C.,circulation systems•. They are also planning on visiting Macon, Georgia., which is using the system that San Mateo City has been interested in implementing on it ' s I .B .M. City computer. Since they left in the middle of the air controllers strike , it remains to be seen if they will get to Canada at all . They are due back on Sunday, August 16th , so I ' ll try to have some report for your meeting on Tuesday. R. L. I .N. Cooperative Cataloging Agreement : The City Council should approve the Cooperative Cataloging Agreement between Burlingame , Daly City, and Menlo Park for the shared use of R.L. I .N. at their meeting on Monday , August 16th . Since it is quite similar to the first draft we dis.tributedto you a couple of months ago , I 'm not including the final version. 1 ' 11 have a copy at your meeting if you want to read it . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT 8/18/81 Election of Officers : Your By-Laws state that the election of officers shall be held at the Board meeting in July of each year. Sorry , I forgot to put it On the Agenda last month . The officers are Chairman and Secretary. Re-Appointment of Trustees : Barbara Parsons and Alice Fricke are eligible for re-appointment to the Library Board. Their terms expired on June 30th, and they should be hearing from the City Council , via the City Manager' s office , regarding serving another 3-year term. r Children 's Department : The Summer Reading Club is in full-swing. There are about 225 children participating. The party, for those who finish , will be held on August 26th , in the Library ' s Community Room. Marine World/Africa U.S .A. is providing the entertainment (several exotic, wild animals) , and there will be refreshments of ice cream and cookies . Mrs . Fricke has offered to help serve , and the entire party is paid for the the Burlingame Lions Club . �. Personnel : Warren Wickliffe is on sick leave following knee surgery in July. His estimated date of return will be on September 8th. Sharon Porter has submitted her resignation effective late in September. Mrs . Porter will be sorely missed as reference back-up and keeper of the college catalogs and pamphlet files . We wish her well in her new endeavors . Mrs . Portar's Library Assistant II position has been split and expanded to include two positions : 1 Library Assistant I , 10 hours per week , and 1 Librarian I , 10 hours per week . We are currently- in the recruitment process for these positions . PB/Jg JULIA M. FARRELL MEMORIAL, FUND AUTHOR TITLE PRICE Bailey, Adrian Cooks ' Ingredients 19 .95 Berger, Bruce Gordon Snidow Portrays The Cowboy Heritage 40 . 00 Bland, Alexander The Royal Ballet : The First Fifty Years 35 . 00 Brown, Peter H. The Real Oscar: The Story Behind The Acadamy Awards 15 . 95 Corbin , Patricia Designers Design for Themselves 24.95 Davis , John H. Venice 16 . 95 Faulkner, Douglas Living Corals 45. 00 Fauster, Carl U. Libby Glass Since 1818 30 . 00 Garrett , Elizabeth D. The Antiques Book of American Interiors Colonial and Federal Styles 17 . 95 George , J. David Marine Life : An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Invertebraes:;in the Sea 49 . 00 Hermann, Bernard M. New Orleans 19. 95 Kingman, Dong Dong Kingman' s Watercolors 24 . 50 ' Lane , Peter Studio Porcelain 30 . 00 Link , Howard A. Primitive Ukiyo-e From the James A. Michener Collection in the Honolulu Academy of Arts 55. 00 Meyer, Karl E. Teotihuacan: First City in the Americas 16 . 95 Reilly, John M. Twentieth Century Crime and Mystery Writers 50 . 00 Selz , Peter Art in .0ur Times : A Pictorial History 1890-1980 45 . 00 Sitwell, N.H.H. Roman Roads of Europe 35 . 00 Snow, Lois Wheeler Edgar Snow's China 19 . 95 Wilmerding, John American Masterpices From the National Gallery of Art 32 . 50 TOTAL: 623 .60 LESS DISCOUNT 372% : -233 . 85 TOTAL: $389 . 