HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1985.07.16 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LrBRARY BOAR O OF TRUSTEES MINUTES - JULY 16th 1985 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of July 16th, 1985 was called to order by President Weatherbe at 4:30pm. Trustees Present : Nagle, Harvey, Blevins and Weatherbe Trustees Absent : Mink Staff Present : Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Alfred Escoffier, Asst .City Lib. BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins, Harvey ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $27,620.32, and Special Fund checks in the amount of $2,630.67. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE8� 4h, 1985: �-- M/S/C unanimously to approve the minutes of the June 18th, 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE: Librarian Bergsing distributed the following to the Board members: 1 . "Openers" , a book review newspaper 2. City Newsletter 3. Peninsula Library System Newsletter 4. 2 articles from the Boutique/Villager one featuring two of our staff members in "The Listening Post" , and the other a book review column by Joan Leach. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Volunteer Tea: Librarian Bergsing showed the pictures that had been taken at the Volunteer Tea by Paul Lechich and Brenda Chavez. The pictures will be placed in the Library's scrap book. Sumner Reeding Club: Mrs. Bergsing reported that the Summer Reading Club is doing very well . She said there are lots of "building blocks and structures" in the Children's Room, and there are 230 children signed up for the Summer Reading Club and 77 children signed up for the "Read-To-Me" program including both the Main and Branch libraries. Mrs. Bergsing said the party for the Summer Reading Club will be held on Page 2 - Minutes - July 16th, 1985 August 215t , the day afteac the next Board meeting for those Board members wishing to attend. The entertainment provided, courtesy of the Burlingame Lions Club, will be from Marine World/Africa U.S.A. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Short Term Library Parking: The Board addressed the question of short term parking in front of the Library. They noted the concerns voiced by Mrs. Grady at their last meeting, and they discussed the fact that the curb from the crosswalk on Bellevue to the parking lot had always been green for short term parking. Inadvertently when the street and curbs were repaired, this curb had not been repainted. M/S/C unanimously (Harvey/Blevins ) to direct the memo to the Director of Public Works to request them to paint the curb green. Expenditure Report on the Volunteer Tea: Librarian Bergsing distributed the expenditure sheet on the Volunteer Tea. There was no discussion. �- NEW BUSINESS: Election of Officers: M/S/C unanimously (Harvey/Blevins ) to elect Trustee Nagle as President for the new fiscal year. M/S/C unanimously (Nagle/Weatherbe ) to elect Trustee Blevins as Secretary for the new fiscal year. Reference Staff Response to Space Needs: Librarian Bergsing reported that the Reference Department had responded to her request for information about Library space needs with the same three areas that the Board had discussed on earlier occassions. The audiovisual section, the Reference Office and the bookstacks. Mrs. Bergsing noted that the State Library was sponsoring a two-day workshop in Oakland on October 7th and 8th on library building, construction, and remodeling. Al Escoffi.er and she will be attending, and invited any of the Board to join them, if they could get time off from their jobs. Trustee Blevins asked if the meetings would pertain to new buildings or existing buildings and Mrs. Bergsing replied it would be both. Trustee Harvey brought up the discussion of the possibility of adding a second story to the Duncan storage shed and connecting it -to the Library. There was some discussion about "squaring off" the Reference Department with the main floor stacks in the parking lot and again . Page 3 - Minutes - July 16th, _1985 adding a second story. All of these ideas will be considered after a count of how many square feet will be gained after the areas can be measured. Trustee Harvey said the priorities and options should be in writing and Trustee Nagle agreed. Some discussion followed. There was some discussion about donating a book to the Library in memory of Charlotte Johnson, past Library Board member and Councilwoman. M/S/C unanimously to donate a book in memory of Charlotte Johnson from the Library Board of Trustee's Special Fund. Trustee Harvey asked if the Friends could donate some books to the Good Shepard Lutheran Church after a booksale because Mrs. Johnson had started a Library there in her husband's name. Mrs. Bergsing said she would pass the suggestion on to the Friends and she was sure they would be very happy to donate some books. ADJOURNMENT: �. The meeting of July 16th, 1985 was adjourned at 5:30pm with the next meeting scheduled for August 20th, 1985, at 4:30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg