HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1986.03.18 i BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MARCH 18th, 1986 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Trustees Absent: Staff Present: III. BILLS City Checks: $22,369.22 Special Fund: 5,418.89 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18TH, 1986 V. INTRODUCTION OF MR. ALBERT HORN, ATTORNEY-DUNCAN TRUST VI. CORRESPONDENCE & COMMUNICATIONS - None VII. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS _ Report: CALTAC Workshop - Mink, Harvey, Nagle Report: Program and Reception for Gary Strong IX. NEW BUSINESS Staff Changes Packet on Intellectual Freedom, Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives (New Year's Resolutions) P.L.S. Slide Show on Services of the System XI. ADJOURNMENT PMB/j g 03/13/86 i BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 18TH, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of February 18th, 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4: 30pm. Trustees Present: All Trustees were present. Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz-, Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asstistant City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins, Weatherbe) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $24 ,180 . 25 . M/S/C (Blevins, Weatherbe) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $4 , 270.07. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 21ST, 1986 : M/S%C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the January 21st, 1986 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. , CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: CALTAC Wor _s_ op Announcement - March 1st: Mailed in Packets Forum and Reception for California State Librarian - March 4th: Mailed in Packets. PLS Newletter - Library Spectacles: Distributed Community Information Program Brochure: Distributed Thank You Letter to Committee to re-Elect Irving Amstrup: Read by Board Secretary Loretta Blevins. Letter from Peninsula Foundation to City Librarian: Mailed in Packets. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Geac Status: •Mrs. Bergsing reported that the system is functioning beautifully. She said the Directors of the System libraries met with the Geac staff and discussed the possibility of upgrading the CPU in order to add more terminals. Trustee Blevins asked why the "parts depot" is going to be located in Detroit. Librarian Bergsing explained Detroit is the most central location for the United States and closer to Canada where Geac' s main office is located. Personnel and Staff Development: Trustee Blevins commented on the fact that the library is losing a part-time reference librarian to Redwood City Library. She asked Librarian Bergsing how often does this happen? Mrs. Bergsing replied that this has been happening more and more frequently. She explained that the salary is higher and Redwood City offers their part-time people (those who work 20 hours or more per week) pro-rated retiremment and medical benefits plus pro-rated sick-leave, vacation, and zolidays. Page 2 -Minutes of the February 18th, 1986 Board Meeting: Librarian Bergsing stated that the policy of the City of Burlingame —.Ls to restrict part-time hours to under half-time, so that employees will not be eligible for benefits. This has come about because of the high cost of medical and retirement benefits, but it is causing a higher and higher staff turnover. This, in turn, places an ever-increasing burden on the full-time staff to constantly recruit, hire and train new employees. The Board members expressed concern because it appears that the Burlingame Library is becoming a "training center" for librarians who then go on to another library where salaries are higher and benefits are available. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Budget Requests - 1986-1987 : Librarian Bergsing said she would be asking for money in the operating budget to take care of the termites at the Branch, replacing the other half of the steam coils in the air conditi+ning units at the Main Library, sealing and waterproofing the front of the Main library, a new phone system, and a fairly substantial increase in the book budget. Maintenance Projects: Trustee Harvey said he had talked to Harry Hastie Termite Company and the immediate repairs that should be done are items 1A, 1C, and 3A of the Termite Report within the next 6 to 9 months on the outside. Mr. Hastie said if he could take his time and do the repairs at his leisure, he would do the entire repairs on the termite report for under $5 ,000. -uncan Trust: President Nagle reported that he had met twice recently -with Mr. Albert Horn, the attorney for the Duncan Trust. The first meeting was between Al Horn, Bill Somerville, Jerry Coleman and himself and the second meeting was just Al Horn and himself. He stated that he had expressed his concern to Mr. Horn regarding the 10-year lease to Fox and Carskadon on the downstairs portion of the building. He stated that the library was going to need to expand in at least five years, and that ten years was going to be a long time to wait to use the building. He noted that Fox and Carskadon were spending a great deal of money to renovate the building which would make it likely that they would wish to renew the lease beyond ten years. Trustee Nagle expressed confidence that things could be worked out to everyone' s mutual satisfaction, and that was why he had invited Mr. Horn to the Board meeting. Unfortunately Mr. Horn was out of town so he will renew his invitation to come to the March meeting. This will give every- one a chance to get to know each other better, and to have a frank discussion regarding future plans. Mr. Nagle will report to the City Atty. NEW BUSINESS: CALTAC Membership and Workshop: Discussed under Correspondence ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 18th, 1986 , was adjourned at 5: 50pm with the next Board Meeting scheduled for March 18th, 1986 at 4: 30pm in the California Room. '.espectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg LIBRARIAN'S REPORT MARCH 1986 CIRCULATION SYSTEM February 28th marked the end of the System Reliability test. This was the second time the test was conducted. You will remember that after the first test was completed, the system crashed within eight hours, and we had trouble for several months thereafter. Since Geac replaced the CPU (Central Processing Unit) in December we have experienced almost no downtime. The second test ran for forty-five days, from January 14th to February 28th with over 99% uptime. A payment of $40,200 is tied to this test and the PLAN directors have approved the expenditure. The last remaining test tied to the last payment on the Geac contract is the system response time test. We will be scheduling this test sometime in the next month or so. There is approximately $27,000 left to pay on the contract; however, neither Geac nor PLAN think the system can pass the response time test. What will happen then is still an open question. We will try to see if there is anything that Geac can provide that will improve the response time, and Geac will probably try to persuade us that our definition of transactions and response time is incorrect and therefore not a valid test. Then we' ll negotiate. Hopefully, we will not have to sue, but I'll keep you posted. At the PLAN/PLS Budget Meeting on February 24th, the Directors approved some additional expenditures for the system. These included an additional disc drive, a tape drive replacement, a software enhancement, a dial-in modem, an additional computer operator position, and a revision of the shared cost formula. This will mean an additional $13,600 expenditure for Burlingame this year. No one was pleased with the added costs, but after considerable discussion of options there weren't any other satisfactory solutions. I'll be happy to supply more information if you wish. Included in your packets are some statistical charts that PLAN Director, Lois Kerschner, presented at the PLS/SAB forum meeting. You may find them interesting. DUNCAN TRUST It is my understanding that Mr. Horn will be attending your Board meeting, and President Nagle will have a report as well. BUDGET March is the month that the Library staff spends much of its time preparing the budget for the next fiscal year. The process here is that Al and I ask each of the departments, i.e. circulation, reference, childrens, etc. to study their current services, look at future needs and submit written requests for any changes or new items. The deadline was March 5th for this process. Since then, Al and I have been meeting with the Department Supervisors, prioritizing the requests, doing the arithmetic and beginning to pull things together. The deadline to submit the budget to the City Manager is April 4th. Page 2 - Librarians Report - March 18th, 1986 CALTAC WORKSHOP Trustees Nagle, Harvey and Mink all attended the CALTAC Workshop in San Jose on March 1st. I know they are planning brief reports. As a result of the meeting, I will have a small packet of materials to distribute to you on Burlingame Public Library's Mission Statement, the New Year's Resolutions for 1986, and intellectual freedom policies. Sorry, you should have had these before. PLS/SAB FORUM The joint forum, sponsored by PLS/SAB, was a big success. Thank all of you for giving Burlingame a 100% attendance record for a Library Board at the reception for the State Librarian. Since most of you were unable to attend the forum, Carol Mink and I will give you a brief report and then we will have the new, 8 minute slide show describing the system's services. REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Overall reference statistics for all public service desks (including the Branch) are up 58% over the same month last year. This is a very significant increase. In reviewing the various information stations, (childrens, A/V, Branch) it appears that all of these have experienced a similar surge in business. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES Programs for children drew our largest audiences this month. Our Saturday Special program on February 22nd, featuring Chuck Ashton, had over 100 children and adults in attendance. The Children's Department also did four programs in cooperation with the City's Recreation Department: toddler programs for 3 and 4 year olds, reaching nearly 100 children. The next children's special will be Saturday, March 22th, 11:00 AM, featuring "Puppet Pals." The weekly lunchtime movie showing continued through February with documentary films titled "Roberta Flack," "Gardens of San Simeon," and the "Great Mojave Desert." The Peninsula Art Association mounted a group show of paintings which will be on display through March. It consists of 25 paintings done by different local artists. Other displays included: Chinese New Year and Hearts and Flowers with handicrafts done by Library Secretary Judy Gladysz. Two new pieces of software have been added to the collection in the Reference Office. The first, called Printshop, allows banners, signs and cards to be made at the touch of a button. The second piece is called PC Paintbrush. It turns the computer into a sort of "Apple MacIntosh" and allows the user to "cut and paste" graphics using a "mouse." These items will be used to expand our graphics for publicity purposes. Marge Johansen, our representative to the system Community Relations Committee, attended a meeting on February 11th to finalize system plans for National Library Week, and to discuss the PLS booth at the San Mateo County Fair. Page 3 - Librarians Report - March 18th, 1986 PERSONNEL Branch Librarian Cathy Somerton has been preparing for her four month maternity leave (effective the end of March). Coverage for her leave is pending. She has also been working on a revised procedure manual. The Apple computer was used a total of 17 hours during the month. We anticipate more usage as word spreads of its availability. Pat Harding resigned effective March 20th. Pat started as a Library Assistant at the Branch in 1979. Following receipt of her Master's Degree, Pat was appointed to full-time in the Reference Department, later becoming our