HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1984.11.20 AGENDA BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 20th , 1984 I . CALL TO ORDER II. WELCOME OF NEW BOARD MEMBER: CAROL MINK III. ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Also Present : IV. BILLS City Checks : $20,458.30 Special Fund: $ 1 ,978.99 V. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 16th, 1984 VI. CORRESPONDENCE Letter to Board of Trustees from George Paul Lechich VII. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS Introduction of Marge Johansen - Librarian I Introduction of Donna Ridley Smith - Librarian III New Reference Supervisor P.L.S. Advisory Board Member Report on Library Tour - Trustees Blevins & Mink Staff Christmas Party X. ADJOURNMENT PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES �- MINUTES OCTOBER 16th, 1984 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of October 16th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Weatherbe . Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Blevins , and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Harvey , Excused for Business Reasons Mink , Excused for Business Trip Also Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier , Asst . City Librarian BILLS: City checks in the amount of $11 ,822. 68 , and Special Fund checks in the amount of $3 , 554 .75 , were approved to be paid on a motion made by Trustee Nagle , seconded by �President Weatherbe , and carried . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 18th, 1984 : `-- The Minutes of September 18th , 1984 were approved as written and ordered filed . CORRESPONDENCE: President Weatherbe read a letter from Mr. Jean DeJardin who is an Outreach patron. Mr . DeJardin complimented Barbara Lazarus , the Outreach Coordinator , on the excellent job she is doing since the resignation of Pamela Stamnes . He further complimented the Reference staff and said they were very helpful . The City Newsletter was distributed to the Board members . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Librarian ' s Report was discussed in conjunction with Unfinished Business , with the exception of a question from Trustee Nagle asking the results of the Friends Booksale. Mrs . Bergsing said that the Friends had netted between $2 , 300 . 00 and $2 ,400 .00 during the past booksale . Page 2 - Minutes - October 16th, 1984 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Patio - Finances , Party & . Plaques : Mrs . Bergsing distributed a financial report of the Duncan Patio Dedication and Grand Opening . Librarian Bergsing said the Board was receiving a slight refund because the parties did not cost as much as she thought they would . She further said that the plaque for the building, in memory of Jean and Roger Duncan , had been ordered but had not arrived . There are still funds from the Foundation to cover the cost . Memorial Gift for Leo Kriloff:' Trustee Nagle suggested that the book Leo had requested before his death entitled "Flying the Line" would be an appropriate memorial gift to the Library. The Board agreed to wait until the book is received to make a final decision. Mrs . Bergsing said she would try to have the book at their next Board meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Introduction of Marge Johansen - New Full-Time Reference Librarian I: Librarian Bergsing said the introductions would have to be tabled until the next meeting because Marge was ill . She added that next time the new supervisor of the Reference Department would also be available for introductions . Arrange for Tour of Library for new Board Members : Mrs . Bergsing said she would like to set up a time for the two new Board members to tour the Library. Trustee Blevins said she is available almost all of the time and Mrs . Bergsing said she would be in touch with Trustee Carol Mink to set a time before the next Board meeting. C.L.A. Conference - December - Los Angeles : Mrs. Bergsing handed out the Preliminary Program for the California Library Association in December in Los Angeles . Everyone said they would look at the material . Some discussion followed regarding funds to cover the expenses of the employees that attend . P.L.S. Advisory Board Member: Mrs . Bergsing explained the Peninsula Library System to Trustee Blevins and gave her some background on the Advisory Board . The matter of recommending a new member to the Advisory Board , however , was tabled until there is a full Board present . Page 3 - Minutes - October 16th , 1984 Miscellaneous : Mr . Escoffier said he had been in touch �.- with Patrick Ball and that the tentative dates for Mr . Ball to tell his stories are January 16th , February 13th , and March 13th. The Board concurred these dates would be fine and that the Trustees would pay for his services . The Board agreed to a charge of $1 . 00 at the door to help to defray costs and to hold the series in the Community Room at the Library. Librarian Bergsing announced that the Library had "purchased" some advertising space inside of the back cover of the next Recreation bulletin. She said the page would be used to publicize the need for .all residents to come in and re-register for their new computerized library card . It is an excellent way of reaching all of the residents in Burlingame . Trustee Nagle said he would like to have a get-together- breakfast with the Council . Librarian Bergsing said she would check with the City Manager to see what the,.'City. Council ' s schedule is for the next few months . Trustee Nagle asked if all of the construction bills had been paid and Mrs . Bergsing replied that they had. The project is finished with the exception of the plaque. President Weatherbe asked Trustee Nagle if he had spoken with Jerry Coleman , City Attorney , regarding the position of the sub-contractor , Frank Hunter. Trustee Nagle replied no , but he still intends to do so . Librarian Bergsing told Trustee Blevins that the Peninsula Library System holds an "open-house in December and she hoped Trustees Blevins and Mink would plan to attend , so they could see where the computer for Geac is housed and get familiar with the System. Trustee Nagle observed a curious anomaly in the Branch statistics , in that they had decreased during September. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of October 16th , 1984 was adjourned at 5 : 20pm with the next meeting scheduled for November 20th , 1984 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board LIBRARI A N ' S REPORT NOVEMBER 20th , 1984 WELCOME BOARD MEMBERS: Welcome to our second new Board Member - Trustee Carol Mink. Carol was still on vacation when you met in October , and she did not know that she had been appointed. Carol and Loretta are going to tour the Main Library on Wednesday , November 14th, and they may wish to make a brief report at your Board meeting. AUTOMATED CIRCULATION: As of November 7th, we hive converted 156 ,700 volumes , (Main 148 , 805 , Branch 7 ,895) and 3 ,720 patrons . During the past month, we have hired two new data entry clerks , so we are continuing to move along. Geac is scheduled to be unavailable for conversion from Thanksgiving Day through November 30th. This is due to the instal- lation of new software which will give us a number of enhancements to the System. Some of these are items that the vendor agreed to supply in our original contract. We currently plan to go on-line March 1st , within a week of our neighboring library San Mateo Public. Training will begin in mid-January. The Geac project managers met during the month to discuss the compilation of statistics from Geac. It appears at present that a number of statistics will be available from Geac , but that local library statistics will need to be extrapolated from rather lengthy print-outs . Burlingame Public Library will need to decide which statistics are most important and request the information to formulate them. We will not begin to receive statistics until April 1985 . PERSONNEL: Linda Saltzer , Technical Services Supervisor , submitted her resignation effective November 30th , 1984 , to accept the • position of Assistant City Librarian for Daly City Public Library. We wish Linda well , but she will be sorely missed by all of the �" staff. Page 2 - Librarian ' s Report - November 20th , 1984 t Recruitment has begun fora successor .to .Linda_ Saltzer . The job announcements have gone out statewide . We do plan to re- cruit and interview at the California Library Associaiton Conference in December. The final filing date will be December 7th. The oral interview is planned for December 17th. Donna Ridley Smith began her duties as Reference Depart- ment Supervisor on October 27th. Donna will be supervising the Reference operations here at the Burlingame Public Library. PROGRAMMING: Preschool Activities - Our weekly preschool storyhour was held on Tuesday mornings with the October 23rd session being taped at the Cable TV station. Barbara Lazarus also did a pre- school storyhour for Presbyterian Nursery School at the Easton Branch Library. School Age Activities - Joan Leach did two book talks for the sixth grades at Crocker School . . She received a very �- nice thank you note from Don Cox, the new School Librarian. Halloween Program - Joan coordinated our annual Halloween program on Saturday, October 27th in the Community Room. Approximately 110 children and adults attended. The program included a drama- tization of the "Humbug Witch". Barbara Lazarus played the witch and Joan did the narration. Two puppet shows followed which featured the above two staff members as well as our Branch Librarian , Cathy Somerton. The shows included "Punky Pumpkin" and "A Most Unusual Ghost". Children' s Book Week - is November 12th - 18th. Joan has planned a contest called FIRST LINES - WHICH BOOK ! ! Sheets with fifteen first lines will be passed out to fourth , fifth and sixth graders to see if they can identify the lines . If they correctly identify ten of the fifteen, they will receive a paperback book. A list of clues will also be supplied to those interested. The contest is also being sponsored at the Branch Library. The award books are gifts of the Friends of the Library. The questions and clues are attached. Do you want to try?? Adult Activities - Marge Johansen gave a presentation at the Burlingame Women ' s Club on November 1st. The topic was Page 3 - Librarian ' s Report - November 20th , 1984 "Holiday Entertaining. " Marge compiled a bibliography of �- Burlingame Public Library ' s titles of books on "Decorations and Gifts" and "Cooking and Entertaining". Plans are underway for a Patrick Ball Storytelling series beginning in January. We are also planning a piano recital by local resident Frieda Coolish in January. The annual Christmas Program will be held on Saturday, December 15th, at 11 :OOam. The Storytailers will be the featured entertainment. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Marge Johansen is working with Cathy Somerton to re- vise and update the Branch Library pamphlet file. The pamphlet file will be revised in a way which should prove useful for school assignments and travel questions , so frequently asked at the Branch. Allen Testa continues to create a telephone book index on the IBM PC. He plans to evaluate the plan after inputting the records for the out-of-state books . Our annual periodical evaluation meeting to discuss periodicals for the upcoming fiscal year was held on November 8th. New selection recommendations were made , and several titles were recommended for deletion. This involved participation of the entire professional staff. P.L.S. NEWS: Allen Testa attended a P.L.S. Community Relations Committee meeting on October 30th. Discussed at the meeting were the following topics :. status of a booth for P.L.S. Public Relations to be built at an estimated cost of $300.00 to $700.00; National Library Week promotional options "A Nation of Readers" in April 1985 ; Library columns are beginning to appear in local newspapers as part of the San Mateo/North County Cooperative venture. Al Escoffier participated in setting goals and objectives for the P.L.S. Reference Committee . The group reviewed present activities and individual libraries wrote up goals from the viewpoint of the individual library. INFORAMA, a Community Information Project effort , is now in the prototype stage ., The committee , which consists of Al Escoffier and Terry Jackson (San Bruno) , will be reviewing Page 4 - Librarian ' s Report - November 20th , 1984 the effort with project developers Janet Hoffman and Cathy Somerton. The project will allow individual libraries to have print-outs of the information in INFORAMA which related to their City. This is also possible via the CIP database . A P.L.S. orientation was held on November 8th. The 18-plus staff members who attended were treated to an overview of the operations of the Peninsula Library System. Individual presentations were given by each of the P.L.S. staffers involved in the various projects . The event was well received by those in attendance. STAFF DEVELOPMENT: \ Allen Testa attended a Tax Workshop on October 27th at the Oakland Public Library. The discussion centered on the distribution of tax forms from the public libraries . Our project will begin shortly after the first of the year. Allen Testa and Pat Harding attended the exhibits for the Conference on-Line 84 . Allen picked up a demo diskette for use of "In Search" . The staff finds these exhibit events very useful for demonstration of databases and software which might prove useful in our Library. Donna Ridley Smith attended a mini-seminar on "Power Training" sponsored by the California Academic and Research Libraries Chapter of CLA on Friday, November 9th. On October 17th, Al Escoffier and I attended an out- standing half-day program sponsored by the South Bay Cooperative Library System. It was entitled "Exploring Excellence" , and featured three especially articulate speakers . A professor of marketing from San Jose State spoke on "Revitalizing Your Organization, Your Job , and Yourself" ; Richard Rogers , President of Syntex Corporation issued "A Call to Excellence" ; and the City Managers of San Jose 's topic was "Realizing Excellence in Public Service". All three speakers were excellent. It was one of the best and most inspiring programs that I have attended in a long time . On December 12th, the City Manger has scheduled a City orientation program and tour for new employees . Since this is the first time that this has been done on a formal basis for all departments , we are planning to send as many staff members as possible to the slide presentation at City Hall by the Manager Page 5 - Librarian ' s Report - November 20th, 1984 and the City Planner . The "new" employees will go on the tour of City Hall , the Police and Fire Departments , the Corporation ~" Yard , the Recreation Department and the Main Library. If there is enough interest, we will schedule additional tours for longer term employees . OUTREACH• Barbara Lazarus, our Volunteer Coordinator and I visited Bayview Convalescent Hospital-, Hillhaven Convalescent Hospital , and Peninsula Hospital Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Supervisor to reestablish the P. L. S. film showings on a bi-weekly basis . All three institutions were very pleased and appreciative of the service . Dan Mitchell made his first visits to each of them on November 8th. Barbara and I met with Rhea Rubin on November 9th, to discuss future plans for both P.L.S. and Burlingame Outreach Services . Rhea has been hired by P.L.S. to study the System ' s current Outreach program and made recommendations for more effective service. BRANCH LIBRARY: Discussions are underway concerning the focus and goals of the Branch Library for the coming year. After some study we have agreed to focus even more on current popular titles for adults. A questionnaire will be designed to be sent to the local nursery schools, asking them about use of both the Main and Branch Library services. The Branch will be phasing into a largely paperback young adult collection. Sharing of programs and displays is also under discussion. In addition, we are beginning to keep statistics of Branch Library reference activity. Statistics for the last two weeks of October totalled 112. CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION: The C. L.A. annual conference is scheduled for Los Angeles December 1 -5. Al Escoffier, Donna Smith, Marge Johansen,- Brenda ohansen,Brenda Chavez and Betty Stout will all be attending parts of the Conference . Your City Librarian will be attending the entire Conference because she has just been elected Vice-President, President elect of the California Institute of Libraries . This is one of the three major constituent organizations of C.L.A. PMB/j STATISTICS FOR OCTOBER 1984 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH gooks: . Adult, Non-Fict-ion 10 , 244 425 Child, Non-Fic=icn 1 , 465 499 Adult, Fiction 7 , 407 971 `- Child, Fiction _2 .698 920 TOTAL: 21 X814 TOTAL: 2 , 825 Periodicals: A , 717 453 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps & Sm. Press: 330 -0- TOTAL: 0- TOTAL: .2 ..047 TOTAL: 453- Moving 53Moving Pictures: 30 Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 ,071 Art Prints: --21. Equipnent Loaned: 2 Slides: 75 GRAND TOTAL: 25 - 060 GRAND TOTAL: 3 , 278 Main Total M4 Circ. : 25,060 Main Total 1983 Circ. : 25 ,665 = 2 . 36 efDecrease Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 3 , 278 Branch Total 1983 Circ. : 2 ,997 = 9.38 ��Increase GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC. : 2 8 L3 3 8 GRAND TOTAL 1983 -IRC'. : 8, 662 = 13 %'Decrease REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3 , 797 ILL Borrowed: 74 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 219 REF. ACTIVITY4090 ILL Total : 293 REGISTRATIONS: ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. Adults: 10 ;671 ; 325 331 10 ,665 Children: 1 , 588 41 39 1 , 590 Hillsborough: 4 . 518 93 72 4 , 539 T Other Non-Res. Patrons 269 3 -0- . 272 TOTAL: 17 ,046 462 442 17 $066 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 134,926 - 100,705 418 - 319 268 - 133 135,076 - 100,891 Child, Non-Fic: 17,479 - 14,191 18 17 36 - 25 -171461 - 14,1 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,316 - 3,178 4 - 4 -0= - -0- 3)320 - 3,182 Adult, Fiction: 44,452 - 402934 150 - 103 79 - 4 44- 52 - ��;6�3 Child, Fiction: 13,756 - 9,693 55 16 61 - 23 133, - 9,686 Y-A. , Fiction: 2,932 - 2,620 13 - 11 -0- - -0-_ - 1 TOTAL: 216,861 - 171 ,321 658 - 470 444 - 185 - 6 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 112 � MAPS ADDED: - - PAN PHLETS DISCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: _0- TOTAL: - TOTAL: 21 , 541 TOTAL: 1 -, 494 RECORDINGS: T ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES. Disc's: 5. 628 / 5 ,073 -0- / -0- 44 / -0- 5 672 / 52073 Cassettes: 88_7 / 853 -0- / -0- =0- / -0- 887 853 TOTAL: 6 , 515 / 5 ,926 -0- / -0- 7, 44 / -0- 6 ,559 / 5 ,92 i " ITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 1 ,042 . 72 BRANCH: 153. 82 TOTAL: $ 1 , 196 . 54 .-TING' ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: $ 315.00 TOTAL: $ 1 . 511 . 54 ,JAL MEETINGS HELD 1 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 502 - ,_ _.�_....�_....-�...�..---r--._._ ter... +.,�.�..�•�.......-_._ ....- - -- - -- ...__- � q .. •_.._ ci PY OF BURLlNGAML 3Uht,E 'fi aTa tIS f2F:PGhT 12 MONTH Y-T-O Y-T-i) CUP Ari) UPJF.Xf'L"JUFU ACCT DE..5 1PTIUN APP Rnp. EST VIATF, ACTUAL. ACTUAL VAR ANLF: BALAINLE EI. 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Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 19 B. Number of .visits made '70 C. Items circulated 249_ 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. LaVrar 2 30 B. Retirement Inn 1 7 C. Bayview 4 48 10 �- D. Hillhaven 2 42 6 E. Hacienda 1 20 27 F• ULmyent 2 10 20 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 138 B. Visits made 82 C. Items circulated 349 Comments/activities: r