HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1985.02.19 fi 1 1 i A G E N D A L I B R A R Y B 0 A R D O F T R U S T E E S B U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y F E B R U A R Y 1 9 t h 1 9 8 5 I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Staff Present : III . BILLS City Checks : $21 ,628 . 55 Special Fund : $ 810 . 63 IV . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 15th , 1985 �— V . CORRESPONDENCE ,Thank you letter from George Paul Lechich , Memo from Council regarding Commissioner attendance Memo from Assistant Librarian regarding Conference fees for staff VI . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS A . On- line Implementation of Circulation System VIII . NEW BUSINESS Introduction of Vera Warrick , Supervisor of Technical Services Gift of organ ( musical instrument ) , to the Library from former Trustee Ben Hechinger Plaques for Duncan building and the fountain IX . ADJOURNMENT PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES `. JANUARY 15th , 1985 CALL TO ORDER : The meeting of January 15th , 1985 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by President Weatherbe . Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Blevins , Harvey Mink and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : None Staff Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr . Al Escoffier , Asst . City Librarian BILLS : President Weatherbe stated that she appeared to be the only Board member that wished to have the bills read at the meeting . Since the majority did not care to continue this practice , she inquired about a copy of the list of accounts payable to take home to study at her leisure . Librarian Bergsing replied that this could be done easily after the meeting , but would be difficult to do before , because of the early cut-off date then required for paying bills . This solution met with President Weatherbe ' s approval . M/S/C ( Blevins , Mink ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $ 17 ,542 .66 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $ 1 ,651 .40 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER 18th , 1984 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the December 18th , 1984 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees . CORRESPONDENCE : Secretary Harvey acknowledged the distribution and receipt of the following : ( a ) City Newsletter ( b ) P . L . S . Newsletter ( c ) Statement of Economic Interests Forms ( D ) City Manager ' s Capital Improvement Program ( e ) City Manager ' s New Year ' s Resolutions ( f ) City Librarian ' s New Year ' s Resolutions �— LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT : Automated Circulation : Librarian Bergsing said the training for the staff members on the automated circulation has been delayed due to the illness of Project Director , Lois Kershner . ! P3ge 2 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - January 15th , 1985 f Trustee Mink expressed an interest in attending an abreviated training session at a later date . Budget : Library Bergsing gave a brief explanation of the process and procedures regarding the annual budget . There was some discussion regarding an on - line catalog system . President Weatherbe asked how much such a system would cost . Mrs . Bergsing said it would probably be about the same as the automated circulation system , providing it was a shared system with the other libraries in the County . There was additional discussion regarding some of the other long-range issues facing the Library . Personnel : Librarian Bergsing said the new Technical Services Supervisor , Vera Warrick , would be available to be starting on February 4th and she would attend the next Board meeting . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Recognition of Implementation of on-line Circ System : There was some discussion regarding a celebration for coming on-line . It was decided it would not be held on the same day as the system comes "up " . Mr. Escoffier is going to check with his committee and report back at the next Board meeting as to any ideas on a "theme " for the party . NEW BUSINESS : Librarian had spoken to the City Manager prior to the meeting and said that the Public Library Fund money in the amount of $ 17 ,469 had arrived from the State . She wished to request that Council again allow the funds to be allocated for the automated system for the completion of conversion , staffing , etc . She further reported that Governor Deukmajian has requested an additional $3 million for this same fund for next year . M/S/C ( Nagle , Harvey ) to request that the funds be allocated to the Automated Circulation System Funds . MISCELLANEOUS : Mr . Escoffier reported that Jane Taylor came to the Library to discuss student behavior problems . She suggested many good methods and excellent pointers on how to deal with the young people that continually disrupt the "study " atmosphere in the Library . She emphasized the need to be consistent and to establish the "bottom- line " . Librarian Bergsing announced that Patrick Ball would be performing the following evening . Page 3 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - January 15th , 1985 t Trustee Mink inquired if the Library has its own VCR . Mr . Escoffier replied yes , they do however it is not suitable for public use and also , there is no convenient place to set one up at this time . The Trustees decided to place the subject of the VCR on the agenda for more discussion at their next meeting . Secretary Harvey gave a report on the condition and progress of George Paul Lechich . M/S/C ( Blevins , Nagle ) to send a plant . Trustee Harvey agreed to purchase and deliver it on behalf of the Board members . ADJOURNMENT : There being no further business to come before the meeting , upon motion duly made , seconded and carried , the meeting adjourned at 5 :46pm . Respectfully submitted , Patricia M . Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j i L I B R A R I A N ' S R E P O R T F E B R U A R Y 1 9 t h 1 9 8 5 `- AUTOMATED CIRCULATION SYSTEM : Geac Training : Geac training is moving along well . Our 24 j key staff members are using the "buddy " system to help each other learn the necessary procedures ( and idiosyncracies ) of the system . Those with little prior experience on Geac are being assisted in separate "readiness " sessions by members of i the Implementation Committee . Our training schedule has been reconfigured several times due to on- line dates of other libraries and system downtime . i Patron Registration : Re-registration of library users is moving I forward . After some re-organization , we decided to mail all new PLAN cards to users who had not yet picked them up . This will result in fewer users having to be inconvenienced when we go on- line . The registration desk ( in the Reference area ) is working well . It is in operation most of the hours the library is open . We have had several very loyal volunteers assist us : June Schnacke , Marge Borda , Jack Haber , Warren Wickliffe , Jean Ratel and Bob Patterson . We average 200 registrations gistrations per day . ( up from 30 ) . The Implementation Committee is reviewing policies , procedures and desk organization in preparation for our new system . We are beginning to implement physical and policy changes and outline transitional steps from the manual to the automated system . System Downtime : There has been considerable Geac system downtime since December . The causes have been many , including the recent difficulty in loading RLIN tapes . We have been assured that the system downtime will be solved in the next month . At this point , it is an inconvenience for us , but a very difficult problem for those already on-line . When we are on-line , there will be four methods of back-up , depending on the problem . Staff will be trained in each of these operations . If the problem with the RLIN tapes is not solved soon , it is likely that we will push our start-up date back a week or two . Geac Conversion : Conversion winds down as we finish up the California Collection and the Periodicals . Conversion of the Branch has slowed some as we shifted conversion staff to the Main to complete conversion here . We have currently converted 171 ,598 total volumes ; 11 ,222 are at the Branch . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 2 - FEBRUARY 19th , 1985 t Branch On-Line Status : Easton will not be coming on- line until April or May of this year . The Branch has experienced " line" problems which has made the reception on the terminal slow and/or inaccurate . A new phone line has been ordered to remedy the problem , however we are still waiting for it to be installed . PUBLIC LIBRARY FUND: At the regular meeting cf February 4th , the City Council approved the transfer of the $ 17 ,469 from the sTate Public Library Fund allocation to the Computer System Project for automation purposes . ADULT SERVICES ACTIVITY : The Reference Department reports tax form questions are on the rise . The Millard Fillmore Trivia Contest provided a lively weekend of reference , but no improper behavior on the part of the students . The reference staff is being trained on our microcomputers . We plan to implement our public micro in April or May . We also plan to offer computer classes for the public this Spring . This will be to meet the State Library ' s requirement to train 60 citizens in "computer comfort " by June 30th . Also a part of our computer operations in coming months will be the use of our IBM PC to order books from Baker and Taylor . Representatives from B & T demonstrated the new system which will work on our PC and modem . The software for the system , and the use of B & T ' s database , will be provided at the same cost as "Betaphone " which we currently use . Joan Leach has agreed to begin compilation of booklists on selected topics of interest to the community . She is planning her first list for late February . These lists will be designed for public service staff to increase their skills in reader ' s advisory services . PROGRAMMING/OUTREACH : Pre-school story hour has begun . The sessions will be on Tuesday monrings , 10-10 : 30am at the Easton Branch from January 15th through March 16th . Joan Leach and Shirley Robertson (of the �- Burlingame Elementary School District ) taped their fifth program on children ' s books for the Burlingame Cable TV station . `e LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 3 - FEBRUARY 19th , 1985 I The Patrick Ball storytelling series began January 13th with 75 in attendance . The next programs are scheduled for February i 13th and March 20th . f A successful piano concert was given by Mrs . Frieda Colish of Burlingame on January 27th in the Community Room . Mrs . Colish offered the concert to the citizens of Burlingame for the excellent service she has received at the Burlingame Public Library . The current art exhibit at the Main Library is that of inter- nationally known artest Ruby Aranquez of San Mateo . Displays for the month included : gorillas ; Robert Kennedy , in conjunction with the TV mini -series ; and re-registration of borrowers , with a giant PLAN library card featured in our lobby . STAFF DEVELOPMENT : Brenda Chavez developed an excellent new procedure manual for the audio-visual department . The manual provides pages with general library rules and policies , as well as specific aspects of audio-visual work . Donna Ridley Smith attended a 2 day course on business reference sources at San Jose State University ' s Library School . This is the same course attended by Marge Johansen last year . It has proven useful in reference service and in training new staff . The PLS Staff Development Committee is planning several upcoming training opportunities including a workshop by Rick Gilbert of Hewlett-Packard on interpersonal communications for library staff . Joan Leach participated in the regular review meetings of the Association of Children ' s Librarians and the County Book Selection group this month . Joan also attended a luncheon on January 19th honoring outstanding Bay Area children ' s authors . Over 175 children , parents and librarians attended . EASTON BRANCH LIBRARY : The Branch is considering options for a cable TV hook-up . In addition , librarian Cathy Somerton is considering some physical �. reorganization . Noise problems with children from Our Lady of Angels school resulted in letters of apology from both J . F. Marino , principal and from the several children involved/ k LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 4 - FEBRUARY 19th , 1985 R P . L .S . / PLAN MERGER: II The Board of Directors of PLA/PLAN is continuing to work toward a Joint Powers Agreement that will merge these two agencies . A draft has been reviewed by the Burlingame City Attorney and his suggestions are being incorporated in the next draft . It is the current plan to have the Agreement ready to go to the seven City Councils and the County Board of Supervisors by late this Spring . CONGRATULATIONS TO STAFF ON SICK LEAVE REPORT : The Library staff has received a letter from the Civil Service Commission commending them on the reduced use of sick leave during 1984 . We were "the most improved " department in the City . We hope that we can do even better in 1985 . PMB/j i I MONTHLY REPORT j MONTH ii Outreach Activities i 1. Volunteer Coordinator I A. Hours worked ?% 2. Volunteers f� A. Number of volunteers 19. B. Hours contributed 28J 3. Shut-in Patrons--Individual Visits A. Number of patrons ? B. Number of visits made 7-; C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. of Materials visits / Attendance / circulated A. B. ri R E. ia.c-1onda 1 , = F. Convent - i 5. Totals (3 & 4) I A. Shut-in patrons 1l;C i B. Visits made 88 C. Items circulated r Comments/activities: !e are ha �v T ! p, -to have ne.a Outrna ch patron names? Viral ni_a Cate� 7:410 I is at a Board and Care facility in, Djrli.n^anc. She really io ,,C for.;rrd to the rf,,rvice. i { i i STATISTICS FORJanuary 1985 i 6 :I RCULATI ON h1AIN BRANCH rooks: � 1 Adult, Non-Fiction 10 , 6_32 411 Ii Child, Non-Fic= on 1 , 323 Adult, Fiction 8 ,415 Child, Fiction -2. 644 6g TOTAL: 23 , 510 TOTAL: 2 ,449 'eriodicals: 81r 'amphlets (Incl . I•laps S Sm. Press: 443 — - TOTAL: 2., 2.54 TOTAL: 2 , 961 i loving Pictures: _ kudiorecordings (incl . Rec. & Cass.) 1 , 322 j krt Prints: 28 :quipment Loaned: 9 ;XX Video Tames 67 GRAND TOTAL: 27 , 190 GRAND TOTAL: 2 , 561 Main Total 1985 Circ. : 27 190 Main Tota11984 Circ. : 28 , 806 = 5. 61 ',,,'Decrease Branch TotaT1985 Circ : 2 , 961 Branch Tota11984 Circ. :2 , 8,75 = 2 . 99 %Increase I GRAND TOTAL CIRC. :30, 151 GRAND TOTAL CIRC'. :31 , 681 = 4 . 83 %Decrease I tEFERENCE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 4, 599 ILL Borrowed• J5 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 149 REF. ACTIVITY4 , 803 ' ILL Total : 204 iEGISTRATIONS: ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. Adults: 10, 076 312 353 10, 535 �-- Children: 1 , 580 _ —i 21 . 49 1 , 552 Hillsborough: 4 , 544 107 102 4 , 0549 ?then Non-Res. Patrons 272 — 3 -0- 275 TOTAL: 16, 972 443 504 16 , 911 --4444— -- - � ,XCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Tota.1 to Date 1 VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES WuIt,Non-Fic. : 134, 364-100 799 114 - 51 11 - -0- 134 , 967 -100, 850 :h i l d, Non-F i c: 17,426- 14 , 171 36 - 25 -0- - -0- 17 ,462 - 14 ,196 .A. , Non-Fic: 3 , 320- __3,_L82 1 - 1 30 - 2 32291 - 3 , 181 Ddu 1 t, Fiction: 44 , 788- 41 , 205 170 -107 -0- - -0- 44,958 - 41 , 312 .hild, Fiction: 13 , 705_- 9 , 684 106 - 42 12 - 10 1.32799 - 9, 716 '.A. , Fiction: 2 , 947- - 2 , 633 22 - 20 2 - -0- _ 2 , 967 - _OTAL: 217 , 050-171 , 674 449 -246 55 - 12 217 ,444 - 'AMPHLETS ADDED: -0- MAPS ADDED: _U_ 'AI",PHLETS DISCARDED:-0- MAPS DISCARDED: -0- .TOTAL: TOTAL: 'ECORDINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s : 5, 706 / 5 , 085 -0- / _0_ _ -U- / __0- 5, 706 /5 , Oa5 _ Cassettes: -390_/_ 853 13 / 13 5 / 5 898 % 851 TOTAL: 6 , 596 / 5, 938 13 / 13 5 / 5 6, 604 �o;_04 -::P,--.TED WITH THE CITY "TREASURER: MAIN: 1 , 422 . 28 BRANCH:--_23�5 __ TOTAL: 1 , 635 . 23 =ET I N� ROOM FEES COLLLC.FF:D s DEPOSITED: S -0- TOTAL: 1 , 635 . 23 JAL MEETINGS HELD 24 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 662 ?9W-Grr•r CITY OF 13URLINGAME -------- ---- --- 3/-3y �o 3/-777 3�0 T 9S ' 0, 5 --,2— I — — -017 IMa 0 i f- p -r- `2 0. 3� L1 j i Zk 11 1 _ ` 1 !! I I 2 ' 2 ------- - ( I 2 7 13 32 s i,,Uf)(,ET ZTAT(J8 REPURT CITY OF BURLIiNGAmL 12 ivlONTH Y-T—D Y—TwD CUP mo (J�J,XPLNDED ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATL ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE EN( LIBRARY 75OU10 LIBRARY SALARIES 386r404 225, 1-'5 IC49, 012 ?-8,,884 26, 423 187p4S2 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 177r694 10„r 6 S() 1031656 1.44 11.08 74 , 038 750013 LI6RARY PARTTIME 21141331 142f527 141 , 743 19ro31 7811 1()2f588 750110 LIbRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 8? 7145 5r103 ()1200 100 11097- 2f545 750120 LIBRARY *PECIAL DEPTL EXPENSE 12t650 7r 378 a,, I . -7 523 3,221 8j4c13 713ol2l LIBRARY UOUK-S & MAPS 103j263 6Oo23S 61 , 103 14, 100 868- 42, 160 150122 LlbRARY PERIODICALS 1(,,f5o0 9fL,25 13, 781 151.1 4r 1 5b- 2, 719- 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS A1907 5r 194 3r 1. 112 269 21052 5x76-' 750124 LIORARY CATALOGING 14, 200 8, 281 80000 0 281 o 0 2 0 0 750125 L113RARY RECORDS & CASSETTES 5r678 3, 430 1r395 2t35 P0, 035 4, 483 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOUL3 & LQUIP 250 147 15 0 132 235 750160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATIONS gf915 5? 201 51,(mcp / 1j344 11? 3,620 750170 LISRARY UTILITIES 2662814 15, 330 11f923 3t455 3, 1.407 14o, 361 750190 LIBRARY MAJNT BLOC is GROUNDS 14, 000 6 p I ci9 7 , 367 1 ,030 762 (-) 750200 LIBRARY LOUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1211.(? 525 140 0 465 is 750201 LIURARY EQUIP MAINT-AU0IU VIS 950 550 3811 7 750202 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-SEC.SYSTLM 0 0 0 750210 LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE 11, 100 2e394 0 11706- 750220 LIBRARY OTHER CONTRUCTUAL SERV 26r390 15P393 22,551.5 1140 7, 1u2- 3 :35 750240 LIBRARY DULS & SWISCRIPTIONS 605 350 3'x_'5 to 25 750250 L16RARY TRAVEL 650 376 1914 12�3 1hil 750251 LIB C0jNF & MTGS-LIBRARIAN 500 294 515 0 221 - 15^- 750252 Llb C0iNF & NlTi;S-STAFF 550 322 615 6 1� ?93-1 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING & SAFLTY 500 204 136 01 1 51.' 3t)4 750290 LIBRARY UTHER CHARGES 100 r,6 71 2 2i4o947 1-1 8, 0 0 3 TOTAL LIBRARY 1063p326 020#270 59S, 323 81 ,644