HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1983.01.18 MINUTES BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JANUARY 18th, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: President Parsons called the meeting to order at 4 : 30pm on Tuesday, January 18th, 1983 . INTRODUCTION OF NEW TRUSTEE : MR. JOE HARVEY: President Parsons welcomed new Trustee Mr . Joe Harvey to the Library Board of Trustees . Everyone said how happy and fortunate they were to have him as a member of the Library Board. President Parsons presented Trustee Harvey with his Commissioners badge. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: President Parsons , Secretary Weatherbe, Trustees Kriloff , Nagle and Harvey . Trustees Absent : None Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Linda Breed and Alexia Ossipoff , students from Mills High School , American Government Class . BILLS : City checks in the amount of $11 , 765 . 19 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Secretary Weatherbe, seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 ,025 .98 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Secretary Weatherbe , seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 21st, 1982 : Minutes of the meeting of December 21st, 1982 were corr- ected to read: Trustees Present rather than all Trustees appearing to be absent. They were approved as corrected and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE : Librarian Bergsing distributed copies of the City Manager ' s Newsletter to the Board members and gave them all their copies of the Statement of Economic Interest forms and asked that they return them to the City Clerk ' s Office before February 28th . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : Branch Library Maintenance : Librarian Bergsing reported that the man that was hired to scrape, seal and repaint the windows at the Branch Library had completed his job . However , during the course of his work, he discovered dry-rot in some of the Page 2 window panes . She further reported that she had obtained a termite report that revealed some damage. Mrs. Bergsing noted that the termite inspector recommended drilling holes in the walls of the building so he could perform a more extensive inspection. Librarian Bergsing asked the Board what their opinion was regarding further inspections , etc. The Trustees , after discussion, decided to appoint a Committee of Trustee Harvey and Trustee Kriloff who would meet with Mrs . Bergsing and Jim Kaufman, the Library ' s maintenance person, at the Branch to further evaluate the situation . They are to meet on Wednesday, January 19th , at 9 : 30am, at the Branch to decide on how to proceed. Mrs . Bergsing will report at the next meeting. Main Library Maintenance : Secretary Weatherbe asked if the leaks in the Library were any worse. Mrs . Bergsing said she and Trustee Kriloff had just toured the areas of the building that usually leak and although there was no evidence of water in the building, the drain on the roof above Technical Services had once again filled up with leaves and debris causing the water to sit on the flat area of the roof. Trustee Kriloff had removed what he could and hopefully there will be no leakage through the night. Just outside of Mrs. Bergsing ' s office is another problem area and one of the student pages had just returned from cleaning out the gutter to enable the water to flow freely . Librarian Bergsing reported that she has made numberous phone calls to Ace Roofing but Mr. Martinez had not returned her calls . Trustee Harvey said he was aware of the problem and already had put in a call to Ace and he expected someone to come to look at the roof problems . Mrs . Bergsing expressed hope of getting the on-going problem cleared up as soon as possible . Duncan Patio: Librarian Bergsing reported that she and Al Escoffier had met with Mr. Bob Williams , A . I .A . , on January 11th to discuss plans for the Duncan patio . Since that time he had submitted a proposal for preliminary plans . Trustee Harvey .commented that the price was quite reasonable for the amount of time he would have to spend. Mrs. Bergsing asked if there were any objections to her submitting the proposal to the Foundation to try and get the patio designing underway. Trustee Kriloff said he would like the construction work to tie-in with the sump-pump that needs to be installed to correct the foundation leak. Trustee Nagle said he wished to proceed with another architect so that the prices could be compared . Mrs . Bergsing agreed to do this, however she didn ' t want the Board members to lose sight of the fact that the patio renovation was Mrs . Duncan ' s wish and that she had left her money in a Trust L.- to take care of the expense of doing so. Mr. Lechich and the City Librarian are merely fulfilling an obligation on behalf of Mrs. Duncan . Trustee Nagle , Trustee Harvey, and Librarian Bergsing are going to make an appointment with the architect and will Page 3 report the outcome at the next meeting . Automated Circulation: Mrs . Molder reported that she had attended a two week training course at the County Headquarters which all of the Project Managers had attended. She further reported that additional training, which selected staff will be attending, is critical for preparing for the beginning of the conversion of the Library ' s holdings . She said she will keep the Board informed. Reference Department : Trustee Nagle noted that there is still a "Student Behavior Problem" during the evening hours at the Main Library. He suggested that perhaps a uniformed peace-officer doing a "walk-through" at different times might help to combat the problem. Librarian Bergsing commented that Chief Palmer is willing to help in any way he can, however the problem varies from night to night and is has been difficult to decide on whether or not the police were actually needed. Trustee Nagle offered the Board ' s full support if and when needed. Secretary Weatherbe said that everyone will miss Warren Wickliffe when he retires , and she had not realized that he was retiring this year. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Report on P .L.A.N. ; Mrs. Joy Molder: Assistant City Librarian, Mrs . Joy Molder , reported that the Peninsula Libraries Automated Network is continuing to plan for conversion. She said the report that Mrs. Bergsing handed out prior to the meeting gave a good overview. She said her role is to work with the other Project Managers towards inplementation of the Automated Circulation System. They are trying to achieve a uniform borrowers card, application, etc . , that will fit the needs of all the libraries in the system. Mrs. Molder said that the wiring, or Phase I, is complete. All of the libraries in the system have now got their electrical wiring in so that as soon as the telephone wires have been hooked up, the terminals can be installed. She said the conversion area for the Burlingame Library will be in the Technical Processing Department . She further reported that Linda Saltzer , Head of Technical Services , will be attending a class for conversion, at the County on Wednesday, January 19th . Mrs . Molder said she had visited the Pasadena Library while she was at convention in the Los Angeles area and was very impressed with the Geac System. She reported that last year Geac sold 20 different automated systems to a dollar figure of $36 million. She said it was not only libraries, but banking and insurance companies that were using the Geac System, so it appears to be a very stable and growing company. -� President Parsons asked if new borrowers cards could be issued immediately or if there would be a waiting period . Mrs . Molder said she hoped that upon presentation of the completed application that the library card could be issued at once. Page 4 NEW BUSINESS : `- Adjustment of Meeting Room Fees for the Burlingame Historical Society: Mrs. Bergsing stated that before the passing of Proposition 13 , the Historical Society met regularly at the Library and wished to return. The Trustees had some discussion regarding the fees charged and Trustee Nagle made a motion that the Historical Society be allowed to use the Community Room for one year , at no charge , in exchange for a write-up of the framed Norberg sketches . The motion was seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried unanimously . Trustee Nagle noted the increase in Circulation at the Main Library and the Branch Library . Librarian Bergsing announced that there would be a slide show, presented by the Friends of the Burlingame Library in the Community Room on Thursday , February 3rd, at 2 : OOpm which will show and explain all of the library services available through P.L.S . Everyone is welcome and invited to attend. ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 50 pm with the next meeting scheduled for February 15th , 1983 at 4: 30 pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jag