HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1983.04.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE ' S MINUTES APRIL 19th , 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Trustees Present : President Parsons , Secretary Weatherbe , Trustees Harvey , Nagle and Kriloff Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder , Asst . City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mike Strohl , Student from the American Government Class at Mills High School BILLS : City checks in the amount of $ 19 ,251 . 19 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $ 1 ,631 .89 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Kriloff , seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 15th , 1983 : Minutes of the meeting of March 15th , 1983 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Weatherbe read a letter thanking the Reference Desk Personnel for all of the Interlibrary Loan materials that were obtained for the Yarborough family . Secretary Weatherbe also read a note from Mrs . H . Verdon of Hills- borough , thanking the Outreach staff for their understanding and delivery when she was ill . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: Discussed in conjuction with Unfinished and New Business . Page 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Librarian Bergsing reported that she was still waiting to hear from the termite company regarding the repairs at the Branch . She said the rain had originally held up the repairs but they should be starting soon . Trustee Harvey reported that the window replacement for the Branch had been ordered and that he just has to get into the Branch to confirm how the window is secured from the inside . However , because of his schedule , he has not had the time to do so . Librarian Bergsing said she is still waiting for Ace Roofing to come to see the Branch roof . Trustee Harvey said that he had talked with Ace Roofing and that they should be there to inspect it very soon . There are still no signs of leakage . DUNCAN PATIO : Librarian Bergsing said that they had received preliminary drawings from the architect . Trustee Harvey , Al Escoffier and Mrs . Bergsing had suggested some changes , but the revised plans had not been received in time for the meeting . There is a small problem in trying to locate the proper "fountain " for the patio . She explained that instead of a large , freestanding unit that sits in the middle of the patio , they had decided on a unit that could be against the wall between the windows . The Board concurred that that was a better idea and would occupy less space . Some discussion followed . NEW BUSINESS : BOARD APPROVAL OF LETTER REQUESTING FUNDS FROM THE PENINSULA COMMUNITY FOUNDATION : Librarian Bergsing explained that these requests for funds are over Page 3 and above what she has already requested from the City in this year ' s Operating Budget . She further explained that since the City was not approving any new staff in addition to the staff we already have , it has become necessary to try to relieve some of the time consuming tasks by automating . She said the letter has been drafted , from the Library Board to the Peninsula Community Foundation , requesting three pieces of equipment . A CRT , a modem and a printer which will be used to access Reference Data Bases . She also said there was a request for a micro- computer on which to perform a wide variety of office tasks . She further explained that she was requesting the funds for the "usage fee ' s " for the Reference Data Bases from the Trustees Special Account . Mrs . Bergsing said she thought that the costs would probably average about $300 .00 per month . President Parsons asked if these costs would vary , or could they be �- controlled , etc . Librarian Bergsing said they could be controlled by the amount of time that was used . One is only charged by how much time • is spent "on- line " to access the various data bases . After further discussion , Trustee Kriloff made a motion to approve the letter , to the Peninsula Community Foundation , from President Parsons , the motion was seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried unanimously . REQUEST FOR FUNDS FROM THE TRUSTEES SPECIAL ACCOUNT : Trustee Kriloff asked if Judy Gladysz had checked on the cost of a Maintenance Agreement for the typewriter that was requested out of the Trustees Special Fund . Judy said no , she had not checked on the price of one , but said she would do so . Some discussion followed . Trustee Kriloff said that he feels that any time the Trustees can afford to buy equipment which will �- in turn help the staff out , that he feels the Trustees should help out as much as they can . Trustee Harvey Page 4 made a motion to approve the funds , out of the Trustees Special Account , to purchase an "Olympia Supertype " �- typewriter . The motion was seconded by Trustee Kriloff and passed unanimously . The other funds , to pay for the "online " uses to access the Data Bases were also approved to be paid for out of the Special Fund , contingent upon the Foundation approving the purchase of the equipment . There was a motion made by Trustee Harvey , seconded by Trustee Nagle and passed unanimously . Trustee Nagle asked if Judy would check into a Maintenance Agreement for the typewriter . VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AND DUNCAN PATIO DEDICATION : Librarian Bergsing said that she had previously talked about wanting to expand the volunteer program . She feels that the volunteers need support and recognition , not only from staff but from the Library Board as well . She said she would like to have some sort of "tea " or something similiar . Mrs . Molder explained that Pamela Stamnes , the Volunteer Coordinator , has wanted to show recognition on an annual basis , however , the funds have not always been available . Mrs . Molder said they would like to plan on having a small get- together for the volunteers on May 18th , in the afternoon at 4 :00 , in the Community Room . Mrs . Molder said she didn ' t know exactly how many would be attending but she thought it would cost about $50 .00 and asked if money from the Trustees Fund could be used . She also asked if the Board members would attend the tea , and if President Parsons , or another Board member could hand out the certificates of recognition . Mrs . Bergsing also spoke of the dedication of the Duncan Patio probably in September when the weather is more dependable . Trustee Nagle made a motion to authorize Mrs . Molder to spend $50 .00 from the Special Fund for the volunteers and Friend recognition . The motion was seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried unanimously . Page 5 EXPIRATION OF FIRST TERMS OF TRUSTEES NAGLE AND WEATHERBE ON JUNE 30th : Librarian Bergsing reminded Trustees Weatherbe and Nagle that their first terms were to expire on the 30th of June and she asked what she should inform the Council about their serving a second term . They both agreed it would be a priviledge to serve a second term if City Council wishes them to do so . Trustee Kriloff said he had attended a P . L . S . Advisory Board meeting at the Redwood City Public Library . The room was not at all pleasant and hoped that when it was Burlingame ' s turn to host the Advisory Board meeting that it could be a cheerful , welcome event . He suggested the Branch as an ideal location . Librarian Bergsing said the Burlingame Historical Society had written up a short history on the Norberg sketches and it would soon be available for framing . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting of April 19th , 1983 was adjourned at 5 :41 pm with the next meeting scheduled for May 17th , 1983 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room . Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/Jag