HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.10.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA s' OCTOBER 20th , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Tru,stees Absent : A.. :. Present : BILLS : City Checks : $11 , 946 . 41 Special, Fund : 51 , 148 . 29 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15th , 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Don Marion LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation NEW BUSINESS : Friends of the Library BookSale Questionaire : C .A. L.T .A.C. Tool Kit C. L.A. Conference ADJOURNMENT : The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on November 17th , 19811 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. PB/j g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15th , 198.1 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of September 15th , 1981 , was called to order by Chairman Fricke at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL : Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke , Trustee Nagle , Trustee Hechinger, Trustee Weatherbe and Trustee Parsons Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Miss Marsha Weatherbe , Daughter of Trustee Wel therbe tilrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City- Libx;:rian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : City checks in the amount of $34 , 853 . 84 , were approved on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $696 . 05 , were approved on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 18th , 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of August 18th, 1981 , were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Weatherbe read a letter from Judith Kojetin commending Alfred Escoffier, Head of the Reference Department , for the assistance he gave her in researching a periodical article . Secretary Weatherbe also read a letter from Librarian Bergsing to Mr. J. William Lawder and Mrs . Anne Fletcher regarding the Marie Crandall Lawder Memorial Fund. The Board members regarded the Memorial Fund as an extremely thoughtful "living memorial" for Mrs . Lawder. Chairman Fricke asked if any of the books had been purchased for the Easton Drive Branch with the donations from the fund. Mrs . Bergsing replied that donations were still coming in , and, no materials had yet been selected. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT : Computerized Circulation : Librarian Bergsing distributed some brochures on the G .E .A .C . computerized circulation system to the Board members . She said that BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES - PAGE 2 9/1S/81 the City Librarians and the City Managers , from the Cities in the Peninsula Library System are going to meet for an update on cost figures and a report from the evaluation team on why G .E .A. C. was �- chosen. The meeting is scheduled for September 24th, 1981 , at the Burlingame Public Library. There will be a demonstration of the G.E .A. C. System at that time . Mrs . Bergsing said that San Mateo City was still undecided about which system they preferred. The are considering several options . She said that the County however, is hoping for an answer, from the Cities , by the end of October, or early November. She said she would go into further detail , with more facts and figures , at the October Board meeting, and hopefully , a Board recommendation could go to the City Council in time for their first Council meeting in November. Trustee Parsons asked whether the City of Burlingame would still be considering purchasing their, own system rather than a shared one with the County . Mrs . Bergsing said she did not know what the Council was considering at this time , but to "go it alone" would cost somewhere around $100 , 000 . 00 more, in start-up costs, than if we participated in a shared system. �.. A special meeting was discussed and Mrs . Bergsing said she would be in touch with each of them after she had cost figures from G. E.A. C . , and from the County. Communications Study : Mrs . Bergsing said she was still trying to put together some specifications for a new telephone system. She is meeting with Mr. Cooks from San Mateo County, and a representative of the Telephone Company, on Wednesday, September 23rd, to try and finalize the phone arrangements . Programming : Trustee Nagle asked about how the Book Chat had progressed at the Main Library. Mrs . Molder responded by saying that they had picked up three new members . Those that were attending said they did not object to meeting at the Main Library though they preferred the Easton Branch . Most of the participants seem to have cars and were able to come to the Main Library. R. L . I .N . . Mrs . Bergsing explained that a check drawn in the amount of $23 , 000 . 00 , made payable to Stanford University, was not entirely for Burlingame ' s cataloging fees for 1981- 1982 . She said that $8 ,000 . 00 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES - PAGE 3 9/1S/81 of it would be reimbursed to Burlingame from Menlo Park , and that $5 ,000 . 00 would be reimbursed from Daly City. $10 , 000 . 00 was Burlingame ' s share of the deposit for cataloging-on-line fees for this fiscal year. Trustee Nagle said that he had spoken with two Branch patrons that preferred the evening hours at the Branch rather than being open 6 days per week . Mrs . Bergsing said she 'd heard that also. There was brief discussion about considering changing back to the evening hours when daylight savings time is in effect again next Summer. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : None NEW BUSINESS : Mrs . Bergsing reported that one of the condensers on the chiller needs to be replaced as reported by Commercial Air Conditioning Company . She said she had received a quote of $4 , 880 . 00 to do the repairs , however , she is going to check with another company to be sure the replacement is really necessary, and report back at the next Board meeting. Librarian Bergsing also reported that the City 's Engineering Department had been in contact with her, and they have located a company to install the sump pump by the Community Room. Hopefully this will be done by the time the rains start , and there will be no leakage in the Community Room this Winter. However, we are still not sure that this will take care of the problem. Y ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at S : 03pm, with the next regularly scheduled meeting set for October 20th, 1981 , at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag LIBRARIAN' S REPORT BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY OCTOBER 20th , 1981 Computerized Circulation A rather lengthy report and recommendation are included in the materials for your Board meeting. Briefly , I am recommending that, Burlingame join a P . L .S . cooperative , shared circulation system, provided that policy and management issues are decided in a truly fair and equitable manner by all participating libraries . Communication Study Progress has been very slow, primarily because I 'm having trouble getting cost figures from the Phone Company . Maybe , I ' ll have something in time for your meeting , but no promises . Building Maintenance The sump pump is finally in outside the Community Room. It has been tested and it seems to be running smoothly . Now, we just have to hope that it will solve our leak problem in the Community Room. As reported at your last meeting, it was recommended that we replace one of the condensers on the chiller because of a leak . We had the chiller checked by another company and they could not find any leak, and did not notice any loss of gas . They suggested that we wait and see how rapidly the unit loses its charge . If it goes down slowly, it indicates a very small leak, and it might be cheaper and easier just to add gas as needed. Also , a small leak is usually repairable, if it can be located. In any case ,' I think it . makes sense to wait until warm weather returns next Spring , and assess what should be done at that time . Friends of the Library BookSale The Friends of the Library BookSale is scheduled for October 16th , 17th , and 18th . We have loads of books again, and all of the Friends have been putting in many long hours sorting and pricing. I 'm sure Alice Fricke will have a report for you at your meeting. C. L .A. Conference The California Library Association Conference is scheduled to be held at the Hilton Hotel in San Francisco on December 12th through the 16th . Did you all receive your Preliminary Programs? You need to discuss who will be attending, do you want to get a hotel room, etc. ? LIBRARIAN' S REPORT 10/20/81 PAGE #2 Tool Kit Questionaire �— Did you all receive copies of the questionaire on the C .A. L.T.A.C . Tool Kit? If not , we have extra copies . How do you wish to proceed? Do you all wish to fill one out and return it , or just the Chairman? Do you need to schedule a review session as suggested in the cover letter? Meetings in Los Angeles On October 1st and 2nd, I attended two meetings in Los Angeles . One as a representative of P . L .S . at the Council of Public Library Systems , and the other as a member of the Council of C . L .A. The major topics of discussion were contained in a length: verbal report from Gary Strong, the new State Librarian. These included: the status of various bills relating to public library funding and censorship ; the status of the Master Plan for California Libraries (to be released in time for C .L .A. in December);, the State Library Budget ; the possible future location of Sutro Library ; L .S .C .A. C. L .S .A. programs ; and the possible "short- fall" in funding for �.., transaction based reimbursements . This last item could mean that Burlingame would not get $30 , 000 . 00 + this year for loans to non- resident borrowers . If you want further information on any of these topics , please let me know. Children' s Department In order to introduce the Library to other groups in the Community who work with Children, Joan Leach contacted the Recreation Department and made arrangements, for those teachers involved in the pre-school programs , to visit the Library. The purpose was to intro- duce the teachers to materials and services of- the Library. With school starting, a number of teachers have called to make arrangements to bring their Children to the Library . These visits enable the Children to apply for a Library card and to know where the Library is located. The second and third grades from Washington and the first grades from McKinley came this month . Little Lambs Nursery School made their monthly visit to the Library. The Fall session of the Pre-School Story- Hour began on Tuesday, September 15th, and will continue through December 15th . It is held on Tuesday mornings from 10 : 00am until 10 : 30am at the Easton Branch . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 10/20/81 PAGE #3 Recently Mrs . Humble of the Baptist Women' s Circle assembled and sewed a set of Punch and Judy puppets for us . On Thursday , Sept . 24th , Joy Molder, Joan Leach, and Barbara Lazarus performed a Punch & Judy puppet show for the Circle . It gave us an opportunity to say "thank you', and for the Circle to see Mrs . Humble 's fantastic work. System News The P . L. S . Advisory Board hosted a dinner at the Villa Chartier for Library Directors and Assistant Librarians on Thursday , September 17th . The P . L. S. Advisory Board Chairman, Louise Brown, outlined their objectives for the year. Alice Fricke , Burlingame Library' s Advisory Board representative is Chairman of the Public Relations Committee for P . L . S. Joy N101der attended a P . L. S . Staff Development Committee meeting of September 23rd, to plan the 1981- 1982 activities . Two program objectives were decided„ as well as repeating the popular P . L . S . Orientation Workshop which was developed two years ago. The first program, to be presented before March 1 , 1982 , is to have Roger Greer, Dean of the USC School of Library Science, to speak on community analysis and selling the library. Roger Greer is a prova- cative speaker and well worth the effort to hear. The other program planned for the Spring is a workshop on computerized circulation. It is the objective of the P. L.S . Staff Development Committee that this program be for the purpose of awareness , and not as a training session on the Circulation System that may be eventually installed in the libraries of San Mateo County. Many staff members have not had much introduction to computers in the circulation process , and this would give them the opportunity . Collections The California Pamphlet Files are being weeded and updated by Mrs . Conserva. We will be filling in with material from Chambers of Commerce throughout the State . In addition, several hundred items are being added to the Local History File . The Library has initiated an order for the new Opera Com- panion. This new periodical is written especially for the San Francisco Opera goer, with a complete description of each opera as well as interesting anecdotes about the composers and the soloists . The periodical , located in the Reference Department , has already LIBRARIAN' S REPORT 10/20/81 PAGE #4 proven to be popular. Burlingame , again, has picked up new copies of the Opera selections for the Fall and has them available for 1 week loans . Most, of the multi-record sets include a full libretto . San Fran- cisco Symphony selections for the season, have also been set aside in a special area, so that patrons may listen to the selections before attending. Programs Book Chat : the first meeting of the Winter/Spring session was held on September 22nd. Joan Leach was the guest reviewer. Books discussed included : Uhnak ' s False Witness ; Whitney' s Ponciana; Fraser' s Mr. American ; and McClary 's Maggie-Royal . PB/) g 4 STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 1981 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 9033 T 465 Child, Non-Fiction 943 281 Adult, Fiction 8249 985 Child, Fiction 2570 _ 560 TOTAL: 20,795 TOTAL: 2,291 - Periodicals: 1.,369 389 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 270 7 TOTAL: 1.,639 TOTAL:_3g6 Moving Pictures: -d- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 ,240 -0- Art Prints: 44 -0- Equipment Loaned: 3 -0- Slides: 0 -0- TOTAL: 1 .363 TOTAL: -0- TOTAL CIRCULATION: 23,797 + 2,687 77-7- GRAND TOTAL CIRCULATION. ' 1980 Circulation 26,278 1981 Circulation 26 4$ ..: _73 % Incre Average Da i 1 y C i rcuI at ion, Ma i n, 1980 - 872 __ Main" 1981 '_$50 233 Average Daily Circulation, Branch, 1980 137 . Branch, 1981 _ ]] 14.60 °�Iecrea REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 2,505 ILL Borrowed : 129 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 184 REF. ACTIVITY 2,$1 ILL Total : 313 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 8/31/81 _ ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 109795 264 34o 10,719 DATE: 7,943 Children: 1 ,740 58 79 1 ,719 increase of - 7 Hillsborough: 4,111 90 66 4,135 Other Non-Res. Patrons 148 7 0 155 TOTAL: 16,794 419 485 16,728 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 973-17BT VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 135,559 - 99,904 410 - 324 66 - 41 13_5_,903 100.187 Child, Non-Fic: 17,535 - 13,997 27 - 21 0 - 0 17,562 - 14,ol8 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,273 - 3, 1.18 3 - 2 0 `4_ 3,276 - 3.;120 Adult, Fiction: 45,582 - 41 ,233 143 - 86 134 - 100 45,591 41 ,219 Child, Fiction: 13,915 - 9,797 53 - 41 2 - 0 13,966 9,838 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,744 - 2,3 8 - 5' 4 - 0 _ 2,748 - 2.39 TOTAL: 2:18,6o8 -170,437 644. - 479 206 - 141 219,046 - 170,775 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 35 MAPS ADDED: a PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 0 MAPS DISCARDED: 0 TOTAL: 19,15 TOTAL: 11379-- RECORDINGS: 1379- -RECORDINGS: AS OF: 8/31/81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 9/30/81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5,342 / 4,763 16 / 15 0 / 0 5,358 /4,778 Cassettes: 690 / 609 4 / 4 0 / 0 694 / 613 TOTAL: 6,032 / 5,372 20 / 19 0 / 0 6,052 / 5,391 DEPOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 , 159.23 �.. BRANCH: 133.50 TOTAL: 1 ,292.73` MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 127.00 TOTAL: 1 ,419.73 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 20 ; PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 3614 Outreach Activities :a 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 32 C 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 6 B. Hours contributed 45 3e Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visit's . A. Number of patrons 22 B. Number of visits crude 35 C. Items circulated 128 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits NQ. Qx Naterials visits / Attendauce / circulates? A. 11illhaven 3 69 Films B. Burl i nate FSIacienda 3 44 Films C. Peninsula Hospital 1 221FI'tm— D. Bavview Convalescent Home 1 14 Film 5� i m Eo Retiremnet Inn of Brlg. 2 1 Bookstop r F� Marion Convent 1 BooksEbp 50 ' Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons _jZ9_ B. Visits made 46 C. Items circulated 133 Corrsaents/activi ties: In Sentemher Tn^n Tear h Rarhara T a�„r G� Ta pgnl rlar an.l mVG att �ed t T' -Cub Earlier i n the year one the ummpn had vol untaererl hor U G w anri mtt tohether d puppets for our childrens department. In thenk you for this gesture our childrens librarian and her crew gave a erformance using these puppets for the members of the women's group. I gave a brief description of Outreach and asked for any interested helpers or persons who may need our services. All in all we had a nice lunch and r � a ha ppy afternoon. Pam � y • tit-:�.•en j CITY OF BURLINGAME - _ 3 ji I I E I li I it i Q { I / 4D+! OS!I / 44 i► !I f 1 115{ II I II �i li ii 6 ILI II I I f i ii 10 2 (!12 3X113 I I t 1 ►(16 1117 i I 118 3 i 1119 l 11 ,I li- - Iia 1121 ;- I; 24 1'17 I'28 33 1134 'i ! 1 R Fa O R T ' 1.? MONTH Y=Tmh YewT-B) CUR 1'u UNEXPENDFI) ACCT DESCRIPTION - - - --- - =APPROP. ESTIMATE: ACTUAL A�A:LVAI-ANCE.---BALANCE:.--E. a LIBRARY .— _ _-____._.___._____._..._._ 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 312, 734 78. 183 77#92? 26,01p 261 ?.34,Al2 "I 750011 LTBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS l0, g78 36,996 36x995 12, :432 2 110,984 11 7c0Q _LIE3RANY -VAp•TTiMF _ t 4.619.7.4-__ 42&6.64__._-1,5_&544-.-- �?_90'. ..__ 1.�10r2.30 17 750110 L 111PARY O<':F tCE EXPENSE 70286 1 ,821 . 1 #040 967 7(31 6, 2116 (' 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 9. 163 2,292 10685 1 . 097 607 7, 47,11 SI 5MA.R _ _..__.. _.._ _- S.C�.t.041-..___. .....?,.l.r -_ b_`�9.. _._1.21_ 3.4 __ .__._.�_i L14- ...... i _8 t 8ti` . . 3,,X 67 ;Ar---750122 LIBRARY PERT0r)ICAt..8 10, 006 2,601 6, 174 15G 3,573• 4,232 750123 LIRRARY BINDINGS 7,680 11g20 0 0 1 ,420 7, 680 ,P --159 /-LLRnRY CATAQUNr �_- -- Q+ 00-1a—_ 5, 40 0 c 0. 0 0-_. _ "� 9, 7501P5 f?FtAAY RECpRCtS :� CAS3ETTB'S a X164 1---- -.=-1_ t_t .6 —_1._ 2.. _...5#4�5 _.__ ._.. . _ 5' 4 . .. 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IR 2 0 ?00 62,. 350 '----7502', LIQ CQN 8, F�?r3�3'fAFF _. ._ 1150 i t �J 3u Q 80 1116 7! 750260 LTURARY TRAINING R SAF'E'TY 350 87 0 0 67 350 7502`�O LIB PARY aTHFR CHARGES 75 18 1t 0 is 75 ,I TOTAL LIBRARY 8.34,650 208#662 201 #846 76, 043 6,814 6320802 ------ -.--.._.-..—_.____...._.._.._. ��_....-_..._.—__.___._.__.__.._.._.._—_.-..�........__..-._.._...-.. _....._._ .. , All A7 I