HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.07.17 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES JULY 1 7th , 1984 I. CALL TO ORDER: IL ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Trustees Absent: Also Present: III. BILLS: City Checks: 1983-1984 $11 ,411 .80 1934-1985 $35,527.14 Special Fund: $350.92 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 19th, 1984: V. CORRESPONDENCE: Note from Mrs. Joy Molder VI. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio Project- VIII. NEW BUSINESS: Introduction of new Assistant City Librarian / Al Escoffier Introduction of new Branch Librarian / Cathy Somerton Gift of Art Prints from Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hirsch Election of Officers: President & Secretary XI. ADJOURNMENT: PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JUNE 19th, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of June 19th, 1984 was called to order at 4:30pm by President Parsons. Trustees Present: Trustees Parsons, Nagle, Harvey and Weatherbe Trustees Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Joy Molder, Asst. City Librarian Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary BILLS: City checks in the amount of $24,416.23, and Special Fund checks in the amount of $1 ,640.64, were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Kriloff, seconded by Trustee. Weatherbe, and carried. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 15th, 1984: The Minutes of May 15th, 1984 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: All correspondence was included in the Board packets which were mailed. LIBRARIAN'S j '=PORT: Budget 1984-1985: Librarian Bergsing reported that the Budget for the new fiscal year had been approved at the Council meeting on June 18th. Staffing Changes: Librarian Bergsing announced that the two positions that were open because of the resignation of Pamela , Stamnes had been filled. The vacancy at the Branch Library has been filled by Reference Librarian , Cathy Somerton, and the vacancy for the Volunteer Coordinator has been filled by Library Assistant Barbara Lazarus. She also reported that Barbara Rowe, Reference Librarian who has been on leave for the past 90 days, has tendered her resignation to continue caring for her Mother in Texas. Pat Harding, Reference Librarian gave birth to a 7 pound 1211 ounce baby girl on Monday, June 18th. Request to the Duncan Trust: Mrs. Bergsing reported that the Penin- sula Ccmmunity Foundation approved the request for funds to purchase microcomauters and other mi --.ellaneo0s equipment. MINUTES - JUNE 19th, 1984 - PAGE 2 P.L.S. Retreat: Librarian Bergsing said the P.L.S. Retreat that she had attended was very interesting and worthwhile. She distributed a list of Burlingame Public Library interest and concerns for long-range planning puposes. Children's Reading Program: Librarian Bergsing showed the Summer Reading Club certificates, etc. , to the Board members. She explained that this year's theme is "Go For The Gold" in keeping with the Olympics. She also said that this year they have started something new for the pre-schoolers, a "Good Listener" award. She said the Children's Librarian reported the program is quite. popular. UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Duncan Patio Project: Trustee Harvey reported that the original General Contractor, Frank Hunter, had been terminated from the job and there has been a list made of items needed to complete the project. He said he feels it is the Board's responsibility to pay any and all bills incurred after the termination of the General Contractor and that a new Contractor, Mr. Gerald Chapman, is going to submit a bid , "not-to-exceed" before proceeding to complete the job. He further reported that two stop notices from sub-contractors that Mr. Hunter had hired, had been filed against the project. Trustee Nagle commented that the stop notices had not been filed properly and were no threat. Trustee Harvey gave a breakdown of costs involved to finish the patio project and there was some discussion. The Board members expressed their gratitude to Trustee Harvey for taking the time to get involved with the matter. NEW BUSINESS: Farewell Luncheon for Barbara , Joy and Pam : Librarian Bergsing announced that the farewell luncheon for Barbara , Joy and Pam would take place on Thursday , June 28th , 1984 , at 12 :00 . Trustee Kriloff had previously made arrangements to have the luncheon on his friend ' s yacht . Everyone agreed to meet at the Library and caravan over to the yacht club . Miscellaneous : Trustee Nagle suggested a breakfast or luncheon together with the Library Board members and members of City Council . Trustee Weatherbe volunteered to chair a Champagne Brunch for everyone as soon as the Duncan Patio is complete . Trustees Kriloff and Harvey thought it would be nice to host a .bar-b-que . Some discusssion fn 1 1 nwr—d MINUTES - JUNE 19th , 1984 - PAGE 3 Trustees Kriloff and Harvey thought it would be nice to host a bar-b-que. Some discussion followed . Trustee Parsons noted the increase in the Circulatin statistics at the Easton Drive Branch Library . Trustee Parsons said she thoroughly enjoyed her terms as a Commissioner. All of the Trustees said they had enjoyed working with her and would miss her. They urged her to come back for visits . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 5 : 17pm with the next meeting set for July 17th , 1984 , at 4 :30pm in the California Room . Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j9 LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT JULY 11th , 1984 Personnel Changes The majority of my time since your last Board meeting has been spent in trying to cope with the many personnel changes that have occurred recently. We'll talk about these changes and our future plans at your meeting, but briefly here is where we stand: First, it gives me a great deal of pleasure to inform you that the City Manager appointed Al Escoffier the new Assistant City Librarian, effective July 1st. Al will attend your meeting so you can congratulate him in person. We are all delighted. As you know, Al was a Librarian III in charge of the Reference Dept., so we are now recruiting for that position. It will be at least September before we can replace him, so for awhile he will be wearing two hats. Cathy Somerton has replaced Pamela Stamnes at the Branch, and I have asked her to attend your July meeting so you will all have a chance to meet her. Barbara Lazarus has taken over the job of Volunteer Coordinator. She will not be available to attend your July meeting, so we will ask her to i come to your August meeting. I think most of you already know her. She is very excited about her new job. As I reported last month, Barbara Rowe has resigned to care for her rrother in Texas. Pat Harding is on maternity leave until September, and Penny Johnson, our one remaining full-time Reference Librarian, has resigned effective July 19th to take a job with the Oakland Public Library. Penny lives in Oakland and the- commute to Burlingame was difficult. We are in the process of recruiting to replace Barbara and Penny. We hope to hold the Civil Service examination sometime in mid-August. In the meantime, we have hired Allen Testa as a full-time temporary replacement for three months. Allen is a recent graduate of San Jose State University's Librarianship program. We have increased Brenda Chavez's hours to almost full-time (she is a temporary part-time replacement for Pat Harding), and we are looking for one more part-time Librarian. We may know whom that will be in time for your meeting. As you might imagine, to lose all four of our full-time Reference staff in one month has been close to devastating. However, I can't compliment the remaining staff too highly. Everyone has been doing their best to fill-in LIBRARIAN'S REPORT / JULY 17th, 1984 / PAGE 2 and cover the public desk hours, as well as to keep things moving behind the scenes. Linda Saltzer has agreed to take over as project manager for the automated circulation system replacing Joy. She has already hired some new conversion staff as one person quit and another, Lisa Contreras, has been promoted to Library Assistant I on the Circulation Desk. It's been a busy month and promises to remain that way for awhile longer!! Duncan Patio A little progress has been made, but there is still quite a bit left to do. Trustee Harvey will have a report for the meeting. Automated Circulation The conversion at the Main Library is now up to the "L's" in adult fiction. We are almost finished with adult and juvenile non-fiction at the Branch, and we are in the "C's" in juvenile fiction. We have not yet begun records, cassettes & periodicals, but we hope to do so in the next month. Soon we will begin to plan for re-registration and distribution of new library cards. We are still targeting about February to come on-line. New Board Member We have not heard anything further about the appointment of a new Board member, but I don't believe that the Council has taken any action to date. Micro Project Work continues on the Microcomputer Literacy Project. The training modules to train trainers have been set up. Three of our staff members will be attending the training sessions: Linda Saltzer, Marilyn Morrison and Al Escoffier which begin on July 18th. In the meantime, we have ordered our IBM PC computers and software. We are hoping that the computers will be available to the public by October 1 St. Children's Department The Summer Reading Club is off to a good start_ There are two hundred children enrolled in the regular program and sixty-one pre-schoolers in the "Read-To-Me" program. �, PMB/j STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1984 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Adult, Non-FicTion 9,724 352 Child, Non-Fict7on 14o6. _ 333 Adult , Ficticn ItS 307 103+1^ Child, Fiction 3,157_ — TOTAL: 22,594 BJ'- TOTAL: 2523 Periodicals: 1- 75 78 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 2 -0- TOTAL: 2.,0 TOTAL:�r t•foving Pictures: `u - Audiorecordings (Incl .-Rec. & Cass.) 1,226 Art Prints: 32 Equipment Loaned: 14 Slides: GRAND TOTAL: afs9�9 GRAND TOTAL:3,001 44 Main Total 1.984 Circ. : 2579 � hla/in Total 198, Circ. : 26 516 = 2.03 ;'-Decrease Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 3.001 sc Branch Total 1983 Circ. : 3,03 = 1.15 A GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC. : -='28,X80 � GRAND TOTAL 1983 CIRC. : 29,552 REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3,823 ILL Borrowed: 74 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 162 REF. ACTIVITY4oha . ILL Total : 236 --- RE"STRATIONS: ADDITIONS WITHD.'.HWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRON —�"—Adults: lo,6293_ 3?+ � 327 l0 636 DATE: 7,868 Children: 1,593 - - 63 30 1, Increase of 30 Hillsborough: 4,605 127 178 554 Other Non-Res. Patrons 248 6-- -0- 25T+ TOTAL: 17,705 530 535 17,700 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUt•1ES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. . 135,1+06 - 9,9,843 336 -257 177 - 16 135,5 5 -100,0W Child, Non-Fic: 17,868 - 14,381 28 - 8 43 - 9 17.853 - 14!:. 80 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,301 - . •3,170 14 - 8 3 - 0 12 - 3,17 Adult, Fiction: 44,677 - 40,764 162 -105 91 - 7 44 748 - 0 8 2 Child, Fiction: 14,511 - 10,18 28 - 11 279 -217 1. 4,2 0 - 9,9 3 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,924 -_ -2,616 3 - 3 10 - 10 _ 2 917 - 2; 09 . TOTAL: 218,687 170 3 571 -392 603 -259 21$—;655 PAi•iPHLETS ADDED: 91 vAPS ADDED: 7 PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 13 MAPS DISCAPDED: _ -0- TT TOTAL: 21,143 TOTAL: + RECORDIIJGS: - ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Ui1ITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5620 / 5074 _ 16 / 7 -0- / -0- 5636 / 5081 Cassettes: 849 /- -818 4 / 4 _ =0- / -0- 653/-8-22 TOTAL: 6469 / 5 9�2 T 20 / 11 -0- / -0- 1+$� / 5903 . %L SITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 2,347.81 BRA 1CH: 32,Q5 TOTAL. 2379.86 - r ' cETI1i; 80011 FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: S f37.5p TOTAL: 2447.36 ;T1�L MEETINGS HELD 21 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 715 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH June 1984 Outreach Activities I. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 32 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers B. Hours contributed In 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 8 B. Number of visits made , 1R C. Items circulated 178 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. Marion Convent 1 0 20 ! B. La Vrar 2 0 12 i Ila r i Pn da. t D. _ Bayview 4 3 12 E. Easter Seal 1 0 46 F. 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 13 B. Visits made �9 C. Items circulated 224 Comments/ac tivi ties: It is with much sada 4S that-T. Sa "gnndl bvP'.' t-n f v have enjoyed the friendship of many Outreach has provided me with an opportunity to meet some fascinatinp, 'individuals My successor Barbara Lazarus comes to the Volunteer Coordina Or' a love of the fellow man that is so very important, and a desire to serve the public. I wish her and all of the library staff, and Library Board a fond farewell . . . . . i i BURLINGAlME PUBLIC LIBRARY VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY 1983/84 1. ) VOLUNTEERS a. Outreach 11 b. Court Referral 5 c. In House 10 d. Friends of the Library 20 e. Youth Volunteers 7 - Total 53 2. ) OUTREACH a. Individual Patrons 32 b. Institutions 5 c. Items Circulated 1959 d. Number of Visits 394 3. ) HOURS CONTRIBUTED a. Outreach 472 b. Court Referral 279 c. In House 2144 d. Friends of the Libraru 627 e. Youth Volunteers 70 3592 4. ) TOTAL OF LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS 53 5. ) TOTAL NUMBER OF LIBRARY HOURS CONTRIBUTED BY VOLUNTEERS 3592