HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1982.02.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fricke called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke, Trustees Hechinger, Nagle and Parsons Trustees Absent : Secretary Weatherbe, Excused Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $10, 601. 02 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $835 . 55 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF' JANUARY 19th, 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of January 19th, 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Trustee Nagle read a letter from Mr. George Paul Lechich to Mr. Bill Sommerville of the Peninsula Community Foundation, formerly the San Mateo Foundation. Mr. Lechich was asking the status of the estate of Mrs . Thyra Duncan, deceased. To date Mr. Lechich has not received a reply. Trustee Nagle suggested that Chairman Fricke send Mr. Albert Horn, of Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, Thompson and Horn, Mrs . Duncan's Attorney, a letter requesting information about the status of the property located at 404 Primrose Road. Chairman Fricke said she would do so. Dis- cussion followed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussed in conjunction with Unfinished and New Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Automated Circulation: Mrs . Bergsing reported that a surprisingly large number of people had applied for the Project Director job and requests for job BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 2/16/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES PAGE #2 descriptions and applications are coming in on an average of 1 per day. She further reported that the Joint Powers Agreement is still in the hands of the County and they are trying to iron out all of the problems . She said that the Negotiating Team had met with Geac on February 4th, and the next session was set for March 3rd. The Committee is hoping to have the Contract finalized by sometime in April. She reported that the Central Site Preparation Committee has realized that it will not be possible to have the computer installed until after September 1st . She will keep the Board members informed. Update on Reorganization: Mrs . Bergsing reported that staff worked for 4 days , over the long holiday weekend, to get the Reference and Periodical Depart- ments moved. She said everyone had worked very hard to have every- thing ready for opening on Tuesday morning. The Board members gave their compliments to Mrs . Bergsing, Mrs . Molder, Mr. Escoffier, Mrs. Harding, Miss Morrison, and all of the other staff who worked so hard to move all of the furniture, books , etc. Mrs . Bergsing said she was extremely grateful to those who helped. Statement of Economics' Interests' Forms : Mrs. Bergsing reminded the Board members who had not yet turned in the Statement of Economics Interests Forms , to please try to do so by February 28th. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs . Bergsing gave the Board members a tour of the reorganized areas of the Library. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 16th, 1982 , was adjourned at 5 : 15pm. The next meeting has been scheduled for March 16th, 1982 , at 4 :30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg