HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1982.03.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA MARCH 16th, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Trustees Present Trustees Absent Also Present III. BILLS City Checks : $14,039. 86 Special Fund: $888 . 37 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 16th, 1982 V. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Library Board to Albert Horn Letter from Mrs . Garnet Batinovich Letter from Sammut-Tovar Resignation from Mrs . Patricia Thomas Letter to Library Board from Albert Horn VI . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS Report on Status of the Duncan Property Purchase of Xerox 4000 Copy Machine Meeting with Congressman Lantos - Chairman Fricke Library Legislators Day - May 5, 1982 - Sacramento IX. ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on April 20th, 1982 , in the California Room at 4: 30pm. PMB/jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fricke called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke, Trustees Hechinger, Nagle and Parsons Trustees Absent : Secretary Weatherbe, Excused Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $10 , 601. 02 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Hechinger and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $835 . 55 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Parsons and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF' JANUARY 19th, 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of January 19th, 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Trustee Nagle read a letter from Mr. George Paul Lechich to Mr. Bill Sommerville of the Peninsula Community Foundation, formerly the San Mateo Foundation. Mr. Lechich was asking the status of the estate of Mrs . Thyra Duncan, deceased. To date Mr. Lechich has not received a reply. Trustee Nagle suggested that Chairman Fricke send Mr. Albert Horn, of Carr, McClellan, Ingersoll, Thompson and Horn, Mrs . Duncan's Attorney, a letter requesting information about the status of the property located at 404 Primrose Road. Chairman' Fricke said she would do so. Dis- cussion followed. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Discussed in conjunction with Unfinished and New Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Automated Circulation: Mrs . Bergsing reported that a surprisingly large number of people had applied for the Project Director job and requests for job BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 2/16/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES PAGE P2 descriptions and applications are coming in on an average of 1 per day. She further reported that the Joint Powers Agreement is still in the hands of the County and they are trying to iron out all of the problems . She said that the Negotiating Team had met with Geac on February 4th, and the next session was set for March 3rd. The Committee is hoping to have the Contract finalized by sometime in April. She reported that the Central Site Preparation Committee has realized that it will not be possible to have the computer installed until after September 1st . She will keep the Board members informed. Update on Reorganization: Mrs . Bergsing reported that staff worked for 4 days , over the long holiday weekend, to get the Reference and Periodical Depart- ments moved. She said everyone had worked very hard to have every- thing ready for opening on Tuesday morning. The Board members gave their compliments to Mrs . Bergsing, Mrs . Molder, Mr. Escoffier, Mrs. Harding, Miss Morrison, and all of the other staff who worked so hard to move all of the furniture, books , etc. Mrs . Bergsing said she was extremely grateful to those who helped. Statement of Rconomics' Interests Forms : Mrs. Bergsing reminded the Board members who had not yet turned in the Statement of Economics Interests Forms , to please try to do so by February 28th. NEW BUSINESS: Mrs . Bergsing gave the Board members a tour of the reorganized areas of the Library. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 16th, 1982 , was adjourned at 5 : 15pm. The next meeting has been scheduled for March 16th, 1982 , at 4 :30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT MARCH 16th, 1982 Automated Circulation On March 3rd, the negotiating team for the Automated Circulation System held its second all-day session with Geac representatives . A number of issues were resolved, but we still have quite a few more points to agree upon, such as warranties , payment schedule, maintenance, training and acceptance tests . Our next meeting with them will be in Burlingame on March 29th. We are still hoping that we can conclude negotiations in April. Applications for Project Manager close on March 16th, and we should have about 15 qualified applicants to interview. The final version (we hope) , of the Joint Powers Agreement has been distributed to all the City Attorneys . If there are no changes, it should go back to all City Councils for final approval in April . Reorganization of Reference and Periodical' Departments After nearly one month of operating in our new arrangement, almost everyone seems pleased with the changes . So far, the level of stress at the Circulation Desk has been reduced, the number of of reference questions has increased, and the noise level in both Reading Rooms has been reduced. In 'addition we. have gained some additional seating. This is beneficial, particularly on weekends when all 112 seats in the adult area are taken. We still have quite a few projects to complete, but we are plugging along. 1982-1983 Budget We have recieved the budget instructions for next year from the City Manager. The Budget is due to the City Manager on April 16th. He has requested that the Budget not be submitted to any of the Boards or Commissions until after it has been submitted to Council. This is to avoid the embarrassing situation of Board members wanting to discuss budget items with Council members before they have seen the budget requests . I don 't think this has been a problem in Burlingame, but I guess there had been some problem in �... San :Zateo, when Dennis worked there . I am' enclosing a copy of the City Manager 's Budget Instructions and the Budget Outlook for 1982-83, so you will see the fiscal projections under which the City will be operating. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 3/16/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN'S REPORT PAGE 2 Duncan Property Mr. Somerville, the Executive Director of the Peninsula Foundation, will be meeting with me this week to look over' the Duncan property and to discuss the present and future status of the property vis-a-vis the Library. I 'll have to report to you at your meeting. Reference Department Both the "Big Move" and increased user activity resulted in a considerable workload increase in the Reference Department. Statistics were up 23% over February 1981 for Reference transactions, despite the 4 day closure for the Lincoln/ Washington holiday weekend. Interlibrary loan items borrowed showed a considerable increase as well, up 18% over the same month last year. We expect statistics to continue to grow, as our new location provides for more patron interaction. We are also keeping statistics of use/inquiries at our new Audio Visual/ Periodical Desk. Children's Department Our annual St. Patrick's Day Program was held on Saturday, March 13th. Patrick Ball, storyteller and harpist was the guest performer. This Program was sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Little Lambs and the Presbyterian Nursery School made their monthly visit to the Library. McKinley 's first grades also visited the Library this month. Plans for the Summer Reading Club are being made. The theme this year is "Adventures in Camelot". Programs On Wednesday, March 31st, from noon to 1 :OOpm, the Friends of the Library and the Reference Department are sponsoring a slide/lecture program on "The Search For Alexander" . The narrator will be Mrs . Pat Schindler, Docent from the deYoung Museum. We hope you can all attend. �- February Exhibits included : A Salute to Love; Romances ; National Heart Month; National Potato Lover's Month. Book Chat : Ms . Rowe led the book discussion group in McCunn 's Thousand Pieces of Gold; Lord's Spring Moon; Barwick's BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 3/16/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES LIBRARIAN'S REPORT PAGE 3 The Hangman's Crusade; Schultz 's Hero of Bataan; and Olney's `- Entertainments . STATISTICS FOR February 1982 It:CULAT IOfJ MAIN BRANCH ')OTCs Adult, Non-Fiction 8906 444 Child, Non-Fiction 1384 240 Adult, Fiction 6617 991 Child, Fiction 2029_ 496 TOTAL: 18, 936 TOTAL: 2_,.17 1 . 