HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1982.12.21 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES DECEMBER 21st, 1982 I. CALL TO ORDER: II . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent: Also Present : III. BILLS: City Checks : $36, 657 .24 Special Fund: 744. 52 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16th, 1982 : V. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from the State Librarian expressing sadness over the death of Trustee Alice Fricke. Letter from Jean Davis, County Librarian, announcing her resignation: Newsletter from the California Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners . Letter from the Peninsula Community Foundation regarding income and expense statement on the Duncan property. VI. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Report on P .L.A.N. (Peninsula Libraries Automated Network) presented by Mrs . Joy Molder, Asst. City Librarian Report on P.L. S . Advisory Board Meeting / Trustee Kriloff VIII. NEW BUSINESS: C. L.A. Conference Report / Bergsing and Molder IX. ADJOURNMENT: The next regular meeting scheduled for January 18th, 1983 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. PMB/jg MINUTES BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 16th , 1982 �. CALL TO ORDER: Acting President Parsons called the meeting to order at 4 : 30pm on Tuesday, November 16th , 1982 . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Secretary Parsons , Trustees Nagle, Kriloff and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : City checks in the amount of $13 , 706 . 26 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried . Special fund checks in the amount of $839 . 37 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle, seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 19th , 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of October 19th , 1982 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE: Librarian Bergsing had included the letter from Mr . Jay Martin and her reply in the Board packets in order that the Board members would have a chance to read them as they were lengthy . Trustee Nagle, along with the other Board members felt Mrs . Bergsing handled the reply to Mr. Martin quite satisfactorily stating that it was a "good response" and they gave her their support . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : Alice Fricke Memorial Fund : Librarian Bergsing reported that about $200 .00 had been contributed so far to the Memorial Fund, and a list of the donors was passed around for the Trustees to see who had contributed . Mrs . Bergsing further explained that the family had been notified of the names of the donors to date , and the contributors had also been sent a thank-you from the Library Board. Trustee Weatherbe asked when the City Council would be appointing a new Trustee to the Board. . Mrs . Bergsing replied that she wasn ' t certain, but she expected that it might be in December since they had -so recently interviewed candidates for the Board . Duncan Trust : Trustee Nagle reported that he had met with Mr . Al Horn (the Attorney for the Duncan Estate) , on Tuesday , November 15th , prior to the Board meeting . He stated that he primarily wanted to under- stand and clarify the Library Board ' s position in relation to the Foundation . Trustee Nagle further reported that in order to request funds from the Foundation, the Library Trustees would have to make "proposals" to the Foundation . The Foundation in turn would then present said proposal to their "Distribution Committee" , who will concult with Mr . G. Paul Lechich to assure that the income from said real property is used for the maximum benefit of the Burlingame Public Library . Page 2 Regarding the accounting of the annual income of the real property, Trustee Nagle said that the Board members could probably expect one every six months . They could figure an average of $30 ,000 .00 per year. Trustee Nagle further explained that if there was an extremely expensive project that the Library was undertaking that money could be allocated over a three year period . He recommended that grants be requested from the Foundation , in specific amounts , stating what the grants would be used for . Trustee Nagle made a motion that Mrs . Bergsing obtain bids from landscapers and gardeners to put together a proposal for a grant from the Duncan Trust to maintain the patio and gardens of the Duncan property as Mrs . Duncan has requested . Trustee Kriloff seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously . Representative to the P .L . S . Advisory Board: Trustee Nagle congratulated Trustee Kriloff for being appointed as Burlingames Representative to the P . L. S . Advisory Board . Trustee Nagle said he would accompany Trustee Kriloff to his first Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday , November 23rd at the San Bruno Library . Automated. Circulation : Trustee Nagle asked if Mrs . Molder was still attending classes for the automated circulation system. Librarian Bergsing replied, yes she is . Trustee Nagle asked to have a report upon the completion of Mrs . Molders training . Reference Department : Trustee Nagle noted that Reference Department statistics were up 18%. He further noted that Circulation Statistics were up at both libraries , and up over 10% at the Easton Branch 'Library .—,, Trustee Nagle asked if the Library had received complaints regarding the noise of the phones at the ReferenoeDesk . He stated that he had been reading in the Reference Department recently , and had found the phones distracting . Mrs . Bergsing replied that she had not received any recent complaints , but she would check to be sure the phones were turned down as low as possible . She would also check to see if there was anything else that could be done . UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Maintenance at the Easton Drive Branch: Trustee Kriloff recommended that the windows on the West side of the Easton Drive Branch Library be sealed where the putty .has worn away before the rains get heavier and cause water damage to the ' interior of the building . Mrs . Bergsing reported that she had obtained some estimates to have the work done and she would see that it was taken care of . NEW BUSINESS : Election of President : Trustee Kriloff nominated Trustee Parsons to complete the term of office as President of the Board . Trustee Weatherbe seconded the nomination and it was carried unanimously . Trustee Parsons nominated Trustee Weatherbe for Secretary . It was seconded and carried unanimously . Demonstration of the COM-CAT: Librarian Bergsing explained the Computer Catalog on microfiche that the Peninsula Library System had produced . It lists the holdings of all the libraries in the Peninsula Library System from 1973 to 1982 , by author , title and subject . Trustee Kriloff asked if this would be PAGE 3 obsolete after the automated circulation system was up and running . Mrs . Bergsing said there should be no need for it after that . Miscellaneous: Mrs . Bergsing said that the painting bids for the interior of the Main had been opened earlier in the day . She said they ranged from $4, 500 . 00 to almost $ 11 , 000 . 00 for the Library . The Council will award the contract at the December 6th , 1982 Council meeting. Secretary Weatherbe asked if there was room in the Library for a collection of books from the newly formed Geneological Society . Mrs . Bergsing replied that she would have to know more about the collection, its size , scope, the expectations of the Society, etc . Librarian Bergsing agreed to meet with Trustee Weatherbe and representatives of the Society after the first of the year to hear more about the proposal . President Parsons expressed , on behalf of all the Trustees , their sadness and grief over the recent loss of Trustee Fricke . She pointed out how much Alice had done for the Library and the Board , and how much she would be missed . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of November 16th , 1982 was adjourned at 6 : OOpm in the memory of Alice Fricke . Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j g LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT Appointment of a New Trustee The City Council has not taken any action regarding the appointment of a new Trustee. They also cancelled the December 20th Council meeting because of the holidays , so they will not take any action until January at the earliest. Status of the Fricke Memorial Fund As of this writing, 23 people and/or organizations have contributed $520. 00 to the Memorial Fund. We are continuing to keep the family informed of the names of the donors. I think you can easily wait another month or two or even longer before deciding on an appropriate memorial gift. Maintenance We are continuing to solicit estimates for repair at the Branch and the Main. Hopefully, by your meeting, we will have some figures , in writing, regarding the roof and foundation leaks and the windows , but, so far, none of the companies we have contacted seem to be in much of a hurry to reply. Maybe business is better than we think. The painting bids did not come before the Council on Dec . 6th, since the Public Works Department is still seeking references for the low bidder. Since the Council isn ' t meeting again this month, it will be January, at the earliest, before any decision is made . Duncan Trust The letter from the Foundation regarding the status of the Trust Account is attached to this report. At the moment, we are still trying to contact potential designers, landscape architects, and building contractors for estimates to do plans and drawings . Commissioner Dinner The Annual Commissioners Dinner has been scheduled for Friday, February 18th at Kee Joon ' s . You will be receiving official invitations from the City after the first of the year. P.L.A.N. The Peninsula Libraries Automated Network, otherwise known as PLAN, otherwise known as the Automated Circulation System, is continuing to move ahead . Mrs . Molder will have a report fdz your meet- ing on her 2-weeks of training. She also visited the Pasadena Public Library while she was in Los Angeles for the CLA Conference. They have converted m_�t of their collection , and they are now operational on the GEAC System. She can tell you what she learned and observed during her visit. Peninsula Library System The Peninsula Library System is facing severe cutbacks in Federal and State funds for the year 1983-1984. As a result , the Board of Directors has formed a Priorities Committee to assess and evaluate all the programs and activities in which the System is currently engaged. These include the Reference back-up service , the Page 2 inter-Library Loan Center, the Film Center, the Outreach Program, the Community Information Program, Communications and Delivery,•and Administration. The Committee is planning a report to the full PLS Board with recommendations for future actions in February. The PLS Advisory Board will also be asked for input and recommendations regarding cuts. SB 358 This fall , the State Legislature passed and Governor Brown signed into law, S .B . 358. The intent of the legislation is to supply at least a basic level of support for local library service on an annual basis. There are still many unanswered questions about how the act will be implemented, especially since there is such a fiscal crisis at the State level . However , if the Act is funded, it would mean $1. 20 per capita for each local jurisdiciton that maintains a library and provides a certain level of local support . Burlingame could receive approximately $30 ,000 per year. I ' ll keep you informed as we hear more from the State. Cable TV Several members of the staff met with representatives of the Pacific Cable Television Company to learn more about the obliga- tions and opportunities for Community Service Television , and where the Library might fit in. They learned that the Library, and all the other City buildings serving the public, will, receive one free installation as part of the contract. In addition , the Company will have a mobil camera that Gould come out and film programs in the Library. Eventually, there will be training in use of the video equipment for interested people in the community. They will also carry public service announcements such as notices about Library programs , etc. It is still too early to make any decisions about the possible use of Cable TV by the Library, but we think it is important to be informed about this new service about to be available in Burlingame. Periodical Evaluation The professional staff in still engaged in the annual review of our periodical collection. This consists of evaluating our current subscriptions and recommending what we should drop , keep , or replace with other titles , as well as looking at new publications and suggesting what we should add. Since space and money are primary considerations , we are pretty much at a "no-growth" policy . In other words, "if we want to add, we have to subtract . " Reference Department Public service reference statistics rose 26% (or nearly 1000) transactions over November of 1981 . Interlibrary loans were up 6% overall. Nearly all of the Reference Librarians were able to attend the PLS Workshops on new Reference Books , given on December 7th and 8th . This is part of the PLS Reference Committee ' s plan for two workshops per year -- one on new materials and one on system-purchase/ general reference materials . Page 3 Children ' s Department The Burlingame Public LibraryThird Annual Christmas Program was held Saturday , December 4th , in the Children ' s Room of the Main Library . The Walden Marionettes , the featured attraction , was sponsored through the generosity of the Friends of the Library . The father and son team are professional string puppeteers , who tell wonderful stories visually with their many puppets , music and sets . Over 200 children and adults enjoyed the program , a visit from Santa Claus and refreshments . The Friends of the Library came to the rescue of the Library again. The City Park Department had promised to supply a tree for the Main Library in time for the Chirstmas Program, but because of all the storm damage the week before , they could not manage it . So, the Friends paid for a beautiful tree from a local tree lot, then the Park Department picked it up, sprayed it with a fireproofing material, and delivered it to the Library in time for the Program on the 4th. We are grateful to both the Friends and to the Park Department. The Burlingame Lion ' s Club paid for the Christmas Tree at the Branch Library. Joan Leach held a reception for St. Catherine ' s and Our Lady of Angels Elementary School teachers on November 29th and December 1st respectively. The receptions included a brief talk on library services available to the teachers and their students . These were the first two of several receptions planned by Mrs . Leach for the elementary schools , public and private , in Burlingame. The staff of the Library was deeply saddened by the sudden , accidental death of Joan Riordan Leach ' s husband, Frank , on December 3rd. We know that you join with the staff in extending our deepest sympathies to Joan. Programming The book chat was led by Joan Riordan Leach this month . Books discussed included: Keneally ' s Schindler ' s List ; Greene ' s 19 Purchase Street; Guest ' s Second Heaven ; and Hailey ' s Life _Sentences. Exhibits included: Jewish Book Month ; Bird Migration: TV tie-in "The Blue and the Gray ; DeYoung Museum tie-in "Oriental Rugs and Embroideries" ; Children ' s Book Week, and an exhibit of paintings provided by members of the Peninsula Art Association. Mr. Wickliffe attended the Burlingame Writer ' s Club meeting November 18th , gave a poetry class on December 8th , and agreed to chair the San Mateo County Fair Poety Competition . Staff Christmas Party The Library staff is planning a "drop-in" Christmas Party in the Community Room of the Library on Wednesday , December 22nd , from 12 noon to 2 : 00 . You are all invited. It will be a "pot-luck so if you want to bring cookies , or any other "goodies" , you certainly may! We hope you can join us . STATISTICS FOR November 1982 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction 10,380 259 Child, Non-Fiction .1,539 132 Adult, Fiction 7,657 630 Child, Fiction 3,310 298 TOTAL: 21,886 TOTAL:-T-,31-9- Periodicals: OTAL: 1,319Periodicals: .1,568 226 Pamphlets ( Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 417 -0- TOTAL: .1,985 TOTAL: 226 Moving Pictures: -11 -0- Audiorecording5 ( Incl . Rec. & Cass. ) 1,366 -0- Art Prints: 28 -0- Equipment Loaned: 25 -0- Slides: -0- -0- GRAND TOTAL: 25,301 GRAND TOTAL: 1,545 Main Total 1982 Circ. : 25,301 Main Total.1981 Circ. : 24,679 = 2.52 % INcrease Branch Total 1982 Circ.:- Branch Total 1981 Circ. : 2,477 = 37.63 % DEcrease GRAND TOTAL 1982 CIRC.: 26,846 GRAND TOTAL 19°1 CIRC. : 27;156 = 1.13 N crease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3,919 ILL Borrowed: 149 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 201 REF. ACTIVITY 4,26 ILL Total : 350 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 10-31-82 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10 ,405 343 313 10,435 DATE: 8,423 `- Children: " 1;599 40 36 Hillsborough: 4,619 72 53 1,603 Increase of � - 4,638 Other Non-Res. Patrons 213 5 -0- 218 - TOTAL: 16,836 460 402 16,894 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date AS OF: 0-31-82 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 133,557 - 98,061 173 - 87 38 - 17 133,692 - 98,131 Child, Non-Fic: 17,860-- 14,265 72 - 50 4 - 1 17,928 - 14,314 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,298 - 3,146 10 - 9 -0-- _O_ .. 3,308 - 3,155 Adult, Fiction: 44,994 - 40,90 398 - 258 84 - 34 .45,308 - 41,130 Child, Fiction: 14,347 - 10,067 39 - 31 5 - 1 14,381 - 10,097 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,876 - -0- - -0- -0 -0 2,876 - 2,582 TOTAL: 216,932 - - 131- 53 217,493-169,409 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 210 MAPS ADDED: 27 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 109 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 2,256 TOTAL: 1,452 RECORDINGS: AS OF: 10-31-82 ADDED DISCARDED. AS OF: 11-30-82 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5,456 /4,891 43 / 39 -0-/ -0- 5,499 / 4,930 Cassettes: 778 / 731 24 / 23 -0-/ -0- 802 / 754 TOTAL: 6,234 /5,622 67 / 62 -0-/ -0- 6,301 / 5,684 'POSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 22671 .53 BRANCH: 75.90 _ TOTAL: $2,747.43 MEETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ v 30.00 TOTAL: $2,777.43 TOTAL MEETINGS HELD 18 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 422 OUTIZEACH MONTHLY I,ET)0I1.T I . ) Vol un teer Coordinator October 82 A. Hours ,trorked 96 November 82 2. ) Volunteers A: Number of Volunteers 11 B. Hours Contributed 68 Total both months 3. ) Shut-In Patrons -- Individual Visits A. Number of Patrons 20 B. Number of Visits Made 56 C. Items Circulated 240 4 . ) Shut-In Patrons -- Institutional Visits No, of Visits A. Bayview Conv. Home 4 films E. Peninsula Hosp. 2 B. Burlingame Hacienda 2 F. Marion Convent 3 C. Burlingame Retirement Inn 3 D . Hillhaven Hospital 4 T 5. ) Totals of 4 and 5 A. Shut-In Patrons 134 B. . Visits Made 74 C. 'I Circulated 240 Comments. PLS October statistics were not available at the end of that -- -- -"-tiro-nth--Therefore---Octob-er rand-N.Ovember--are--combined.-ode--vmre-sticces-s-ful-: . in recruiting new volunteers for our BPL Outreach program by using the f1_yers.-_._that__s.taff We are very thankful to two BPL staff members who are volunteerin their time to deliver books to shut- ins , Joy Molder and Al Escoffier. _-_--•�---...__ . .--- _-__....___ have -set.-._up-'-a- _deposit--cbllection--with-Bayview-Convalescent---- Home for their•> in-house reading program. They have a new activities _ director-..and she is hoping this program will supplement our delivering - books . We did set up guidelines for the loss of and or damage to our books . _--_--...... .... .. .. ..__._Have a- Merry Christmas -and a Happy ''few-Year __._...-------___--- 1 , IBM 1ne� MI IPAIIF, parm1C I In0®1111n®111111�®1n1/i Illn�ll►1D ►��III 11I=1A Is 1nn�nln�-�111►�� �n►,e►t� Inn F1�7�111 . ► /AR11� -�linn�n ' IIn11�11�0�11I�' l��1�" Ilnn®1111 1n11®11n1111m11m1 �I . lint, IMI 1®11®Illlllln11n1 X11111 NIIII �®n 11n1� 11�1� �IIni1 Intl 11n11 IIn11�111111 In11�11111 Ilnl ®Inlll 11n11In 11n1 �IIn11 . In1111n11�11I111�n11111 11111®11111111�III�lIn11 1=1011 -ME . Inll�lnll VIII �11n1 ME®111n�� 11n1 11111®1 In11�1n11®Ilnll®11n1 In11�11n11®IIn1MlIilnl 1®11 1n1111n1 ®1 1 z CITY OF BURLINGAPsiL- j 2!� J SUDGE:T STATUS REPORT < 12 MONTI! Y-T-D Y-T-D CUR MO UNEXPENDED ACCT DESCRI"TTON APPROP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL. ACTUAL, VARIANCE HALANCE ENI 6 ------------- LIBRARY 750010I. :j.6RARY-4Aj.A6t_f� $ _W._. __. �- ----- ? Yt. _ _.. 1f�^t 75cf011 LI13RARY EMP1.0YL'E n E N E F I T 5 18407614 76, PS 76,985 76,985 0 107,779 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 220, 135 41 , 7?5 85,293 17•,276 6, 432 134084?. 12 7_5 41 1 0 _L I i3 R A R Y OFFICE—EJ,� .. 7,870 _. _ 3.r_ '�..._-- ._._.-- 4969 t_2 9 Q p 6 8 9— '3I 7501:20 LIBRARY SPECIAL' DE'PTL EXPENSE � l r j431 J4'r 76�a ?,8 5 1,1011 11900 8,566 7501?1 LIBRARY BOOKS & MAPS 95, 441 39# 785 331862 7x139 50923 61r619 _-_ .... ._ ...5r._Q3Q_.._� .. 7501123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 8000 3r415 1 ,588 178 11827 6.612 >> I541?4 LIBRARY CATALOGING 12,000 5, 000 415- 36 5,415 120,415 750125 1.IBttARY RECORDS E�CAS --- ,_12 a--------�.r.1-�s- —---5,5-1---_.---____- _-.--.8 5---- r 9 5 5._. _ 730130 LIBRARY 3MALL TOOLS & EQUIP ?25 95 4 0 45 ?25 750160 LIBRARY COMFIONICATIO1,43 6r18 lb 2, 580 11531 351 1 , 349 11 , 1153 J-15-0 11 _.LI3FhR.Y__U.L11.I_TIES6,2S- ._ 14:e.954f.: . 3.:-0-9- -- --1 ._... 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG & GROUNU3 10,000 4# 165 10651 964 2,314 80, 149 750200 LIBRARY ENUIPOALNI' MAINTENANCE 866 360 126 88 234 740 ? 21_L3kAPY__ E.rIIIT'__M.AI.N�-1l�.D'SCi_ V1.S_—.- --- 5--- 6 750?02 LIBRARY EQUIP. HAINT -SEC SYSTEM 4 0 0 0 0 0 7542 f Q L>IEiRARY PROF' SPECIAL SERVICE 4,201} 1 , 75+1 4 r 2010 r.� 2,459- 0 : .' - 0_?4-0uhf.Y_0.11E.q... 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 450 190 r?31 15 41• ?1<1 750251 LIB CONF R 4TGS-LIBRARIAN 654 276 455 1011 185- 195 . QR--&:t T 15.5 5 a- _ - G 1 t2 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING & SAFETY 400 1.65 n1 10 75 310 7502-40 L.IVRARY OCHER CHAP,rES 75 30 30 75 TOTAL LIBRAPY 953,847 397, 4 15 371, 1111-1 1361730 3 r 3 o 1 5799713 5 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRA Y. RY � TELEPHONE (976) 5-2585 �� LIBRARY-COURTS BUILDING P.O. BOX 2037 TWX 910-367-3553 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. 95809 44 CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY November 16, 1982 Mrs. Patricia Bergsing, Director Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Road Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Patty: All of us at the State Library are saddened to hear of the death of Alice Fricke. Her strong support for libraries will be missed not only by the library communities in Burlingame and PLS, but by all of us. Sic rely, X �?.1.41 Gary E. Strong California State Librarian GES:slm cc: PLS System Advisory Board John Amend, State Library San Mateo COL111ty Library BOARD OF SUPERVISORS EDWARD J. BACCIOCCO, JR. ARLEN GREGORIO WILLIAM J. SCHUMACHER r K.JACQUELINE SPEIER JOHN M.WARD COUNTY OFAIS I ATA® JEAN COUNTY B,B ARAN 25 TOWER ROAD BELMONT CALIFORNIA 94002-4297 TELEPHONE(415)573-2056 November 17 , 1982 Mrs . Patricia Bergsing , Chair Peninsula Libraries Automation Network Burlingame Public Library 400 Primrose Road Burlingame CA 94010 Dear Patti : I am writing to tell you that I will be resigning as County Librarian, effective March 26 , 1983 . I must therefore resign as Vice-Chair of PLAN on that same date . --� As you know,Gil and I have planned for several years to relocate in Hawaii and tae now will be able to make that move in April or May. I will be leaving not only with a sense of personal fulfillment but also with a true appreciation of what eight librarians working together can accomp- lish. I leave also with confidence that PLAN will be in capable hands . Thank you for your patience and perseverance during the last two years . I truly appreciate your efforts on behalf of automation. Sincerely, J a B . Davis Chu ty Librarian JBD :pp PENINSULA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION �- 1204 Burlingame Avenue PO. Box 627 Burlingame CA 94010-0627 (415)342-2477 November 23 , 1982 Patricia M. Bergsing City Librarian Burlingame Public Library 480 Primrose Road Burlingame , CA 94010 Dear Ms. Bergsing: Enclosed is an income and expense statement regarding the Primrose property. This statement was made up for the Distribution Committee. The present balance in the Primrose account is $46 ,945. You may feel free to call regarding the balance. Sin rely ,BIL MER LLE Executive Director Distribution Albert].Horn. Administrative judge I.A.Branson Trustees Borel Bank and Trust Company -immittee Chairman Committee William W.Penaluna Bank of America N.T. &S.A. T.lack Foster Raymond L.Spangler The Bank of California.N.A. Robert 1.Koshland Mrs.Paul D. Steiner California-Canadian Bank Aubrey Lee Honorary Chairman Central Bank N.A. Mrs.Mynderse Van Hoesen J.Ed McClellan Crocker National Bank Consultant Lloyds Bank California Mrs.Theodore M.Lilienthal Counsel Norman W.Kavanaugh The Hibernia Bank First Interstate Bank of California Executive Director Bill Somerville Pacific Union Bank and Trust Company Wells Fargo Bank PENINSULA FOUNDATION ESTIMATED ANNUAL INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT FOUNDATION PROPERTY AT 404 PRIMROSE ROAD Income: Rent $41 , 400 Expenses: Water $ 300 Gardener 3 ,300 Taxes 4 , 660 --� Insurance 1 ,196 Net Income $31 , 944 Contingency for repairs $6 ,000 set aside. The roof has been repaired $5 ,366 , the building has been painted $3, 525 , and garden furniture has been purchased for $3 , 000 , miscellaneous lock work and plumbing $242. 1204 Burlingame Avenue PO. Box 627 Burlingame CA 94010-0627 (415)342-2477