Audio Visual Librarian. Sixteen months ago, Pat reduced her schedule to part- time. Pat has taken a position as a full-time reference librarian at Daly City Library. With this resignation, we are now down 1 1/2 FTE in professional staff. (Mary McGrath resigned last month to take a part-time benefit position at Redwood City. ) Cathy Somerton goes on leave from the Branch and does not intend to return half time. We will reopen a statewide recruitment shortly for the two part-time positions. To date, we have had no interest in the position vacated last month. Reasons given by potential candidates have been: too few hours, no benefits, salary too low. We have been authorized to recruit for two part time positions at 25 hours per week with benefits. We also will try to be flexible within the budget to hire above the first step to attact the best candidates. We hope this will attract applicants for our positions and reduce our staff turnover. SALARY SURVEY Al Escoffier conducted a salary survey, for budget purposes, during the month. The results will be available shortly. Of the 12-15 libraries of similar size and scope, Burlingame ranked near the bottom in nearly every position classification. At the beginning step of Librarian I, Burlingame ranked the lowest, with a full $ 410.00 per month below the top ranked position. At the fifth step of Librarian I, there is a $ 631.00 discrepancy between Buringame and the top ranked position. This pattern is typical throughout the survey, with most salaries between 57 (Librarian III) and 117 (Library Assistants) below the median; and 257 (Librarian I) and 407 (Assistant Librarian) below the highest salary surveyed. EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION Over 15 employees were honored at an employee recognition coffee on Valentine's Day. Employees were honored for their first through eighteenth anniversaries of employment with the City of Burlingame. Those who used little or no sick leave were also honored at the presentation. PMB/j g 3/13/86 CITY OF BURLINGAME HUDGET STATUS REPORT 12 'MONTH Y-T-1) Y-T-D [UR MU ONEXPENUED ACCT DESCRIPT IU v APPROP. f5T MATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VARIANCE BALANCE ENCtJ4 L L R RAR Y ---- _7 S 0-01-0-LIRA.RY-S.ALARI_E_3__-__ 750011 LIBRARY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 198, 7x8 132,512 132x512 16,564 0 6b,256 750012 LldRARY UVLRTIME 0 u 0 u 0 0 7504-13-LibRARY----PARTTIME-__ __- -_ __ 21 t e 2b6__—.- 14, 034 .-----_.- 750110 LIBRARY OFFICE EXPENSE 91245 60, 160 3x309 400 20851 51936 750120 LIBRARY SPLCIAL UEPTL LXPEN$L 130240 80a5b 6f L$25 959 2x431 bo 655 32-_-- -7 '14-`17 750122 LIBRARY PERIODICAL$ 17025 111552 120121 0 1x1b9- 4,b04 750123 LIBRARY bINDIN63 91350 bx+232 bx 1 bO 0 72 3r190 Ly0 L0-- - - - 489.44------3.�h90- --- -Zg1 --- t' Z54 -- ---1.1x420_ -- 750125 LIBRARY RECORDS & CASSETTES► 6x230 4, 152 2x,250 I , OW4 1x902 3x980 7501311 LIBRARY SMALL TQOLy & EOUIP 250 lb8 48 `i 120 202 _7.5.616.E1_LIEiRpItY_C_©t� t,►NI-CAT H ---------- -._.__1:_of_415_ 6#9,144 - -- t '2Z- -- _._ _ S63 -- 28.322 51,793 - - 750170 LIBRARY UTILITIES 270600 18,400 16,962 b05 1x438 101b3a 750190 LIBRARY MAINT BLUG A GROUNDS 141700 9,800 7, 149 2, 342 ?x051 b,951 750 '9x_-LrbRARY__LOUTPft'4T NAjNj_EW4 Ct,_ _Q00 - . b0�?-- -__ 751 - try 151- _ 144 15OZ01 LIBRARY EQUIP MAINT-AUDIU YIs 450 b32 X64 0 1b8 486 750202 LTURARY EQUIP 4AINT-5EC.$Y5TLM 0 0 0 a 0 0 15021 4--.-LIURARY PROF .Y►._-5PECT_AL__Sf R.VLC.�_ 41 100 2r_7.36_.-_. u-t t00_ - 7502?0 LldRARY OTHER COHTRUCTUAL SERV 251500 11,000 24026 0 7, 1 `'6- 1 , 374 750240 LIBRARY DUES SU8$CHIPTIOwS 670 448 ht15 0 197- 25 750250 LIURARY TRAVLL650 432 4161 288 29- 189 750251 LID CONT A MTGS-LIBRARIAN - - 800 - - -53b ----- --- 790 -- - - 151 254W 10 750252 LIB CONF & MTGS-STAFF 600 400 528 15 128+ 72 7 26�_II RAftY _L�_AININGSAF.lsTY — 'Sa---- ---- ►b8_,--- �l74„--------- . - --- --- .iQb+- -- ------ -- ?f' - -- ---- 7502QC LIURARY OTHER 0ARGES► 100 b4 14 u 54 - Hb 7501100 G.AP 1 TAL uu i'LAY 23#7(30 231780 9,235 0 14,545 141545 ****** TOTAL LIURARY 1145, 370 171,51b 737,646 83,i382 37$, 67 407,524 i 111p'ormIE: 111111 Hirt �111�1►J�l�1'GE•�; ,;. Iin 1 111110 1111-//PAW 07z- 1111 1 IICGC�:�: 111.11J� • I�Iii:�C� 111111nu13!:h1111 "'�J ' 1� �3!� Ilnlluiu111Gc1J�111��a �1���? , 111111®111' .ii�11E�1I�IIG1c • 111111111!'a9u11�'��1'�IlClal., . � 111111uu111J111 ;: 11�!t1�1E�11E� . IIn11�u1111c�11/� ���; IIIIIIun11r11=11�ls 11111. Inll�nl 1 oil 11 1 111, OR 11111�111�4. .'11m 110,0111 :11 ; IIIIIIun1ii11101111:Simi7�r'770i 111111nu11171•. � IIL�1� r�nl�?I�0 . rl In11uIIC:33�!'�!MIIQ�3E �! 9� . r 1111111 ' 1;/ inl inti. ling. • 1:111 , 111111 11131 lot 11 MINE. Ilnl 11R1NMI 1 1: 101113 1n1 iltill�!1!'�l110 x617.6-:,til MEN I■ 11I oil Iilll�linli®11111111Ell 4 1n1 11111®111111111111 Inl IIu11=1011ON 1 11 11111�111111�111111 11 1 I lnll®111111 X111111 Inl ___ 111110 Ell 1ni1 STATISTICS FOR FEBRUARY 1986 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Additions Total Registered Burlingame Adults 9 ,638 139 9 ,777 Burlingame Children - - _ 1 , 509 27 1 , 536 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 768 20 1 ,788 Hillsborough Children 572 8 580 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 136 3 139 TOTALS: 13 , 623 197 13 , 820 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books , periodicals , pamphlets , paperbacks ) 18 , 813 1 , 927 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals, pamphlets , paperbacks ) 4 , 149 918 Audio Visual Materials (records , cassettes, films , videos , art prints , slides , equipment, talking books ) 1 , 337 2 TOTALS: 24 , 299 2 ,847 Main Total 1986 Circ: 24 , 299 Main Total 1985 Circ: 24 , 648 = 1 . 42 % Dec . Branch Tot 1986 Circ: 2, 847 Branch Tot 1985 Circ: 1 ,798 =58 . 34 % Inc. GrandTotal 1986 Circ 27, 146 GrandTotal 1985 Circ. 26 , 446 = 2 . 58 % Inc. --------------------- -------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 4 , 954 I .L.L. Borrowed: 77 I .L.L. Lent: 200 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 5 , 231 I .L.L. Total: 277 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 136 , 622/102 , 923 344 / 305 50 / -0- 136 , 916/102 , 228 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 , 631/ 14 , 368 49 / 40 43 / 4 17 , 637/ 14 , 404 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 293/ 3 , 190 3 / 3 -0- / -0- 3 , 296/ 3 , 193 Ad.Fiction 46 , 126/ 42 , 189 181 / 128 20 / 1 46 , 287/ 42 , 316 Ch.Fiction 14 , 415/ 10 , 015 58 / 35 29 / -0- 14 , 444/ 10 , 050 YA Fiction 3 ,022/ 2 , 740 18 / 17 -0- / -0- 3 ,040/ 2 , 757 TOTALS: 221 , 109/175 , 067 653 / 528 142 / 5 221 , 620/175 , 590 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 23 ,010 114 45 23 , 079 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 , 726 Maps 1 , 487 2 -0- 1 , 489 Records 5 , 162 17 -0- 5 , 179 Cassettes 967 17 -0- 984 Video Tapes 79 65 -0- 144 Films 109 -0- -0- 109 Art Prints 103 -0- -0- 103 „ r Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 027 . 21 Branch: $ 137 . 95Jj' Meeting Rooms: $ 85 . 00 Total: $ 1 , 250. 16 Total Meetings Held: 17 People in Attendance: 524 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH February Outreach Activities 1 . Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 42 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 19 B. Hours contributed 173 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 20 B. Number of visits made 28 C. Items circulated 268 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits A. LaVrar No ofvis. Attendance Materials cir. 2 0 30 B. Peninsula Drug & Rehab 1 25 0 C. Hillhaven 2 Tz__ -To-- D. Hacienda 2 20 27 E. Burlingame Care 3 48 2 F. Marion Convent 1 1Q 25 5. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 165 B. Visits made Bg C. Items circulated 362 Comments/ activities: We welcome three new Outreach patronc Their names are Antoinette Sciabica, Phyllis O'Neil and Jack Gray Roberto Urzua the new PLS Outreach Director met with us to discuss plans to further expand services. Also I attended a BiFokal meeting in our Community Rnnm It was regarding film and rpr grams for Outreach patrons Most informative As ever,