'eriodicals: 1317 419 'amphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 293 _0-- TOTAL: 1610 TOTAL:- 2 . 590 loving Pictures: -0- wdiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 93.4 -0- wt Prints: 20 -0- "_quipment Loaned: 9 -0- 1 ides: -0- _:o_ GRAND TOTAL: 21 , 525 GRAND TOTAL: 2. 590 Blain Total 1982 Circ. : 21, 525 Main Total 1981 Circ. : 25,618 = 15.98 /decrease* Branch Total 1982 Ci rc.7 2, 590.. Branch Total 198:x- Circ. : 2,629 = 1.48 decrease GRAND TOTAL 1982 CIRC. : 24,115 GRAND TOTAL 198Y CIRC.: 28,247 = T3_01,,,decrease Partially due to the four day closure. 1EFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: . 3,-268 ILL Borrowed: 166 GRA,1D TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 174 REF. ACTIVITY 3,60,' ILL Total : . 340 EG I STRAT I ONS: AS OF 1 311-82 ADD I T I ONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults:. 10, 621 313 327 10,607 DATE: 7,796 Children: 1, 647 37 34 1,650 Increase of 79 Hillsborough: 4, 333 59 32' 4 , 360 )tner Non-Res. Patrons 168 7 0 175 TOTAL: 16,769 416 393 16,792 PkCCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded' Total to Date 1-6 OF: 1/31/82 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES �Ndult,Non-Fic. : . 136,945 -100,849 339 - 211 547 - 417 136,737 -1 nn 64-qChild, Non-Fic: -' --17,700 ,-125 44 - 30 122 - 25 17,F9-2 - 74,19n . Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,272 - 3,122 3 2 0 - 0 3,275 - 3,124. Adult, Fiction- 45,598 - _46 176 - 99 331 - 219 45,443 41,126 Child, Fiction: 14,116 - 9,934 56 - 18 40 - -0 X4,132 1-92952 Y.A. , Fiction: ' 2,810 - 2,417 10 - 6 0 - 0 .20820 2,.433 EOTAL: - 220,441 171,703 628 - 366 1040 - 661 220? 0_.R=171403 PAMPHLETS ADDED: -0- MAPS ADDED: _Q_ PAMPHLETS D 1 SCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: TOTAL: 19,586 TOTAL: . 1 ,379 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 1/31/82 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: / RM UNITS / TITLES UrllTs / TITLES UNITS / TITLES NITS 'TITLES Disc' s: 5414 / 4834 8 / 8 0 / 0 5422 / 434-9 Cassettes: 713 / 631 J. / 1 0%0 714 / 632 TOTAL: 6127 / 5465 / 0 / 0 6136 / 5474 'TED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIC:: 1 ,492 . 13 BRANCH: 20.45 TOTAL: 1:; 512 . 58 °,FFTING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: 92. 50 TOTAL: 1, 605 . 08 10TAL MEETINGS HELD 16 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 349 r r � _ __CITY OF HURLINGAME. _ _ .. __.. _ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ .. _ . _ BUDGET STATUS REPORT 1 ? MONTN Y-T-t) Y-T-n CUR Mq IJNfXPp:Nf)f:. ACCT DLSCRIPTION APPPOP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACT(.I.AL_.___ VARIANCE. BALANCE F, NC LIBRARY 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 312, 734 208,488 208, 142 26114fj 346 104 , 592 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 147, 978 98,656 98x65? 12, 332 1 49, 3?6 750013 .LIURARY PARTTIME . _....._.._.. _..._187, 694 _ 125,264 __ 122,452 . . 15, 719.. ._ __..____. 211.512 5, 4112 . .. 750110 LTBRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 7,2136 4,856 4,437 378 419 2,8119 750120 LTBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE gr163 61112 3,415 11)1 2,h97 5, 748 750121 LIBRARY BOOKS &_VAP5 �6o801 571864 _ 4711.36 . 4,905 1Q1728 39, 665 7501?2 LIBRARY PERIODICALS 10, 1106 6,9'36 7, 1360 58 924- 2, 546 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 7, 680 501?0 3, 593 1 ,956 1 , 527 4r01t7 750124 LIBRARY CATALOGING_ _ _ 20, 004 13, 330_ 14 3, 071 91735 750125 1_I11RARY RECORDS K CASSL:TTES 10, 464 2r97b 3054 214 78- 111110 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS & I-:niJTP 22S 152' 18? 137 30— 11.3 7`50160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS IJ 1199 .3, 000 11353 __2T12 1 ,647 3, 14(, 750170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 21 , ()27 14, o 16 I2r 3/43 1 ,823 1 , 673 8, 6814 75000 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROUNDS 6, 877 4r584 14,539 440 49 2, 342 _. 750200 LIBRARY EOUIPMENT.. MAINTENANCE 86(y _. _ __. 576 312._....._ ___ .__.__ 0 . 2611 _. 514 750L01 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUUTO VTS 400 264 230 0 34 170 750202 LIBRARY COUIP MAINT-SUC.SYSTEM 395 264 395 0 131- 0 _750210 L.IbRAPY PROF'._& SPECIAL SERVICE. 3, 600 2,404 31601 0 _ I.rr01- 1- 750240 LIHVf AR WJES K SUBSCRIPTIONS 530 35? `)15 0 103- 15 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL, 400 264 190 22 711 210 . 750251 00 CONF K MTGS-LIORARIAIV .550 3h6 _ _ 492 . U _ 1214— C)A 750252 LIF; CONF K PTCS-STAFF 4.450 304 323 99 19- 127 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING, R SAFk;TY 350 232 45 15 187 305 _.._ _750290 L T B R A R Y UTtIEf� GNARL $_ _ _._ . .._ ,_7 48 75 . _ _ 75. _. 27.. _ 0 ****** TOTAL LIBRARY _. __ 834,650 556, 432 533,598 64, 749 22_ r.H;34 ___ 3141 , 052 •111-i' en CITY OF BURLINGAME 2 _ 3 . - 4 ---��-_ 01i¢— .erre 1 2 a�! I �a!I 3 D { { ► D+ s" 4 -_ 5 oIhW( OJ!I I I ! /16 7 'I it 1 ii 7 G � f I. - �l I I Ift ZSlld "i 9 o y ! mil S.i10 if 2 jI I li I 112 13 3 1 4 II II I! !!14 I!16 7 l i I (!17 ('18 9 p !I I I 120 11.21 11 {1 I (122 3 �i I ! fl i L'23 u 24 i'25 i!2 l !1 1 I 27 3 ► ! II ii 1I28 ii I i II � I "29 Nft— 31. li32 it if {1 I I I 1!33 i X134 February 1932 1 1.) Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours Worked 2,) Volunteers A. Number of Volunteers 7 B. Hours Contributed 39 3.) Shut-In Patrons A. Number of Patrons 24 B. Number of Institutions 6 PLS C. Patrons in Institutions 105 90 D. Collections for Institutions 2 4.) Visits for PLS Films Attendance Circulation • A, Bayview Conv. 1 10 � ti B. Burlingame Hacienda ! 2 16 C. Burlingame Retirement Inn ; 1 Bookstop 4 g,Burlingame Retirement Inn 2 30 i g,Hillhaven Conv. ' 1 18 _F,Peninsula Hospital 1 16 -G:,':Iercy Convent 1 20 S.) Totals A. Shut-In Patrons 126 C. Items Circulated 106 6. ) Co m;ie..ts This past month one of our volunteers that visits witi1 the patients at the Bayview Conv . Kome called and infori-,,ed th`?.t Silo sould no longer be able to make boot. deliveries . Shy said th,.t to !110M.c W."'S dirty as well as the people and site could not bear the odor . I then ..V,,-,nt in her place. I found the ..once to be not ouite a:; bad as she described it bUt still rather of fonsive. The patrons :ritl:) izSe OUr services are in various stag—es of deca,,. S(D`-Ie :pie a�ie='t but totai_L bed ridden others are up and about but do Iso<<:giver loot: forward to having their reading material every two V. -ks . Bayview has been cooperative in the past for paying for lost and d^merged boons and so I feel that we should continue with this service as long as possible. I did speak •-;ith the activities director while I was there. She spoke of a new program for the residents that would give them more responsibility over themselves. They (the administration) look upon themselves as they the "=:Iother Ship" in a senior citizens oasis, and out among society will be scattered little satellite homes. Those patients that are mentally and physically alert will be moved into the outside homes where they will be attended by a full time staff member from Bayview This person will be trained in various areas of medicine and able to cope lith general problems. (She did not state what a general problem was) . Once a week the patient will be brought back to Bayview to have his/her hair done and see old friends left behind. All this sounds wonderful yet I question the care given to those who are there now and who will continue to live at Bayview. I understand how our volunteer felt and wish ,sre could prepare people better for this one part of our program.All in all every volunteer with the exception of one have resigned from our program after they have been to Bayvie:=,r. I am not sure what the answer is to this situation but I am ready to listen to suggestions that any one has. Again let me say that I feel very strongly about continuing with the reading material for those who want it . Without our service these people would have nothing to read.