HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1981.10.20 BURI.T GAVE, PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES A1INUTES OCTOBER 20th , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of October 20th, 1981 was called to order by Chairman Fricke at + : 30p�lt. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke , Secretary Weatherbe, Trustees Hechinger, Parsons & Nagle Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz ;Library Secretary BILLS : City checks in the amount of $11,946 . 41 , were approved on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 ,148. 29 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee leatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 15th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of September 15th, 1981 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Weatherbe read a letter from Mr. Don Marion, a past patron, who wanted to make restitution for a book he had stolen from the Library, seven years ago. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Meetings in Los Angeles : Trustee Nagle asked about the possible "short- fall" in funding for transaction based reimbursements for Burlingame Library. Librarian Bergsing replied that Librarians throughout the State had been asked to give suggestions about how to deal with the possible short-fall. At the moment , however, the State Librarian was working closely with members of the Legislature to try and get the C.L .S .A. funds augmented. Mrs . Bergsing antici- pates that Burlingame would still receive a substantial portion of the reimbursement funds , so the shortage might not have too great an impact . Chairman Fricke offered to compose a letter to be sent from the Board of Trustees to the appropriate State Legislators as soon as the outcome of the November election is known. BURLINGA`IE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 10/20/81 PAGE n2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Automated Circulation : Chairman Fricke introduced the "Recommendation to Participate in Shared A;:tc:nate" Circulation System 1 ith Other P . L .S . Libraries" to the Trustees . Trustee Hechinger opened the discussion by asking what "cost effectiveness" an automated circulation system would have for Burlingame . Mrs . Bergsing replied that the study that the Board had received a year ago had endeavored to show both the need for auto- mated circulation and the "cost effectiveness" of such a system. Briefly, the increase in circulation activity, the increase in personnel costs , and the fact that the Library' s current equipment is wearing out and is no longer manufactured, have all contributed to the need to change to an automated system. Chairman Fricke stated that libraries and companies do not necessarily "lay-off" staff when they automate , but . they do use existing -staff to better advantage . It usually means that additional staff does not have to be hired, and that the level of service to the public can be maintained or improved. Trustee Weatherbe stated that the visit to the Palo Alto Public Library to see their automated system in action , had been very informative . It had helped her to understand, more clearly, how the system operates , and what it could accomplish . She felt the Palo Alto staff was very pleased and appreciative of the system. She thought it was unfortunate that Trustee Hechinger had been unable to accompany them for the demonstration_. Trustee Nagle stated that he felt comfortable with the decision to go with the Geac System. It was his understanding that it was relatively easy to upgrade the system if it became necessary. Mrs . Bergsing agreed. Mr. Nagle further stated that we are in the day and age of automation and that it was inevitable and necessary for the library to automate . He felt the major question was the management of the shared system. He referred to the City Librarians letter to the County Librarian outlining Burlingame 's concerns about management . He stated that if these problems could be satisfactorily resolved, then he felt that the Board should recommend the shared automated circulation system to the City Council . Trustee Hechinger asked ti�hat sort of committment the P .L .S . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 10/20/81 PAGE #3 libraries have made to the County so far. Mrs . Bergsing said none of the libraries have made any committment to date , however, if they don' t start soon, the County will not have a System. The price that was quoted to the County, by Geac , is good until January 1, 1032 . Trustee Nagle asked how long before the System would be up and running. Mrs . Bergsing replied "approximately 3 years with all the conversion effort that must take place" . Trustee Nagle asked if the current system the Library is using would hold together that long. Mrs . Bergsing said she would go back to "hand stamping" everything if need be. Chairman Fricke commented that since our current circulation system is obsolete and there are no parts available for repair, then the best buy would be automated circulation. She further said that for Burlingame to "go it alone" would be far too exnensiti-e and �o "share" a system would give us more for less money. Further discussion and ' quest_ions followed Trustee Nagle made a motion that a committee be appointed by the Chairman of the Board, consisting of the Chairman , Alice Fricke; the Secretary, June Weatherbe ; and one other member of the Board. The charge would be to review the agreement that is to be drawn up by the P.L.S. committee dealing with the management issues , and to draft up a recommendation for the full Library Board to forward to the City Council . The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. Since Mr. Hechinger had expressed the most reservations about automation, Chairman Fricke asked him to serve as the third member of the committee. Everyone concurred. Trustee Nagle suggested that Dennis Argyres , the City Finance Director, might be present to give additional valuable input to the committee . Chairman Fricke agreed to extend an invitation to Mr. Argyres when the date of the meeting :;as arranged. It wasagreed that depending on the timetable of both to P.L. S. committee, and the Burlingame Library Board committee, it ^igh be necessary to have a special Board meeting in early November to rex` the recommendation. NEW BUSINESS Friends of the: Library Booksale : Alice Fricke reported that the Bcoks:=_le took in $3 ,516. 10 . This money has been earmarked partially, to help with the reorganization plans for the Library. BURLINUANIh FUISLIk, L1I5Kf1KI BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 10/20/81 PAGE -44 uestionaire : C.A. L.T.A. C. Tool Kit : Trustee Nagle made a motion, seconded by Trustee Parsons , that Chairman Fricke fill out the questionaire on behalf of all the Board members , rather than each one filling out his or her own. It was passed unanimously. C. L.N. Conference : Firs . Bergsing asked who would be able to attend the California Library Association Conference , in San Francisca, on December 12th through the 16th? Chairman Fricke and Secretary Weatherbe said they would definitely be attending . Trustee Nagle made a motion that two registrations and one hotel room be paid out of the Trustees Special Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Parsons , and passed. Firs . Bergsing announced that the City would be supplying the Board members with new Corwaissioners' badges . Trustee Hechinger stated that he already had one , but everyone else needs one . Mrs . Bergsing said that the wood shelving is to be installed this week, in the Reference Room, so the re-organization has started. ADJOURNMENT: �-- The meeting was adnourned at 6 :OOpm, with the next meeting scheduled for November 17th, 1981, at 4 : 30pm, in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, r Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag