HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1986.02.18 i BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 18TH, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of February 18th, 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4: 30pm. Trustees Present: All Trustees were present. Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz-, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asstistant City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins, Weatherbe) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $24 , 180 . 25 . M/S/C (Blevins, Weatherbe) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $4, 270 . 07. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 21ST, 1986: M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the January 21st, 1986 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. , CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: CALTAC Works�Fiop Announcement - March 1st: Mailed in Packets Forum and Reception for California State Librarian - March 4th: Mailed in Packets. PLS Newletter - Library Spectacles: Distributed Community Information Program Brochure: Distributed Thank You Letter to Committee to re-Elect Irving Amstrup: Read by Board Secretary Loretta Blevins. Letter from Peninsula Foundation to City Librarian: Mailed in Packets. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Geac Status: •Mrs. Bergsing reported that the system is functioning beautifully. She said the Directors of the System libraries met with the Geac staff and discussed the possibility of upgrading the CPU in order to add more terminals. Trustee Blevins asked why the "parts depot" is going to be located in Detroit. Librarian Bergsing explained Detroit is the most central location for the United States and closer to Canada where Geac ' s main office is located. Personnel and Staff Development: Trustee Blevins commented on the fact that the library is losing a part-time reference librarian to Redwood City Library. She asked Librarian Bergsing how often does this happen? Mrs. Bergsing replied that this has been happening more and more frequently. She explained that the salary is higher and Redwood City offers their part-time people (those who work 20 hours or more per week) pro-rated retiremment and medical benefits plus pro-rated sick-leave, vacation, and Zolidays . Page 2 -Minutes of the February 18th, 1986 Board Meeting: Librarian Bergsing stated that the policy of the City of Burlingame —.Ls to restrict part-time hours to under half-time, so that employees will not be eligible for benefits. This has come about because of the high cost of medical and retirement benefits, but it is causing a higher and higher staff turnover. This , in turn, places an ever-increasing burden on the full-time staff to constantly recruit, hire and train new employees. The Board members expressed concern because it appears that the Burlingame Library is becoming a "training center" for librarians who then go on to another library where salaries are higher and benefits are available. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Budget Requests - 1986-1987 : Librarian Bergsing said she would be asking for money in the operating budget to take care of the termites at the Branch, replacing the other half of the steam coils in the air conditi+ning units at the Main Library, sealing and waterproofing the front of the Main library, a new phone system, and a fairly substantial increase in the book budget. Maintenance Projects: Trustee Harvey said he had talked to Harry Hastie Termite Company and the immediate repairs that should be done are items 1A, 1C, and 3A of the Termite Report within the next 6 to 9 months on the outside. Mr. Hastie said if he could take his time and do the repairs at his leisure, he would do the entire repairs on the termite report for under $5 ,000. cancan Trust: President Nagle reported that he had met twice recently with Mr. Albert Horn, the attorney for the Duncan Trust. The first meeting was between Al Horn, Bill Somerville, Jerry Coleman and himself and the second meeting was just Al Horn and himself. He stated that he had expressed his concern to Mr. Horn regarding the 10-year lease to Fox and Carskadon on the downstairs portion of the building. He stated that the library was going to need to expand in at least five years , and that ten years was going to be a long time to wait to use the building. He noted that Fox and Carskadon were spending a great deal of money to renovate the building which would make it likely that they would wish to renew the lease beyond ten years. Trustee Nagle expressed confidence that things could be worked out to everyone' s mutual satisfaction, and that was why he had invited Mr. Horn to the Board meeting. Unfortunately Mr. Horn was out of town so he will renew his invitation to come to the March meeting. This will give every- one a chance to get to know each other better, and to have a frank discussion regarding future plans. Mr. Nagle will report to the City Atty. NEW BUSINESS: CALTAC Membership and Workshop: Discussed under Correspondence ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 18th, 1986 , was adjourned at 5: 50pm with the next Board Meeting scheduled for March 18th, 1986 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. respectfully submitted, - Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg