HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1986.01.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD 2E TRUSTEES MINUTES ,JANUARY 21st, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 215t , 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4:30pm. Trustees Present : All Trustees were present . Staff Present : Mrs. Judy Gladysz, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asst . Librarian ILLS: M/S/C (Mink., Weatherbe ) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $19,018.37. M/S/C (Mink., Blevins ) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $7S4.80. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF DECEMBER71 th, 1985: M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the December 17th, 1985 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE: Librarian Bergsing distributed the Statement of Economic Interests and the City Newsletter to the Library Board. Mrs. Bergsing also distributed a letter addressed to the Burlingame Public Library staff from President Bill Nagle thanking the them for their cooperation and patience during "downtime" and past problems with Geac. LIBRARIAN'SE� PORT: No questions regarding the Librarian's Report . UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Maintenance - Termites and Waterproofing - Trustee Harvey: Trustee Harvey presented the Board with details from the Bay Pest Termite report and the additional termite inspection that was done by Hastie Termite Company. He explained that because of the extensive damage that is evident at the Branch, neither of the reports told exactly the same story. He said both reports show there are some parts of the Branch that are inaccessible, however there are tests that can be done, such as drilling into the building, to provide a more accurate description of the damage. Page - Minutes of the January Zlst• 1986 Board Meetina: Trustee Harvey further reported that the closest to accurate figure to repair "known" areas, came from the Hastie report , which is $9,600 - $10,600. There was some discussion regarding different ways to proceed and the Board members felt Trustee Harvey should talk. with Hastie Termite Company to request a priority list of repairs with a cost so Mrs. Bergsing can request the funds in the new budget . Trustee Harvey also presented a report on the bids received by the various waterproofing companies regarding different ways/materials to remedy the water leaks in the Main Library. All of the bids stated there is no clear sealant available that will do the job and the sealants that will work will discolor the building where the repairs need to be made. Also, there was a question whether or not to re-seal the building and paint the window frames , or to just re-seal . There was some discussion and it was decided that Librarian Bergsing will request Alpha Waterproofing Company's bid to include painting the window frames and she will report back at the next Board meeting. Short Term Parking: Mrs. Bergsing presented a "to scale" blue-print of the short term parking around the Library to the Board that was drawn by the City's Engineering Department . There was some discussion about the possible relocation of the book:.drop and the Board members agreed that they are happy where the book.drop is presently located, especially for safety reasons , and they are appreciative of the short term parking as it is now being maintained. Mrs. Bergsing agreed to notify the Director of Public Works . Breakfast Meeting with Council - President Nagle: President Nagle feels that since March is such a busy month for both Council and the Board, the breakfast meeting should be postponed until a later date. NEW BUSINESS: Budget Reouests for 1, 986-1987= Librarian Bergsing said she is in the process of pulling the budget items together and asked if the Board members have any particular requests. The Board members said they would give it some thought and report back:. to her at. the February Board Meeting. President Nagle asked Mrs. Bergsing how she wants to address the possibility of expansion. Trustee Harvey said the cost per square foot is relatively high. Mrs. Bergsing said there have been questions raised regarding who would use the extra space and for what purpose. There was further discussion and it was decided it would be a good idea to form a Committee to include one or two Board members to work with the staff to decide how much space is needed and for what purpose. Duncan Building; Mrs. Bergsing said that. Mr. Lechich plans to meet with Mr. Al Horn to discuss the Duncan property. Mrs . Bergsing said she didn' t know when he planned to do so. President Nagle said the letter Mrs . Bergsing had written to Mr. Somerville was very good, however he feels that the City Attorney, and the City Manager should be involved to represent the Library, otherwise without immediate action the property could be tied up for the next ten years without any way to intervene. • Minutes 21 ibc January 215t• 1986 Board Meeting: Trustee Nagle stressed the fact that the Foundation has not followed through on a regular basis with any of the requests for revenues and expenditures from the Library Board of Trustees and he feels that the longer this is "put off" , the less chance the Library has of utilizing the building. The Board members agreed that it would be a good idea if President Nagle met with the City Manager, the City Attorney, Mr. Horn and Mr. Somerville to try to establish some legal rights as to what protocol to follow with Mrs. Duncan's Will as a guideline. President Nagle is very concerned over the fact that the Peninsula Community Foundation is acting for their own benefit and not paying any particular attention to the Library, and he feels the longer this is allowed to happen, the more difficult it would be at a later date to try to take possession of the building because the Will clearly states the intent of the property. Mrs. Bergsing said she would talk with the City Attorney and the City Manager regarding a meeting with Mr. Horn and Mr. Somerville. at m dv' o oard Reportoar — Trustee Mink: Trustee Mink gave a report on the System Advisory Board Meeting she recently attended and shared some of the thoughts/ideas that were exchanged at that meeting. She said there is lots of enthusiasm at the Advisory Board Meetings and she is happy to be able to share this. She mentioned the meeting with Gary Strong, the State Librarian, on March 4th, 1986, and the meeting of the System Advisory Board and the Peninsula Library System Administrative Council in April on the future impacts of technology on libraries. Miscellaneous: President Nagle asked about the status of Geac. Mr. Escoffier reported that everything has been running smoothly. Some discussion followed. Librarian Bergsing showed the Board a picture of the new changemaker that had been ordered. There was some discussion regarding public libraries distributing Federal and State income tax forms. Historically these forms were available at the income tax places of business and the post office to name two, however, now the IRS tells residents that the forms are available at "your local library" . The room that is taken up by the storage of the numerous boxes of Federal and State forms is extraordinary and staff time is quite costly. President Nagle suggested that Mr. Coleman should be looking into this to see if the library can't share the responsibility with another government entity. Mrs. Bergsing is also checking with the American Library Association to see how many other libraries throughout the Country provide this service. A check in the amount of $300.00 was graciously accepted from the Committee to elect Iry Amstrup for the purpose of providing additional historical photographs for the Library. Mrs. Bergsing said she would send a letter of thanks on behalf of the Board. A facsimile CALTAC Agenda was distributed which President Nagle and Trustees Harvey, Mink. and Blevins plan on attending on March 15t . Minutes 2_f IhLg January 2.15 1986 Board Meeting: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of January 215t , 1986, was adjourned at 6: 15pm with the next Board Meeting sscheduled for February 18th, 1986 at 4=30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg