HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1982.11.16 MINUTES BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 16th , 1982 CALL TO ORDER : Acting President Parsons called the meeting to order at 4 : 30pm on Tuesday, November 16th , 1982 . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Secretary Parsons , Trustees Nagle, Kriloff and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : City checks in the amount of $13 , 706 . 26 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried . Special fund checks in the amount of $839 . 37 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle, seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 19th , 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of October 19th , 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Librarian Bergsing had included the letter from Mr. Jay Martin and her reply in the Board packets in order that the Board members would have a chance to read them as they were lengthy . Trustee Nagle, along with the other Board mefbers felt Mrs . Bergsing handled the reply to Mr. Martin quite satisfactorily stating that it was a "good response" and they gave her their support . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : Alice Fricke Memorial Fund: Librarian Bergsing reported that about $200 .00 had been contributed so far to the Memorial Fund , and a list of the donors was passed around for the Trustees to see who had contributed . Mrs . Bergsing further explained that the family had been notified of the names of the donors to date , and the contributors. had also been sent a thank-you from the Library Board. Trustee Weatherbe asked when the City Council would be appointing a new Trustee to the Board. Mrs . Bergsing replied that she wasn ' t certain, but she expected that it might be in December since they had so recently interviewed candidates for the Board . Duncan Trust : Trustee Nagle reported that he had met with Mr . Al Horn (the Attorney for the Duncan Estate) , on Tuesday , November 15th , prior to the Board meeting . He stated that he primarily wanted to under- stand and clarify the Library Board ' s position in relation to the Foundation . Trustee Nagle further reported that in order to request funds from the Foundation, the Library Trustees would have to make "proposals" to the Foundation . The Foundation in turn would then present said proposal to their "Distribution Committee" , who will concult with Mr . G. Paul Lechich to assure that the income from said real property is used for the maximum benefit of the Burlingame Public Library. Page 2 Regarding the accounting of the annual income of the real property, Trustee Nagle said that the Board members could probably expect one every six months. They could figure an average of $30 ,000 .00 per year. Trustee Nagle further explained that if there was an extremely expensive project that the Library was undertaking that money could be allocated over a three year period . He recommended that grants be requested from the Foundation , in specific amounts , stating what the grants would be used for . Trustee Nagle made a motion that Mrs . Bergsing obtain bids from landscapers and gardeners to put together a proposal for a grant from the Duncan Trust to maintain the patio and gardens of the Duncan property as Mrs . Duncan has requested . Trustee Kriloff seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously . Representative to the P .L . S . Advisory Board: Trustee Nagle congratulated Trustee Kriloff for being appointed as Burlingames Representative to the P . L. S . Advisory Board . Trustee Nagle said he would accompany Trustee Kriloff to his first Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday , November 23rd at the San Bruno Library . Automated. Circulation : Trustee Nagle asked if Mrs . Molder was still attending classes for the automated circulation system. Librarian Bergsing replied, yes she is . Trustee Nagle asked to have a report upon the completion of Mrs . Molders training . Reference Department : Trustee Nagle noted that Reference Department statistics were up 18%. He further noted that Circulation Statistics were up at both libraries , and up over 10% at the Easton Branch TZibrary .^ Trustee Nagle asked if the Library had received complaints regarding the noise of the phones at the Reference Desk. He stated that he had been reading in the Reference Department recently , and had found the phones distracting . Mrs . Bergsing replied that she had not received any recent complaints , but she would check to be sure the phones were turned down as low as possible . She would also check to see if there was anything else that could be done . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Maintenance at the Easton Drive Branch: Trustee Kriloff recommended that the windows on the West side of the Easton Drive Branch Library be sealed where the putty has worn away before the rains get heavier and cause water damage to the ' interior of the building . . Mrs . Bergsing reported that she had obtained some estimates to have the work done and she would see that it was taken care of . NEW BUSINESS : Election of President : Trustee Kriloff nominated Trustee Parsons to complete the term of office as President of the Board . Trustee Weatherbe seconded the nomination and it was carried unanimously . Trustee Parsons nominated Trustee Weatherbe for Secretary . It was seconded and carried unanimously . Demonstration of the COM-CAT: Librarian Bergsing explained the Computer Catalog on microfiche that the Peninsula Library System had produced . It lists the holdings of all the libraries in the Peninsula Library System from 1973 to 1982 , by author , title and subject . Trustee Kriloff asked if this would be PAGE 3 obsolete after the automated circulation system was up and running . Mrs . Bergsing said there should be no need for it after that . Miscellaneous: Mrs . Bergsing said that the painting bids for the interi.or of the Main had been opened earlier in the day . She said they ranged from $4, 500 . 00 to almost $11 , 000 . 00 for the Library . The Council will award the contract at the December 6th , 1982 Council meeting. Secretary Weatherbe asked if there was room in the Library for a collection of books from the newly formed Geneological Society . Mrs . Bergsing replied that she would have to know more about the collection, its size , scope, the expectations of the Society, etc . Librarian Bergsing agreed to meet with Trustee Weatherbe and representatives of the Society after the first of the year to hear more about the proposal. President Parsons expressed, on behalf of all the Trustees , their sadness and grief over the recent loss of Trustee Fricke. She pointed out how much Alice had done for the Library and the Board , and how much she would be missed . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of November 16th, 1982 was adjourned at 6 : OOpm in the memory of Alice Fricke . Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j g