HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.01.17 B ti R L I N G A M E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y B 0 A R D O F T R U S T E E S J A N U A R Y 1 7 t h 1 9 8 4 AGENDA CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : BILLS: City Checks : $ 16 ,684.96 Special Fund : $ 722.00 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 20th, 1983 : CORRESPONDENCE.: Letter to Double Rainbow Ice Cream Store City Newsletter P.L.S. Newsletter UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Right of Privacy Policy Explanation of new patron application forms Samples of new interior signs , Conflict of interest forms City Librarian - New Year 's Resolutions - 1984 Gift in memory of Ben Hechinger , City Capital Improvement Program - 1984-89 City Managers ' State of the Cit; - Review 1983 and forecast for 1984 ADJOURNMENT: PMB/jag BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DECEMBER 20th, 1983 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of December 20th, 1983 -was called to order at 4:30pm by President Parsons. Trustees Present: Trustees Parsons, Weatherbe, Kriloff, Nagle and Harvey Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Asst. City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary BILLS: Trustee Harvey made a motion to dispense with the reading of the bills , for the December meeting only, in honor of Christmas. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nagle. The motion was carried with 3 yes votes and 2 no votes. City checks in the amount of $15,903.85 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey, seconded by_ Trustee Nagle, and �- carried. Special Fund checks in the amount of $797.64 were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15th, 1983: The minutes of the meeting of November 15th, 1983 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Weatherbe read a letter to Mrs. Bergsing from the "Double Rainbow" ice cream store. They had enclosed a check in the amount of $80.00 respresenting 10¢ for each, of the 800 ice cream cones given away on the day of their Grand Opening. The Board members were very grateful for the donation and will be sending a thank you letter. The Board members had received the correspondence from Rosalie O'Mahony in their packets. There was some discussion and Trustee Nagle asked if she would be attending a Board meeting. Mrs. Bergsing replied she had not yet; had a chance to converse with Mrs. O'Mahony, and therefore IS... she did not know. PAGE 2 - MINUTES - DECEMBER 20th , 1983 LIBPLARIAN'S REPORT: P.L.A.N. : %lrs. Molder reported that conn-rsion is moving along better than she ^ac nticipated. She said she still ces not expect the system to "be up" until next fall . Mrs. Molder and Mrs . Bergsing are both very concerned with the fact that Pacific Telephone cannot seem to locate "work orders" to install the dedicated lines that are needed to install the additional terminals in the Library. Without them the conversion process is not at full capacity. P. T. & T. said they will install the new lines on the 27th of December, however, they've made dates before and not kept them. Mrs. Molder and Mrs. Bergsing are going to wait to see what happens on the 27th before taking any more action. Maintenance Projects: Librarian Bergsing said very little additional work had been done on the Patio Project. The Contractor, Frank Hunter, has been in the hospital with pneumonia, and this is the reason there has been almost no work done. She reported that Mr. *Hawkins from Juno Electronics is supposed to be at the Library Wednesday morning to reasses the situation regarding a doorbell for the handicapped entrance. The hand rails for the front stairs are in production , Trustee Harvey reported. Trustee Harvey was very happy with Malcolm Towns, Fire Marshall in Burlingame, for his helpfulness regarding the smoke detector system's extra audible alarm. It seems that the installation of another alarm does not have to be as complicated as the original estimate indicated. The project will be re-estimated using the existing conduit. Coin-Op Computer: Librarian Bergsing said the charges per hour had been revised by the Software Shop and that a contract had been written up. City Attorney Jerry Coleman has the contract and is making some changes. She said they are now waiting for the coin mechanism to be installed and then it will be housed in the Audio-Visual Department for the public's use. P.L.S. News: Librarian Bergsing announced that the P.L.S. Advisory Board will be meeting at the Easton Branch Library on January 19th. Mrs. Bergsing said she had gone to Stanford to attend a meeting regarding the formation of a multitype library network comprised of all types of libraries in all the Countie surrounding the San Francisco Bay. She said there were representatives there from different libraries to discuss the topic. There are still many `..,, jurisdictional problems to resolve before such a network can be established. PAGE 3 - MINUTES - DECEMRER 20th , 1983 UNFINISHED -BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Report on the C-'.A. Conference: Mrs. Bergsing said she had attended the California Library Association Conference the first part of December and was sorry that none of the Trustees were able to attend. She said there were good speakers and excellent programs. Robert Maynard, publisher of the Oakland- Tribune, gave an excellent presentation. Dick Spees, Vice-President of Kaiser Aluminum, gave a dynamic program on "Building Business and Library Partnerships". Librarian Bergsing said she was very impressed with the quality of the programs. Miscellaneous: Trustee Harvey commented that the Fourth Annual Christmas Program was terrific. He said he enjoyed it as much as his Grandchildren did. Trustee Kriloff had attended and was quite impressed with the number of people in attendance. There was a unanimous "Thank You" to Mrs. Bergsing and Mrs. Molder for providing wine and cheese for the December Board meeting in honor of the season. Trustee Kriloff said he had been talking to some of his friends to see if they had any ideas to improve library services. He concluded that it would be a great idea and a kind gesture to forgive fines to senior citizens. Mrs. Bergsing was sympathetic to his idea however she said there has been a whole process that all of the libraries in the System have gone though to reach uniform policies over the past 3 years in getting ready for the conversion process , and she was not sure how this would be accepted by all the libraries on the Peninsula. She said she had quite a few concerns regarding consistency within the system but she would give it some further thought. Considerable discussion followed. Librarian Bergsing agreed to gather further information about the possible impact of such a change in policy. Librarian Bergsing said that city Council had requested attendance records for 1981-1983 and would be requesting these every six months from now on. The Trustees questioned the reasons behind the request and Mrs. Bergsing said that sometimes some of the Commissions do not have enough people for a quorum so the Council was going to pay closer attention to `.- the attendance. Mrs. Bergsing passed out a memo from Joy Molder informing the Board of a special performance by Patrick Ball , Storyteller, on January 18th, February 8th , and March 14th. There was some discussion regarding promotion , space available, etc. Trustee Harvey made a motion to pay for the programs PAGE 4 - MINUTES - DECEMBER 20th , 1983 f rom the Trus.z-e 's Special Fund and to have th program P 9 sponsored ;,h rough the generosi-;.y of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees. The cost is $255.uu and the motion was seconded by Secretary Yyeatherbe and passed unanimously. Trustee Kriloff made a motion to provide funds for the staff Christmas Party from the Special Fund, not to exceed $100.00. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried. Trustee Nagle, on behalf of the Library Board of Trustees , said a special Thank You to the Park Department for providing the Easton Branch Library with an exterior bench for the folks to sit on. He also made mention that he was truly amazed at the amount of energy spent by Pamela Stamnes on the Outreach Program as well as doing a great job at the Easton Branch Library. Trustee Nagle also mentioned that circulation statistics were up over 90% at the Easton Branch Library. ADJOURNMENT: President Parsons adjourned the meeting of December 20th, 1983 at 5:30pm. The next meeting is scheduled for January 17th , 1984, in the California Room at 4:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing City Librarian PMB/j9 L???RARIAN' S REPORT / JANUARY 17th , 1984 P.L.A.N. Si::_ Your last meeting , we have begun conversion of the 300 ' s and we are about half way through the section. The Governing Board agreed at its January 3rd meeting , to do full-load conversion tests at specified times on January 17th , 18th , and 19th. If the system can support the load , the Board approved the County ' s request to bring the Millbrae Library "on-line" around the first of February. The project director , Lois Kershner , estimates that she needs approximately one month between sites coming up on the system. Based on that projection , and our own conversion schedule , we are now tentatively planning on Burlingame coming on-line in November or December. We are hoping that all libraries will be operational on the system by the end of the next fiscal year - that is June 1985 . Last week , three more of our terminals were installed in the Children ' s Room , the Circulation Office and the Branch. They are still not functioning exactly as they should, but we are hoping most of the bugs will be ironed out in time for the test- on January 17th. We now have three more terminals to be installed to complete our full number. These will be located at the Reference Desk , the A-V Desk and the Circulation Desk . However , since we still haven 't been able to get the necessary phone line installed by the Phone Company (in spite of a work- order issued last' August ) , we have no idea when we will be able to add the remaining terminals . We also do not have the RLIN interface i.nsta.11ed,, which continues to require double work for all newly cataloged materials to be added to the system. At your meeting , Joy will show you the new patron registration forms that we intend to begin using in February. We will not be handing out new cards until much later in the year, however. MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Same as last month -- almost no progress . A little \►. work has been done on the Duncan Patio to get ready to pour the cement . We are still working on estimates on the smoke alarm bell and the handicapped entrance doorbell . The company keeps promising , but we never get anything , in writing. I ' ll LIBRARIAN ' S �-=POR'_' / PAGE 2 - JANUARY 17th , 1984 keep tr inS So maybe I can have somet^-i nE for your meeting. COMPUTER FOR PUBLIC USE: This is also unresolved . We have heard nothing from the Software Shop about the coin-op mechanism. In the meantime we have been contacted by another company that would like to install another computer on a similar arrangement . We have also contacted the State Library regarding their L.S. C. A. Grant to provide $1000. 00 toward the purchase of a microcomputer. However , if we proceed with State funds , the service must be provided free of charge. However , we have about decided ,that might be cheaper and easier than all the hassle with the coin- op. The Peninsula Library System did receive approval from the State for the $20 ,000. 