HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1983.10.18 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES OCTOBER 18th, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS• City Checks : $11 ,453 .03 Special Fund Checks : $1 ,705 . 33 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20th, 1983 : CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Tibby Speer C. L. A. Program and Registration Forms Friends of California Libraries : "The Folio" P.L.S. Newsletter LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio Project / Trustee Harvey Report on the meeting of the P.L.S. Advisory and Governing Boards / Trustee Kriloff NEW BUSINESS: Reception for the P. L.S. Director - Linda Crowe on October 21st . California Library Association Conference - Dec. 3-7 ADJOURNMENT: PMB/fig BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20th, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: Trustees Presenf: Trustees Parsons , Weatherbe, Kriloff Harvey and Nagle Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Asst. City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Ms. Tibby Speer, Journalism Major at San Francisco State University BILLS: City checks in the amount of $13,962.56 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried unanimously. Special Fund checks in the amount of $459.44 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Kriloff, seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 16th, 1983: Minutes of the meeting of August 16th, 1983 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Weatherbe read a letter from Mrs. Ruth McCandless of San Mateo, complimenting the staff on being courteous and helpful and expressing how warm and welcome the Library's atmosphere is. She also read a letter from an interested patron, Mrs . DaDalt, who said she was concerned because there is no handrail in the middle of the front steps. Mrs. Bergsing had already answered Mrs. DaDalt's letter and told her that the Library was planning to add additional handrails. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Automated Circulation: President Parsons asked why conversion had been started in the 800's. Mrs . Molder explained that all of the libraries are using a "shared database" and in order not to duplicate efforts every library in the System started in a different subject area. Burlingame is considered to have a strong collection in Literature so that is why we began there. -� Page 2 - Minutes - September 20th , 1983 : The plan is that when we get to other areas that have already been converted _ by other P.L.S. libraries , that the majority of volumes will require only adding the bar code number for the item and not "in-putting" all the bibliographic information. We are tentatively planning on going "on-line" next summer or early fall . Mrs. Molder said she is still recruiting for the job and if anybody knows someone who is interested to send them to her for an interview. DUNCAN PATIO PROJECT: Trustee Harvey reported that three contractors had submitted bids to do the Duncan Patio Project and one came in under the allowed budget. He explained that the bid had to be "cut" even more to allow for landscaping and the sprinkler system. . He said the Architect will be doing the drawings over again to reflect some minor changes and when they are complete they will become the working drawings. He further reported that while investingating the corner for the foundation leak, they found a hole right next to the building where the leaks have occurred during the past winters. The City Engineer has drawn up some plans to install a sump-pump and do the repairs in order to stop the leak. There was a motion made by Trustee Nagle, seconded by Trustee Kriloff to recommend that the contract documents be accepted from Frank Hunter, General Contractor, for the Duncan Patio Project, and they be approved by Robert A. Williams and George P. Lechich , subject to final , revised , working drawings and clarification of payment schedule. The motion was carried unanimously. P. L. S. NEWS: Trustee Nagle asked about the new director for P.L.S. Librarian Bergsing gave him some additional biographical and professional background. She said that she would invite the new director, Linda Crowe, to meet the Board members after she had reported to work in mid-October. COIN-OP COMPUTER: Trustee Nagle asked about the new coin-operated computer that had been donated by The Software Store. Mrs. Bergsing said that training had been scheduled for the next two weeks and, a Committee was working on policies and procedures governing use. SIGN SYSTEM: President Parsons asked about the kind of sign system the Library had investigated and Librarian Bergsing said it was an integrated system with a large directory near the front to the Library. The signs are brown acrylic with white letters. She said it has been a long process with a lot of things to consider before deciding on what to put where. Page 3 - Minutes - September 20th , 1983 : MISCELLANEOUS: Trustee Harvey said he was on a committee to restore the Southern Pacific Train Depot, and they were going to be making a short documentary film with children from the different schools in Burligame giving a brief history of Burlingame. He asked if it would be possible to film the documentary at either the Main or the Branch Library. The Board members and Mrs. Bergsing all agreed that would be very nice. Roof repairs were discussed and Trustee Harvey said he would contact Ace Roofing to see if they would come out and do the repairs. President Parsons noted there were increases in Circulation , both at the Branch and at the Main Library. Trustee Kriloff said the P.L.S. Advisory Board would be meeting at the Burlin- game Library sometime during the year, and suggested serving refreshements. All agreed that was a good idea, and Mrs. Bergsing said that perhaps the Friends would provide them. Trustee Nagle wished a "Happy Birthday" to the Library Board of Trustees who first formed an organization in September of 1911 . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of September 20th, 1983, was adjourned at 5 :30pm, and the Board then went down to the Duncan Patio to view the proposed placement of the new sump-pump. The next meeting is scheduled for October 18th , 1983 at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j9 LIBRARIAN'S REPORT `- OCTOBER 18th, 1983 AUTOMATED CIRCULATION: As of October 7th , 1983 , 16 ,222 items have been converted in our retrospective conversion project . In addition , the Technical Services Department staff convert all the new titles added each month which is approximately 500-700 items . The conversion staff has finished the 800-829 , 930-999 , and have begun the 6001s . They have reached the 630 's already and the team' s newest goal is to complete the 600 & 700 ' s by November 19th. A conversion team party was held on October 3rd to celebrate completion of the 900 ' s which was the first major goal . The team reached their goal two weeks ahead of schedule. Full-time staff is being trained for conversion and have been assigned fiction to convert . As terminals are installed , full-time staff will be budgeting time from their regular duties to work on conversion. In order to continue to reach `- goals , staff members will probably experience some slow- down in their normal duties , but we hope this will not become overly stressful . We also hope the public will be patient during this major project . Beginning in November , terminals will be installed at public desks and patrons will be seeing staff at work at their terminals . Signs and publicity will be released to alert the public to the changes occuring. None of this work is expected alter the quality of our service . DUNCAN PATIO: Since your last meeting , the architect has revised the plans eliminating some of the extras ; we have signed the contract with the Contractor ; we have received one bid on the land- scaping and sprinkling work , and we hope to have another before your meeting; and , finally , we have completed the permit process with the City. Hopefully , the work can begin soon . . . . .maybe even the week of your meeting ! ! COIN-OP COMPUTER: The staff has completed its initial training on the IBM/PC , courtesy of the "Software Store" . We were very pleased to welcome Trustee Nagle to one of the training sessions . Librarian ' s Report - Page 2 - October 18th , 1983 : Everyone is now trying to find time to practice on the equip- ment , so we will have a better idea of how it works before we place the computer in the public area . A staff committee is currently working on a brochure for the public , which described the procedures and guidelines for using the computer. In addition , the State Library is making funds available to systems who want to apply to become Regional Microcomputer Literacy Resource Centers . P. L.S. is thinking of applying. If we do , the System would receive $20 ,000. 00 to acquire hardware and software , on which we would train library staff to train others . MAINTENANCE: We have received one estimate of $450 .00 to install two additional railings on the front steps , and we are waiting to receive another estimate. We have also received one estimate of $3 , 186 . 00 to repair the tile roof over the Children 's Room. We are waiting for a second estimate on this job also . If we decide to go ahead with the roofing work , we will eventually have to go back to the City Council , for more funds . Our regular maintenance account will not pay for this as well as the sump-pump installation in the patio area . FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOKSALE: The Friends Booksale is scheduled for this weekend , October 14th , 15th and 16th. They have a lot of "excellent bargains" , and they are hoping for a good turn-out . I hope to have a report on how much they earn in time for your meeting. COMMUNITY RELATIONS: Penny Johnson led a tour for residents of the Retirement Inn on September 14th. The visitors were intrigued with the possibilities for Interlibrary Loan , as well as other general services . On September 22nd , Joan Leach and Barbara Rowe participated in the cable television filming of the "Book Chat" that was shown on October 6th and 13th. Books discussed were Norman Katkov 's "Blood and Orchids" , and Gloria Steinem' s , "Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions" . The current display in the Browsing Room consists of our aids to the handicapped patrons . It may help to be aware that , due Librarian 's Report - Page 3 - October 18th , 1983 : to changes at the State Library , we have fewer talking books , �- records , and machines . Our collection will consist of 2 machines and 10 talking books. Loan periods on these materials will be more strictly enforced as a result. Final decisions regarding length of loan , renewal policy , possible fines , etc . , are still currently under consideration. Exhibits for the month included : Display of Banned Books ; Books on Rosh Hashannah ; Welcome Back to School ; and Yummy Treats. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: A new pre-school , Lutheran Montessori , has contacted us and they are bringing their classes to the Easton Branch once a month. They have applied for a school library card and will be borrowing books on a regular basis . Joan Leach visited Crocker School 's sixth grades twice. A Halloween film program will take place on October 29th at 11 :00am in the Community Room. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Ghost and Ghoulies , will be shown. �— McKinley's first grade visited the Library and will be coming on a regular basis now that school is back in session. We have a volunteer in the Children 's Room now , Florence Quay , who will be working once a week. Florence started the first week in October and will work on Wednesday afternoons from 1 :00-4 :00pm. P. L. S. NEWS: The P.L.S. Reference Committee met on September 27th at their first official meeting of the newly reconfigured committee . Sub-committee reports were made concerning the new LSCA Project on service to the Asian Pacific population , art book selection committee , Inforama progress report , workshop committee report . The Committee is planning a workshop for the reference librarians of the System on November 1st and 2nd concerning new reference books and their use . Penny Johnson , from our staff , will be reporting on relevant materials from our collection. 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VAN IANLE BALANCE Er 7$0010 LIBRARY aALANIF :�_..v_- - 17tr, 92q _...._.-._ 94jk-3Q -----1�t:.i.:3 Cly 3.0.,,.4`7.�_�Y7c.479�_.. _.._a75i611 _ 75ou 1 1 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE HLrjLF I T;; 1 u7, 710 41 ,928 41 , 928 13.976 0 125, 782 750013 L113RAkY PARTTIME 56,604 57, 2114 18, 164 640- 169, 169 7S011C LIBRARY IiFF'ICE xF-EN` E — 7, �)�>(�_ 1 , 9Fi9 5t /Hl2.x_ 28 31792- 75012i1 -LIBRARY SPECIAL. DFPTLCXPENSE 1?,6so 3, 10 7 2, 31)x, 55 9,543 750121 LIBRARY BOUKS & NlhPS da1588 1 ?P592 5,5l10 114, 996 85, 754 7------? LILKARY PERIV) -I .r_f�.T.!' t1 is list 5r -_ .. _ f-3-- - 3rg0 -. ._.__.... 5,613- _ 75() 123 LIBRARY 131 ND11-1GS 6 610 21154 748 '525 1 , 110.1 7,Kh3 1SU124 LIBRARY CATALOGING 12,bJ0 3, 150 10,000 0 6" 850- 2.600 750125 L_ TEiRAkY RECORDS & CASSLTTE:_S ___._"-x_3•415 _1 335 1_.•_` 4_;— S28_- 608— iu02___ 50130 LIBRARY 'PIALL TOULS & E.1"UTP c'25 7 ;! 4 5; 221 750160 LIBRARY LOMMUNICAIIC)NS 130491 ?, 1211 866 416 10 ?39 7.606 7` 0170 LIVRARY UTILITIES - . - - ._. »- i'•i)p28u_.�:-� � t`�'7�._ �_3, ?77- -- �___:.I.r726 �+�'93 --- - 23t0 0 7. --- 750190 LILIRARY MAINT t3LDG 6 GROUNDS 12, 000 31000 1 , 1423 6?0 1 , 577 10,571 3750200 L1E11RARY LQUIPIE,VT MAINTENANCE: 866 ?tis n 0 216 860 750201 LTURARY _LQUTP MAINT-AUGIU VIy _. 850-- — i.,1S 118 48 16-5_-- KUZ— 750202 LIURAPY LOUTP MAINT-SE'C,SYSTE M t? U 0 7502.10 LWRARY T=RUF SPECIAL SERVICr. 14 ;?00 1 ► 0s0 1t, 100 0 3" 050- l0U 750220 L1ilRARY_WUTHLR CONTRUCTUAL _S_F-RV._w �'u, 7�i0 -_ E>, 17(i __ 1._1 c�!Iy.�.. ---- _ -�). 5, 487- 1 31039--- 24J -LIU ARY UUE'S � SUbSCRlPTI1.)�VS 5"35 - 11t7 41> U 107 545 750eSi LIBRARY TRAVL1, 475 1?0 51 77- 69 4?.4 750251 LIB LONF n Ml_TG$-LI-BRARjAN 600 150 70 — — t1 __-- ---8-0 __. _530--- _ 750252 ' LI13 LONE & MTGS-STAFF. 500 126 0 0 126 500 750261 LIBRARY TRAINING K SAFETY 450 114' 36 36 78 414 750?90 LIBRARY OTHER CAARGES - _. . . _ _�__ .__ ��_ —_ 1b_._ IK - -- ------7S- ._. -i **�*** TOTAL LILWARY 1009,51_5 252, 387 2b3, 30?_� 76, 591 __1�rrg15-_ 7uo�c13 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH S�r�fiP ni�Pr 1 �R C Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 50 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 11 B. Hours contributed 34 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons w 19 B. Number of visits made 25 C. Items circulated 132 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Bayview Conv. Home 2 / 12 B. La Vrar Home 2 / 10 C. Marion Convent 1 / 26 D. E. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 19 Individual Outreach Patrons , there is no 30 way to determine how many residential B. Visits made atrons read from the collections . C. Items circulated 173 Comments/activities: OUTREACH sends collections to those institutions listed under Institutional visits . We send a diversified assemblage to cover general Interest , and will send special request when petitioned. Because of the nature of this tyae of delivery it is impossible to have an accurate count of the number of patrons reading our library material . STATISTICS FOR Sentelber :983 IRCULATION MAIN BRANCH rooks: Adult, Non-Fiction 8,75$_ 403 Child, Non-Fiction 1,078 3_6ir- Adult, Fiction 8,005. 1 ,093 Child, Fiction 2,436_ -- - TOTAL: 20,277 TOTAL: 2, T- i'eriodicals: 1,30 �- amphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 279 - - TOTAL: 1,587 TOTAL:4�- Soving Pictures: -- --- -0- Audiorecordings (Inc] . Rec. & Cass.) 1,267 -0- Art Prints: 13 -0- =quipment Loaned: _0_ �1 ides: -0_ -0- GRAND TOTAL: 23049 GRAND TOTAL: 11 Flain Total 1983 Circ. : 23,149 P-lain Total 1982 Circ. : 23,111 = 0.16 -x Inc. i3rancn Total 1933 Circ. 2 890_ Branch Total 1982 Circ. : ,o. - X63 Inc. GRAND TOTAL 1933 CIRC. : 26,039 GRAND TOTAL 19@2 CIRC. : 27,7U- - Inc. �EFER _NCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3,305 ILL Borrowed: 89 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 125 REF. ACTIVITY 3,519 ILL Total : 214 '_EGISTRAT1ONS: AS OF 8/11/81 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: , J=' 282 278 10,613 DATE: 7,367 Children: 1,637 60 47I,�-- Increase of 84 Hillsborough: 4,622 69 __ 15T -,her tion-Res. Patrons 260 6 -0- 266 TOTAL: 17,128 417 483 _771n2_ CCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date "S OF: $/31/83 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES ,duIt,Nlon-Fic. : 135,617 - 99,921 273 -202 437 - 182 135,45 - ,,, :hild, Non-Fic: 182070 - 14,493 _77--- 34 -0- - 18,137- 14,527 .A. , Non-Fic: 3.327 - 3,17Z, - 5 - 1 ,d ui t, Fiction: 44, 740 -40,696-- 1^01121 -3,322- 3,173 44 ��hild, Fiction: 14,757 - 10,359- 20 ----JT- 2 - 14,775-75,35 .A. , Fiction: 2,954 - -2, 1 - 5 - - - _ 2,70- 2,646 OTAL: 219,465 - 171 ,2 .4 5 - 465 -189 - -'AMPHLETS ADDED: 141MAPS ADDED: -0- 'f,MPHLETS DISCARDED: 50 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 21 . 189 TOTAL: r_CORD I NGS: AS OF: 8/31//83 ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 9/3083 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s : 5,692 / 5,182 7 / 7 -0- / -0- 5,699 / 5,189 Cassettes: 952 / 906 11 / 9 963 / 915 TOTAL: , 44 / ,0 1 / -0- / -0- 6,662 /. ,10Z,. i � OSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1339.59 BRANCH: 65.31 _ TOTAL: 1,404.90 -TINS ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: S 67.50 TOTAL: 1,472,40 FAL MEETINGS HELD 22 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 411