HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1981.12.15 , BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA DECEMBER 15th , 1981 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS: City Checks : $13 , 798 . 89 Special Fund: $ 717 . 41 �- MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 17th 1981 : CORRESPONDENCE : LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Automated Circulation Re-Scheduling Reorganization of the Library NEW BUSINESS : Report on C .L .A. Conference ADJOURNMENT: The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on January 119th , 1982 , in the California PB/j g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES NOVEMBER 17th , 1981 �- CALL TO ORDER: The Board meeting of November 17th, 1981 , was called to order by Chairman Fricke at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke , Secretary Weatherbe , Trustees Nagle , Parsons and Hechinger Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder , Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $11 , 476 . 67 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 , 243. 09 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 20th, 1981 : Minutes of the meeting of October 20th, 1981, were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : None LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Discussed in conjunction with Unfinished and New Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Communications to Council on Automated Circulation: Chairman Fricke reported that the small committee that had been appointed at the last Board meeting , had met , with the City Finance Director, Dennis Argyres , on November 10th, and agreed to recommend to City Council to go with a Shared Automated Circulation System. Chairman Fricke had composed a letter regarding the recommendation. Mrs . Bergsing gave each of the Board members the most recent draft of the Joint Powers Agreement and some cost breakdowns for the Shared System. Mrs . Bergsing advised them that the Council would be meeting again on December 7th, and that the Shared Automated Circulation System would be an "action item" on their Agenda if the Board members chose to present it to Council at this time . Chairman Fricke explained some of the important sections of the Joint Powers Agreement that would be of the most concern and interest to the Board members . Trustee Parsons felt comfortable w1ti1 the Agreement . Trustee Hechinger said the meeting of the Committee was BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES 11/17/81 PAGE #2 extremely beneficial to him. He questioned how many of the Cities were going to participate in the Shared System? Librarian Bergsing was not exactly sure because all of the Cities were in the process of going to their respective Councils . More discussion followed. Trustee Parsons made a motion to send the packet containing Chairman Fricke ' s letter and the draft of the Joint Powers Agreement to City Council for their approval on the concept of the Shared Automated Circulation System. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nagle . The motion was carried unanimously. Trustee Nagle expressed some concerns over the JPA and requested that the City Attorney read same . Reorganization of the Library: Librarian Bergsing explained that the tall wood shelving that the Board had previously approved, had been installed in the Reference Department . She added that she was pleased that the Board members had chosen to go with the wood shelving rather that the metal . She explained the state of the reorganization plans, and stated that in order to move the rest of the larger pieces of furniture and the books , they would like to close the Library on the 19th and 20th of December. Trustee �. Hechinger made a motion to close the Main Library on December 19th and 20th and change the Branch hours to 10- 5 on Saturday, December 19th and 1-5 on Sunday, December 20th to cover the Main closure . The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and unanimously carried. NEW BUSINESS : Renewal of A. L.A. Memberships : Chairman Fricke asked if anyone cared to renew his or her membership in the American Library Association. Trustee Nagle said he had access to the newsletter through other sources , and Secretary Weatherbe said she could not devote the time to it this year. Chairman Fricke said she wanted to renew her membership and Trustee Hechinger made a motion to pay for the membership out the Special Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried unanimously. Change of Time of December Board Meeting to S :OOpm: Mrs . Bergsing explained that on December 15th , 1981, the date of the next scheduled