HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1982.05.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 18th, 1982 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Fricke called the meeting to order at 4 : 30pm. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Chairman Fricke , Secretary Weatherbe Trustees Parsons , Nagle $ Hechinger. Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Kyin Chleiou, Student from Mills High School - American Government Class Mrs . Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: Checks in the amount of $14 ,643 . 01 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 , 267 . 49 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Parsons , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 20th, 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of April 20th, 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Weatherbe read a letter, addressed to the City Manager , to the Board members which complimented the Library staff for the outstanding job they are doing. The letter was from Rev. Charles Muldoon of St . Catherine of Siena Church who said he had been to many, libraries throughout the world but none compare with the Burlingame Library. Secretary Weatherbe also read a letter from Avrun E. Pastor, M.D. of Burlingame who highly commended the Reference staff. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: 1982 -1983 Operating Budget : Librarian Bergsing reported that -she had met with the City Tanager on May 10th to discuss the Library 's operating budget for 1982 -1983 . She reported that there will be no new staff for the City of Burlingame, and furthermore the City was facing the possibility of cutbacks from the State . She said that the bargaining groups within the City are involved in BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 5/18/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES wage negotiations at this time , but she doubted that anything would be finalized until late summer. She said she would keep the Board members informed. Mrs . Bergsing further stated that the City Manager would be taking the operating budget to the City Council in early June , so she plans to have a copy of the Library budget to the Board members by their next meeting on June 15th. Automated Circulation : Mrs . Bergsing said the Joint Powers Agreement had been rescheduled from the May 18th meeting of the Board of Supervisors to their May 25th meeting. She will let them know the action of the Supervisors at their next meeting. She announced that the Project Manager for the Automated Circulation System had been hired and her name is Lois Kirshner. She said that Lois is extremely knowledgable about automation and has a great deal of experience . Library/Legislator Day : Mrs . Bergsing gave an extremely interesting synopsis of her trip to Library/Legislator Day in Sacramento on May 7th. She said there is the possibility of additional cuts in library programs this fiscal year, in order to eliminate the 2 to 4 billion dollar State deficit. She also said that the newly remodeled State Capitol is beautiful and very impressive . She explained that there were a number of librarians there, however, she believed there would have been more impact on the Legislators if there had been more Trustees and lay people, rather than professionals . Personnel : Librarian Bergsing said that Linda Saltzer, Head of the Technical Services .Department from Daly City Library, had accepted the position as Supervisor of Technical Services . She will begin work on June 1st , and Mrs . Bergsing said that Linda would attend the next Board meeting for everyone to meet . Trustee Nagle asked Mrs. Molder about the response to the ad in the paper regarding the "test" for senior citizens. Mrs. Molder said she was quite impressed with the responses she had received and was looking forward to meeting some of the people that she has spoken with on the phone . She said the announcement in the paper had generated quite a bit of interest . Mrs . Molder explained the hiring process for pages and why we had decided to BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY 5/18/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES consider retired people . Once of her reasons was that "older people are frequently on a ' fixed' income and cannot earn over a certain amount , but still wish to supplement their income . Another reason is that both students and retired people bring valuable skills to the Library that are quite different . They are both equally important to the fine service that the Burlingame Public Library provides":' Duncan Property : Chairman Fricke said that she had talked with Ms . Carol Tanzi , Interior/Exterior Decorator that teaches at the Recreation Center, and Ms . Tanzi would be more than happy to come and take a look at the Duncan patio to see what she would recommend in the line of outdoor furniture . Mrs . Bergsing and Chairman Fricke have an appointment with Ms . Tanzi at 2 : OOpm on Tuesday, May 25th. Trustees Parsons and Hechinger questioned the cost of "hiring" a decorator for the project . Librarian Bergsing said she felt it was a moreprofessional approach to furnishing the patio. Mrs. Bergsing also added that any and all expenses would have to be cleared with Mr. Lechich who is the executor of the late Mrs . Duncan' s Will , and with the Peninsula Foundation. Chairman Fricke said she would keep the Board informed as to the progress . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Reservations for Trustees Workshop May 22 , 1982 : Chairman Fricke said she has made her reservation to attend the Trustees Workshop on May 22nd, 1982 , and that she would be reporting back to the other Board members on June 15th. MISCELLANEOUS : Burlingame/Hillsborough Library Services Contract : Mrs . Bergsing said that Dennis Argyres , Burlingame 's City Manager, had written to Mr. Bob Davidson , Hillsborough 's City Manager, informing him that the cost of Library services for 1982 -1983 would be up approximately 130 over the 1981-1982 figures , which is roughly $82 ,000 . 00 . She said Mr. Argyres is waiting for Mr. Davidson to reply. BURLINGM,IE PUBLIC LIBRARY 5/18/82 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES ADJOURNMENT: `- Chairman Fricke adjourned the meeting at 5 : 45pm with the next meeting scheduled for June 15th , 1982 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j g