HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1985.11.12 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES NOVEMBER 12th, 1985 CALL TQRO DER: The meeting of November 12th, 1985 was called to order by Past Secretary Harvey at 4:30pm. Trustees Present : All Trustees were present . Staff Present : Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst. Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Weatherbe, Mink ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $17,705.02, and Special Fund checks in the amount of $747.23. MINUTES OF THE MEETING QF OCTOBER 15th, 1985: M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the October 15th, 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE: Enclosed in the Trustees packet were the letters to and from Geac regarding the Circulation System. Mrs. Bergsing distributed the P.L.S. Newsletter, November Spectacles: the CALTAC Regional Workshop flyer and the pictures of the Children's Halloween Program and the Staff Halloween costumes. Trustee Mink read a thank you note from Lincoln School , to Joan Leach, thanking Mrs. Leach for compiling book.lists for the Children. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Nobody had any questions regarding the Librarian's Report . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Automated Circulation: Mrs. Bergsing reported that as a result of the meeting of November 5th, 1985 between Eric Willis and Kate Hixson from Geac, and the P.L.S. Council , Geac will conduct additional tests to check on the stability of the system. She said the Directors voted unanimously to re-run the 45-day reliabilty test beginning in early \.. December, and to withhold payment of the next installment on the contract until the test has been successfully completed. 2 - Minutes _QJ Jb_c November 12th, 1985 Board Meetin91 Trustee Mink asked if the payment that is being withheld is the " final " payment . Librarian Bergsing replied there are two payments still due to Geac . The first payment will be_ released if the system passes the reliability test and then the second and final payment will be released only when the system is stabilised and there is proof there has been no damage to the existing hardware, and the response time test has been successfully passed. Secretary Blevins asked if Geac would be stocking more parts ( hardware ) due to the fact it took so long to get the needed part last time from Toronto. Mrs. Bergsing said Geac is opening a larger West Coast office in Los Angeles so parts should be readily available in an emergency situation such as the last one. She said they have also put Eric Willis, from Geac, in charge of the West Coast Operation, and he is available for consultation, assistance, help, etc . and he will fly up from Los Angeles on short. notice. Librarian Bergsing stated that she would write a response to Councilman Pagliaro's questions .about the circulation system. Trustee Mink said she had attended the P.L.S. Administrative Council meeting on November 5th and observed both sides to be agreeable but very firm in the wants and needs. Trustee Mink said the Staff has put up with quite a little bit more than their share because of the downtime and should ber commended, in writing, from the Library Board. All of the Trustees concurred and Secretary Blevins made a motion that the Board address the Staff and thank them for the super job they are doing. The motion was seconded by Trustee Harvey and carried unanimously. California Library Association Conference: Librarian Bergsing asked who from the Board would be attending the Conference. President Nagle said he would be there on Saturday and Secretary Blevins said she would be there on Saturday as well . Some discussion followed. NEW BUSINESS: Duncan Building - Trustee Harvey: Trustee Harvey reported that the Duncan Building is being vacated by Re-Max Real Estate and being re- rented by Fox and Carskadon. Fox proposes that the two bay windows in the front be removed, a new front door installed, and a trellis with columns be installed in their place, to be paid for by Fox and Carsk:adon. In return, the Foundation is to install a new heating and cooling system. Fox is also asking permission to take down some of the interior walls and install new carpeting. Trustee Harvey said that by installing a new front entry, the renters upstairs would not have to go through the downstairs to get upstairs, and that both businesses would have separate entrys as they should have. Trustee Harvey displayed the ?rTyite8ts col�r ren iti?ns of jhTt Fox Er?posTs to doDiscuspayingin 0 owe regar ing t�e p ans, w �a the r a es ate companywas `— for the space, and what the terms of the lease agreement were. It was suggested that Mr. G. Paul Lechich, executor of the estate, would know or could find out the terms of the lease. Pape - Minutes pff the November 12th, 1985 Board Meatina: Buildino Repairs - Main and Branch: There was discussion regarding the possible appearance of dry-wood termites at the Branch,. It was the overall consensus that Bay Pest Termite Company be hired to inspect the Branch for termites and recommend what should be done. M/S/C (Blevins, Harvey ) unanimously to retain Bay Termite to inspect for termites . • S.A.B. Report - Trustee Mink: Trustee Mint: gave ,a report to the Board members about. the System Advisory Board meeting she attended recently. She announced there will be a public meeting in April for Boards of Trustees and City Council members to discuss the automated circulation system. She further reported that in March the Advisory Board is considering the possibility of inviting Gary Strong, State Librarian to attend a meeting. She also commented on the needs assessment project for Community analysis being conducted by Brenda Dervin. Branch Book Collection Librarian Bergsing distributed a report on the goals and objectives, plan of action, and boot:. budget expenditures for the Easton Drive Branch Library. The report .was prepared for the Board and Council by" assistant City Librar'ier AI `E'scaffieF, `trinsuier 'to`a question from Councilman Pagliaro. Board President. Nagle reported that it was his understanding that one or two Burlingame residents had expressed concern to Councilman Pagliaro about the number of vacant shelves in the picture book collection at the Easton Drive Branch Library. To answer that concern, Trustee Nagle and Librarian Bergsing had gone together to the Branch Library to assess the situation in person, and to meet. with Branch Librarian, Mrs . Cathy Somerton. Mrs. Somerton showed Nagle and Bergsing where the easy reading materials had been shifted from the picture book; area to the main reading room. This had been done to make room for puzzles , learning games, card-board books, and more picture books, all aimed at pre- school children. Mrs. Somerton further noted that less than 10% of the pciture books collection had been weeded because of poor condition. Staff is currently reordering and replacing many of the discarded materials, but they have not yet been added to the shelves. President Nagle noted that Mrs. Somerton, is the first professional librarian at the Branch since Proposition 13, and he commended the wisdom of the City Council in approving this staff position. He complimented both Mrs. Somerton for her work. , and Mr. Escoffier for his excellent report . He stated that no efforts had been made nor were any contemplated to reduce library services at the Branch. He felt that all the changes that had been implemented were positive. He expressed the hope that this would put the issue to rest and answer the concerns that had been expressed. Trustee Nagle concluded his observations by expressing the hope �.• that if finances were available that the hours at the Branch might be expanded in the future and that the Book Chat for Seniors could be resumed. PaQ 4 - i ut s of the November 12th, 1985 Board meetino: Miscellaneous Mrs. Bergsing shared the new memorial bookplate that was designed by our own staff artist. Nancy Montague for the Duncan Memorial Book:. Collection. Librarian Bergsing also showed the Board the new portable VCR that was purchased by the Duncan Trust for circulation to the public . ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of November 12th, 1985, was adjourned at 5:5mpm with the next Board Meeting sscheduled for December 17th, 1985 at 4=30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk:. of the Board PMB/jg