HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1984.12.18 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES DECEMBER 18th , 1984 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of December 18th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by acting President Harvey . Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Blevins , Harvey . Trustees Absent : Mink , Out 'of Town and Weatherbe , Excused for Illness . Staff Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr . Al Escoffier , Asst . City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins , Nagle ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 13 , 199 .68 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 ,709 .08 . MINUTES OF THE y- EF IH ' OF NOVEMBER 20th , 1984 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 20th , 1984 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees . CORRESPONDENCE : Trustee Blevins read a letter to the Children ' s Librarian , Mrs . Joan Leach , from the Presbyterian Nursery School thanking Joan for the Story Hour . Trustee Blevins also read a letter from Lisa Rosenthal who is affiliated with the "Peninsula Parent thanking Joan Leach for the time she spent in writing columns- for the monthly publication . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: California Library Association Conference : All Trustees present commented on how much they appreciated receiving the reports on the Conference that the staff took the time to write . Librarian Bergsing said next year the Conference will be before Thanksgiving in Oakland . Personnel : Librarian Bergsing said there are several possible candidates for the Librarian III position . She said they hoped to make a decision by the end of the week . �- Staff Holiday Party : Librarian Bergsing reminded the Trustees about the Library Holiday Party on December 19th . They responded that they were all planning to be there . r Page 2 - Minutes - December 18th , 1984 UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Request for augmented conference funds of staff attending C . L.A. : M/S/C (Nagle , Blevins ) unanimously and very graciously approved the additional funds to reimburse the staff that had attended the California Library Association Conference in Los Angeles . NEW BUSINESS: Recognition of implementation of on-line circulation system . There was some discussion about an "on-line" party . Acting President Harvey suggested that matter be tabled until there was a full Board present . Miscellun=eous : Librarian Bergsing reported that the allocation to Burlingame from the State Public Library Fund had been increased from $7 ,046 .00 last year to $17 ,469 . 00 this year . This increase was brought about by additional funds approved for the program by the Legislature and the Governor , and also because Burlingame was allowed to add 2/3 of Hillsborough ' s population to increase its per capita allocation . The law requires that funds supplement , but not supplant , local revenues . Mrs . Bergsing will request a City Council approval for specific use of the money . Assistant City Librarian , Al Escoffier , reported that Pete Nedwick played "Santa Claus " at the Annual Children ' s Christmas Program . He further reported that there were approximately 100 in attendance . Librarian Bergsing presented the proofs for the plaques for the Duncan Patio to the Board members . They all concurred that the plaques were appropriate and done in good taste . There was some discussion concerning Ben Hechinger ' s Will . Trustee Nagle is going to contact the attorney( s ) to clarify what is involved . Librarian Bergsing said the Library Secretary , Judy Gladysz , is checking into an additional copy machine to help out during tax time . She is considering all types such as 3-M , Lanier , Xerox , IBM , etc . ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the meeting , upon motion duly made , seconded and carried , the meeting adjourned at 5 : 15pm . Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j