HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1985.01.15 B U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y A G E N D A BOARD OF TRUSTEES JANUARY 15th , 1985 I CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Staff Present : III . BILL) City Checks : $17 ,542 .66 Special Fund : $ 1 ,651 .40 IV . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 18th , 1984 V . CDRDF:SPOMDENrF A. City Newsletter B . P . L .S . Newsletter C . Statement- of Economic Interests Forms D . City Manager - Capital Improvement Program E . City Manager - New Year ' s Resolutions F . City Librarian - New Year ' s Resolutions VI . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Recognition of Implementation of on- line circ system VIII . NEW BUSINESS A. Request to City for the Use of Public Library Funds IX . ADJOURNMEN-r PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES �.. MINUTES DECEMBER 18th , 1984 CALL TO ORDER : The meeting of December 18th , 1984 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by acting President Harvey . Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Blevins , Harvey . Trustees Absent : Mink , Out 'of Town and Weatherbe , Excused for Illness . Staff Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr . Al Escoffier , Ass ' t . City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C ( Blevins , Nagle ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 13 , 199 . 68 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 , 709 .08 . MINUTES OF THE MEF. itIG OF NOVEMBER 20th , 1984 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the November 20th , 1984 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees . CORRESPONDENCE : Trustee Blevins read a letter to the Children ' s Librarian , Mrs . Joan Leach , from the Presbyterian Nursery School thanking Joan for the Story Hour. Trustee Blevins also read a letter from Lisa Rosenthal who is affiliated with the "Peninsula Parent" . ' thanking Joan Leach for the time she spent in writing columns- for the monthly publication . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT: California Library Association Conference : All Trustees present commented on how much they appreciated receiving the reports on the Conference that the staff took the time to write . Librarian Bergsing said next year the Conference will be before Thanksgiving in Oakland . Personnel : Librarian Bergsing said there are several possible candidates for the Librarian III position . She said they hoped to make a decision by the end of the week . �- Staff Holiday Party : Librarian Bergsing reminded the Trustees about the Library Holiday Party on December 19th . They responded that they were all planning to be there . Page 2 - Minutes - December 18th , 1984 UNFINISHED BUSINESS : Request for augmented conference funds of staff attending C . L.A. : M/S/C ( Nagle , Blevins ) unanimously and very graciously approved the additional funds to reimburse the staff that had attended the California Library Association Conference in Los Angeles . NEW BUSINESS : Recognition of implementation of on-line circulation system . There was some discussion about an "on-line " party . Acting President Harvey suggested that matter be tabled until there was a full Board present . Mi scel 1 ne;;us : Librarian Bergsing reported that the allocation to Burlingame from the State Public Library Fund had been increased from $7 ,046 .00 last year to $17 ,469 . 00 this year . This increase was brought about by additional funds approved for the program by the Legislature and the Governor , and also because Burlingame was allowed to add 2/3 of Hillsborough ' s population to increase `. its per capita allocation . The law requires that funds supplement , but not supplant , local revenues . Mrs . Bergsing will request a City Council approval for specific use of the money . Assistant City Librarian , Al Escoffier , reported that Pete Nedwick played "Santa Claus " at the Annual Children ' s Christmas Program . He further reported that there were approximately 100 in attendance . Librarian Bergsing presented the proofs for the plaques for the Duncan Patio to the Board members . They all concurred that the plaques were appropriate and done in good taste . There was some discussion concerning Ben Hechinger ' s Will . Trustee Nagle is going to contact the attorney ( s ) to clarify what is involved . Librarian Bergsing said the Library Secretary , Judy Gladysz , is checking into an additional copy machine to help out during tax time . She is considering all types such as 3-M , Lanier , Xerox , IBM , etc . ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the meeting , upon motion duly made , seconded and carried , the meeting adjourned at 5 : 15pm . Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j j LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT JANUARY 15th , 1985 1 Automated Circulation : A committee of staff has been formed to direct the final stages of implementation of the circulation system . Al Escoffier is Chair of the group which consists of Helen Ward , Circulation Supervisor ; Karen Kott , Conversion Supervisor ; Dorothy Ezquerro , Technical Services ; and Dana Brenner , Circulation . They are dealing with such issues as patron registration , training , revised workflow at the Circulation Desk , staff communications , etc . We began patron registration at a separate registration desk during the week of January 7th . Karen Kott is supervising this activity , and we are currently recruiting for volunteers to help us out . We have been very busy with registrations since the new Recreation Bulletin came out with the new application ' form . Geac training begins January 15th for 24 staff members . Conversion continues . We have completed most of the phonograph records , and we are now working on the California Room collection . The Periodical collection is almost complete except for the 1984 issues . We are still waiting for a modem so we can install the new line to the Branch . Conversion has been progressing slowly there because of the poor terminal operation . We may have to delay the Branch coming on the system until later in the spring if we can ' t get more of the collection converted . Budget : With the New Year , the City of Burlingame begins the annual budget process again . It is done in phases . First , the depart- ments turn in their "New Year ' s Resolutions " to the City Manager . These are due on January 11th , and I ' ll have a copy of the Library ' s resolutions for your Board meeting . Next , the City Manager requests Capital Improvement projects . These are due to him in March . At this time , the Library does not intend to submit `.- anything , but I ' ll have Dennis ' summary report on the current status of Capital projects for your meeting . Also , we can talk about possible long range issues that will be coming up in the future . l . Librarian ' s Report January 15th , 1985 - Page 2 Finally , we work on the operating budget which is usually done in March and April . The last few years the City Council has reviewed the entire budget in May and early June , and has approved it in time for the July 1st fiscal year starting date . Public Library Fund : As we briefly discussed last month , the Library will be receiving $ 17 ,469 .00 from the State this month . We would like to request that the City Council allow us to use these funds for automation projects again this year as we did last year. Specifically , to finish up the circulation system , purchase some more hardware , i .e . micros and printers , and software , and automate acquisitions . t Personnel : We have hired Vera Warrick as our new Technical Services Supervisor effective February 4th . Vera comes to us from the C i Environmental Protection Agency Library in San Francisco , where she is currently supervising technical services . Vera has worked at UC Santa Barbara as a cataloger and as head of Serials Cataloging . Two new reference librarians have been hired to share the position formerly occupied by Betty Stout . Hired on a temporary basis are the following : Virginia Soletti . Virginia is currently working in Children ' s Services at San Mateo County Library . She comes to us with experience in branch and reference work . Viginia earned her BA in French at University of Santa Clara in 1973 and her MLS from University of Maryland in 1975 . Virginia will be working evenings and weekends . Her first day will be January 10th . Our second new staffer , also working approximately 10 hours per week , will be Linda Fischbach . Linda has worked at the Library of Congress and coordinated volunteers at the Los Angeles County Museum . She earned her BS in Political Science at San Francisco State in 1966 and her MLS at UCLA in 1971 . She will be working initially weekdays and weekends . Her first day will be January 11th . We are offering a Page test on Thursday , January 31st at `-- 4 : 00 in the Main Library ' s Community Room . The test is a pre- screening for work here at the Library . Applications for this exam period will be taken up through January 30th . If you know any young people that might be interested , please tell them about it . Librarian "S Report January 15th , 1985 Page #3 Programming : Our second Patrick Ball series begins on Wednesday , January 16th , and continues February 13th , and March 20th . Each program begins at 8 :OOPM , and we will be collecting $1 .00 per person at the door with no advance registrations . Come early . On Sunday , Janaury 27th , Frieda Coolish , a Burlingame resident will present a piano recital in the Community Room . The Pre-School Storyhour at the Branch will resume on January 15th . Microcomputer for Public Use : Allen Testa and Marilyn Morrison are working on a training package to train all of the Reference and other interested staff on the IBM PC . The new PC will be available to the public soon . Alien has developed a list of software for use by the public i and staff . We will soon be making decisions concerning which pieces of software we wish to purchase to implement our computer for the public . Easton Branch : `— The card catalog at the Branch has been refiled by volunteer Warren Wickliffe . It had been divided by author , title and subject , and it is now back in one alphabetical arrangement . Staff Devlopment : On Thursday , January 10th , Jane Taylor , Counselor from Burlingame High School , is meeting with the staff of the Reference Department to discuss ways to handle dicipline problems that arise with the high school students using the Library . I ' ll have a brief report for your meeting . P. L.S. News : The P . L . S . Staff Development Committee completed the annual update of the P . L . S . Staff Directory . The final printing was done at BPL by a combination of staff and volunteers . The P . L .S. Microcomputer Committee is compiling both a union list of hard- ware and software in P . L .S . libraries . The P . L .S . and PLAN Board of Directors are beginning to work on a Joint Powers Agreement to combine the two agencies under one agreement . The concept has met with approval from the City and County Managers provided proper safeguards and equitable arrangements are provided for the independent juris- dictions . STATISTICS FOR December 1934 RCULAT 1ON 14AIN BRANCH :looks: Adult, Non-Fiction 8860 300 Child, Non-Fiction 1,138 178 Adult, Fiction 6,967 800 Child, Fiction 1,799 _482 TOTAL: 18,764 TOTAL:1,760 Periodicals: I,4 131 3 ` Pamphlets (Incl . Maps S Sm. Press: X17 -0- TOTAL: 1,906 TOTAL: 366 i;oving Pictures: 44 Audiorecordings ( Incl . Rec. S Cass. ) 1,054. Art Prints: 24 Equipment Loaned: 9 Slides: 20 GRAND TOTAL.: 21.851 GRAND TOTAL: 2,126 Main Tota11984 Circ. : 21,851 plain Total1983 Circ. : 22,936 = � c/decrease 4.73 Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 20 Branch Total 1983 Circ. : 2,313 _ 8,08 A GRAND TOTAL 1984 C1RC,�t:`93 977 , GRAND TOTAL 1983 CIRC 25,249 - 5.04 ff " REFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 3062 ILL Borrowed: 31 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: REF. ACTIVITY3212 ILL Total : 150 REGISTRATIONS: ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS. TOTAL REG. Adults: 10.616 ' 191 231 10,576 Children: 1,580 18 18 1,580 Hillsborough: 4,548 75 80 4,544 T Other Non-Res. Patrons 270 2 -0 272 TOTAL: 17,015 236 329 16,972 ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Tota-i to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 134,883-100,856 199 - 116 218 - 1-73-- 1_34,864 -100,799 Child, Non-Fic: 17,444- 14,172 17 - 13 35 - 14 17,426 - 14,171 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,320- 3,182 -0- - -0- -0- - -0- 3_,320 - 3,182 Adult, Fiction: 44,658- 41,142 132 - 63 2 = -0- 44,788 - 41,205 Child, Fiction: 13,767- 9,701 35 - 17 97 - 34 13,705 - 9,684 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,945- _ 2&31 2 - 2 -0- - -0- .-.2,947 - 2,633 TOTAL: 217,017-171,634 385 - 211 352 - 221 217,050371,674 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 121 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: 3 MAPS DISCARDED: -0- .TOTAL: 21,728 TOTAL: 1,484 RECORDINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5,694 / 5,073 15 / 15 3 / 3 5,706 / 5,085 Cassettes: 853 -0- / -0- -0- / -0- 890 / 853 TOTAL: 6y�584 / 5. 26 15 / 15 3 / 3 6_,596 / 5,938 31TED WITH THE CITY "TREASURER: MAIN: $1,216.61 BRANCH: 237.25. TOTAL: $1,453.86 'FETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED DEPOSITED: $ -0- TOTAL: X1,453.86 " 'TAL MEETINGS HELD 14 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 357 T _- . '0A f',im "i()4 G"evi , CITY OF 131JRLINGAME 2 ��a 2 Z/ 4 JO-77f Z=<L 6 I A61912 17 S,/3 6o! 9 L-AoI - i - /oil I 9q�� I ��'�11 2 12 - ------ 1113 1114 ------ ------ ILI 6 1119 i120 21 2 m 122 3 24 26 ! II --TT. -7T------ 19 0- 1131 . ii I 1!32 3 3 ii .1134 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH December Go- Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 50 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 15 B. Hours contributed 280 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons 19 B. Number of visits made _22___ C. Items circulated- 261 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. LaVrar 30 Bo Retirement Inn 1 7 f r% C. Hayviwu 4 48 10 `-' D. Hi1111aven 2 42 6 E, Hacienda 1 20 27 F. —Convent 2 10 20 5. Totals (3 & 4) A. Shut-in patrons 139 B. Visits made 85 C. Items circulated 352 Comments/activities: !r CITE' OF' ISURLTNGAML BUDGET STATUS REPOJ1 -2 0NTri . :_ - ._...Y. T Q ._.: Y-T-U CUR M0 UNEXPENDED ACCT DESCRIPTION APPf0P. ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE - BALANCE' LIBRARY n} 75,1010 LIt3RARY SALARIES _ =186.2.14-641 1 `'��23�? _ ��-�-rt2828, 710 _ __ — l02 ?_16 336 75001 i LIBRARY E`1h'LUYEE RF NEF I T3 177,694 88,848 88, 848 14 , 808 Q W 880146 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 244, 331 122, 166 1221112 181352 54 122,219 750110 LIBRARY OFFICE.__EXP NSF -- --- g.s.7�5_-- -- .�4_,.37.u_� _ �b�.i 41 -'— --- ---19�-----._----_i.i7.27» 21.6.4_4_ 7501•?0 LIBRARY SPEC IAL': OEPTL EXPENSE <'12 t 650 6,3211 31634 707 2 p 69 Q 9 r 016 75()1!21 LIBRARY BOOKS & MAPS 103Y263 511630 51 002 tor3lo 628 52, 261 r I.30122 LTRRARY 1CR10 1CAI.S..._ 1,61. 0iL3 -,. ra0 . :.._ _I3r627 __ � . 75ol ?3 LIRv<ARY 81NDINGS 5,()07 4..452 2,872 90 1 ,580 6035 750124 LIBRARY CATALOGING 14,200 71098 8fQ04 0 902 6,200 754125 LIBRARY RECORDS & CA3SETTF.S _ _ 5.x.878 ^2.. 940 � 1 .1110_ 1?3 1 ,830 41768 _... - - 7501.30 LIBRARY SMALL- -cio S � E(Z1JTP ; 250 1 C b77 15 0 11 1 2:35 a: 7501()1) LI1.�1:,ARY COMMON ICAT IONS/ 5,` 15 4 454 3 744 ; 341 71 1 5� 171 j 7501 `1'0 LIBRA`�Y UTILITIES _. : �'6 ?8�? 3,.1.4.+ � _ �� 4r.46F1 75019A LIP,R?ARY MA INT �%LDG & GRnUND3 14, 000 7,002 5,757 358 1 ,245 81243 750200 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 900 450 40 0 410 860 75020LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUDIO !13 - 9547:� 0 310 - ---- — ��_L 75020P LIBRARY EQUIPMAINT-S ; Y.TEM 0 0 o . 750210 LIBRARY . PROF & SPECIAL. `SII<VIC1= 4,1 104 2,(352 �1r too 0 750220 l.If3RA(7Y {UTNE:}�.: COPJTRl1CTE1QL Sh:V.___... . 6 . _0.-_ 1 .e. U._._... 2.2.x41. 75!)2rj0 LI3RIIRY DUES 605 300 315 75 15- .290 4. 710250 LIBRARY TRAVE1, 650 324 65 0 259 585 750251 LIE.', CONF & MTc;S-LT8RARIAN- --... 90fl_—�.-- -252 — .._._ _. ._.51 a - — ---._ 255 ._.. _.-. .263- 1- 7502`3 LIB C.01jF & M T 6 STAT 550 276 :' 554 550 27(1- _—. 4 750210 LIBRARY TRAINING � 3AFL Y.: 500 252 45 . . 0 207 7 5 Q 2 0 0 L 1[IRA R Y t)7 i f E f2 C H A R r E `.-_..�_ 00 .6 .._ _ -._ ?...... ....._ . ** �* TOTAL LIBRARY 1063;-326._._.___ 531 ,660 . 51..3.1678 _ 751094 _..... _17 982 ---'5491448 .. -.+ .r ,ra.. -...•* rmy..>....,...r,.i.in,,v:..M++iU:`r+;c'� .+.a...;,y..,.*«r..w+ur^ m=fir.. . r 3nwi7• ri' t ..C'.r '"*t'^"" v'"N .T!:rw:..,¢,.,..»e.M .., vrnr- 'rw,},.11"aIr.A. v.... I+••.w:r,M '+.wW ho:i"'!.IY.".P.'. .. '...Fri•..pr..w...rr..l.enr^*.w.41rya.'?4M.; . .... _r ..(A1C lit b;., �k'9