HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1982.02.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA FEBRUARY 16th, 1982 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS City Checks : $10 , 601. 02 Special Account : 835 . 55 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 19th, 1982 CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Mr. George Paul Lechich LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT UNFINISHED BUSINESS Update on Automated Circulation Update on Reorganization Statement of Economic Interests Forms NEW BUSINESS Tour of Reorganized Areas ADJOURNMENT The neY� regula_l� scheduled meet:z��g to held on March 16th, 1982, in the California Room at 4: 30pm. PMB/j g BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTE S JANUARY 19th, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fricke called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Chairman Fricke, Secretary Weatherbe and Trustee Nagle Trustees Absent : Trustee Parsons , Excused Trustee Hechinger Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $17 ,418 . 68 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and. carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1,279 . 21 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 15th, 1981 : Trustee Nagle requested that minutes reflect that he was not excused for illness at the last meeting but was excused because he was in court that day. The official minutes have been changed to show this . CORRESPONDENCE : None LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT: P,isc ssed �n conjunc�ion :,7 th Unfinished and �w B��sir_ess . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Reports on C.L.A. Conference: Mrs . Molder gave a brief synopsis on each workshop she attended at the California Library Association Conference. She said she found the workshops to be both helpful and interesting. She announced that Dean Roger Greer from the University of Southern California would be at the Burlingame Public Library on February 3rd, 1982, to speak on the topic; "The Library and the Community - Where do you fit in?" . The subject will be the liaison between the Library employee and the Library user. Chairman Fricke and Trustee Weatherbe said they both ;could be interested in attending. BURLINGAiF' PUBLIC LIBRARY 1/19/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES PAGE #2 Librarian Bergsing reported that staff from the Reference and Technical Services Departments had attended the Conference and a number of different workshops and meetings. Mrs . Bergsing gave a brief report on each one. Trustee Weatherbe said she attended the Trustees Workshop on Geneology and enjoyed it very much. Chairman Fricke also had attended the Geneology Workshop and in addition attended the meeting for the Friends of the Library. She said that the meeting for the Friends had described methods of raising money for non-profit organizations but she felt that it was not totally relevant for Burlingame . In her capacity as Chairman of the P .L. S . Advisory Board, Public Relations Committee, she attended a workshop on publicity which she thought was quite interesting. Update on Automated Circulation Mrs . Bergsing reported that the Negotiating Team for the Automated Circulation System had met at the County Manager's Office to develop a draft contract to send to Geac. The team will be meeting with representatives from Geac on February 4th to begin negotiations . On January 20th, the Governing Board will be meeting to review the job description and recruitment procedure for the Project Manager. In addition, there should be reports on communications and central site preparations . Mrs . Bergsing explained that it would probably be next Fall before any terminals could be installed in the Burlingame Library. First, the central site at County Headquarters must be prepared to house the C.P .U. Chairman Fricke asked how long the County allowed for a response to the bids for the construction. Mrs . Bergsing replied that she thought it would be 60 days but she would chdck to be sure. Trustee Nagle congratulated Mrs . Bergsing for being elected Chairman of the Governing Board for the J.P .A. The Board members concurred. Update on Reorganization Plans Mrs . Bergsing said that plans were going f0n4ard for the reorganization. The Staff Artist , Nancy Montague, has made signs announcing the 4 days the Main Library will be closed, and the extended open hours at the Branch on Saturday and Sunday, February BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 1/19/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES - MINUTES PAGE #3 13th and 14th. Chairman Fricke asked what would be a good day for her to volunteer her services, and Mrs . Molder said she would be in touch with her in the near future to let her know what the schedule would be. NEW BUSINESS Statement of Economic Interests Forms Librarian Bergsing advised the Trustees that they had all received a "Statement of Economic Interest Form" in their packet , she asked that they fill it out and return it to the City Clerk by February 25th, 1982. The Trustees agreed. Capital Improvement Budget for 1982-1983 Librarian Bergsing explained the Finance Director's instructions regarding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1982-1983. Trustee Nagle questioned the status on the Duncan property next door to the Library. Mrs . Bergsing said the only thing whe knew was that Craocker Bank did not wish to be involved, and therefore the Peninsula �... Community Foundation would be handling the Trust . She said that Mr. Lechich was meeting with Mr. Somerville, the Executive Director of the Foundation, and the Board should receive some official communication soon. Miscellaneous Mrs . Bergsing explained that the new phone numbers had been assigned and the new phones would be installed sometime in February. Chairman Fricke said the theme for the P .L.S . publicity for National Library Week, which is April 17th, 1982 through April 25th, 1982 , is a large blue jogging shoe which says : "Jog Your Mind, Run To The Library" . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5 :32pm with the next meeting scheduled for February 15th, 1982 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j ag BURLINGAk�,E, PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN'S REPORT FEBRUARY 16th, 1982 Update on Automated Circulation The Governing Board of the Joint Powers Agreement for Automated Circulation met on January 20th, and heard reports from several of the Committees . The Personnel Committee had the Job Announcement for the Project Director ready for distribution. The J.P .A. is still in the hands of the County , and they are trying to incorporate all the changes suggested by the City Attorneys . The negotiating team met with Geac on February 4th, and pinpointed all the areas of agreement as well as disagreement . We divided the contract into various sections , and decided who would research and rewrite the problem areas . We agreed to meet again ' with Geac on March 3rd. The Governing Board meets again on February 19th to hear reports on the central site preparations , communications , and conversion planning. �. Update on Reorganization Plans are all set for the reorganization of the Library' s Reference and Periodical Departments . We are working through the 4-day holiday weekend, and, if all goes well , we hope to have completed everything by the time we reopen on Tuesday, February 16th. The new phones should be installed within the next two weeks . The new numbers will be: Circulation and Children' s Dept : 342-1036 Reference/Information: 342-1037 Administration/Business : 342-1038 Reference/Periodical Offices : 342-9797 City Hall Extension to Main: 342-8931 Extension #62 Branch: 343-1794 City Hall Extension to Branch: 342-8931 Extension 11,1'61 We are planning a short tour for you after your Board meeting on the 16th. Program - "The Library and the Community" Southern California was excellent . His major premise is that if libraries are to survive, they must analyze their individual communities and then serve the specific needs of thein clientele. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT 2/16/82 PAGE #2 More time should be spent in direct service to the public , par- ticularly "outside" the Library, building awareness of Library resources and services , and meeting the information needs of the Community. Perhaps, June Weatherbe would like to add to this report at your meeting, since she attended the morning session. I 'm sorry you all couldn 't hear him. C.L.A. Council Meeting On Feburary 5th, I attended the C .L.A. Council Meeting in Los Angeles . The major items of business were a report from the State Librarian on cutbacks at the State Library; a report on Federal cutbacks in library support ; discussion of a Librarian and Legislator Day on May 5th in Sacramento; announcement of a Trustees Workshop on automation in South San Francisco on May 22nd; announcement of a Friends Workshop in Lodi on October 2nd; announcement that the C.L.A. Conference in San Diego in December has been moved to the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles because of the increase in room rates ; and discussion of the tax iniative to support a split role. If you have any questions about any of these items , please `. let me know. Reference Department Report Statistics for Reference transactions were up 2% for January. January continues to be one of the three heaviest months of the year. They have hired 4 new pages for the new Periodical/Audio Visual Desk staffing. All are transfers from the Circulation Department . The pages include : Lisa Scopazzi, John Yeager, Peter Gray and Kristie Fehlhaber. We welcome these new pages to the Department. Also new this month is the transfer of Barbara Lazarus , Library Assistant II, to the Reference Department . Barbara will be taking over the Interlibrary Loan function while Christine Dassoff is on maternity leave (beginning in April) . Barbara will also be assisting at the A/V Desk and with Audio visual materials . Welcome Barbara! Pat Harding attended a P .L.S . Film Committee Meeting on Janaury 29th. The Film Committee previewed 10 films and chose three for purchase. They also discussed a policy change regarding weekend loans of films and videocassettes borrowed on Friday, returned on Monday. Since this extends the circulation loan period, it was also proposed that we limit the amount of films and videocassettes- to two per person. This will be written uv and sent to all PLS libraries for aDnroval. STATISTICS FOR_ Januar 1982 _ CIRCULATION M/\I N BRANCH ooks. --' Adult, Non-Fiction 11+214 _472 Child, Non-Fiction 1 , 553 198 Adult , Fiction 8 560 879 Child, Fiction 2 , 138_ 381_ TOTAL: 23 , 465 TOTAL:-1 ,930 Periodicals: 1., 528 413 Pamphlets (incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 399 _ 0 TOTAL: 1 ., 927 TOTAL:- 13 Moving Pictures: -0- Audiorecordings ( Incl . Rec. & Cass. ) 1 , 200 -0- Art Prints: 28 -0- Equipment Loaned: _ 6 -0- Slides: 0 -0- GRAND TOTAL: 26, 648 GRAND TOTAL: 2 . 343 Main Total 1982 Circ. : 26, 648 Main Total 1981- Circ. : 29 , 883 = 10 . 83 % Decrease Branch Total 1982 Circ. : 2343, Branch Total 1981 Circ.-: 2 , 868 Decrease GRAND TOTAL 1982 CIRC. : 28 991 ,; GRAND TOTAL 1981 CIRC. : 32 , 751 = - Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 , 119 ILL Sorrowed: 136 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: �206 REF. ACT I V I TY 3 ,461 ILL Total : 342 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 12/31/81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10 , 646 352 377 10 , 621 DATE: 7 , 717 Children: 1, 654 51 58 1 , 647 Increase of 92 Hillsborough: 4,271 110 48 4, 3_13 Other tion-Res. Patrons 165 3 0 168 TOTAL: _ 16 , 736 516 483 __1L_,_16 9 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: ] 2/3l/8LVOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 1366 57-10066 3 407 - 291 119 - 105 136945 - 100849 Child, Non-F i c: 17634- 14065 79 - 60 13 - 0 17700 - 14125 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3270- 3120 5 - 9 3 - 3 3272 - 3122 Adult, Fiction: 45571- 41240 120 - 75 93 - 69 45598 - 41246 Child, Fiction: 14026- 9885 91 - 49 1 - 0 14116 - 9934 Y.A. , Fiction: 2793- 2414 1.8 - 13 1 - 0 2810 - 2427 TOTAL: 219 , 951-171, 387 720 - 493 230 - 177 220 ,441--1171 703 PAMPHLETS ADDED: _0- MAPS ADDED: 0 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: _0- MAPS DISCARDED: TOTAL: 19 - 158 TOTAL: 1 , 379 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 12/31/81 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 1./31/82 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5404 / 4824 10 / 10 0 / 0 5414 / 4834 Cassettes: 707 / 625 6 / 6 0 / 0 713 / 631 TOTAL: 6111 / 5449 16 / 16 0 / 0 6127 / 5465 `)FPO; ITE':j ';11TH THE CITY TRF_AS!JRER. MAIN: 23�2 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: 7 . 