HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1985.04.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MARCH 19th, 1985 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of March 19th, 1985 was called to order at 4:30pm by President Weatherbe. Trustees Present: Trustees Nagle, Blevins , Mink Weatherbe and Harvey Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst. City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Harvey, Blevins) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $13,309.96 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2,747.87 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 19th, 1985: M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the February 19th , 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE: Secretary Harvey read a letter from a patron complimenting staff member Allen Testa, for his excellent reference assistance. He also read a letter that had been written to the City Manager from Mr. Horn of the Horn Building accross the street from the Library which stated that he felt most of the traffic congestion on Primrose Road, between Bellevue and Chapin was caused by people who use the Library and according to him, if the Library were being built today, parking would be in the code and properly provided for. There was some discussion regarding Board packets. Mrs. Bergsing explained that there was a lot of photocopying being done in order to prepare the packets and the Board notebooks. The Board members concurred that they would like to have the packets ahead of time and bring the packets to the meeting and insert them in their notebooks in order to eliminate some of the duplication. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Budget 19851986: Librarian Bergsing gave a brief explanation of the budget process for the new Trustees. Duncan Foundation Status: A statement of accounts was mailed to all of the Trustees in their packets. Page 2, MINUTES, Burlingame Library Board of Trustees, March 19th, 1985 Literacy Project: Trustee Mink asked if the literacy campaign would include "english as a second language" people. Mrs . Bergsing said that "English as a Second Language" holds classes in the library twice weekly. She said the literacy campaign is aimed basically at american born adults who are illiterate. She further explained that local tutors teach on a one to one basis rather than in a classroom situation. Some discussion followed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: On-line Party: Librarian Bergsing explained that the date had been set for the "on-line" party. There had been a lot of talk and discussion regarding a date and Librarian Bergsing decided that the easiest day would be the same day as we come on-line. The Library will open at 10:OOam, (1 hour later than usual ) , with coffee, doughnuts , and a small ribbon cutting ceremony. There was a motion to approve $150.00 for the on-line party expenses by Trustee Harvey, seconded by Trustee Mink and carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: New Copy Machines : Librarian Bergsing made a presentation to the Board on two new copying machines. One for staff use in the back offices and the other a coin-operated machine for public use. She explained that the two Xerox machines that are being used at this time are well-over the "good quality stage" and that one needs to be replaced because the repairs are going to be charged a time and materials basis rather than the flat monthly fee that we have been paying. Since there are so many service calls it wouldn't be financially feasible to keep it. There was some discussion regarding a staff use copier and Trustee Nagle asked if the model that was being purchased was big enough to accomodate the entire staff. Library Secretary Judy Gladysz replied there was no way of knowing how many copies the staff was making but she would monitor it. Trustee Nagle suggested that if the small model was not enough that it should be sent to the Branch Library and a bigger machine purchased for staff use. M/S/C (Harvey, Mink) to purchase both copiers as presented , including service contracts. There was more discussion to decide which purchase plan to use. M/S/C (Blevins, Mink) unanimously to purchase the Xerox 1045 copier on a three year contract. There was some discussion regarding a change maker for the copy machines, and some discussion regarding raising the new copy machine charge to 15¢ per copy. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of March 19th, 1985 was adjourned at 5:36pm with the next meeting scheduled for April 16th, 1985, at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg L I B R A R I A N ' S R E P O R T A P R I L 1 6 t h 1 9 8 5 GEAC STATUS "ON-LINE MARCH 1985" was the theme of the month, as we came on-line with the Geac automated circulation system on March 28th. The kick-off party included 50+ staff , City Officials , and library users on hand to enjoy the ribbon cutting by Mayor Dave Martin and Board President June Weatherbe . Master of Ceremonies , Joe Hervey , gave some historical background on the system and introduced the City Officials that were present . Newspaper articles were carried in three local papers : the Leader , the San Mateo Times , and the Boutique Villager. The later two included a photograph . The press seemed particularly interested in covering the event . Conversion is progressing at the Branch . An on-line date will be set shortly . We are waiting for a communications line and arrival of the equipment . The first 2 weeks have gone very smoothly , as we iron out various workflow procedures . In addition , we are phasing out our manual system , which takes additional time . This phaseout should take another few weeks . Additional training is planned in the financial functions in a week or two . A special training session was held for pages . We have devel- oped a policy and procedure manual for all public desks . CAPITAL OUTLAY We are trying to get the figures together in time for your meeting ,with an outline , at least , of what we would like to request this year from the Duncan Trust and the Library Board . At the moment , it looks like approximately $.25 , 000 from the Trust , and about $ 1 , 000 from the Board . REFERENCE SERVICES A number of reference staff members attended the business tutorial training at San Mateo Public Library . These 2 hour sessions are being sponsored by the Business Librarian at San - Mateo to acquaint Peninsula Library System staff members with the services and resources available at the San Mateo Public Library . The Ventel 1200 baud modem was hooked up to our IBM PC at the Reference Desk . We have since begun our subscription to On- Tyme , the electronic mail system , and have received training on CIP (Community Information File ) on-line . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAG[ 2 - APRIL 16th , 1985 MICRO LITERACY Training in micro-computer literacy for the public will begin in May . Elaine Beal , a computer trainer with the Peninsula Library System , will be our trainer . We expect to launch 3 sessions of 20 persons each f❑r our computer sessions . Staff training will continue as well , with People ' Computer Company (PCC) , giving training in May in the PFS family of software : PFS Write , PFS File , PFS Plan , etc . This training was offered last year for several staff . Since the training will take place at Burlingame , we are able to send additional staff . Burlingame is also the recipient of a grant of $ 1 , 000 . from the California State Library toward the purchase of micro-computer equipment at the Branch Library . Our in-house micro-computer committee will be meeting shortly to review our expenditures in this area . PROGRAMMING The Patrick Ball series concluded with a full house on March 13th . Marge Johansen is to be commended for organizing this success- ful program. PERSONNEL The regular pre-school Story Hour was held ❑n Tuesday mornings with the 5th and 26th sessions taped for Channel 24 . Trinity Lutheran Montessori and Presbyterian Nursery School visited the Branch , with Barbara Lazarus conducting the story hours . Joan Leach visited Excursions in Learning and told stories t❑ 2 and 3 year olds . Cathy Somerton is in the process of compiling information from the recent survey of nursery schools in Burlingame . School visits included Washington School and a talk to the first graders and the kindergarten about library cards . A story hour was also presented . Joan participated in a cable TU program with Shirley Robertson on local author Marilyn Sachs. Joan Leach attended an all day program "An Invitation to Illus- tration #211 . Trina Schart Hyman , this year ' s Caldecott winner was one of three illustrators and an editor who spoke . Joan also attended the third Annual Conference for Mystery Writers and Readers in Stockton . It was presented by the Friends of the Stockton Public Library and the Associates of the University of the Pacific Libraries . The conference featured Sister Anne O 'Marie , Sue Dunlop , Julie Smith and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 3 - APRIL 16th , 1985 Cathy Somerton , Barbara Lazarus and Joan Leach are meeting monthly to discuss Children ' s services . One of the activities which will take place is the reviewing of older titles in our collection . Each will read two books and will give a brief review. Joan is also reviewing the responsibilities for children ' s services. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends of the Library are sponsoring an art/lecture program by painter Charles Becker , on April 23 , at 7 : 30pm in the Community Room . They are also very busy with sorting and pricing books for the Spring Book Sale which will be held on May 3rd , 4th , & 5th . PMB/j STATISTICS FOR MARCH 1985 CIRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Books: Adult, Non-Fiction Cannot supply 440 Child, Non-Fiction accurate figures 387 Adult, Fiction because some of 919 Child, Fiction _ them were manual 668 TOTAL: and some were TOTAL. 2 ,414 Periodicals: on-line for the last 4 days in 406 Pamphlets (Incl . Maps b Sm. Press: A March. I can only -0- TOTAL: get a total. TOTAL: 2 .820 Moving Pictures: Audiorecordings (Incl . Rec. E Cass.) Art Prints: iq Equipment Loaned: 6 Slides: -0- GRAND TOTAL: 31 , 103 GRAND TOTAL: 2 ,820 Main Total 1985 Circ. : , 3].,103 Main Total 1984 Circ. : 28,761Z. a4 " Increase Branch Total 1985 Circ. : 2,820 Branch Total 1984 Circ. : 3,082 = 8.50 a Decrease GRAND TOTAL 1985' CIRC.:33a 923 GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC. 31 ,$43 _ --b. �u Increase REFERENCE STATISTICS: ReferenCe Activity up 22% over same time last year. Total Reference Questions: 4,868 ILL Borrowed: 69 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 114 REF. ACTIVITY 5051 ILL Total : 183 ONS: ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PAT ' Adults: Children: Increase of Hillsborough: Other Non-Res. Patrons TOTAL: ACCESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Adult,Non-Fic. : 134,089 - 100,927 298 173 79 - 58 135,208 - 101 042 Child, Non-F i c: 17,429 - 14,191 27 - 19 45 - 30 17 411 - 14,180 Y.A. , Non-Fic: 3,291 - • 3.181 -0- - -0- -0- - -0- 3,291 - ,181 Adult, Fiction: 44,799 - 41 ,312 158 - 98 73 - 52 44,884 - 41 ,358 Child, Fiction: 13,799 - 9,716 59 - 26 ,Q- - -0- 13,858 - 91742 Y.A. , Fiction: 2,967 - 2,653 11 - 11 -0- - -0-_ 2, - 2.664 TOTAL: 217,603 - 172;0 553 327 197 - 140 217,959 - 172,242 PAMPHLETS ADDED: 29 MAPS ADDED: -0- PAMPHLETS DISCARDED: -0- MAPS DISCARDED: _O__ JOTAL: - .TOTAL: 21 ,852 TOTAL: , RECORDINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc's: 5,706 / 5,085 4 / 4 -0- / -0- 5,710 / 5,089 Cassettes: 901 / 854 -0- / -0- -0- / -0- 901 / 854 TOTAL: 6.607 / 5,939 4 / 4 -0- / -0- 61611 / IT,94 ;'-TMSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: 644 .40 BRANCH: 173 . 10 TOTAL: 817 .50 'EETING ROOM FEES COLLECTED S DEPOSITED: S 45 .00 TOTAL: 862 .50 ;TAL MEETINGS HELD 26 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 735 -- -- -- ---- -- - --- - _ -- - _ - - - - � - '1 -- _ _ _-- - ---- -------- - _ - CITYY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 MONTH Y-T-D YwT-wD CUR MO UNEXPENDED ACCT DESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE EN LIBRARY 7S4011D LMRARY 3AI ARIES sas 2"#-n&- la-A7-1 290087 125.706 750011 LIBRARY EMPLUYEEi BENEFITS 177,694 133,212 133s272 14,808 0 44#422 750011 LIBRARY PARTTIME 244f331 183,249 177,894 20# 197 5, 355 ubp431 ---7 Sal I Q---,LlhRAR-Y--UF-F-jCF---E"E N SE-- -tp 577- 1 0,07 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL DEPTL- EXPENSE 12.650 90486 7# 351 539 21135 5t299 750121 LIBRARY BOOKS & MAPS 103#263 77,445 76,287 7#299 ItIss 2b0976 140107 6 t, 732- 20343 750123 LIBRARY BINDINGS 8f947 6,678 4, 128 340 2,550 40,779 750124 LIORARY CATALOGING 14, 200 10,647 8, 000 0 2,647 b*200 -Z..'6;)9 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOL3 4 EQUIP 250 189 is 0 174 235 7SO160 LIBRARY COMHUNICATIUHS 8# 915 bobs? 7,899 1,007 IP212- toulb ---Z541 0-- LIBRA Y- U-T ILI T I El—- Z6#284- 1-9*1 t 0---18#-5 2tL 24s5a 1,184 7,758 750190 LIbRANY MAINT bLOG A GROUNDS 14# 000 10#503 10# 039 1 *626 4*4 3#961 750100 LIURARY CUUIPMENT MAINtENANCL goo 675 296 ISO 379 604 150201. LI-BRAfi-L-LUUIP---MAttiT--AUDIU---VLa�--- 432 — b7l --- 7SO202 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-SEC,SYSTe4 0 0 0 0 0 0 750210 LIBRARY PROF & SPECIAL SERVICE 41100 3P076 4, 100 0 10022- 0 750-22& LlWRARl--LITHER-C 3ltTftUCT UAL.-SERV-, a 4,917- 1,622 750240 LIBRARY UULS & SUHSCRIPT10iiS 605 450 625 0 175- 20m 750250 LIBRARY TRAVEL 650 486 sin 109 116 280 & -4TGA-LlURARlAN-----.. .- ---.. 13l- IS0252 LIU CONF & MTGS-STAFF sso 414 615 0 201- 65- 750264 LIBRARY TRAINING 6 SAFETY SOO Sid 161 0 217 339 10.0- TO-T.AL L-WRAX-Y.... LO 3s3etp-- -. 7 OJ-Nun 49W-G�rrn 1AM-Node CITY OF BURLINGAME 1=4C 7 i°.,-'sem 2 -- 3 — 4 �— — f ' 2 i j IIS' ' 2 3 9 0 �6'I 4 6 7 I II _ 1 I 7 p 6&",! 9 i 0 Q I Z 4 , 1 31'10 11 / 2 /� 3/ 12 13 I I I I, 13 '�� I X18 - I f �_ I�4 Z ,o II I I i r1l 17 1117 18 1j ij 11 i 1'18 19 I i 1 119 I ' 120 x!21 12 1i I j I 1122 l j 1123 23 ; TTTT i I n24 1!26 126 ! I !I I - I it 1'27 j II '8 ( I! ii 1128 19 ii Ij I I 30 31 � �I j II I! �I 1131 32 li ii 33 I� i. I II I 1133 1134 j n 15 y I I! 1`0� 1101171 Y RW ORT L ?.4ONTH March Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 50 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 16 B. Hours contributed 7 3. Shut-n Patrons--Individtial Visits A. Number of patrons 20 B. Number of visits made 75 C. Items circulated 259` 4• Shut-in patrons--Institutional Vis~- LAVrar No. of Materials visits/ Attendance/ circulated B. Retiremen Inn 2 30 C.Bawiew _ 48 0 D. l i an 2 1?_ — Ha HaciendendA 1 F. Convent _ W -7— '-'""T'J W0"'- 5. Totals (3 4) A. Shut-In patrons 142 B. Visits made --7 C. Items circulated ^ Comments/activities: One of our new volunteers is Corinne Cornish who is taking books to Mrs. Fieldhouse while Bea Hillen is attending her sick husband. Dan Is still visiting Peninsula Hospital, Hillhaven, and Bayview and still showing slides and film s. Barbara Lazarus