HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1983.10.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES OCTOBER 18th , 1983 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of October 18th , 1983 was called to order at 4 :30pm by Secretary Weatherbe , acting President of the Board in Trustee Parsons absence . Trustees Present : Trustees Weatherbe , Kriloff and Harvey Trustees Absent : Trustee Parsons , excused for illness Trustee Nagle , excused for a business committment Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder , Asst . City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS : City checks in the amount of $11 ,453 .03 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey , seconded by Trustee Kriloff , and carried . Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 , 705 .33 were appra:ved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey , seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20th , 1983 : The minutes of the meeting of September 20th , 1983 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE: Sectretary Weatherbe read a letter from Tibby Speer , a guest who attended last month ' s Board meeting . Ms . Speer said the Burlingame Public Library was the most beautiful Library' she had ever been in , and she hoped the Board would resolve the problems with the sump-pump . Mrs . Bergsing handed out the California Library Association Programs and Registration forms , and said that there would be a special "Truste'e ' s Day " at convention if anyone was interested in attending . Trustee Kriloff made a motion that if any of the Trustees wish to attend the conference that their registration fees be paid out of the Special Fund . The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried . `- "The Folio " , the Friends of California Libraries newsletter , was distributed to each Board member as well as the Peninsula Library System "Newsletter" . r Minutes - October 18th , 1983 - Page 2 Mrs . Bergsing also gave each Trustee a copy of the State Master plan for libraries entitled , California Libraries in the 1980 ' s : Strategies for Service . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : Autcmated Circulation : Librarian Bergsing announced that the wiring for the terminals had been completed both at the Main and the Branch library . She said she is now waiting for the phone company to come and install the dedicated lines . She is hoping to have all the of terminals connected by November 1st . Mrs . Molder said she will be keeping the public informed of the progress of the conversion project . Mrs . Bergsing complimented Mrs . Molder on the fantastic job she is doing on the conversion project . Duncan Patio : Trustee Harvey said he and Mrs . Bergsing had met with the builder and the architect , and they drew up a progress payment plan . The plan was explained in detail to the Board members . Trustee Harvey explained that there were a few compromises that had to be made regarding the plans . However everything had been worked out and the contractor should be able to start work on Thursday 10/20/83 . Mrs . Bergsing explained that the landscaping portion of the patio had not been finalized yet and that the plans and bids had just come in . Trustee Weatherbe made a motion to have Mrs . Bergsing and Trustee Harvey analyze the plans for the land- scaping and make a decision on which bid to accept . The motion was seconded by Trustee Kriloff and carried . Coin-Op Computer: Mrs . Bergsing reported that the staff as well as Trustee Nagle had experienced some limited training on the I . B .M. Coin-Op Computer but there are still a lot of loose ends and moreextensive training necessary before it will be available for public use . Trustee Kriloff suggested a "bank " of coin-operated computers , in a special place in the- library , for public use . He suggested that Trustee Nagle should be able to solicit quite �. a few of them free of charge . Trustee Kriloff continued that he feels computers will be a big item this year , and that the library should be able to provide the service . Mrs . Bergsing explained that because of the conversion project , there is just not enough staff time to devote to another project at this time . Minutes - October 18th , 1983 - Page 3 Maintenance : Mrs . Bergsing said she is still waiting for another estimate for handrails for the front stairs , and another estimate for the roofing project over the children ' s area . Friends Booksale : Mrs . Bergsing announced that the Friends of the Burlingame Public Library held a very successful sale over the past weekend and had made $3 ,083 .00 . She was very grateful to all of those who worked so hard on this event . Book-Chat : Librarian Bergsing said that Pacific Cable Television is filming the Book-Chat every week for a few weeks starring our.-own children ' s Librarian Joan Leach , and Reference Librarian Barbara Rowe . The film can be seen on the Burlingame Channel #24 , on Tuesday ' s and Thursday ' s of the week following the filming , from 5 :30 - 6 :00pm . Mrs . Molder announced that the Children ' s Annual Christmas Program would be held on December 10th , featuring a puppeteer with life-size puppets . P. L.S . News : Trustee Kriloff announced that he had attended a P . L .S . Advisory Board dinner that was held at the Benjamin Franklin Hotel with 16 members in attendance . He said the meeting was very interesting and the dinner was very good . Leo made a number of comments and observations regarding the role of the Advisory Board , and uniform circulation policies among P . L .S . libraries . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discussed in conjunction with the Librarian ' s Report . NEW BUSINESS: Reception for the P. L.S. Director - Linda Crowe - on October 21st : Mrs . Bergsing asked who would be attending the reception for Linda Crowe , the new P . L . S . Director . Trustee Kriloff said he would be attending and so did Mrs . Molder . California Library Association Conference December 3rd - 7th : Discussed in conjunction with Correspondence . Minutes - October 18th , 1983 - Page 4 i"irs . Bergsing handed out some California Association of Library �- Trustees and Commissioners fliers announcing a series of regional workshops for Trustees throughout the State during the up coming year . The workshop closest to Burlingame will be held on March 3rd , 1984 at the Menlo Park Public Library . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting was adjourned at 5 :45pm with the next meeting scheduled for November 15th , 1983 , at 4 :30pm in the California Room . i Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PBM/jag _: -_