50 TOT;iL: 2 . 279__5F TOTAL NEET1,N'S HELD 9 PEOPLE IN ATTEND;NCE 160 CITY OF Eii.IRL.TNrAMt,* ---_-____(11a0Gf T _STATUS f;ERC1tdT 1.2 MONTH Y-T«-D Y•T-D CUR Ml? iJi�►L XPF�I+��:C? ACCT DESCRIPTION AFaI'FiU€'. --E3TI�fATE ACTUAL. ACTUAL VARIANCE_ RAL.ArICE DIC LIBRARY 75613111 LIEjRAF�Y SALAF?IFS 312,73�d 182,4?_7 181 ,E �► 2E?11018 433_. _ .__.J30_r740 __ ._____.. 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 147t978 860324 86,3r 1 12,332 4 61 , 658 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME187!894 - -- � ,� 109*606 _106,73:3 15,448 2, 873 !i1 , 161 764110 Lzl3kAFtY L)F�'�C�. �xar--:hast`. _ _.. - -- 7,?ah a,�� fQ�7R. _-------- �7��0191 302?ij--- 7501PO L78RARY SPECIAL DEj'aTL ExPENsE 9, 163 j348 3,2s':3 177 2r125 5, 94() --- 756121 1.TRRARY ROOKS 9 MAPg 42s?3� 10,580 81399 44 e q ) 750122 ' t. f ARY PER101 1CAL 8 __.__. ....... .. ... 10,406 6, g69 7r84f 34.__.__.. .__...--10733w Y 160 4... _.- 750123 LIBRARY SINDTHGS 7#480 4, 480 1p6V 10, 1.39 2,134? 6, 04'� - .75()J 4 4 LIBRARY CATALOG'I NG 20, 000 11 , 669 1002-1122 1 . 438 91769 7501x.', I.TBRARY RECORDS A CASSFTTLr3 4,461 G�6(►�___—. . .__..�.r.ki.��.6 _.._....__..185_ i'36-- _ tr ��lll. __... 750110 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP 225 133 115 0 88 1 .30 750160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 4,499 - -- 2,_6252 _1 ♦ lS1 _ 79 1 .11711 30, 3418 75ol70 t_TBRARY UTILITIES . --- _ .21 , 627 1',2611 10ps20 ___---20 03? rub_ - 1), 510 _ 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROOND3 6,877 1!, 611 tipOc)4 1 ►-477 8.A _ 750200 LIBRARY.. FOUIFMENT MAINTENANCE' _ ? 783 366 5 ? 5 __ _ . _ _ ---A 7,ttf. 750202 LIBRARY EQUIP MAI'NT-SEC.,SYSTEM 395 231 395 0 164- t2 750210 LTBRARY PROF K SPFCIAL SFRVICE 3,600 20100 3,601 01,501- i -� 7 5 0 213 0 L-16 1 q 0 Y L?U t 6 l i :L t i l 7 I[1 S- 530 30 308 519 --- :315 Q 7 s�T 15 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL, 400 231 160 21 63 233 750251 LI13 CONT R MTG3-LIBRARTAA SSO 322 a9?. 100 170» 1i8- 756222 LIt3 -CONS _ Tr*: 1AFF .__ - _. _.__ 750260 LTBPARY TRAINING s SAFETY 350 203 30 30 173 15 7542 ?0 LIBRARY OTHER CMAROF'S 75 42 0 42 ?5 ***** TOTAL LIBRARY 834,650 48b,878 46L},all 71 .1322 1 r3. 029 365. B� 1 •�Ut , en '6� CITY OF BURLINGAME --- ------- - - — -- --_ - -- --- —- --- -- - 3 - • 4 it � - �- >�r.�'�1P1-S_ '' _.SAF-�`�'S � -f�irt�'� • it �f 1 l ( I fz I �n ,I L I /�li �, „ 3 ' ✓ sii I � G ; z FZ IA ji1 15 17 I I' _ ' ;! a ,QI 7 1 Ib ZV A/ g 12 'I 13 1114 �� I � •II ( ( i!- If I !126 ii I i 11 l I lii117 • i _ it I I!is I I i�- 1 20 I ii it it �I21 24 25 11 11-A 26 23 f31 '1 It 'I I'32 L33 !`34 - - � I i I -IE 4 �� i � 3 . I j1 - • 1.) Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours Worked 49 2.) Volunteers A. Number of Volunteers 8 B. Hours Contributed 32 T 3.) Shut-In Patrons A. Number of Patrons 23 _ B. Number of Institutions 41 PLS C. Patrons in Institutions 131 112 D. Collections for Institutions . 2 -- 4.) Visits for PLS Films Attendance Circulation i A. Ba view Conv. 1 12 0 `- B. Burlingame Hacienda 2 15 0 C. Burlingame Retirement Inn 1 S 0 D. Burlingame Retirement Inn 1 Bookstop} 4 7 E. Hillhaven Conv. ` 3 1 67 0 _-F.:Peninsula Hospital 1 10 0 G. Mercy Convent 1 Bookstop 20 5.) Totals A. •Shut-In Patrons 135 B. Visits Made 51 C. Items Circulated 158 6.) Comments The PLS Outreach Committee has been working on updating .the Large Type booklet that shows the LT holdings of all the PLS libraries . We nope tp be able to publish th e ncc,i Do k t'1e next few months . Thanks to the Lions clubs of different cities , and the Fred Gellert -Foundation, -as well as- the Lane -Publishing--Company - we ane -Publishin-g--Company -we have the necessary money to cover our $4500.00 publishing fee . Also a special thanks to BPLs staff artist Nancy Monyague_ _for _her cover design. p`' J