Board meeting, she will be attending the California Library Association Conference and asked if the time of the Board meeting could be changed to S : 00pm instead of 4 : 30pm. Trustee Weatherbe made a motion to change the time , the motion was seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 11/17/81 PAGE #3 : Miscellaneous : Librarian Bergsing reported that she thought she had resolved the phone problems . She said she had met with the City Finance Director and discussed the financial end of it and was considering going to City Council with her recommendation that the Library go with Pacific Telephone ' s "Horizon" Telephone System. She further stated that she was meeting later in the week with representatives from the Phone Company to make sure that if City Hall decides to go with a new telephone system that they would compliment each other. Chairman Fricke had brought a P .L.S. Resource Notebook that she shared with the Board members . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of November 17th, 1981 , was adjourned at 5 : 30pm with the next Board meeting set for December 16th , 1981 at 5 :OOpm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j LIBRARIAN'S REPORT BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY DECEMBER 15th , 1981 �- Automated Circulation At their meeting of December 7th, 1981 , the City Council unanimously approved Burlingame Library' s participation in the Shared Automated Circulation System. As of this writing, the following Cities have received approval from their respective Councils/Board of Superx:is.ors , to join,. the System:Daly City, Menlo Park, San Bruno, San Mateo County and Burlingame . The schedule for the remaining Cities to go to their Councils is as follows : Redwood City on December 14th, South San Francisco and San Mateo on December 16th. At the moment it looks very encouraging that all the libraries in San Mateo County will participate . All the Cities and the County are meeting with represen- tatives of Geac, the vendor, on Thursday, December 10th to establish a schedule for negotiations and for questions and answers . On Monday, December 14th, some of us will be meeting with Pat Barkalow who is in charge of conversion for the Pasadena Public �.. Library. Pasadena and Glendale Public Libraries have formed a partnership to enter into a Shared Circulation System - also with Geac. They are about a year ahead of us , so we think we can learn a great deal from their experience to date . I 'll update you on both these meetings on Tuesday. I believe that the Council 's favorable action on this progressive step forward for the Library, was largely due to the Library Board's support and involvement . On behalf of the Library staff, and the Library users , Thank You. Now the work begins ! Reorganization of the Library As you already know, we postponed the Library reorganization from the originally scheduled* December 19th and 20th dates . This was done for a wide variety of reasons ranging from telephones , electrical and cabinet work, to staff availability during the Holidays , etc. We have tentatively re-scheduled the move for the weekend of February 12th - 15th, dependant upon your approval . By a strange coincidence, the Library is slated to be closed for two holidays on Friday, February 12th, Lincoln ' s Birthday , and on Monday , February 15th, Washington' s Birthday. If we close on Saturday and Sunday, the 13th and 14th , we ' ll have four days to install the new LIBRARIAN' S REPORT PAGE 2 12/15/81 shelving, move the materials and straighten up and be ready for business on Tuesday the 16th. We would like to extend the Branch hours on those two days , as we had planned to do in December. Programs Saturday morning, December 5th, was the Burlingame Public Library' s Second Annual Christmas Program. More than 140 children and adults gathered in the Children' s Room to see two puppet shows presented by Joan Leach and Barbara Lazarus , Miss Debbie Weber, a theatre arts student at San Jose State University presented a Mime act . There was a visit from Santa Claus who just happens to be Steve Sutherland, a page in the Technical Services Department . Santa presented candy canes to the guests , followed by cookies and apple cider, courtesy of the Friends of the Library. It was a lively and well-received program. The staff is already looking forward to next year' s program. Again this year, the Burlingame Lions Club purchased a Christmas Tree for the Branch Library. It adds such a festive feeling to the Branch. We are very grateful to the Lions Club for their generosity and continuing interest in the Burlingame Public Library. The Christmas Tree , sitting so beautifully in the Reading Room was donated by the City Park Department . We thank them, one and all, for their generous assistance and interest . Joyce Pennel brought her English as a Second Language class to the Library on Monday, November 23rd. Pat Harding gave them a general tour of the Library and an introduction to the resources in the Reference Room. The Children' s Department held a program on November 14th , promoting Children' s Book Week. It consisted of a "Punch and Judy" show, and a film based on the Newbery Award Book, From The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs . Basil E. Frankweiler. There were about 60 children in attendance . Annette Hilton, the new Librarian at Crocker School in Hillsborough, visited the Library for a tour. She was impressed with the facility and said she would encourage her students to use our many resources . Mrs . Leach spoke to the Hillsborough "Newcomers Club" showing some of our new "coffee-table" type books , and making suggestions for Christmas purchases . LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT PAGE 3 12/15/81 Collections The microform purchases of periodicals have been received and are now being processed for use by the public. The microform is a result of our two year study of the periodicals collections . To date , 18 titles are being subscribed to on microform. This is in addition to our subscription to the San Francisco Chronicle and the Burlingame Boutique . Most of our microform will be fiche (4 X 6) card, although some titles were , of necessity, purchased on microfilm, (roll) . Our policy will continue to be to keep 5 years and current year of the titles we put on microform, to ensure that current users have the hard copy at their disposal . Titles chosen for microform were those which have research value, or those which were badly deteriorated (backruns) . Equipment �.. The Listening Stations for recordings and cassettes have been removed from the A/V Department until our Reorganization is complete. Nearly all of the units are in need of repair and/or replacement . We hope to have one or two units operational by next Spring. The A/V Department has ordered a new Elmo 8mm Projector and a Kodak Ektographic Slide Projector with funds fromthe Friends of the Library. They will be delivered within the next few weeks . Interlibrary Loan The new Reference Librarian at the Cooperative Information Network, King Wah Moberg, has been extremely helpful in assisting us with Interlibrary Loan requests this past month. One Burlingame patron needed books in German about the life of poet Heinrich Heine . Her deadline was 2 weeks away . CIN was able to provide the books to us from Stanford in just 1 week! Another patron needed articles from a periodical titled "Arson Analysis Newsletter". We were unable to locate any libraries owning this item. Within one hour after we had telephoned our request for assistance to King Wah, she had located 2 Universities that subscribe to the newsletter and was also able to provide our patron with a wealth of information on arson related organizations . Interlibrary Loan- items borrowed for our users were up LIBRARIAN' S REPORT PAGE 4 : 12/15/81 �-- the same month last year. November was the busiest month ever ! The CLSA survey was completed on November 29th . Burlingame has consistently maintained a 25% non-resident borrower circulation during these two week surveys . This same percentage occurred again this quarter. Personnel Several staff anniversaries occurred during the month . Christine Dassoff celebrated her 5th year with the Burlingame Library. Valerie Conserva celebrates 13 years with the Reference Department. Congratulations to all of you for your length of service and for a job well done . PMB/j CITY OF BURLINGAME _.. . _ _ - - - ----- --1 —— — --- -- -------_—-- --_4 -- 1-7-L ----- 1 - !:! 3 U S I a 6 1 i , it !i.• ii s to i ! ) 11 it2 3 i 13 .{14 .15 _6 11 il. ! !L !j ii 16 , 17 9 !19 !{20 rt II II 1! I ( !{21 1122 i 23 .'24 s 2! 26 I �! li ! +127 9- ` >'31 oi '32 3 33 i134 CITY OF BURLINGAML 13(J (;N:T STATUS REPOPT 12 MONTH Y•T-D Y-T-1) CUR M0 UNEXPENDED ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP -ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL. VARIANCE BALANCE ENCUMI LIBRARY -750010 .1.IBpA{2Y- SALOTES � -73fc?734 130-p-305 -129 �5�-� _�Ftt31�------'���T - 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 147,978 61 ,660 61 ,658 12,332 3 86r321 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 187, 894 78,290 75, 838 14,204 2, /4") 112,056 -7 5 01_fn l:I�l�A�Y t�E�`I<d���X 1��-iJ u F-___---- ----T-2 8 6— ----��0 �5 --- lf 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL. Up% EXPENSE q, 163 31820 2,.31q 168 1 ,51}1 6 f 8 4 4 7507121 LIBRARY BOOKS & MAPS 86, 801 36, 1 v5 24,30 7r405 11 t iJ60 620091 -750122.0BR-A-R8PF`RT0T)rc-ALZ--- 10-1-406--- - �-; ,--- - ;7- 5 �,- -- -2-f 3;-686---__- 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 71680 3,2G0 416 0 2, 784 7,2614 7,0124 LIBRARY CATALOGING `0, 000 8, 33510, 457 14 2► 122- , 915W3 8 _—_---- 750130 LIBRARY SMALL, TOOLS &- CWUIP 225 ()5 45 0 180 750160LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 14, 499 11875 856 3:32 1,o 19 3r 643 -.7 5 0 f 7.0.._LI-H R-ARY--TTT f L-ITT S 1, 7---- S n�1 E�0 _ ;1�6 1 5 45— __ _ep�)7 4 --1-4,8 Q-1--_.—-- 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG R GROUNDS 6, 877 2f 865 2, 076 93 78q 14,801 750200LlbRARY E14UTPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 360 POO 68 160 6,66 751? d 1_.CIAY Ct7TTx 1fsRTDTOa- �j 0 0_— - --- 1-6 - r ,- 8.0__--- -- 177---- _--- 750202 LIBRARYEDUIP MAINTWSEC ,NSYSTFI-I 399 165 0 0 165 3-5 750210 LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE 3,634 1,500 3,.601 0 20101- 1w 7�a 02-4 t� _L.TT:3"f X12 Y D ll a t S U I C WI 00 N 5 —`-_�`a 30 Z2�? Y iI -- —1-9 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 4001 1'65 129 65 311 271 750251 LIB CONF & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 5502:30 392 1 :36 162- t`8 ..750.252- L I_f—C.ON�"f�-_-MTr,-6-- .AE's_ — 750260 L16RARY TRAINING & SAFtLTY 350 ' 149 4 t1 11}5 350 750290 Llt1RARY OTHER CHARGES 75 313 0 0 3U 7�i ****� TOTAL LIBRARY 834, 650 347,770 3291921 63, 635 1'7, 84P F;C+ . 7d'-I STATISTICS FOR \OVENIBER 1981 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 10 , 300 424 Child, Non-Fiction 1 , 436 276 Adult, Fiction 7 , 505 951 Child, Fiction 2 , 19_9 401- TOTAL: 21 , 440 TOTAL: 2 ,052 Periodicals: 1 , 444 42S Pamphlets ( Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 501 -0- TOTAL: 1 ,945 TOTAL: Moving Pictures: -p_ Audiorecordings (incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 , 136 _p_ Art Prints: 20 _p_ Equipment Loaned: 12 _p_ Slides: 105 _p_ GRAND TOTAL: 24 ,679 GRAND TOTAL: 2,4 7 7 Main Total 1981 Circ. : 242679 Plain Total 1980 Circ. : 25 ,908 = 4. 74% Decrease Branch Total 1981 Circ. : 2;477 Branch Total 1980 Circ. : 2 , 809 = 11 . 82% Decrease GRAND TOTAL 1981 CIRC. : 27 , 156 j GRAND TOTAL 1980 CIRC. : 28, 717 = 5 . 44;; Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reverence Questions: 3 ,088 ILL Borrowed: 161 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 169 KEF. ACTIVITY 3 ,418 ILL Total : 330 R' �STRATIONS: AS OF 10/31/81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO �- Adults: 10 , 718 327 358 10 ,687 DATE: 7 ,986 Children: 1 ,684 34 S7 1 ,661 Increase of 66 Hillsborough: 4 , 177 88 35 4 ,230 Other Non-Res. Patrons 159 4 0 163 TOTAL: 16 , 738 4S3 4,50 16 , 741 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 10/31/81 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 136,047 - 100,164 366 - 264 77 - 27 136,336 - 100,401 Child, Non-Fic: 17,58S - 14,016 67 - 52 12 - 3 17,640_- 14,065 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,270 - 3,120 1 - 1 0 - 0 3,271 - 3 J2 Adult, Fiction: 45,587 - 41,176 126 - 88 74 - 53 45,639 - 41,211 Child, Fiction: 13,973 - 9,848 74 - 36 20. - 2 14,027 - 9,882 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,764 - 2,397 15 - 6 0 - 0_ 2,779 - 2_,403 TOTAL: 219,226 -170,721 649 - 447 183 - 85 219,692- 171,083 PAMPHLETS ADDED: -0- MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 19,153 TOTAL: 1,379 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 10/31/81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 11/30/81 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS I TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5,380 / 4,800 0 / 0 0 / 0 S,380 / 4,800 Cassettes: 705 / 624 0 / 0 0 / 0 705 / 624 TOTAL: 6,08S / S,424 110 / 0 0 I 0 6,085 / 5,424 DE&OSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN 1 ,446. 98 BRANCH: 127 . 65 _ TOTAL: _$1 . S74 . 6-3 r MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $_ , 00 TOTAL: $1 ,574 . 63 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 18 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 295 MONTHLY OUTREACH STATISTICS 1.) Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours Worked 2.) Volunteers A. Number of Volunteers B. Hours Contributed 3.) Shut-In Patrons A. Number of Patrons B. Number of Institutions PLS C. Patrons in Institutions D. Collections for Institutions 4.) Visits for PLS Films Attendance Circulation B.7 0,rn2 (p-Vi re 11 i rPme r+- 1r,n .T I VtiSi�- E. ; i 5.) Totals A:.,Shut-In Patrons B. Visits Made f-or Ou�re�c� 31� C. Items Circulated 6.) Comments �07