HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1984.01.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JANUARY 17th , 1984 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 17th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30 p . m. by President Parsons . Trustees Present: Trustees Parsons, Kriloff, Nagle and Harvey Trustees Absent: Trustee Weatherbe, excused for vacation Also Present: Connie Schrager, Secretary, Friends of the Library Junko Matsui , Student - Mills High School Mrs. Matsui Mrs. Joy Molder, Assistant City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary President Parsons inquired if we had heard anything further from Rosalie O ' Mahony. Mrs . Bergsing replied that Dr. O ' Mahony had_ been away over the holidays , but she had spoken with her briefly the night before at the City Council meeting . Dr. O ' Mahony is still planning on attending a Board meeting to discuss her concern about library service . BILLS : Trustee Nagle made a motion to dispense with the reading of the bills , for the January meeting. The motion was seconded by Trustee Harvey. The motion was carried . City checks in the amount of $16 ,684 . 96 , and Special Fund checks in the amount of $722 . 80 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Harvey , and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 20th , 1983 : Trustee Nagle asked that the Minutes of the meeting of December 20th , 1983 reflect the fact that he had abstained from voting on the Patrick Ball program. The Minutes were then approved , with the addition , and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE : Trustee Kriloff read the thank you letter to the Double Rainbow Ice Cream Store from President Parsons , thanking them Minutes - January 17th , 1984 Page 2 for their donation in the amount of $80 . 00 , as a result of the ice cream cones given away at their grand opening . Librarian Bergsing distributed the City Manager ' s Newsletter to the Board members . The conflict of Interest Codes were given to each of the Trustees and Mrs . Bergsing brought the date that they are due back to City Hall to their attention . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : P . L . A . N . Mrs . Molder explained that the staff had performed a "full - load" test on the automated circulation system earlier in the day. She said all of the terminals in the system, which currently number 57 , were "manned" and doing conversion . Millbrae was doing a simulated "check-in" , "check-out" procedure at the same time . The reason for this test was to check the response time when all the terminals were in operation . The results were "extremely slow" . Mrs . Molder further explained that the three terminals that have been installed in the Circulation Office , the Children ' s Room and the Easton Drive Branch Library are still not working properly. She is hoping that this problem will be corrected in the next month . MAINTENANCE/CONSTRUCTION.. PROJECTS : Librarvan Bergsing said that Mr. Hawkins from Juno Electronics would be coming in on Wednesday to check on the smoke alarm project. It is the same company that will be installing a new bell for the handicapped entrance . Librarian Bergsing said she would keep them informed . Trustee Harvey asked about the work on the Duncan Patio. Mrs . Bergsing explained that the contractor , Frank Hunter , had been in and out of the hospital and his health had not permitted him to work consistently on the patio. He has subcontracted with another contractor to supervise the project , which seems to have helped a little. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : None'. Minutes - January 17th , 1984 Page 3 NEP! BUSINESS : Right of Privacy Policy : Librarian Bergsing gave some preliminary background and discussed the concerns some patrons may have regard- ing the privacy of their records when the circulation system is automated. She reported that the City Attorney felt that current California laws gave adequate protection from disclosure of circula- tion records . Mr. Coleman recommended that the Library Board not adopt a separate policy , as this might lead to increased liability for the Trustees should a problem arise . After discussion , the Board concurred with the City Attorney ' s position . Explanation of the new Patron Application Forms : Mrs . Molder explained the new patron registration form to the Trustees . She explained that all the P . L .A . N . libraries wtll use the same registra- tion form. She said some libraries request more information and some _ require less than Burlingame . The Board members were each given a new application form to fill out , and they will be shown how to input their own information at the next meeting . Samples of the new Interior Signs : Mrs . Bergsing displayed some of the new interior signs . She explained that because of the configura- tion of the building it had been extremely difficult to work out an effective sign system. However , after many revisions , the staff was pleased with the results . City Librarian - New Year ' s Resolutions - 1984 ; City Capital Improvement Program - 1984-1989 ; City Manager ' s State of the City Review 1983 and Forecast for 1984 : Librarian Bergsing distributed this material and explained it was for the Board ' s general informa- tion about the city . Gift in Memory of Ben Hechinger : Librarian Bergsing informed the Board members of the death of Ben Hechinger . She said she had already sent a personal note to Marg Hechinger , Ben ' s wife , Minutes - January 17th , 1984 �- Page 4 expressing her sympathy. Trustee Nagle made a motion to purchase a book , "Drawings of the California Missions " , by Edward Vischer, and put a bookplate in it from the Burlingame Library Board of Trustees . The motion was seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried unanimously. Librarian Bergsing said she had received word from the State Librarian that funds in the amount of $7 ,046 . 00 had been approved from the newly-created Public Library Fund for direct assistance to Burlingame Public Library . Mrs . Bergsing had requested that the City Council allow these funds to be used for the Conversion Project The Council approved the request at its January 16th meeting . ADJOURNMENT : The meeting of January 17th , 1984 , was adjourned at 5 : 45 p. m. with the next meeting scheduled for February 21st , 1984 at 4 : 30 p. m. in the California Room. Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing City Librarian PMB/mp