HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.06.19 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JUNE 19th , 1984 I . CALL TO ORDER• II . ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : III. BILLS: City Checks : $24 , 416 . 23 Special Fund : $ 1 ,640 . 64 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 15th, 1984 : V. CORRESPONDENCE: VI. LIBRARIANS REPORT: VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio Project VIII. NEW BUSINESS: 1984-1985 Budget Farewell Luncheon for Barbara, Joy and Pam XI . ADJOURNMENT: PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 15th , 1984 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of May 15th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Parsons . Trustees Present : Trustees Parsons , Nagle , Harvey and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Trustee Kriloff , excused for illness Also Present : Mrs . Joy Molder , Asst. City Librarian Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: Trustee Nagle made a motion to dispense with reading of the bills for the May 15th meeting. The motion- was seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried . City checks in the amount of $15 , 264 . 30 , and Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 ,402 . 29 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Harvey , `- seconded by Trustee Nagle , and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 17th , 1984 : The Minutes of April 17th , 1984 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE: President Parsons read a letter that Mrs . Bergsing had written to Ken Bowers of Studio B, thanking him for the beautiful framing he had done of the old map of Burlingame , circa 1896 . President Parsons also read an acknowledgement to Mr. Felix Lauricella , a local resident , who has donated a leather bound 4 volume set of Birds of America to the Library. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Automated Circulation : Librarian Bergsing reported that the conversion process is progressing and that the Menlo Park Public Library had come on-line . She had visited the Menlo Park Library recently and it was very interesting to see the system in operation . Page 2 Minutes May 15th , 1984 VOLUNTEER TEA : Mrs . Bergsing said the Volunteer Tea was a huge success . She said Pamela Stamnes did an outstanding job. She also reported that members of the City Council were greeted with great appreciation by the v--lunteers and staff. Trustee Harvey felt the presence of City Council made quite an impact on the recipients of the awards , and he was very pleased that the council had been able to attend . MAINTENANCE PROJECTS : Mrs . Bergsing said she had received a written bid to paint the Branch Library. She said she will proceed this summer after the budget has been approved . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: DUNCAN PATIO PROJECT: Mrs . Bergsing said she had spoken with Mr. Frank Hunter , the General Contractor for the patio project and she said he is extremely unconcerned with the urgency of finishing the patio . There was some discussion regarding the costs that were bid to Mr. Hunter prior to construction. There was some discussion regarding the balance of money in the bank for completion of the project . Trustee Harvey said he still feels strongly that Mr. Hunter should be dismissed . Trustee Nagle agreed and said that the Architect , Bob Williams , should write a letter dismissing him. After further discussion Trustee Harvey made a motion to act upon the letter sent to Mr. Hunter on March 6th , 1984 , and to terminate him for failure to substantially perform the contract in a timely or workmanlike manner. The motion was seconded by Trustee Nagle and carried unanimously. Trustee Harvey added that the patio committee will take action to expeditiously complete the project . Trustee Nagle agreed to write the letter on Mr. Williams behalf. NEW BUSINESS: REQUEST TO THE PENINSULA FOUNDATION FOR USE OF THE DUNCAN TRUST FUNDS : Mrs . Bergsing briefly explained the reasoning for the requests for use of the Duncan Funds . The Board members commented that they are pleased that there are alternative Page 3 May 15th , 1984 funds ava__ ble other thatn the Cit budget for City g purchasing large ite^:ti and additional services for the Library. A motion was made Trustee Harvey to approve the request . The motion was secc�C�=d, by Trustee Weatherbe and carried . SUGGESTTO''-- FOR 5 YEAR PLAN : Librarian Bergsing will be attending a retreat this Friday to participate in a discussion on a 5 year plan for the Peninsula Library System as well as the individual libraries . Trustee Harvey said he is still concerned that the Library should have more public relations: Mrs . Bergsing said it was also a concern of hers and it was on her list of suggestions . Discussion followed on various ways that the Outreach service might be better publicized. LUNCHEON FOR TRUSTEE PARSONS: Mrs . Bergsing asked about a luncheon for President Parsons whose term will be up on June 30th , 1984 . The members of the Board tentatively agreed on the date , June 21st , Thursday , at 12 : 00 noon . The place will be decided later. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of May 15th , 1984 was adjourned at 5 : 50pm , with the next meeting set for June 19th , 1984 , at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg LIBRARIAN' ` REPORT / JUNE 19th, 1984 / PAGE #1 AUTOMATED C=RCULATION: Conversion continues . Burlingame Public Library has now converted all the adult non-fiction books at the Main Library that have circulated since 1980, and we are currently in the "E ' s" in adult fici_on. At the Branch , the 000-500 ' s , and 800 ' s and 900 ' s have been converted , and in the Children 's Room, all the picture books and readers are done. We have now converted approximately 90 ,000 item records . In the entire System, last week the 1 ,000 ,000th_ item record was entered into the Geac data base. The data base now contains approximately 310,000 titles and 501,000 patron records . DUNCAN PATIO• The general Contractor has been terminated from the Project . We have been notified by two of the subscontractors that they have not been paid and that they will file "stop notices" and liens on the job . In the meantime , Trustee Harvey and the architect , Bob Williams , have obtained estimates from other contractors `- to finish the work. Trustee Harvey will bring you up to date at the meeting . BUDGET 1984-1985: Attached to this report is the Library Budget for next year . As you can see we tried to keep increases as low as poss- ible . If you have questions , we 'll discuss them on Tuesday. HILLSBOROUGH AGREEMENT: Attached is the letter to Mr . Bob Davidson, City Manager of Hillsborough regarding the new amount of the contract 1984-1985 . STAFFING CHANGES: It is with deep regret that the Library has accepted the resignations of two of its most valued staff members ; Joy Molder and Pam Stamnes . Joy is leaving on June 28th and Pam -is - leaving on July 6th. We will be interviewing on Friday, June 15th and on Monday , June 18th , for a new Branch Librarian and a Volunteer Coordinator. I may be able to report on those two positions at your meeting . Trustee Kriloff had suggested having the farewell party for Trustee Parsons on his friend ' s boat at the Coyote Point Yacht Harbor and that we include Pam. The date has been set for June 28th. Since Joy will be attending along with Judy and me , I ' d like to suggest a party for all three . Barbara thinks that would LIBRARIANIS REPORT / JUNE 19th, 1984 / PAGE 2 be great — REQUEST reat -REQUEST TO DUNCAN TRUST: 9e have been notified by the Peninsula Community Foundat=-_n that the Distribution Committee has approved our re- quest f•r. funds from the Duncan Trust. We have already ordered the micrccomputers , and the cassette browser, and work has begun on the historical photographs of Burlingame. P.L.S. RETREAT: The Peninsula Library System retreat and brainstorming session on long range plans was very worthwhile . Many innovative and stimulating ideas were expre-ssed. As soon as I receive the summary of the meeting , I ' ll pass it along to you. In the mean- time , I am including with this report , a copy of the ideas that Burlingame Public Library submitted. Our list was compiled from suggestions from the public , the staff , and you, the Board. AUDIO-VISUAL DEPARTMENT: Our videocassette collection made its debut on June 6th. With help from Friends of the Library we have purchased 34 children ' s videocassettes . The selections include such older classics as Winnie the Pooh , and new classics like Annie , and The Black Stallion . The collection is organized along the lines of the video stores , with empty cassette boxes on display for browsing in the audiovisual area. The cassettes will be housed in locked cases . Circulation will be 24 hours with a limit of three videocassettes per person in a 24 hour period. We feel these materials will supplement the videocassettes available through the PLS Film Center . The microform collections are undergoing a reorganization , with new cabinets on order and filing dividers purchased to go along with them. The cases will allow the patrons direct access to the files , as they won 't be locked. Pat Harding attended a film preview meeting for the Northern California Film Circuit in Vallejo , on May 18th. 16mm children ' s films were previewed and several members of the PLS Film Committee attended. At a later meeting , the group voted to spend the remaining $2 ,000 . 00 of the PLS film budget on approk- imately seven 16mm children ' s films that had been reviewed. On May 8th , Penny Johnson participated in the filming of a cable TV program on travel guidebooks available in the Library. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT / JUNE 19th, 1984 / PAGE 3 This is pa_- of the library 's ongoing series of filmed book reviews . REFERENCE TA BASES: �- 011 May 16th , Penny Johnson and Pat Harding attended a workshop sponsored by the Information Access Company , in Belmont . The instructor , Susan Higgins , discussed the seven databases available through I .A.C. and the search techniques to access these databases most efficiently. She also discussed two new files , Magazine ASAP and Trade and Industry ASAP, which allow full text searching and online text delivery. She also demonstrated Search Helper , an easy--Lo-use fixed price service , which allows access to all of the databases available through I .A. C. The best part of the training was the -last two hours , when the group attending got the chance to use the terminals and do their own searches . P. L. S. is subscribing to a new service on behalf of the member libraries = The UMI Article Clearinghouse. This service will provide copies of articles , any length , from 1978 forward, with a turnaround time of 48 , hours . The only restrictions will be that the titles not be available in PLS. In addition , UMI will require an exact citation for each article requested. For this initial period of the project , there will be no charge to the end user . REFERENCE QUESTIONS: Attached you will find a letter of thanks , for a question received from Illinois . The question concerned the late author Stewart Edward White . As a result of this question , and others , we are putting together files on the author ' s life and works . White was a Hillsborough resident for many years and died in the 1940 ' s . CHILDREN'S REPORT: The Summer Reading Club theme this year, is "Go : For. The Gold". The ideas and art work to some degree are the result of cooperative planning of the Peninsula Library System , Children ' s Services . Each library has adapted the results to their particular situation. The rules are the same as last year . The first week the children will be registered in the booklet , the second week they will receive a bookmark , the third , fifth , and seventh weeks they will receive a sticker , the fourth and sixth weeks are stars and the eighth week a gold seal . Publicity and visits to the schools are scheduled to promote the Summer Reading Club . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT / JUNE 19th, 1984 / PAGE 4 Nancy Montague prepared our materials for the printer as well as doing the posters and other publicity items such as flyers , etc . For the first time , this year we are having a pre- school " ead-To-Me" Program. A booklet is available at the Library for the parents to list titles read to their child. A certificate indicating the child was a "Good Listener" will be given out at the end of the program. Both the Club and the Reading Program will begin on June 25th and end on August 17th. The Burlingame Lions Club is once again sponsoring both programs . Barbara Lazarus continues to do the pre-school program at the Branch and hold individual story hours for the Presbyterian Nursery School and a Child ' s Way. The summer session of the pre-school story hour will begin on June 26th and conclude on August 14th. Joan Leach visited Crocker School and has now given book talks to all the sixth graders . North Hillsborough ' s fifth grade came to the Library (four sessions of 11 - 13 children per session) to be instructed in the use of the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature and the Magazine Index. PMB/j STATISTICS FOR Mune_ 1-9-8-4 C I RCULPT_ I ON MAI N , j% BRANCH Hooks: !� Adult , Non-F+c= on 11 , 758 454 Child, Non inti ,n `_ 1 . 510 395 �- Adult, Fict: :;n 7, 255 1050 Child, Fiction 2 , 28_6 582 TOTAL: 22 , 809 TOTAL: 2 , 481 Periodicals: 1 , 770 436 Pamphlets (Inc] . Maps Sm. Press: 540 -0- TOTAL: 2 , 310 TOTAL:::2::::,91 7 Moving Pictures: --�0 Audiorecordings On^�i - Rec. S Cass. ) 1 , 294 Art Prints: 23 Equipment Loaned: 14 Slides: -0- GRAND TOTAL: 26 ,470 GRAND TOTAL:_ 2,917 Plain Total 19$4 Circ. : 262470 Plain Total 1983 Circ. : 27 ,004 = 1 . 98 ;f Decrease Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 2-;917 Branch Total 1983 Ci rc-. T2 , 762� = 3:b 76-1-% Increase GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC. : 29 _ 387 GRAND TOTAL 1983 CIRC. : _29 ,266 = 1 . 27 Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 4 , 169 ILL Borro:•red: 96 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 188 REF. ACTIVITY 4453 ILL Total : 284 REGISTRATIONS: �-' ADDITIONS W 1 TOTAL REG.-'T PLS P"TRONS TO Adults: 10 , 598 269 238 10 , 629 DATE: _ 7 , 868 Children: 1 , 601' 12 20 _J,593 593 Increase of S7 Hillsborough: 4 ,639 134 168 4 ,605 Other ?Ion-Res. Patrons 241 7 -0-� 248 TOTAL: 17 ,079 422 426 17 , 705 f�CCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLU14ES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLU•tES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES AduIt,Non-Fic. : 135,566 - 99,727 439 - 297 599 - 181 135,406 - 99,843 Child, Non-Fic: 18,007 - 14,412 2 - 2 141 - 33 17,868 - 14,3T1 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,324 - • 3,172 -0- - -0- 23 - 2 3,301 - 3 Adult, Fiction: _44}874 - 40 841 158 - 85 355 - 162 44,677 - 40,764 Child, Fiction: 11.571 - 10,200_ 31 - 1 91 - 18 14.,_51.1..-_ 10,189 '{.A. , Fiction: 2,924 - - 2,619 9 - 6 9 - 9 _ _ 2,924 - 2,-616 TOTAL: 219,266 - 170977 639 - 391 1 ,218 - 405 218,687 - 170,963 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 203 MAPS ADDED: -0 'AMPHLETS DISCARDED: 2 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- TOTAL: 21 ,065 TOTAL: 1 ,477 RECORD 114GS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS_ / TITLES UNITS / TITLES U1`iITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5 .,629 /5 ,070 4 / 4 13 / -0- 52620 / 5 ,074 Cassettes: 850 / 816 2 / 2 3 / -0- 849 / - 818 TOTAL: 6 ,479 /5 ,886 6 / 6 16 / -0- 6 ,469 ._l`.,, ITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1935 .67 BRANCH: 63 . 28 TOTAL: _T, ROOM FEES COLLECTED E DEPOSITED: S 315 . 00 TOTAL: 2 ,313 .95 " ;TAL MEETINGS HELD _ 16 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 490 J•)OJ HoM 7:dJ-K�IIe CITY OF 13URLINGAME --2— 3 4 IF rq ( a.L I v 841 S 'a!os z 3 d W11A s 5 �j 6 (i 7 a A } �_• - 9 1110 11 _ 1! 1111 I� iI ! 12 !113 1 ----- --� I' (( _ I 114 I' f I e6 1116 17 ! 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FSTIMATL AC I't J A L ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE E N 750 10 L T BRARY SALAR I E3 Wi) 9?(; 3493 310 40 7 ?8 f 72') iur 1317 750011 L T RP A k Y '.M P L()y F E ;{LiNEF I T5 ) (-,7, 71 o I ").1, 7 3c) 15:3. 7311 13,971r 2 13 97t, 7b(l01S 1- Ni H A R Y PA4 T T I ME 22o li .13 ?0 7 b 14 8 (.'10,91:5 0 S 5")tl) 7501. 1 ti I IBRAHY OFF ICE EXFyF 1 9 ri 0 7►2 c).3 10' '3148 c iti- 7510 1?kl L I riRARY SPECIAL VEPTL, EXPENSE 12,650 11 594 1 (If 963 c'.,o. ?'i o L I R R A R Y BOLW5 & MAPS 1)3 t 341, 90, 1 t16 78 F p9ii '10615 362 lliRARY PERIODICALS 3 5 8355 8r6lo 7,898 4'r 9 3 2 358 ef 966 750123 L113 A Y 6 N I I 750 I P4 L TRPARY CA7ALOGTW; 12,600 1 1 ,555 12, '318 p- 165 282 7501?5 LIRRARY RECORDS & CA$3ET7Ec; 5r ,itt5 tj,891; 5 f)3 8 71 1. 43- 307 7576130 LIRRARY SMALL T(.)O- LS & E40p, 205 P21 75()1,6 0 L I f 3 R A R'Y C OMMU N I C A T T 0 N 3 s'i 14 9 1 7, 7138 5 1 523 2, :351 1 51 0 Is 0 5 0.17 1 L 16 R Y J-T.1 L.I T I E'l 6 2no 14 - 9f 8b2 112 f 22� 6 11 4 2 8 Ll()RARY MAIN' T HLDG e, Gl4r)UND-5 1c?, 000 11 r U00 9,629 8?2 i f 3-11 2, 311 750200 L I FIRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 86b 702 590 0 202 2 1 '75()2o i LlnRARY EQUIP MAINT-A0010 VIS 6�io 78 1 0 0 141 ?1 7592-4--CiBRARYEbUiP H44,NT-SE"C M 0 0 t§ 01 75czlo LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL 83 f'.R V I C F 4 o 31850 4f 100 0 ?,-)o— I714 —75i?2?0-..L-T-ti?A R Y O.Ttif-'R CONTRUCT-UAL SERV 2111700 2?,p 3 6 2>11 700 0 2 f o t"?- 75OR40 LIBRANY DOES & SWISCRIPTIONS A5 5 5-jq t)0 7 0 t.)`i— 22- 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL �4 7 tl 440 407 37 33 Est} 600 0 5 S)o 438 112 o2 75625,2 -06 CUNTMTGS-STAFF 500 116? 345 11. 7 55 750260 LTBRARY TRAINItNG ,& SAFETY 450 418 403 0 1 LTBRARY (ITHFAR CHARGES 75 66 0 TOTAL. 1, TbRARY 10091, 515 9250419 901 P867 80,W?4 P's 5S2 107 ,648