HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.05.15 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY 15th , 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER: II. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : III. BILLS: City Checks : $15 ,264 - 30 Special Fund : $1 ,402. 29 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 17th, 1984 : V. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter to Ken Bowers - Studio B Letter to Mr. Felix Lauricella VI. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio Project VIII. NEW BUSINESS: Request to Peninsula Foundation for use of Duncan Trust Funds Suggestions for 5 year plan Luncheon for Trustee Parsons XI_ ADJOURNMENT: Pmb/jg i BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 17th, 1984 CALL TO ORDER• The meeting of April 17th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Parsons . Trustees Present : Trustees Parsons , Kriloff , Harvey and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Trustee Nagle , excused for illness in his family Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder , Asst . City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: City checks in the amount of $13 ,648 . 34 , and Special Fund checks in the amount of $767 . 95 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Kriloff , seconded by Trustee Harvey , and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 20th, 1984 : The Minutes of March 20th , 1984 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE: A post card from Marian Sweeney of San Bruno thanking the Board for providing the wonderful entertainment by Patrick Ball , Storyteller , was read by President Parsons . The Council Resolution regarding Commissioners attendance at Board meetings was distributed to the Board members by Librarian Bergsing. Librarian Bergsing presented the proclamation for National Library Week from Mayor Amstrup to the Board members . Mrs . Bergsing said she had written a letter to Ace Roofing to thank them for their generous donation of roof tiles for the porch in the Duncan patio area but she is going to re-write it because Ace Roofing has also very generously donated their labor to install the roof tiles and she wants the letter to reflect both. Page 2 / Minutes / April 17th , 1984 Mrs . Bergsing also showed the Board a newsclipping from the San Mateo Times of an editorial written by Ex-Councilman Crosby stating the importance of National Library Week. Librarian Bergsing said that Ken Bowers of Studio B has donated the matting and framing of an 1896 map of Burlingame that the Library has owned for some time . For the moment it will be housed in the California Room. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Bata-Phone Demonstration : Linda Saltzer , Head of Technical Services , explained the new ordering process., from the Baker and Taylor Company. She explained that rather than fill ou.t a five part form they "code-in" a number which identifies the Burlingame Library , and another identifying number which identifies the book that is being ordered, and finally , how many books being ordered at that time . That information is then transmitted over the phone on an 800 toll-free number and received by Baker and Taylor . The Bata-Phone has a built in acoustical coupler for transmitting. Baker and Taylor acknowledges the order on a computer-type printout. We can order 400 books at one time . The Board members thought this was a great way to handle the book orders and an excellent time saver . "Fine-Free" Week : Mrs . Bergsing said the Library got back a number of overdue books but they were not very long overdue . She feels that the community , by and large , is basically honest and aware of the importance of returning books on time . She said the book that was overdue the longest period of time was checked out in 1976 . Librarian Bergsing said she felt this had promoted good public relations for the Library and the community. She said some people came in and wanted to pay their fines regardless of the amnesty period. Duncan Patio Project : Librarian Bergsing said that there has been some progress on the project however it was still moving very slowly . She said the stairs had been redone , and the tiles were in place and looked great . She said that Mr . Somerville , Director of the Foundation , had called to say that the tenants in the building were complaining about the screens over the windows . The Trustees felt that the screens should stay as they are , and that the blueprints were offered for inspection , to the tenants , prior to construction. Page 3 / Minutes / April 17th , 1984 Trustee Harvey said that Ace Roofing will not only be donating the roof tiles but also the labor to install same . He said there will be no problems with leakage after the door is installed. CALTAC Membership : Librarian Bergsing asked what action had been taken regarding the CALTAC membership and President Parsons said there was no action other than the membership should be sent to the Library under the title of "President" and the name could be changed when there is a change of officers . NEW BUSINESS: Request for Volunteer Program Funds and Capital Outlay Items : Librarian Bergsing presented a list of items that the Library ' s Volunteer Program needs . After reviewing the items Trustee Kriloff made a motion to approve funds for an on-going volunteer recognition program from the Special Fund. The motion included funds in the amount of $550.00 for 2 year ' s (through June 1986 ) . The Trustees also expressed their support for an on-going volunteer �-- program. The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and carried unanimously. Mrs . bergsing said she was requesting some items from the Trustees Special Fund . After reviewing the list of office items needed , Trustee Weatherbe made a motion to approve funds , not to exceed $ 1 , 800 .00 , to be paid out of the Trustees Special Fund. The motion was seconded by Trustee Kriloff and passed unanimously. Preliminary suggestions for items to be requested from the Duncan Truste Fund : Mrs . Bergsing said she was working on a number of items that she is going to request from the Duncan Trust Fund. The items include talking book cassettes consisting of stories and foreign languages ; a video cassette cabinet and re- corder ; and funds to copy the Burlingame historical pictures so there would be three sets , one to circulate , one to frame and hang in the library and one for historical purposes . The Board members thought this was a great way to expand Library services without using City money. Attendance at Volunteer Tea Mrs . Molder announced the Volunteer _ Tea would be held on May 9th , 1984 for those who wish to attend the recognition ceremony for Friends and volunteers . The Trustees said they would confirm their attendance . Page 4 / Minutes / April 17th , 1984 MISCELLANEOUS: Mrs . Bergsing said the budget had gone over to City Hall on Friday , April 13th. She said she would keep the Board informed about the status until it is approved. President Parsons asked if Mrs . Bergsing would be present at the Council meetings when the Budget is presented and Mrs . Bergsing said yes she will . Trustee Harvey said he had a bid to paint the Easton Branch Library and water-blast it for under $3 ,000 .00 . The Board members were quite impressed. Trustee Harvey said the company that gave him the bid would be submitting it in writing by their next Board meeting. Trustee Weatherbe asked about the "Problem Patron Work- Shop" and Mrs . Molder explained briefly what areas the workshop covered and the types of people that warrant certain procedures and policies . Trustee Kriloff suggested that the staff wear name tags . Mrs . Molder explained some of the staff reactions to name tags when they had been suggested before . Discussion followed. Mrs . Bergsing said she would consider discussing the idea with staff again , but she would have to think carefully about the approach. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting was adjourned at 6 :07pm with the next meeting scheduled for May 15th , 1984 , at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg LIBRARIAN' S REPORT / MAY 15th , 1984 / PAGE #1 AUTOMATED CIRCULATION As of today , the following libraries are on-line and using the System to circulate books : Millbrae ; Belmont ; Pacifica ; East Palo Alto ; Marina Branch of San Mateo City ; and Menlo Park. Portola Valley is scheduled to go on-line on May 22nd , and Foster City in June . We are still trying to get our last three terminals installed , as well as the RLIN interface . Conversion is continuing , but at a slightly slower pace . We have had a number of personnel changes recently and recruiting and training takes time . Mrs . Molder is planning on an all—out effort on conversion this summer , when we will have students available to help . DUNCAN PATIO The concrete floor has been poured for the patio and it looks just great . Al Escoffier selected the color and type of exposed aggregate , and we think it is especially attractive . We are still having trouble getting the general contractor to complete the job. We will need to discuss possible alternatives at your meeting. REQUEST TO THE DUNCAN TRUST We are working on a request for funds from the Duncan Trust Fund , which we are planning to have ready in time for your meeting. The Distribution Committee of the Foundation meets on May 30th , so we hope to be able to submit the request in time to meet their deadline . P.L.S. ADVISORY BOARD At their regular meeting on May 7th , the City Council re-appointed Trustee Kriloff as Burlingame ' s representative to the Peninsula Library System ' s Advisory Board . Linda Crowe , the System Director , has been notified . Congratulations Leo ! ! FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOKSALE The Friends of the Library had another successful booksale on the weekend of May 4th , 5th and 6th . They made approximately $2 ,300 .00 . Jean Ratel did a great LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT / MAY 15th , 1984 / PAGE #2 job as Chairman , and she has agreed to Chair the fall `- booksale too . The Board of the Friends will be meeting soon to plan future activities , and adopt a budget for the year. VOLUNTEER TEA The Volunteer Tea was a big success . It was very gratifying to have three of the City Council in attendance . They made the presentations to the volunteers , and I know the volunteers appreciated it. Pamela Stamnes was in charge of the event and. she did a wonderful job. Joy helped with the planning , refreshments and the invitations , and as always , Judy did her part . We are hoping that next year we will be able to hold this annual event on the patio . MAINTENANCE PROJECTS We received the written estimate on painting the Branch . It totals $2 ,950. 00 for materials and labor . We submitted the request as part of the Library ' s budget , so when Council approves the City budget , (which we assume will be in June sometime ) , we will notify the contractor. In the meantime , I have talked to the contractor and he is aware. of the situation . We have had three additional bells installed (one on each floor ) , as part of the smoke alarm system. We hope this helps us to alert both the public and staff in case of a fire , so we can evacuate more rapidly. P.L.S. RETREAT On Friday , May 18th , the P. L. S. Board of Directors is planning a "retreat" to brainstorm on long range plans for the System and for the individual libraries . I would very much appreciate any ideas or suggestions you may have about what you would like to see Burlingame Public Library or the Peninsula Library System do in the next five years . I added this item to your Agenda in the hope that we might do a little brainstorming of our own . LIBRARIAN 'S REPORT / MAY 15th , 1984 / PAGE #3 COLLECTIONS On April 2nd , Barbara Maher , a teacher at the Field-Moore Academy , brought over six students from the 7th and 8th grades for an intensive orientation/research visit . The students had specific research projects which had been cleared by our Reference Department beforehand , so Mrs . Johnson was able to be very specific in her explanations . We are very pleased with how this session went . It is always helpful when a teacher gives us advance notice of student research topics. It makes the students ' visit much more meaningful and productive. The P. L.S. Film Committee met on May 2nd to discuss some revisions of the Circulation rules for 16mm films and videocassettes . Statistics for the Film Center have taken a big jump recently up to 2 , 400 titles last month with video leading in circulation statistics . VIDEOCASSETTES The Children ' s videocassttes purchased by the Friends for BPL have arrived and will be processed and on the shelves in A/V in a few weeks . PAPERBACKS Jack Haber has joined our Volunteer Staff to process paperback books . Jack will be checking gift paper- backs , canelling worn titles and adding new ones . We are please to have a knowledgeable volunteer to help us with this task. O�iTt`1LY 1EPORT PROM Easton Branch Library _ DATE _Argil 30, 19£34 DEPARTMENT .SIGNIFICANT DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY (may include statistical data, service level changes, or noteworthy procedural changes) No significant activity, however I- would .like to comment on the "No Fine" week during themonth of April . For the Branch it was a positive experience as we did find a book retur-nad that had- been out since 1966 . We also found that patrons liked the idea, and did not take advantage of the opportunity to return material. over-due with no fines charged. We feel strongly that the library should have this activity again next year, at a different time of cool:se . COMMUNITY iE ,A T IOi S AND PROGRAMMING (may include public programs, letters of commendation, interaction with community groups) PERSONNEL (may include staff achievements, training, meetings, conferences, etc.) The Easton Library has a new page, Michael McMorrow who is a sophomore at CSM. While attending school and working part—time for us, he works part—time for the Biology dept. as CSM. 6/83 ��!/ MONTIILY RUORT MONTH April 1984 Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 9 Outreach B. Hours contributed —3-4- 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 13 B. Number of visits made 26 C. Items circulated 49 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional ViFits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. _ Marion Convent 1 -0- 25 B. La Vrar home 2. -0- 15 C. Bayview 4 2 16 D. Hacienda 2 1 10 E. F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 16 B. Visits made C. Items circulated 115 Comments/activities: Many of the Outreach Volunteers visited with their shut-ins on Easter Sunday , taking bouguets and boxes of sweets . For those patrons living in institutions this un-scheduled visit was very meaningful . B121- -will begin a deposit collection for the Burlingame chapter of the Pa-,ter SPa1S in May. The new PLS OUtreach Librarian will make the i dPlivPry and I shall make -the selection of 60 volumes every month . This is a pilot program and will be monitored for reading interest and circulation for two to three months . Sin erely;,, STATISTICS FOR APRIL. 1984 CIRCULATION 14AIN BRANCH hooks: - Adult, Non-Fict+on 12,955 366 Child, Non-FIc_ '::r-: 1,672_ 275 Adult , Fiction 7,374 958_ Child, Fiction 2,523 51.2 TOTAL: 24,524 TOTAL: 2, 111 Periodicals: .1 ,6.97 423 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 481. -0- TOTAL: 2. 178 TOTAL: 423 moving Pictures: 16 Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1,253 Art Prints: 22 Equipment Loaned: 12 Slides: GRAND TOTAL: 28,005 GRAND TOTAL: 2,534 Blain Total 19$4 Circ. : 28,005 Main Total 1983 Circ. : 29,023 = 3.51 ;Decrease Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 2,534 Branco Total 1983 Circ. : 3, 139 = 19.27 Decrease GRAND TOTAL 1984 CTRC. : .38;539 GRAND TOTAL 1983 CIRC. : 32,.162 - --,=- - 5„05 %�Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 4,441 ILL Borrowed: 59 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 173 REF. ACTIVITY4,673 ILL Total : 232 - RE" ' STRATIONS: ADDITIONS 41ITHD RAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: 10,610 _302 307 10,605 DATE: 7,811 Children: 1,638 28 35 1,631 Increase of 57 Hillsborough: 4,352 114 152 4,314 Other Non-Res. Patrons 300 _ 8 _ 0 308 TOTAL: 16,900 451 494 16,857 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 137, 191 - 101,619 372 - 282 445 - 233 737, 118- 101,668 Child, Non-Fic: 19, 190 141654 47 34 182 - 35 19,055- 14,653 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,329 - 31182 3 - 3 3 - 2 3,329- 3,183_ Adult, Fiction: 45,279 - 41,290 178 - 118 2.89 - 4 45, 169- 41 .404 Child, Fiction: 151014 - 10,547 39 - 20 53 - 13 15,000- 10,554 Y.A. , Fiction: 3,027 - 2,710 15 - 13 0 0_ 3,042- 2;723 TOTAL: 223,030 - 174,002 654 - 470 972 - 287 222,712- 174, 185 PAFiPHLETS ADDED: 206_ MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 21 ,929 _ TOTAL: 1,477 ..ECOP,DINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UN ITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5!743 / 5,269 12 / 10 5 / 5 5, 750 / 5,274 Cassettes: _ 980_/_ 945 19 / 18 0 / 0 _ 999 / -6-,2 963 _ TOTAL: - 6723 / 6,214 31 / 28 5 / 5 6,749 6,237 ;.-P-ni TED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1,023.25 BRANCH: SZ`50 TOTAL: Q iEETING ROOM FEES COLLEC-1ED & DEPOSITED: S 140.00 TOTAL: $1,215.75 : :;TAL MEETINGS HELD 14 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 430 7 CITY OF i tJPLTW-',AvF ! U1yFT STATUS 2Ef> L ?TJe9 12 1AUNTfa CUR M10 (INEAPENUFi) ACCT 'S" ON APPROP. F STI SATE ;c'vjAl_ ACTUAL. VARIANCE BALANCE L I R- WR Y 750010 LIBRARY SALARIES 376,920 31.4, 100 312,.299 28,412 1 ,801 64,h21 -_ 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BE"!EFITS 167, 71 139076 139,758 13,97x, ? 27, ` c;2 750913 LIHPARY PPRTTTME ?2f,1141 "1 1h8,b8o 190084 19,1s87 11E+04» 3o, 129 75GI I LItS(�Af7Y OFFICF f X€�F Pd$�= 7r9`.xC? �,,63G 7t 107 237 'J77» t`�ri � 7SC�1?�} LIBRARY Sf�EGIA1, t1Et�TL EXPENSE Y2,67tt 10.5110 R, 340 705 2,?ao 41 ilu � _ 750121 LIbR'ARY BOOKS & MAPS 9A, 3.46 �'1 ,�3fi4# '10,ts2i1 8 5") 1127o, 726 750'122 LIBRARY PE.f TODICAL3 12,67c'' to,560 9,657 118 903 3fot�' L23 .LTBRARY_ BINDINGS 1t 575 , 35?. 2 6 :15 4, 035 75CI?4 LIBRARY CATALOGING l?" 640 10,590 10, 153 tr 347 ?, 447 1,s 75005 LIBRARY RECORDS & CASSETTES 5, : 45 14,!45,^, 4,767 43?. 3.17- 578 _ .--.750}130- LIBRARY SMALL TOOL�i & E01}TP 245 190 ti 0 186 7501.60 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 8,491 7,OAU Ut92F? 54? 2. 152 3,563 750170 LTBRAf<Y UTILITIES 26,21ts/t 210,910 2, 179 41r ?10 8,5911 �- ice_.. a„ 750190 LIBRARY ilAINT BLDG & CFiC)x NDN 1•',11)03"f 111,000 81807 01943 1 , 193 3r 11,113 ` ')3I 75o2oC LTBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 866 7;'!u 590 1?S tan 27t3 Iz ��7501201 LIBRARY EQUIP tY?AI" T-AOD'O VIS 8'5(0 710 7ct 21 c! it 5 2 c' LI WARY EQUIP MAINJ-SEC` �iY TEM 0 0 As n 75OZI O LIBRARY PROF & rPE"C I AL SERVICE tt,2o 0 3,500 4, 10A „ 0 600- 100 7502e" o LIBRARY OTNFR Ct�NTRUCTUA�L SERV 2/1, 700 20 5Ao i'tt,700 O 4, 120- V _.__._750240 LIBRARY DOES R SUBSCRIPTIONS 516 5 0490 607 117* 22- 750250:+ LIBRARY TRAVEL 1475 14;0;3 371 117 29 14 750251 LIES CONF & MTGS-LI13F'tAfzIAN 6()o 500 430 i) 70 1701 17-7 L;I13 CcINF & 1-,"1'GS-3TAFF 5%4 1420 290 0 130 210 �.: 7 0<a6o LIBRARY TRAINING & SAf LTY 3 14 7th 23-• U8 1331 75029+0 L.16 RARY OTHER CHAR'G 75 - 60 SSS Fi 5 c;3 �351 TOTAL LTDRARY 10019, 51s 811112go 821 , 173 76rll) 'c 4t, 117 1 ft3, Su? _. 1770 411 I42 i +41 )_ X904-Green 04-wh.te CITY OF BURLINGAME ---- -- --- .. _ -- - ------ ----i ------- 2— 3 ----- 4 + i -2-10 ?1-2177-2161. ! 2 .3 D - I� i 0'' ' 3 /d N,j 'I, kg ydiv 3o'I o' S (I , MI6 7 7 : �� '' II II I .i 4 / al e IIA � �i� 8p1x ii 9 /ij it •'I j >0Tj nl 10 ;1 v rli ' 0 II D 7 '_11 '2 - zv: 11 12 13 14 "- -- - ! 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