HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1982.04.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA APRIL 20th, 1982 I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : III . BILLS City Checks : $16,148.40 Special Fund: $ 145.46 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 16th, 1982 V. CORRESPONDENCE Invitation to Trustees workshop - May 22 , 1982 Letter of Resignation from Valerie Conserva Book Sale Announcement New City Newsletter Letter from Chairman Fricke to Pamela Stamnes Regarding Bayview Convalescent Hospital Letter from Dave Martin and Family VI . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS Report on the Status of the Duncan Property - Mr. Jerry Coleman, City Attorney Purchase of Xerox 4000 Copy Machine Library Legislators Day - May 5th, 1982 - Sacramento Report on Meeting with Congressman Lantos - Chairman Fricke Council Approval of the Joint Powers Agreement for Automated Circulation VIII . NEW BUSINESS Requests for two Capital Outlay Items From Trustee Special Fund Plans for Framing Some Early Drawings of Library by Colonel Norberg XI . ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled meeting to be held on May 18th , 1982 , in the California Room at 4 : 30pm. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MARCH 16th, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fricke called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke, Secretary Weatherbe, Trustees Parsons , Nagle & Hechinger. Trustees Absent : Norte Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs'. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary BILLS : Checks in the amount of $14,039 .86 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Secretary Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $888. 37 were paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons, seconded by Secretary Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRARY 16th, 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of February 16th, 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Weatherbe read a letter from the Library Board of Trustees to Albert Horn, Esq. and the letter from Mr. Horn to the Library Board. She further read a letter from Mrs . Garnet Batinovich to Mrs . Bergsing commending Mr. -Warren Wickliffe of the Reference Department, in which Mrs . Batinovich had enclosed a donation of $100 .00 in appreciation. The Board members were very impressed. Mrs . Weatherbe read an acknowledgement to Mrs . Batinovich from Mrs . Bergsing. Secretary Weatherbe read a letter from Ms . Dorothy Sammut- Tovar who commended Mrs . Pat Harding on obtaining information for her. Trustee Weatherbe then read the acknowledgement from Mrs . Bergsing. Mrs . Patricia Thomas 's letter of resignation was read. The Board accepted with regret and asked Chairman Fricke to write to Mrs . Thomas . BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES PAGE 2 3/16/82 LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT:. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : L. None NEW BUSINESS : Report' on the Status of the Duncan Property- Mrs . Bergsing reported that she had met with Mr. Somerville, Director of the Peninsula Foundation to try and establish some guidelines regarding the property next door. She stated that there were a number of issues to be resolved. She said she had hoped that the correspondence from the attorney would have contained more specific details about the on- going procedures and responsibilities regarding the Trust . Discussion followed, and finally the Board members asked Trustee Nagle if he would contact attorney Horn regarding the current legal status of the Duncan property and the future role and status of the Executors , Crocker Bank, the Peninsula Foundation, the City, the Library, and the Library Board. Mr. Nagle agreed to communicate with Mr. Horn and report back to the Board members at their next meeting. Purchase of the Xerox 4000 Copy Machine: After some dis- cussion, the Board tabled this item until the meeting of April 20th, 1982 . Meeting with Congressman Lantos' '- 'Chairman Fricke : Chairman Fricke reported that Congressman Lantos would be meeting at the San Mateo City Council Chamber, at City Hall in San Mateo , on Wednesday evening,. April 14th, at 7 :30pm. The topic of his address is "Advocating Effectively For Your Libraries". Chairman Fricke urged all the Board to attend. Library Legislators Day May 5,'1982 Sacramento: Librarian Bergsing announced that there is going to be a Library/ Legislators Day in Sacramento on May 5th, 1982 for Librarians , Trustees, Friends and Library supporters to meet with their Legislators to discuss library concerns and problems . She asked if any of the Board members were interested in attending and Chairman Fricke expressed interest . �- MISCELLANEOUS : Trustee Nagle referred to the "Outreach Report" submitted by Pamela Stamnes and asked what was being done about Bavview BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY MINUTES PAGE 3 3/16/82 Convalescent Hospital. Mrs . Molder explained that Bayview was a difficult situation to deal with , and there had been problems with the institution over a number of years . It takes a very special person to deal with the people and the environment at Bayview, and that Pamela had been doing an excellent job in "choosing" volunteers for that position. Chairman Fricke said she would write Pamela a letter to let her know she has the support of the Board members . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of March 16th, 1982 was adjourned at 5 :35pm with the next meeting scheduled for April 20th, 1982 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN' S REPORT APRIL 20th , 1982 Status of Duncan Property On April 12th, the City Librarian and -the City Attorney met with Mr. Somerville , Executive Director of the Peninsula Community Foundation, Mr. Lechich , Executor of the Estate, and Mr. Horn, the Attorney for the Estate . Unfortunately, Trustee Nagle could not meet us since he was out of town, but it was his phone calls that led to the meeting. I think everyone felt the meeting was very worthwhile, and we have a much clearer idea about the responsibilities and procedures regarding the Trust . I have asked Mr. Coleman to attend your Board meeting on the 20th, so he can give you a clear, legal explanation and answer any questions you may have regarding the Duncan Property. Automated Circulation Negotiations are continuing with the vendor, Geac , and while we have progressed, we still have a number of issues to resolve. It does not appear, now , that the Contract will be signed this month , but we are still hoping for May. Interviews were conducted for the Project Manager on April 1st and 2nd, and I 'm delighted to report that everyone ' s outstanding first choice was offered the job and accepted. Her name is Lois Kershner, and she is currently employed by RLG, the parent organization of RLIN, our automated cataloging system. Lois ' s background includes marketing for CLSI, the largest circulation system vendors in the business , and supervising the implementation of a circulation system for the University of Pennsylvania . So, she has had experience on both sides of the fence. The final version of the Joint Powers Agreement goes to the City Council for approval on April 19th . I 'll have to report the out- come to you at your meeting. 1982-1983 Budget The Library Budget is due to the City Manager on Friday, April 16th . Since he has requested that we delay forwarding the Budget to our respective Commissions until after it has gone to the Council, I won 't be including copies in your packet this month. However, I 'll be happy to give you a general picture at your meeting or answer any questions . Basically, however, it is "status quo" plus adjustments for inflation. It is my understanding that the next step in the process will be review by the City Manager in early May. I ' ll keep you posted. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE 2 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT 4/20/82 Improved Communication Techniques Between City Council, Departments , and Commissions The new City Manager, Dennis Argyres , has implemented several new procedures to improve communications between the City Council , the Departments, and the Commissions . First , he has initiated new standard report forms to use when submitting items for the Council Agenda. Next, he has started a quarterly newsletter of City news. You will receive the first issue at your Board meeting. Finally, the Council and Department Heads are meeting on Saturday, April 17th, from 10 : 00am to 1 : 00pm, in the Library' s Community Room to discuss goals , objectives , and priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. We all think this kind of discussion will be very helpful , and the citizens of Burlingame should benefit from more clearly defined issues and priorities . Personnel Interviews were held on April 8th and 9th at City Hall for the position of Supervisor of the Technical Services Department . Four people were on the Interview Board chaired by Joy Molder; Two "outside librarians" , the Assistant City Librarian of Santa Clara who was formerly in charge of their Technical Services Department , and the Chief Cataloging Librarian for Alameda County Library, Mr. Franklin from the Civil Service Commission, and Mrs . Molder. They interviewed 10 people and felt that a number of them were very well qualified. We ' ll begin the process of interviewing the top four candidates on the list and we hope to reach a decision by the end of the month. Valerie Conserva, part-time Librarian II , has submitted her resignation effective May 1st. Valeriejozned the Burlingame Public Library professional staff in 1968 . Valerie is pursuing other endeavors upon leaving the Library. Valerie was a mainstay in working evenings and weekends on the Reference Desk. Her consistant willingness to work those hours have been vital to the reference operation and she is to commended. We hope her new pursuits will bring her great pleasure ; we wish her the very best . Al Escoffier is currently interviewing for Valerie 's replacement . Christine Dassoff is expected to take her maternity leave on or before April 15th . Barbara Lazarus has been unable to fill-in for the term of the leave for personal reasons . Jan Mulliken has been asked to fill-in during the 12 week leave , and has graciously accepted. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE 3 LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT APRIL 20th, 1982 Oscar "Ozzie" Galeno has joined the part-time circulation staff. Ozzie is a former San Francisco School Principal , who took early retirement . We 're very pleased to have him join our staff. Staff Development Several staff members attended the PLS Staff Development Committee workshops on March 30th and 31st . The workshop on "Computerized Circulation" featured guest speakers from other libraries who have experienced the conversion process and the changeover to an automated circulation system. Their words of encouragement , and observations of frustrations , were very helpful. A representative from Geac was also present and clarified the options available on the Geac system. This. workshop served to answer the questions of those who will eventually work with the system and with the public . Pat Harding attended a CIN workshop on the 1980 census data on March 19th. The speakers discussed the type of census materials available to libraries , the projected publication dates and sources of information available to libraries . C.L.S .A. Survey The 4th quarter, 1981-82 , CLSA direct-loan survey showed an increase in non-Burlingame users . 28% of Burlingame's circulation was from those not holding Burlingame Public Library cards . There is a shortfall in CLSA funding this year, so that total reimbursement is unlikely this quarter. Reference Department Reference transactions , including periodicals and audio-visual, were up 41. 5% for the month of March over the same month last year. This represents nearly 1 ,000 more reference transactions over March 1981 .. The traffic on the Audio-Visual Desk is increasing daily. Approximately 500 questions were asked at this desk during the month. Many questions were not tallied due to a breakdown in the tally system during the 9-1 (morning) shift . The present staffing pattern is proving adequate in terms of coverage . Although there is some concern about the need for additional training and/or additional Library Assistant hours on the desk. The pages have adapted well to their responsibilities and Ms . Morrison and ;pis . Harding are working closely with them on specific aspects of training. BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY PAGE 4 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT APRIL 20th, 1982 Outreach The PLS Community Awareness Committee has been involved in the planning for the upcoming Marineworld festivities during National Library Week, April 19th-24th. Marineworld will be deducting $3 . 00 from the admission price for all persons who present their library card. In addition, a booth will be manned to pass out balloons and other library literature at the front gate. The four Bay Area Library Systems will be participating. Several classes were hosted during the month , including Sth , 6th, 7th and 8th grades from Carden (private) School in Burlingame. We also hosted an English as Second Language Class from Burlingame High School. Alice Fricke and Barbara Rowe organized a very successful slide lecture on the deYoung exhibit "Search for Alexander" , March 31st . Approximately 75 people attended. Ms . Rowe led the Book Chat this month , with talks on the following titles : Fitzgerald' s , "Zemindar" ; Irving's "The Hotel New Hampshire" ; Steel ' s "Remembrance" ; and Rooney 's "A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney". Exhibits for the month included: Search for Alexander, Alexander Country, March is National Nutrition Month , Life on Earth. STATISTICS FO° March 1982 CIRCULATION MA I N B AN_CH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 11,961 487 Child, Non-Fiction _1,765 393 Adult, Fiction 8,642 1158 Child, Fiction 2,485 517 TOTAL: 24,743 TOTAL: 2555 Periodicals: 1.686 406 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 5?1 3 TOTAL: 2,207TOTAL:_ 409 Moving Pictures: -0- Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1.384 -0- Art Prints: 31 -0- Equipment Loaned: --7 -0- Slides: _ 4 -0- GRAND TOTAL: 28.550 GRAND TOTAL: 2,964 Main Total 1982 Circ. : 28,550 Main Total_1981 :Circ. : 29,453 - 3.07 % DEC. Branch Total 1982 Circ. : 2,9 Branch Total 1981 Circ. : 31099 = GRAND TOTAL 1982CIRC. : 31, T4 GRAND TOTAL 1981CIRC. : = REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 4;497 ILL Borrowed: 156 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 239 REF. ACTIVITY4,892 ILL Total : 395 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 2 - 2g - g2 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10.607 330 360 10,577 DATE: 7,887 Children: 1 .650 46 40 1,656 Increase of 91 Hillsborough: 4.360 81 27 4,414 Other Non-Res. Patrons 175 4 0 179 TOTAL: 16,792 . 461 427 16,826 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 2 - 28=8�.lOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 136,737 - 100,643 258 - 155 197 -180 136,798 -100,618 Child, Non-Fic: 17,622 - 14,130 44 - 20 16 - 1 17,650 - 14,14 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3.275 - 3,124 1 - 1 1 - 0 3,275 - 7, Adult, Fiction: 45,443 = 41,126 118 - 73 81 - 63 45,480 - , Child, Fiction: 14,132 - 9,952 35 - 15 .5 - 1 14,.162 - -9,966 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,820 - - 2,433 12 - 6 '1 - 0 _ 2,831 - 2,439 TOTAL: 220,029 - 171,408 468 -270 301 -245 220,196 - , PAMPHLETS ADDED: 148 MAPS ADDED: 7 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: S MAPS DISCARDED: 0 TOTAL: 19,729 TOTAL: 1,386 RECORDINGS: AS OF: - - 82 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5,422 / 4,842 76 /66 0 /0 5,498/ 4,908 Cassettes: 714 / 632 26 /22 0 /0 / 654 TOTAL: 6,136 / 5,474 102 /88 0 /0 6,238/ , r-DOSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1570.66 �. BRANCH: 12,60 TOTr�L: 1583.0 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: S 97.50 TOTAL: 1680.76 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 14 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 141 1.) Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours Worked 56 2.) Volunteers A. Number of Volunteers g ~' B. Hours Contributed ag S.) Shut-In Patrons A. Number of Patrons 42 B. Number of Institutions 6 PLS C. Patrons in Institutions 150 D. Collections for Institutions 3 4.) Visits for PLS Films Attendance Circulation . A. Bavview Convalescent Home 2 38 B. Burlingame Hacienda 1 10 C. Burlingame Retirement Inn 1 Bookstop; 2/5 a. Burlingame Retirement Inn 2 36 E. Hillhaven Convalescent Home 2 ` 50 -F.- . Peninsula Hospital 1 16 S.) Totals A. Shut-In Patrons 192 B. Visits Made 58 C. Iters Circulated 134 6.) Corments At this time Outreach still does not have a reyula.r replacement for the Bayview Conv. Home, however our one volunteer continues to see_ all _the patorns -%-.;ho- desire books . OVER Last month I nominated Linae Quackenbush and Bill bein-artner for the Barr Area Volunteer Activists Award. On Tuesday=they will be honored at a reception at the Assistance League ' s Chapter House in San 111ateo. from 3 to 5 : 00 pm-This is a reception that honors you at the nomination szagt. . , _!if"4.1:.. CITY OF BURLIN+GAME - - - I -� -- - 2 1tz i 3 rJ {i Sli 4 ►I ! i , 7 Z I { 7 Q �i 10 12 ,2 1I{ I it I 12 —T11 II II13 I� If 16 { II {I17 j I ( 8 fI II -Ii 18 9 Ir Ii f I 0 II I { U1l-22 1122 li !26 I A I:- ,I _ I i 1133 1134 I iIsj C f T.{ nf' 1'stlltL V11GAH a .__ . _.. E3{.fnCET STAM) 1t l::i'car< 12 Mt)Wr1.1 YMT«f) Y•T-1} Cl,lf2 WIU ,1(,GT t)LSCfcIN,r1UN APP(ttlr' 11rJC:X1'irliUEi] _• EST ACTUAL. VAft (,1r:Ci NAt.nr:cC P R i LIf3f7AY _. 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