75 STATISTICS FOR Tiny 1981 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 934S 379 Child, Non-Fiction 1207 _245 Adult, Fiction 10190 1244 Child, Fiction 3292 _80 TOTAL: 24034 TOTAL:_ 670 Periodicals: 17 508 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 239 3 TOTAL: 1969 TOTAL: 511 Moving Pictures: -0 Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1295 70- Art Prints: 32 -0- Equipment Loaned: 2S -0- Slides: -0- -0- TOTAL: 1401 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 27^'404 + 31 $1 GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION: 1980 Circulation 31 , 780 1981 Circulation inkRs, 3_ 76 Dec. Average Daily Circulation, Main, 1980 995 Main, 1981 997 - 20 Inc. Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 170 Branch, 1981 1 51 11 . 1 R % Dec . REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2355 ILL Borrowed: 1 ��-- GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 1R7 REF. ACTIVITY-2f a ILL Total : 33S GISTRATIONS: AS OF 6/30/81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10 , 829 248 272 10 , 805 DATE: 7694 Children: 1 , 761 43 51 10 7S3 Increase of 11 5 Hillsborough: 4 ,023 122 73 4 .072 Other Non-Res. Patrons 139 S 0 144 TOTAL: 16 , 752 418 396 16 ,774 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137 ,613 - 101 . 494 400 - 294 1574 - 1731 7 Child, Non-Fic: 1_7 , 502 - 13 ,971 40 - 22 25 - 4 17�S17 13 - 989 Y.fi. , Non-Fic: 3 , 303 - 3 , 135 4 3 21 7 312$ 1 1 Adult, Fiction: 481,958 - 41, 432 188 - 121 477 - 261 .49 66141 292 Child, Fiction: 13, 782 - 9 , 7 0 105 - 13 27 - 2 .13 ,96(T 9 , 761 Y.A. , Fiction: 2 , 787 - -- 2.2379 6 - S 3S - 3 2 75R" 2 ,381 TOTAL: 223,94S - 172 ,161 743 - 4S8 2164 - 1508 2.22 -,S2," 171 , 111 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 241 MAPS ADDED: -n- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 20S MAPS DISCARDED: _n_ v, TOTAL: 18 , 861 TOTAL: 1 379 RECORDINGS: AS OF: ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 7/31/81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5243 / 4665 11 / 11 -0- L -0- 5.74 / 46 76._ Cassettes: 598 / S18 44 / 43 - 0- / -0- 642 / SC,I _ TOTAL: S841 / S183 5S / S4 -0- / - 0- 5896 / 52 ;7 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 21Rn 70 BRANCH: 232 . 2 7 TOTAL: 2 412 - 9 7 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 30200 TOTAL: -2714.97 _ TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 7 . PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 165 CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPOR`1' 12 MONTH Y-TMD Y-T-f) UNE.Xf ENDEU ACCT - - - DESCRIPTION _ APPROP._- ESTIMATE ---ACTUAL----- -- VARIANCE _BALANCE— ENC - L I S R A k Y �R`� �� 750010 LIBRARY 3pL�F2IE8 T _ 312, 73' P6, 061 2S,y5?_ 10`� 286, 782 750oll LI6RARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 1117,978 12. 332 121, 33? 1 135o647 —,_7501)1LIE3kARY�F'AKTTIM ----if3�, H9t1 _.._i . 5 _-1-5, +f1_ _ 7 172 750110 LTbRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 7#286 607 t1 607 7.256 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL ULPTL EXPE14SE 90 163 764 0 764 9, 163 75 LIBRARY bOUKS & MAPS 86t134f __ —�!23�- _ 569 -- _ _------ 6,660----- 8bL230-- --- - I50122 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 10, 406 867 5, 929 5r062 4,47-1750143 LIBRARY BINDING$ 7t680 640 0 640 7,680 750 Zu Ll8p R-;YCATALO-GIN —_ '_ c.4.U# 1_1,_ �?7- .96tr_�71 �75Ui25 LIBRARY RECORDS & CASSETTES 41464 37?, 4 372 11,1164 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP 225 i9 0 1f4 225 75 U�?S�_IIHR �?-X COMMUNICATIONS �ru99 7 Ct 375 - 4tt�gq-... _._ __._. 75017() LINRAP,Y UTILITIES 21r027 1#752 0 1# 752 21 . 027 754)190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROUNDS 6, ,97'7 573 0 573 60877 % iL 4.0 �IE3RARY_Et UTF'tt lVT MA _ T_ENANC- ; � _� 4�r �_._.__._ .__72_---. 4 __. T __--------- 666 7502q1 LIBRARY LQUIP MAINT•AUD.10 VIS 400 33 U 33 1404 750202 LTbRARY LfJUIP MAINT-sEC:SYSTEM 395 33 0 33 3ry5 ItRAEtY PROF SP CT�1L SERVICE 3QU _..., _... ._,. 4 _,...�, ,_ ._ _�...__ _ ... __ Ob_ __._ _.. 1,(40 ._.._.._. w._..T o240 LTjjRARY YU(JES & SUBSCRIPTIONS 534 44 0 44 530 75x250 06RARY j'RAVEL 4QO 33 Cl 33 400 7503251.._.L1ti GONF & MIGS-L.I13RARIAN 55046 46 0 .._. ..__� .. 46 --55 784254 lIU C(lNF & t�TGg•gTAFF 484 - 38 --- -. 38 4f C 75026U LIBRARY TRAINING R SAFETY 350 2.9 0 29 350 750; 90 L I b c4 A R Y U T F E R C FI A Ca E S__---------—�__._.... 7 h 6 6_ __. _ --- __ -- 75 i TOTAL LTBRARY 83403 f= 651 773, 7r17 tiO(\Z'Fi July 1981 t�^ Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 42 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 7 B. Hours contributed 46 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits . A. Number of patrons 21 B. Number of visits made 48 C. Items circulated 158 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance circulated A• Peninngiia Hoynital 1 1 B. _Blgme , R tirement Inn 1 9 ( C. D. E. F. 5. ' Totals (3 & 4) A. ShL t-in patrons 31 B. Visits made 50 C. Items circulated 168 Co r-iezits/ac tivi ties: nast had the return of one of our volunteers after a trip to China. Another volunteer is still visiting the British Isles . We have a new volunteer for Outreach her name is Jerry Creedon. She is taking overQthe delivery to patrons to the Bayview Convalescent Home. We ahve two new Outreach patrons who live in their own home , however due to deteriorating health they can no longer come to the library . At the present time our of est pa ron is -- BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JULY 21st , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of July 21st , 1981 , was called to order by Chairman Nagle at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Chairman Nagle , Trustee Fricke , Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent : Trustee Hechinger, excused Also Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $16,911 . 40 , from the 1980-1981 fiscal year budget were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Fricke and carried. Checks in the amount of $6 , 889 . 41 , from the 1981-1982 fiscal year budget were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $125 . 46 were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 16th , 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of June 16th, 1981 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Fricke read . a letter from Mr. Dan Ti lj^; co71_ ending Mrs . Sue Reiterman on her outstanding assistance in the Reference Pe-partment . She also read a letter from Mr. Ronald Kriletich, addressed to the Mayor of Burlingame, commending Mr. Warren Wickliffe on his capabilities in locating a rare photograph for him. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : 1981- 1982 Budget : Mrs . Bergsing handed out a report to the Board members from the Finance Director, which stated that on Monday, July 21st , 1981 , the City Council had adopted the proposed budget for the 1981- 1982 fiscal year. Trustee ' s Special Fund Account : Judy Gladysz explained that the transfer of funds had been made to the City in order to utilize the benefits of .� the City ' s General Trust Fund. The Board members were pleased that this would make bookkeeping procedures easier every_month , and increase the interest earned on the money . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 7/21/81 Page #2 : Hillsborough Agreement : Librarian Bergsing stated that she had nothing to add regarding the Hillsborough Library Agreement . She will keep the Board informed as to whether or not Hillsborough will agree to a higher rate .for 1981- 1982 . Implementation of the Three-Week Loan Period: Mrs . Bergsing explained that the 3-week loan period conversion had gone very smoothly and that all of the feedback she has received has been positive . The Board members were glad that the change had gone into effect . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation: Mrs . Bergsing reported that all the City Managers and City Librarians from the seven cities in the P .L .S . System, and the County Librarian and other representatives of the County , had met earlier in the day . She said that the County has not yet selected a vendor for their Automated Circulation System, but , they were in the process of evaluating the responses to their request for proposals . Librarian Bergsing said that ownership of the System was dis- cussed in great detail ; shared ownership vs cities buying into a County �. owned System, and that the seven cities need to make up their minds by mid-October as to whether or not they will be participating in the System at all . San Bruno, Menlo Park, South San Francisco and the County are all pretty firm in concluding that they will go with the County System. Daly City was interested in a lease-option plan with shared ownership , as was Redwood City. San Mateo Public Library agreed to look at the System, but indicated a strong inclination to implement their own system. Burlingame remains uncommitted. She said that the 4 vendors that they are considering are C .L .S .I . which is up and running in Palo Alto, San Francisco , and many other libraries throughout the area; Universal at Mission College ; Data-Phase in Houston and Atlanta areas ; and GEAC in Ontario , Canada. She said some members of the evaluation team will make some site visits to these libraries to investigate each system first hand before making a final decision. Chairman Nagle asked what the general feeling was on a P .L .S . or shared ownership System. Mrs . Bergsing replied that , in general , the responses were positive to a shared System, but there was some opposition to a County run-owned System. She will keep the Board informed if there are any changes between now and the next meeting . Discussion followed. BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 7/21/81 Page #, 3 : Report on A. L.A. Conference - Trustee Fricke : Trustee Fricke said she had attended the A.L .A. meetings that were primarily for Librarians rather than Trustees . She explained that she �- had filled-in for Mrs . Bergsing at some of the meetings and had taken notes . She reported that she had attended a meeting on Public Relations but she felt that the Burlingame Library Staff was already doing an outstanding job in the public relations field. She further stated that the speakers were not impressive . I She said she attended a very interesting meeting on the "Legal Responsibilities for the Trustee" , and after hearing some of the experiences of other libraries , she commended the Board for making the wise choice to include the Special Fund Account in the City' s General Trust Fund. She reviewed some of the other topics of the meeting and discussion followed. Report on A.L .A. Conference - Trustee Weatherbe : Trustee Weatherbe attended the Conference and commented on the organization that was present throughout the Convention . She said they had done a "superb job" and the exhibits were great. Patti Bergsing thanked June and Alice for attending the meetings . at the Conference for her while she was ill . NEW BUSINESS : Change of Hours at the Easton Drive Branch , Effective' September 14th , 1981 : Trustee Weatherbe made a motion to change the Branch hours , beginning on September 14th , 1981 , to the following : 2 : 00pm to 6 : 00pm, Monday through Friday ; 2 : 00pm to 5 : 00pm on Saturday and closed on Sunday . The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. This means the Branch won' t be open any evenings , but it will be open on Friday afternoons . The action was recommended by the City Librarian in response to requests from Branch Library patrons . Demonstration of the R.L . I .N. Cataloging System: The meeting concluded with the Trustees going to the Technical Services Department to see a demonstration of the new R.L . I .N. CRT Cataloging Terminal . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting of July 21st , 1981 , was adjourned at 5 : 35nm, with the next regularly shceduled meeting to be held in the California Room on August 18th , 1981 at 4 : 30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j ag