00 Grant to establish a computer train- ing center at the Menlo Park Library. SIGN SYSTEM: Most of the signs for the new sign system have been received . We will be installing them within the next few weeks . I ' ll have some samples for you to see at the meeting. BUDGET 1984-1985 : For your general information , I will be distributing at the meeting , the memos from the City Manager regarding the State of the City - Review and Forecast , the City's Capital Improvement Program , and the Library' s New Year 's Resolutions as submitted to the City Manager. If you have any questions , we can discuss them at the meeting. At the moment , the Library does not intend to submit any Capital Improvement Projects . BATAPHONE• - ACQUISITION SYSTEM: As a first step in streamlining our order process, we are entering into a lease agreement with our major book ven- dor , Baker and Taylor , to use their BataPHONE System. Briefly it will allow us to order books directly by phone. by keying in an ISBN number into a small portable terminal . Baker and Taylor will produce a computerized confirmation report and order slips, and return them to us for our records . The cost is only $325.00 per year and it should not only save clerical. typing time, but expedite our orders . LIBRARIAN' S 7700PT / PACE 3 - JANUARY 17th , 1984 �— PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND: We e received notice from the State Library that the Burlingame Public Library will receive $7 ,046 . 00 this year as our share of the newly created Public Library Fund. We are requesting that the amount be added to our conversion and auto- mated circulation implementation funds. The request will need to be approved by the City Council . RIGHT OF PRIVACY POLICY: We will have a Right of Privacy Policy ready for your approval at the meeting. We hope this will forestall any patron complaints about the computerized circulation system and anyone having access to information about what materials have been checked out by individual users. GIFT IN MEMORY OF BEN HECHINGER: Ben Hechinger , long-time member of the Library Board of Trustees , passed away on January 4th. I've written his wife , and I' d like to discuss an appropriate gift in his memory �- at your meeting. PROGRAMMING / EXHIBITS: The fourth session of the Book Chat was taped on December 15th for the Burlingame channel on cable television. This was the last in this current series . It has been such an enjoyable and educational experience for the participants and the audience that plans are underway for a second series. The Book Chat is televised on Wednesday evenings from 6 :00-6 : 30 on 1 /11 , 18 & 25 . Exhibits for December included : Merry Christmas in Many Languages ; Model Trains from a patron collection; Armies in Miniature from a collection belonging to Tom Carey , former staff member; Books for holiday reading ; Winter Sports . . PMB/jg JI/Al IJI IL,J FUR 1 )O.) CIRCULATION MAIN Books : BRANCH Adult , Non-`fiction 9 , 433 420 _ Chi ld, Non-FiCt7on 1 , 236 _275 Adult , Fiction _ 6 , 888 806 `- Child, Fiction: 2 ,0.57 477 TOTAL: 196 1 4 TOTAL:1 ,978 Periodicals: S l , Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 6�i 2 -_ 3 5 TOTAL: 1 ,R 91 TOTAL: Moving ^ oving Pictures: 5 20 Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) -� Art Prints: 2 -0- Equipment Loaned: - 24 . 0- Slides: --- S -0- GRAND TOTAL: -�� -� Z 2 ,� 5 GRAND TOTAL:-'- , 3� Main Total 1983 Circ. : _22 ,936 Main Total 1982 Circ. : 23 , 706 = 3 . 25 Branch Total 1983 Circ. :_ 2 , 313 Branch Total 1982 Circ, : ,3 %Decrease GRANID TOTAL 1983 CIRC. : 25 , 249 GRAND TOTAL 1982 CIRC'„ fib-; 1 ,--- _ ^ Increase �3':2�8-"„De c r e as e REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 , 526 ILL Borrowed: 62 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 159 REF. ACTIVITY 3741 ILL Total : 21 - 2 REGISTRATIONS: AS OF 11 /30/83 ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10 ,628 214 22'6 10 ,615 DATE: 7 ,632 Children: 1 . 654 27 19 1 ,662 Increase of 55 �.. Hillsborough: 4 , 422 88 137 4 ,.373 Other Non-Res. Patrons 274 3 _O_ - 277 TOTAL: 16 ,978 332 382 16 ,928 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added AS OF:AS Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES Discarded VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 135_,941 - 100_,537 485 - 377- 191 __ 100 136,235-100,81 Child, Non-Fic: 18,209 - 14 594 37 - 32 5 - 2 _1.8,241- 14,624 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,323 - 3,174 1 - 1 2 - 2 3,322 3, 173 Adult, Fiction: 45,204 - 41 012 122 - 78 24 - 13 45,302- 41,077 Child, Ficti.on: 14,859 - 10,412 85 - 48 10 - 4 14,934- 10,45 Y.A. , Fiction: 21992 - 2,673 11 - 10 13 - 6 2,99 - 2,677 TOTAL: 220,528 -_ 172,402 741 - 546 245 - 127 221 ,024-172,821 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 121 MAPS ADDED: PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 54 MAPS DISCARDED: _ TOTAL: 21 ,4- 9 TOTAL: -O 1 ,477 RECORDINGS: AS OF: ADDED DISCARDED AS OF: 12/31/83 UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: .5733 / 5,231 1 / -0- 18 / -0- 5 716 /51231 Cassettes: __-980 / 929 5 / 5 -0- / -0- 985 / 934 _ TOTAL: 6 .713 / 6 160 6 / 5 18 / -0- 62701 /6,165 DEPnIzITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 ,086.22 BRANCH: 73.07 TOTAL: 1 , 159.29 1EETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 67.50 TOTAL: 1226.79 �GTAL MEETINGS HELD 15 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 440 1 j CITY O� 11ORLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPURT 12 MONTH Y.-T-U Y-T-D CUR Mo UNEXPENDED ACCT 0 i:scFIf'1 .1ON AL"TROP, ESTIMATE , ACTUAL. ACTUAL. VARIANCE BALANCE ENGL LI}3RARY _ .7 5 0 01 (1 L.18 R A fY .S A.L A R x f 75!1(1! 1 l,.It)f�A}zY E.MF'LUYEE F3F�dC:FITS 167,710 830856 830855 , 13,976 1 S3,S5S 750013 L_ T.BRAfrY PARIT1I1v1E 226, 413 113,208 1. 13, '305 1.8,88X 9700 11 ;3, 108 75)0:11-0 L. TBRARY _OFFICF'__EXP.E` ,"+. � _ .�. -- --._6 r,_ 5t}_r __,.�.�.__.3,�_7�}..___ , 1�Lb 750120 L.I BR.AFY SPECIAL DE PTL FY'P(-'NSF 1?-,650 h, :3?4 Via, 894 t76 6,751 75 1 -m L..TBRANY BOOKS & MAF7,S 98, 346 4q, 176 3718()'7 9t70;,> 1 1 p 369 600119 75Ci22 LUD TBRARY PE II_G�LL. . _,.. �. �_.._ _._.d.f:r. 7_ 6e. 3 _ : __._ 7..t. fa7w __.. , ....__ . . ._ _ . _..!_,-13a. ..... _._ ` 0.:3 _ .'�. _ __.7501 ?3 LIBRARY BINDINGS 8,610 4,308 2.PI193 430 11,815 6, 11 '7 75012a L I B R A R Y CATALOGING 12,600 6,300 10" 006 0 31700— 2,(100 750}.?5 LIBRARY_KECOR0.3 R CASSET_TFci__. ___..___.._.—__�?.P ''rt5-_ b7'0 _ _. . ,3t_()23 __. _ __.._ 31.�1..__ __._.,. ._.___3`�3�.___.__ ._ 2r_32.2- 75n13t3 1,TEikA�?Y SMALL ' TC1t7L, Ef)OT' G'r�'.a 114 f ( 1l (} 2?_1 7501f)() l,.IVRAkY COMM1.1NICAT" 10[41�; 1491 it ,'?48 Ps407 671 1 , B41 6s,084 750170 LIBRARY 0TIL.ItIE.S .,....__ ... . 2_6,284: . 13, 1il nL nL ";i 1 7,118603 I7r603 - -...7` 10190 LIBRARY MAINT .f,;L(7(; & GROUNDS 120()00 6, 00 3o170 1418 20,830 8,8:3;; 750POu LIBRARY EOUIPmE.N'T k1AIN"TENA[4CE, 866 4:32 168 38 i?f,u 648 75()2 t1 1.I t3 R A Y E i1 U I ' M A [}�T-A to E??() VIS 5 5() �a 2 6 ._._ _. .5 }.6 _. _ ._._4 �__.._ Ef t}�»_____. .------__344 _.7501"02 LI1'34Ak-y E.(�LJIL� }*ie`�.INT-ISEC SYSTF'M � }� � 0 0 0 75021E t_IBRARY F'PO � 'SPECIAL_ r�EPVTrf- _?0206 X000 141100 0 r'. r00'0- 100 7502?0 1. TRRAI�Y OTHER CONTROCTUAL ..SERV.-.__ ... L24.t70:(J . - 1.2P3t18_. _ 19 0 .. 1p437• _ .. X1_,.915 751240 LIBRARY D(JF-S & SUBSCRIPTIONS 585 294 217 0 77 368 750250 1.1BRARY TRAVEL 475; 240 232 68 8 243 75„?Nj1 t. If1 CONF. & -h4t(3 �-t IE1EtAr? t +_ 60,0 18 . -. - -- loo .?vy ONF & MTG3-81AFF 500 252 290 .36. 210 7502E7„ 1. If}fdAt Y TEtAlt xt (; SAFETY T � � �E61 _75e*1)o E TBE'AkY_.OTHER CHARG9,4 _ Y. - _ - _ W 75'_._. .... ..__ `:36_ **x** tttTAL LIBRARY 1_001)1_-515 _ 504t7..7.11. -- -502t_956 ... ____ 79PR?36 ► , III 5061_559 MONTHLY REPORT Ou tri-nc}: 2s 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers C� B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated /Od 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials .visits / Attendance / circulated A. B. C. D. E. F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons B. Visits made p7(S C. Items circulated L��✓ Commenttss//activities: Z= I� � •, iii/ ( L—��/.����� �,�1�irrrfl�.�vr� �i, �.,C—����c.O�G /Lp�•�` �.�6 �y�, c .z`��