HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1985.03.19 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES ® MARCH 19th, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of March 19th, 1985 was called to order at 4:30pm by President Weatherbe. Trustees Present: Trustees Nagle, Blevins , Mink Weatherbe and Harvey Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst. City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Harvey, Blevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $13,309.96 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2 ,747.87 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19th, 1985: M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 19th , 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Harvey read a letter from a patron complimenting staff member Allen Testa, for his excellent reference assistance. He also read a letter that had been written to the City Manager from Mr. Horn of the Horn Building accross the street from the Library which stated that he felt most of the traffic congestion on Primrose Road, between Bellevue and Chapin was caused by people who use the Library and according to him, if the Library were being built today, parking would be in the code and properly provided for. There was some discussion regarding Board packets. Mrs. Bergsing explained that there was a lot of photocopying being done in order to prepare the packets and the Board notebooks. The Board members concurred that they would like to have the packets ahead of time and bring the packets to the meeting and insert them in their notebooks in order to eliminate some of the duplication. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: _ Budget 19851986: Librarian Bergsing gave a brief explanation of the budget process for the new Trustees. Duncan Foundation Status: A statement of accounts was mailed to all of the Trustees in their packets. Page 2, MINUTES, Burlingame Library Board of Trustees, March 19th, 1985 Literacy Project: Trustee Mink asked if the literacy campaign would include "english as a second language" people. Mrs . Bergsing said that "English as a Second Language" holds classes in the library twice weekly. She said the literacy campaign is aimed basically at american born adults who are illiterate. She further explained that local tutors teach on a one to one basis rather than in a classroom situation. Some discussion followed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: On-line Party: Librarian Bergsing explained that the date had been set for the "on-line" party. There had been a lot of talk and discussion regarding a date and Librarian Bergsing decided that the easiest day would be the same day as we come on-line. The Library will open at 10:OOam, (1 hour later than usual ) , with coffee, doughnuts , and a small ribbon cutting ceremony. There was a motion to approve $150.00 for the on-line party expenses by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Mink and carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: New Copy Machines: Librarian Bergsing made a presentation to the Board on two new copying machines. One for staff use in the back offices and the other a coin-operated machine for public use. She explained that the two Xerox machines that are being used at this time are well-over the "good quality stage" and that one needs to be replaced because the repairs are going to be charged a time and materials basis rather than the flat monthly fee that we have been paying. Since there are so many service calls it wouldn't be financially feasible to keep it. There was some discussion regarding a staff use copier and Trustee Nagle asked if the model that was being purchased was big enough to accomodate the entire staff. Library Secretary Judy Gladysz replied there was no way of knowing how many copies the staff was making but she would monitor it. Trustee Nagle suggested that if the small model was not enough that it should be sent to the Branch Library and a bigger machine purchased for staff use. M/S/C (Harvey, Mink) to purchase both copiers as presented , including service contracts. There was more discussion to decide which purchase plan to use. M/S/C (Blevins, Mink) unanimously to purchase the Xerox 1045 copier on a three year contract. There was some discussion regarding a change maker for the copy machines, and some discussion regarding raising the new copy machine charge to 15¢ per copy. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of March 19th, 1985 was adjourned at 5:36pm with the next meeting scheduled for April 16th, 1985, at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg