HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1985.05.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY OAR OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 21st. 1985 CALL TO ORDER The meeting of May 215t , 1985 was called to order by President Weatherbe at 4:30pm. Trustees Present : All Trustees were present Trustees Absent : None Staff Present : Mrs. Judy 6ladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Alfred Escoffier, Asst .City Lib. BILLS M/S/C (Harvey, Nagle ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $22,436.49, and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2,508.03. �,. MINUTES QF THE MEETING 0E APRIL 16th, 1985: M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 16th, 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Peninsula Community Foundation - mailed to the Trustees in their packet . Letter to the Apple Computer Company and the reply - mailed to the Trustees in their packet . CALTAC Spring Newsletter - mailed to the Trustees in their packet . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT Volunteer Tea: Mrs . Bergsing said the Volunteer Tea is scheduled for June 20th, 1985, from 4-6pm and everyone is invited. She said she had been in contact with the Mayor prior to setting the date to be sure he could attend to present some of the awards. Geac Status: Mr. Escoffier said that down-time seems to be behind us and that staff is seemingly more confident . He �- said they are busy working out some of the problems that are left-over from the manual system but nothing that they can't deal with. Some discussion followed. MINUTES: PAGE 2 - MAY 215t , 1985 Microcomputer Literacy: Mr. Escoffier told a little of the "Computer Comfort" class that is to be held in the Community Room on May 29th, 30th, June 15t and 4th. He distributed a flyer and brochure explaining about the sessions. He said there were originally 3 classes scheduled however they were so popular that another one was added to try and accomodate everyone who is interested in attending. Easton Branch: Mrs. Bergsing announced that the Branch would be coming on-line on May 22nd. She extended an invitation to everyone who wished to attend. She said there are still a several small branches left to come on-line in the system, one in Redwood City and a couple more in the North County. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: Report of Literacy Meeting - Trustee Mink: Trustee Mink said the Literacy Meeting was held on May 18th, 1985, in the Community Room of the San Mateo Public Library. She said there were not many people in attendance however the speakers were excellent . They spoke of the goal , which is to have 200 trained tutors to work on a one to one basis with illiterate people who come from a native born American background. She said in order to reach these people and provide the service, the people must come forth and indicate an interest , or they must be reached via referral . Discussion followed. Library Budget : Trustee Nagle congratulated Librarian Bergsing on her new appointment as Vice-President elect of the California Institute of Librarians. Trustee Nagle asked if the City Manager had approved the three new positions for the Library. Mrs. Bergsing replied yes , that he supports the new positions and that City Council has to approve them. She said there will be a Study Session on June 5th and Mrs. Bergsing will be meeting with Gloria Barton prior to that to discuss the Library Budget . Some discussion followed. Volunteer Tea: Discussed in conjuction with the Librarians Report . MINUTES: Page 3 - May 215t , 1985 Miacelleneoua: Trustee Mink said that the Peninsula Library System will have a booth at the San Mateo County Fair. She invited any of the Board Members who wanted to help man the booth on Burlingame Day. There was some further discussion on the what the different libraries were going to do. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of May 21st , 1985 was adjourned at 5: 15pm with the next meeting scheduled for June 18th, 1985, at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, �,.. Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg