HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.10.16 1 I� i A G E N D A `-' B U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y B 0 A R D O F T R U S T E E S O C T O B E R 1 6 t h , 1 9 8 4 I. CALL TO ORDER: II. WELCOME OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS: III. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present : — Trustees Absent : — Also Present : _ IV. BILLS: City Checks : $11 ,822.68 Special Fund : $3 ,554 .75 V. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18th, 1984 : VI. CORRESPONDENCE: ,ly Letter from Mr. Jean DeJardin City Newsletter Openers_ VII. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 7em can Patio - Finances , Party & Plaques, orial Gift for Leo Kriloff IX_ NEW BUSINESS1: Introduction of Marge Johansen - New Full-time Reference Librarian I vl�rr,ange for Tour of Library for new Board Members X-L A. Conference - December - Los Angeles P.L.S. Advisory Board Member 1,111 '' " .?. ,r X. ADJOURNMENT: A PMB/j / BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES SEPTEMBER 18th , 1984 CALL TO ORDER• The meeting of September 18th , 1984 was called to order at 4 :30pm by President Weatherbe. Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Harvey , and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : None Also Present : Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mrs.Barbara Parsons , Past Trustee Mr.A Escoffier , Asst. City Librarian President Weatherbe changed the order of the Agenda to enable Librarian Bergsing to introduce Mrs . Brenda Chavez , one of the new fulltime reference .librarians. After being introduced to the Board members , Brenda told a little bit about herself anT her background and experience. The Board welcomed Brenda and,..said they were pleased to have her. Mrs . Bergsing ` said the other two full-time reference staff would be available at the next meeting for introduction. BILLS: City checks in the amount of $16 ,509 .28 , and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 ,484.59 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by Trustee Harvey , and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 21st, 1984: The Minutes of August 213t , 1984 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Harvey read a letter from Margaret Brown of the First Presbyterian Church thanking Joan Leach , the Chilren's Librarian for her presentation to the nursery school children on "How To Use Our Library". LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian's Report was discussed in conjunction with Unfinished Business . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio - Current Financial Status : Mrs. Bergsing distributed Page 2 - Minutes - September 18th , 1984 a current financial report on the status of the Duncan Patio funds. After some discussion , Trustee Nagle made a motion to spend the balance in the checking account and to pay off all of the outstanding debts and obtaining any additional necessary funds for amounts over and above what funds are available from the Peninsula Community Foundation. The motion was seconded by Trustee Harvey. There was some discussion regarding legal action against the original contractor , Frank Hunter. Trustee Nagle is going to discuss the matter with the City Attorney. Duncan Patio -Dedication Party: Mrs . Bergsing said that she and Bill Nagle have arranged for a caterer for the Grand Opening and Dedication parties . Mrs . Bergsing gave a financial report to the Board on the costs regarding the parties. Update on Personnel: Mr. Escoffier reported that Allen Testa , Brenda Chavez and Marge Johansen, and Donna Ridley Smith , the new Reference Supervisor , will all be starting in their new positions '8hortly. Donna is currently working as Head of Refer- ence at the Meyers Undergraduate Library at Stanford and will be starting at the Burlingame Library on October 22nd. He further reported that two Library Assistant I's had been hired to fill the vacancies at the Circulation Desk. Mr. Escoffier said there would be a page test on Thursday to try to fill four or five page vacancies . NEW BUSINESS: Memorial Gift for Trustee Leo Kriloff: Mrs . Bergsing said she had received a plaque from the City for Trustee Kriloff which she took over to Mrs . Kriioff. Mrs . Kriloff and her daughter Sandy , were very pleased with the plaque. The Trustees all agreed to donate a book on aviation to the Library. There was a motion made by Trustee Harvey , seconded by Trustee Nagle to purchase a book from the Trustees to be placed in the Library in memory of Leo. Mrs . Bergsing reported that converison is going on very well . She said that virtually all of the adult books are done ~" at the Main Library. Page 3 - Minutes - September 18th , 1984 �— Mrs. Bergsing further reported that there will be intensive staff training after the first of the year to come "on-line" in late February or early March. Librarian Bergsing informed the Board members that the City Council Committee has a list of 15 or 16 people who wish to be on the Library Board. She said she thought the Committee will report at the next Council meeting and then the Council would vote . So , perhaps by the October meeting, there might be a full Board. Mr. Escoffier reported that he had spoken to Patrick Ball and Mr. Ball prefers to give an adult program rather than appear at the Children 's Christmas party , so it was decided that the Library Board would again sponsor a series of three adult programs in January , February , and March. There was discussion regarding a small charge for admission to the programs to defray the expenses. ADJOURNMENT: The Meeting of September 18th , 1984 , was adjourned at 5 :26pm with the next meeting scheduled for October 16th , 1984 at 4 :30pm in the California Room Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg L I B R A R I A N ' S R E P O R T O C T O B E R 1_6 t h , 1 9 8 4 NEW BOARD MEMBERS: On October 1st , the City Council appointed two new members to the Library Board . They appointed Carol Mink to complete Leo Kriloff's term which expires in June 1985 , and Loretta Blevins to replace Barbara Parsons . As of this report , I still have not been able to reach Carol by phone , so I assume she is on vacation. I' ll keep trying. I know you join the staff and me in giving them a warm welcome . We are looking forward to working with them. DUNCAN PATIO: The Patio is virtually complete. By your meeting date we hope to have paid all the outstanding bills except for the bronze plaque on the front of the building. We will have a complete accounting for your meeting. ,.. I thought both of your parties were a big success. On behalf of the staff and the other guests , many thanks to you all for making both events so very pleasant . It would be fun to plan something special again next summer. I ' ll have a report on the costs for your meeting. P.L.S. ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER: . For the past several years , a member of the Library Board has served as Burlingame ' s representative to the Peninsula Library System' s Advisory Board . The Board decided to recommend this procedure to the City Council because it recognized how difficult it was to represent the interests of the Burlingame Library if the member was not familiar with the Library. (Leo Kriloff was Burlingame 's most recent member) . So , you need to decide now whether you wish to continue this policy and recommend a member of the Board to Council , or whether you wish to change the process . The Advisory Board Chair and the System Director have contacted me several times recently regarding the vacancy , Librarians Report - Page #2 - October 16th ; 1984 AUTOMATED CIRCULATION: As of the end of September , we have the following figures for conversion of the collection for automated circulation : Items converted : Main : 138 ,744 Branch : 6 ,903 TOTAL: 145 , 647 We hope to finish the majority of the circulating collection by the end of December. We are now concentrating on the Children's collection , the Branch , phonograph records and periodicals . We will need to have all the terminals available for training during January and February in preparation for coming on-line around the first of March. We are planning on using the back page of the Winter edition of ,�he Recreation Department Bulletin to reproduce the application form for the new borrowers card. We all need to start reminding our friends and family members that everyone must reapply for a new cards , hopefully , before we go on-line in March. We have entered a little over 3 ,000 patrons on the automated system to date , so we still have a lot more to do. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT: The Pre-School. Story Hour was taped at the Cable TV station on September 25th. Barbara Lazarus conducted the Story Hour. This is one of four in a series which will be taped . The program will be shown October 1st and 8th at 5 : 30pm on the Burlingame Channel 24. In addition , the Library has taped a copy of the program for internal use. Joan Leach is involved in another program for Cable TV called "Book Review" . Shirley Robertson , Burlingame School Librarian at Lincoln School , and Joan are discussing children' s books and authors . Two programs have been taped and can be viewed at 6 :00pm on Tuesdays during the month of October. Joan, also wrote a book review column for the new newspaper called "The PENINSULA PARENT" . The column in October featured books appropriate for Halloween. LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - OCTOBER 16th , 198 + - PAGE #3 Pre-School Story Hour continues at the Branch Library on Tuesday mornings at 10 :OOam (except for the four hour taping sessions , which are held at the Pacific Cable Studio on September 25th , October 23rd , November 27th , and December 11th. ) Attendance has been averaging around 20 children . PERSONNEL: Joyce Griffin joined our staff this month as a part- time Library Assistant at the Circulation Desk. Joyce recently retired from the California Teacher' s Association. Dorothy Wilson , retired from United Airlines as a data entry clerk , also joined our staff at the Circulation Desk. A page test was held on September 20th to screen pages for work at the Library. Approximately 20 students took the exam. Departments are currently interviewing for the 5 vacancies we have available . ,}J REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: With the final appointments made for the personnel of the Department , we have made several assignments. Of particular interest ; Brenda Chavez becomes our new Audio Visual Supervisor. Allen Testa is busy developing computerized indexes for the telephone books ; Marge Johansen will supervise our pamphlet file and other vertical files ; Allen will be taking over as our representative to the PLS Community Relations Committee . Al Escoffier is revising the Reference Procedure Manual . We are planning to input the information into the PC so that the manual can be more easily updated in the future. Al has been asked to Chair the newly formed PLS Micro- computer Committee. This committee ' s charge will be to act as a clearinghouse for microcomputers , software , etc . A sub-committee of this group will be made up of those PLS Library staff members involved in the Public Microcomputer Literacy Project . P.L.S. Al Escoffier is serving on the P .L.S. Staff Development Committee . The Committee met on October 3rd to discuss the training needs in P .L.S. The discussion was based on a needs assessment done last spring. Al is serving on a sub-committee to develop a staff exchange program among staff members of all levels at r fi !f i t LIBRARIAN' S REPORT - OCTOBER 16th , 1984 - PAGE #4 PLS libraries . We are also working on development of a Middle I Management workshop to be given next Spring. Perhaps the most exciting, is the creation of the P.L.S. Forum. The forums will be called at the discretion of any P.L.S. staff member to discuss mutual problems . COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Al is working on the Collection Development budget and assignments for the coming year. We expect to have book selection assignments complete early in November. The annual Periodical evaluation is also underway. The list of titles to be reviewed has been pared down. Marilyn Morrison is busy pulling together the details necessary to evaluate and select" new titles . A tentative date for evaluation has been set for November 7th. MICROCOMPUTERS: Brief personnel records are being input into the computer to allow us to more efficiently handle routine personnel matters such as evaluations . This process is nearly complete. Judy Gladysz is busy learning the quirks of the IBM PC as she applies her skills from learning word processing on the Apple to the IBM. Judy is working on a staff list and is inputing the Reference Procedure Manual on the PC . C.L.A. CONFERENCE: The California Library Association Conference will be held in Los Angeles , December 1st-5th. If any of you are interested in attending , I have the preliminary program. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY BOOKSALE: The Friends will hold their Fall booksale on October 12th , 13th , and 14th. As usual , I 'm sure it will be very well attended . I hope to have a report on how 'much they make in time for your meeting. These book sales represent hours and hours of volunteer work by the Friends , and we are extemely grateful for all that they do . I do not know what we would do without them. 1 LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - OCTOBER 16th , 1984 - PAGE #5 OUTREACH: Barbara Lazarus , Burlingame Public Library' s Volunteer Coordinator , and I met with the P.L.S. Outreach staff member , Dan Mitchell , to discuss resumption of film showings at several of our local convalescent hospitals . Barbara and Dan will be contacting the hospitals during the next month to see if they are interested in resuming the service. P.L.S. discontinued showing films when funds were cut after Prop . 13. PMB/j •►t CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: i' Adult, Non-Fiction 8 , 631 281 Child, Non-Fictior. 1 , 181 214 Adult, Fiction 11 640 Child, Fiction 2 .375 559 t TOTAL: 19 ,498 TOTAL: 1 9 '. Periodicals: 1 ,460 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps S Sm. Press: 322 _0_ TOTAL: 1 ,787 TOTAL: 272 F Moving Pictures: 7A j Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 941 i Art Prints: 22 Equipment Loaned: 5 Slides: _0_ GRAND TOTAL: 223 GRAND TOTAL: 1 .966 Main Total 1x84 Circ. : �2 326 Main Total 1983 Circ. : 23, 149 = 3.55 � DecreasE Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 1 ,966 966 Branch Total 1983 Circ. :- 2,890 = 31 .97 GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC.: 24,292 GRAND TOTAL 1983CIRC. : 2603 _ - 6.70! f� ::UERE.NCE STATISTICS: '-- Total Reference Questions: 3 ,040 ILL Borrowed: 74 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 148 REF. ACTIVIT)3 ,26; ILL Total : 222 REGISTRATIONS: r' ;ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATRONS TO Adults: t 10 ,651 ` .V 293_ 273 1.0 ,671 DATE: 7 ,491 Children: 1 , 603 38 53 1 ,588 Increase of - Hillsborough: 4 ,503 104 89 4 ,518 Other Non-Res. Patrons 266 _ 3 -0- 269 TOTAL: 17 ,023 438 415 179046 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date - - VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic . : " 134 ,645- 100 ,530 283 - 176 _ - 2 1 134 9277= 100 ,705 Child, Non-Fic: 17 ,54} 14,193 23 - 22 93 - 24 17, 79- 1 , 191 Y-A. , Non-Fic: 39316- 3 , 178 -0- - -0- -0- - -0- 3 3 , 178 Adult, Fiction: 44 }72 40 ,859 138 - 79 411L. - 4 44 ,452- 40 ;934 Child, Fiction: 14 ,060`' 9 .770 50 - -0- 354 - 77 139756- 9 ,693 Y.A. , Fiction: 2 ,926--7 2 ,617 6 - 3 -0- - -0 2 ,932- 2,620 TOTAL: 217 ,221- 171 , 147 ---5-0-0 - 280 86o - 106 216 2861- 17.1 ,321 PAPIPHLETS ADDED: 52 MAPS ADDED: PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: - TOTAL: 21 ,429 TOTAL: `1 1 RECORDINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5628 / 59073 -0- I -0- -0- /-0- 5_,628 / 5 ,073 Cassettes: 874 / 844 13 / 9_ =0- /-07 / 53 TOTAL: _ 6 ,502 / 5 ,917 13 / 9 =o- /_0_ W1515 / 5 ,926-- ;::POSITED ,92%POSITED WITH THE CITY 1REASUP,ER: MAIN: 1 ,241 .73 BRANCH: 124- 31 TOTAL: "IEETINe-0 G ROOM FEES COLLECTED � DEPOSITED: � 1500 TOTAE: 1 ,31 .04 :.;TAL MEETINGS HELD 18 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 505 1 CITY OF BIJRLINCAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONTH Y-T-b Y-T.D CUR Mp UNEXPENDED- - -- ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP, ESTIMATE ACTUAL. ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCW BRARY 75Ot 1U.. .L,1BRAR_Y 5Iil.ARZE.3.:_w_ _. ...::�. _ �. --- -��jU9"� �:._ 92.,6.73_----- Qt-3�' w. ��.►.U79---:: .1.2x3.50 . :y0r372 -...._._-_.. 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 173, 751 43,1137 0 0 43,437 173# 751 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 2.34#934 58,734 66# 376 20# 421 7,642+ 168,558 750I_t0 _LIBRARY OFFICE EXPENSE8- �21.18.7 5 _ �5�_I��-_ _ 53_ _3_eS71— -.r9�.� 75i1?.� t_IEkAY SPECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE i?,650 3, 162 1 # 766 23'9 1 # 396 10#884 _-- 750121 LIBRARY HOOKS & MAPS 103,263 25,1815 20►863 9►259 4,9 .x2 82, 400 7501.22_. LIBRARY_PERIOOICA1.5__. :... _ ---_:16.,'3{10 ':._.- -41.125- - 1 tgl _ ..::.._�::1.0. 8 703M._. 315E3? - 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 8,907 2,226 155 58 2, 071 . 8,752 750I24 LIBRARY CATALOGING 14 #200 31549 81000 80..400 41451- b#200 750125 LIBRARY RECORDS & CASSETTE; 5,-878 1.r_u�0_ _ 368 p 75013(k _LlflitA Y SMALL TOOLI & Et tfl-P ?.50 63 15 0 48 235 r 750160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS 8,915 �#2291029 b41 901 ' 70,587 75017o LIBRARY UTILITIES26► I4 - _x.#-570...__......._ __Ut�006 ..-._.:2.+. 1 ...._... .__.- 750190 LIBRARY MAjN BLDG R GROUNDS 14, 000 3,501 4#462 3,511 961- 4,538 750200 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 900 225 40 0 185 8b0 750201 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUDIO VIS950 237-- - 89 30 148 .__._ _861 a _0 _ 0 _ 0 750210 LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL .SERVICE' 4, 100 1x026 40100 0 3, 074- 0 750220 L THRARY OTHER CONTRUCTUAL SERVV. 2.6!.390 .._::�. _ 6#597 22.# 415, _ Q 1`,�'#818 ..:__. �3i.9.'75 _7S1}2�a0 LIC�R1\1�Y-_�.UE.S__ ...SUE3SCIpTIGN5 605 150 40 110 Sb5 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 650 162 37 0 125 6t3 750251 LTH CONF & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 500 126 0 0 126 S00 0252 LIB NF 8 H »StAfF 5U - 131 0 Q 138 550 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING , SAFETY 5b0 , 126' 0 0 126 500 750790 -L I RRARY UTHER._CHARGES 104 2.4 0 0 2.4 100 ****� TOTAL LIBRARY 1034 217 258,552 233# 120 70,009 25,432 801 ,097 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH September Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 60 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 15 B. Hours contributed 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 18 B. Number of visits made 70 C. Items circulated 248 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. LaVrar 2 30 B. Retirement Inn 1 7 r' C. ,.. 4 48 10 Ra�nrie�•t ~` D. Hillhaven 2 42 6 E. Hacienda 1 20 27 F. Convent 2 10 20 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 138 B. Visits made 82 C. Items circulated 328 Comments/activities: It continues to be a rel rding experience working with the gracious volunteers and serving the needs of the outreach patrons. Barbara Lazarus 1