HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1985.05.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY 21st , 1985 AGENDA I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present : Trustees Absent : Staff Present : III . BILLS City Checks : $22 , 436 . 49 Special Fund : $2 , 508.03 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 19th , 1985 : V. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Peninsula Community Foundation Letter to Apple Computer Company and the Reply CALTAC Spring Newsletter VI . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS VIII . NEW BUSINESS Report on Literacy Meeting - Trustee Mink Library Budget - 1985-1986 Volunteer Tea IX . ADJOURNMENT PMB/j BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES �-- MINUTES APRIL 16th , 1985 CALL TO ORDER : The meeting of April 16th , 1985 was called to order at 4 : 30pm by Secretary Harvey . Trustees Present : Trustees Nagle , Blevins , Mink Weatherbe and Harvey Trustees Absent : None Staff Present : Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier , Asst . City Librarian BILLS : M/S/C (Mink , Blevins ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $13 , 386. 53 and Special Fund checks in the amount of $821 . 35 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 19th , 1985 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes ❑f the March 19th , 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees . CORRESPONDENCE : Caltac Newsletter - Distributed City Newsletter - Distributed Pictures of the On-Line Party Letter to Mayor from Dorothy Shafer - Secretary Haryey read a letter from Dorothy Shafer , a North Burlingame resident , highly commending Cathy Somerton and Patti Flynn , Branch employees , for their courteous and helpful service . Mrs. Bergsing also distributed Bookmarks announcing the Friends upcoming Booksale , and Trustee Mink extended invita- tions to the P.L. S . Literacy meeting on Thursday , April 18th . Trustee Mink said she had also sent invitations to the City Council . Trustee Harvey said that he wanted to know if the Library was aware of a computerized service called "Entertainment Today " . He further explained that it allows public access to computerized information on local entertainment such as restaurants and prices , theatres , etc . He said the service is paid for by the companies who advertise . Trustee Harvey said the City Council is in the process of deciding whether or not a commercial endeavor such as this would be feasible for Burlingame. Some discussion followed . Page 2 - Minutes - April 16th , 1985 LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT The Trustees agreed that the On-LIne Party had gone very �- well (all except for the strong coffee) Trustee Harvey said there were people whom he knew that attended the Party and they were very impressed that the Library would share this sort of thing with the public . He said they felt it was excellent P.R. Mrs . Bergsing further stated that the computer is operating reasonably well , with some downtime , however staff has learned the system quite well and is dealing with it very successfully . She said that Mr. Escoffier has done exceptionally well in building staff confidence regarding the operation of the system. NEW BUSINESS : Capital Outlay Requests to Library Board and Foundation : Librarian Bergsing gave a brief explanation to the new Board members (Blevins & Mink ) , regarding the request for equipment to the Board members and the Foundation . She requests suggestions from the staff , then she decides on whether or not they are justified . If yes , she requests the needed items from various sources , i . e. , the City , Friends , the Trustees , the Duncan Foundaiton , etc . There was some discussion that followed. M/S/C (Harvey , Blevins ) unanimously to purchase the items requested from the Trustee Special Fund . M/S/C (Harvey , Blevins) to approve the request to be presented to the Foundatidn for the other items . CALTAC Workshop : Librarian Bergsing gave a brief explanation about the CALTAC Workshop . She said it is an opportunity to find out what other trustees are doing , but it does take up the better part of a Saturday . Trustee Blevins said she would get back to Mrs . Bergsing to let her know if she could attend the workshop . Demo of New Copy Machine : There was some discussion about the new copy machine rather than a demonstration. Miscellaneous : Legislative Day : Librarian Bergsing said Legislative Day in Sacramento would be held on May 15th if any of the Trustees would be interested in attending . CALTAC Membership : Mrs . Bergsing gave some background on the membership . She said historically one membership is taken out in the President ' s name. There is a quarterly newsletter sent to keep the Board informed on what is happening with Page 3 - Minutes - April 16th , 1985 other trustees in California. M/S/C (Blevins , Mink ) unanimously to pay for a membership in the name of the President of the �.. Trustees to be sent to the Library and paid for from the Special Fund . Trustee Mink wondered if it was reasonable to have a brainstorming session to discuss video expansion and services , computer expansion and services , building expansion , etc . , and if there was a long range plan. She suggested that there are grants available . Trustee Harvey replied that the demand for equipment , etc. , is usually the result of requests from the public and these are brought to the attention of the Board . Librarian Bergsing added that one of her goals for this upcoming year was to develop , with staff and the Board , a long-range plan with goals and objectives , especially with regard to building expansion . She also stated that the Peninsula Library System was participating in a Federal Grant to conduct a community analysis and needs assessment . Some discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT : �- The meeting of April 16th , 1985 was adjourned at 5 : 45pm with the next meeting scheduled for May 21st , 1985 , at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted , Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/j LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT MAY 21st , 1985 BUDGET Attached to this report is a copy of the Library budget as submitted to the City Manager . As I reported earlier , the next step will be a meeting with Councilwoman Barton , then a study session with the full Council on Wednesday , June 5th . We will discuss any questions you may have at your meeting . FRIENDS BOOK SALE The Friends of the Library had another successful booksale on May 3rd, 4th and 5th. They made $2 , 400. 00 on the weekend sale , with fewer books remaining than usual . I have already thanked the Friends who worked so hard on the sale on your behalf. VOLUNTEER TEA The annual tea to honor all of our volunteers is scheduled for June 20th from 4-6 pm on the patio . We are planning again to invite the City Council , City Department Heads and the Library staff . We hope that the Mayor and the President of the Library Board will present the awards to the volunteers for their hours of service . LIBRARY SERVICES STUDY The Library Department Heads have been in the process of a rather extensive study of Library Services for the past year. This has. been undertaken because of the increasing workload , and the lack of staff. This has created the need to review the services we are offering , how they are being offered and to set priorities to carry out our mission and major objectives. It is my intent to bring this study and its recommendations to you for your input and approval when the staff is further along in its deliberations . I mention it now as a partial answer to the question raised by Trustee Mink at your last meeting regarding a long-range plan . GEAC STATUS Our first full month on-line came to a close with the staff busier than ever . An additional 3 training sessions were held on the financial aspects of the system. We are beginning to deal with financial transactions such as bills and other fines which can result in a stop on a patron card. LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 2 - MAY 21st , 1985 Our manual files are nearly empty . We are now following up on all of the odds and ends left from the manual system . Downtime has consumed a great deal of time during the past few weeks . Most can be attributed to hardware problems which have occurred one after the other. We seem to be generating a significant amount of action from Geac , the vendor. They are looking into both hardware and software problems . A number of replacement parts have been installed , and we installed a new disk drive on May 15th which should expand the system memory and improve response time. Our new committee : Public Service Circulation Committee- PSCC , has been discussing policies and procedures in weekly meetings. Mr. Escoffier is also producing a regular "Geac Update" . This newsletter-type item is designed to update the staff on policy and procedure concerning circulation in general and Geac in particular. The newsletter is distributed to all staff. REFERENCE SERVICES April was a month of training and skill improvement for �r many members of the reference staff. Pat Harding attended the 10th West Coast Computer Fair at Moscone Center. She toured the exhibits and talked with the DIALOG representative about their new services. Burlingame is considering 'DIALOG as one of our on-line databases . Joan Giampaoli and Vera Warrick attended a workshop sponsored by CLASS on the On TYME, electronic messaging system. We are still waiting for all of the libraries in PLS to install ON TYME to facilitate system communication. Donna Ridley Smith attended a CLASS workshop on Information Management Software Options. Topics included preparing a needs assessment for software , short reviews of many programs , and evaluation criteria to use in selecting software. Nancy Montague and Marge Johansen attended a workshop on P.R . featuring Peggy Barber , Publicity Director of the American Library Association . Both Marge and Nancy found the workshop helpful in giving them ideas on how to do better fliers , press releases and brochures . The tax distribution program ended on April 15th , and Allen Testa is to be commended for doing a fine job of pulling the program together and assisting the staff with questions LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 3 - MAY 21st , 1985 concerning the forms . Allen was also busy with the microcomputer . He trained Pat Harding in the use of the CIP database . Full time staff had been trained in March . Marge Johansen attended the System Advisory Board program on Adult Literacy on April 18th. MICROCOMPUTER LITERACY Training in microcomupter literacy for the public will be held on May 29th , 30th , June 1st and June 4th . Fliers are being distributed . Sign up sheets will be at the Reference Desk . Elaine Beal , a computer trainer with P.L .S . , will be our trainer. We expect to launch other sessions later in the year to meet our grant requirements . The public microcomputer will be available on May 20th in the Audio Visual Department. Reservations will be taken . A brochure is now available for this new service. As part of the second year of the State Library grant , staff training continued on May 9th , 10th , and 11th with People ' Computer Company (PCC) giving the training with the PFS family of software . Additional training will take place this summer on Framework , an integrated package of software. CHILDREN ' S SERVICES Joan Leach visited the fourth grade a Lincoln School . She gave a book talk and discussed the new circulation system. Ms. Johnson ' s first grade class visited the library. Stories were read and many of the children applied for their new computer cards. Pre-School Story Hours continued , with a taped session on April 30th. Storyh❑urs were also held for the Presbyterian and Our Lady of Angels nursery schools. , Joan Leach also attended a symposium on "Biographies" which was sponsored by the Associates of the Stanford University Libraries. She heard Gilbert Harrison , author of Thornton Wilder , David Horowitz , author of The Kennedys and Donald Spoto , author of Tennessee Williams. Each spoke about how they chose their particular subjects and how they gathered materials for their research . Joan found it a stimulating and informative symposium , particulary since she is our primary selector in biography . LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 4 - MAY 21st , 1985 EASTON BRANCH `- Circulation is up at the Branch 10% over last year and was down 12% in April . One possible factor contributing to lower circulation in April is the extensive amount of tree trimming and road work which has been done in the area around the Branch and has made parking very difficult . With conversion nearly completed , the Branch staff has begun to shelf read the entire non-fiction collection . The Lion ' s Den has been re-organized at Joan ' s suggestion , and it will be devoted to books for younger children and will also house some wooden puzzles Joan is planning to purchase. The Branch proudly announces its on-line date for May 22nd . A request to Apple Computers for a donation of an Apple Computer for the Branch Library was denied. Apparently the Branch does not fit into the guidelines set by the company. We are still planning on placing a computer at the Branch , with monies coming from the Duncan Funds . �-' PERSONNEL Resignations this month included Dana Brenner , Library Assistant II part-time , who left to accept a full-time position with the California Teacher ' s Association . Linda Fischbach , Librarian I part-time , will be leaving us to follow her husband to London for three months. We hope Linda will rejoin us "on-call " in the fall . We are presently recruiting for Librarian I , part-time , 15 hours epr week . We are also recruiting for "on call " librarians to assist us when our regular staff are unavailable. Peter Gray , a long time Aide and Page left us to concentrate on his studies . Marie Kelley , Data Entry Clerk , left as the work of the conversion project moved toward completion . We are currently recruiting for Pages. An exam will be given on Thursday , May 30th at 4pm. Publicity is now being distributed. A number of staff members attended the slide presentation given by the City Manager for Youth in Government Day . Both Al and myself had counterparts for the day : Helen Beary of Mercy High School and Catherine Hurd of Mills High School . The students also attended the slide show , as well as a police dog demonstration at City Hall . Following that , both students LIBRARIAN ' S REPORT - PAGE 5 - MAY 21st , 1985 toured the library and and learned more about what goes on "behind the scenes" . A luncheon was held in which the students shared their experiences. Later , the students participated in a mock City Council meeting where our own Mark Potter , a Library Aide , served as Mayor for the day. It was an enjoyable day for all . CIRCULATION STATISTICS The statistics report for April show circulation down at the Main Library . This is because the way the processing was done at the end of April . The last day of April statistics will be included in the May report. STATE AND SYSTEM NEWS On May 14th and 15th , I spent two days in Sacramento. The first day was to attend the regular meeting of the Council of the California Library Association . The second day was to visit our local legislators to make them aware of the bills and budget items before the Legislature that concerned librarians. These ranged from augmentation of the Governor ' s budget for full-funding of the Public Library Foundation Act , placing on the ballot a bond issue for construction of public library buildings , bills affecting special district funding and several bills on intellectual freedom. The contingent from San Mateo (about 20 of us including Trustees , friends and librarians ) called on Senators John Foran and Becky Morgan , and Assemblymen Papan and Naylor. It was , as always , an interesting experience . PMB/j STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1985 IRCULATION MAIN BRANCH Woks: Adult, Non-Fiction 368 Child, Non-Fiction 291 _ Adult, Fiction 993 Child, Fiction _ 505 TOTAL: TOTAL: 2 , 157 "r iod ical s: 446 ,mphlets (Incl . Maps S Sm. Press: 1 TOTAL: TOTAL:2 , 604 )ving Pictures: ,diorecordings (Incl . Rec. & Cass. ) rt Prints: 3uipment Loaned: 6 1 ides: ❑ GRAND TOTAL: 2 5 , 4 71 GRAND TOTAL: 2 , 604 'lain Total 1985 Circ. : 25 , 471 Main Total 1984 Circ. : 28 , 005 = 93 G4 --aDecrease ")ranch Total 198,5 Circ. : 2 , 604 Branch Total 1984 Circ.-'. 2 ,-534 = .26 TAIncrease RAND TOTAL 1985' CIRC. : 28 , 075 GRAND TOTAL 1984 CIRC. : 30 , 539 = 807 u Decrease �;FERE1•ICE STATISTICS: Total Reference Questions: 4 , 183 ILL Borrowed: 49 GRAND TOTAL OF ILL Lent: 146-_ REF. ACTIVITY4 378 ILL Total : 195 ' `-f-44_T_aAT 10 N S: ADDITIONS WITHDRAWALS TOTAL REG. PLS PATFQbS- a` A d u�13 Children: --'J Increase of Hillsborough: .-- Lher Non-Res. Patrons TOTAL: CESSIONS AND WITHDRAWALS: Added Discarded Total to Date VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES duIt ,Non-Fic. : 135.208 - - 1Q1aQ42 210 - 165 87 - 63 135,331 - 101, 144 gild, Non-Fic: 17,411 - 14, 180 20 - 15 5 - -0- _17,426 14, 195 .A. , Non-Fic: 3,291 - 3, 181 -0- - -0- -❑- - -0- 3=?91 - 3. 1 1 lult , Fiction: 44,884 - 41.358 176 - 91 38 - 2 45,022 - 41,447 hild, Fiction: 13,858 - 9,742 52 - 32 23 -0- 13,887=9,774 .A. , Fiction: 2,976 - 2,664 7 - 34 - 2 2,951 - 2,667 OTAL: 217,959 - 172-242 465 - 308 187 - 67 -' 21A,23�;483 nMPHLETS ADDED: 41 MAPS ADDED: _❑_ 1MPHLETS DISCARDED: 8 MAPS DISCARDED: _❑_ .TOTAL: 21,885 TOTAL: 1,484 -CORDINGS: ADDED DISCARDED UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES UNITS / TITLES Disc' s: 5710 / 5 , 089 4 / 4 -0- / -0- 5 , 714 / 5 , 093 Cassettes: 901 / 854 -0- / -0- -0- / -0- 901 / 854 TOTAL: 6611 / 5 , 943 4 / 4 -0- / -0- 6 . 615 / 5 , 947 .POSITED WITH THE CITY TREASURER: MAIN: $ 1 . 479 . 70 BRANCH: 157. 75---, TOTAL: $-1_,637. 45' ^ETIIl; ROOM FEES COLLECTED & DEPOSITED: S 7''! 5_ 10 TOTAL: $1 , 644 . 95 JAL MEETINGS HELD 21 PEOPLE IN ATTENDANCE 505 ( f CITY OF BURLINGAME BUDGET ;,TATUS REPORT 12 MONTH Y-T-O Y-T-O CUR MU UNEXPENDFU ACCT OESCRIPTION APPROP. ESTIMATE ACTUAL 4CTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENC LIBRARY _750010. LIBRARY SALARIES 386# 464 322#050 291#631 300873 300419 1)4v833 750011 LIBRARY EMPLUYFE BENEFITS 117#694 1480080 148, 080 140808 0 290614 750013 LIBRARY PARTTIME 2440331 203#btO 1960157 1808613 b, 853 470514 750110_ LIBRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 81749 1.290 8s553 415 1 #263- 142 750120 LIBRARY SPECIAL ()EPTL. EXPENSE 120650 100540 8, 075 723 21465 4#575 750121 LIBRARY BOOKS & MAPS 103#203 86#050 84# 3! 1 80, 024 1 # 73Q 180,952 75at22 LIBRARY PE13IUDICALS 160500 138750 t4# 107 0 357- 2#393 75at23 LIBRARY BINDINGS 8 9 Q 0 7 70420 b#220 20492 1 , 200 20b87 750124 LIBRARY CATALOGING 1 ,40200 110830 80 514 k 346 11484 50854 7591.25 LIBRARY RELuRCS $, CA3sETTES 0,1678 41,90U 2# V19 bld 2# 081 3, 459 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS 4 EQUIP 2.50 210 15 0 195 235 750160 LIBRARY COMMUNICATION3 9# 919 10430 8,242 343 812- 673 75x170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 26028'4 21 ,400 18098 412 2, 904 70286 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLDG K GROwiUS 1140000 110670 10, 1116 70d Q24 30054 750200 LIBRARY ejui 'r-4ENT MAINTE 1010E Q 0 0 7S0 aq3 197 257 407 750201 L I8RARY E(JU t P MA I N T-AIJ010 V13 950 190 1)8 1 8 503 663 7517202 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-SEC.3YSTEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 750210 LIBRARY PROF a SPECIAL SERVICE 40100 3, 420 40, 100 0 680- 0 150220 LIBRARY OTHER CUNTRUCTUAL SF 'RV 260590 210,990 24, 769 0 20718- t0622 750240 LIBRARY DUES X SUHSCFt IP T I')°33 b05 500 650 25 150- 45- 750250 L113RARY TRAVEL o50 540 409 i`3 23l 241 750251 LIB CONF & '4Tr-,3-L T 8RAP I AN 900 420 515 U q5• 15- 754252 LIB CONF & MTGS-STAFF 550 4b0 bt5 0 155• 65- 750260 LIBRARY TRAINING & SAFETY 500 420 499 338 19- 1 750290 LIBRARY OTHER CHARGES rvu 80 71 0 Q 29 ****** TOTAL LIBRARY 1Uh5, 526 886 , 100 Aj8, g41 789892 47, 195 2240 /119 uA•Green CITY OF BURLINGAME !3/-393-3io_13/-777-31d� I! _ I i 9 40 7 t 8 D !jI IA/ - A 0 II . I I A 114 Yz�, � 3' 10 130 I 11 11 12 ' ! 13 LI Z ! � it 16 I n^ +i 'i l� 118 .20 21 21 1 22 "23 _ I 24 _ 26 l I 127 f 31 ! 32 1 ( ( 33 I 1134 9S r^K;rn7r'r -2=. � 1.CT IE 1 t14. jtjo_ 1. Volunt er Coordinator. F.ox-cs t,•,..t;p 50 2. Volunteers lumber or volt--teem, �h 3. Hours s contr-1 betel ^r" 3. Shut-n ':1atz^ons--T_rdividnal Visit3 :i-a ber o" atrons 3. 1.71=71-ler of visi+s r..adi C. ?tens circulated ' Slnat :'''tro 1 a--Inst=! itiO a? Visits - �J.'t Jr' .-tt,nd^.nce/ c,.-I-IIat'.�.a 30 J. j• ,. r•n:, 4 rL,�i 5. Totals (3 !; ' S��u�.-:.n in�ro:�s B. LTi sits '•ede '.zts/act sitiews S"Y, to !,I! ''t tt 1nl.R qti l- '•ti. .4 L!;"?"+7!?,^ 1n , t ll ^ S'.• Tc ?.