HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1986.05.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY 20TH, 1986 AGENDA I. CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Trustees Absent: Staff Present: III. BILLS City Checks: $22,844.16 Special Fund: $ 3,690.21 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 15_TH_, 1986 V. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS Letter from Hope Ridley thanking the Library for the Programs on Impressionistic Art VI . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS Duncan Building - President Nagle VIII . NEW BUSINESS Library Budget 1986-1987 .Hillsborough Contract , Fire Safety ,Volunteer Tea Recommendation to Council Regarding System Advisory Board Representative Luncheon for Weatherbe and Nagle - IX. ADJOURNMENT PMB/Jg 05/15/86 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APRIL 15TH, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of April 15th, 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4 : 30pm. Trustees Present: Trustees Nagle, Weatherbe, Harvey & Blevins Trustees Absent: Trustee Mink Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asstistant City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins/Harvey) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $26 , 333 . 81. M/S/C (Blevins/Harvey) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $789. 36. No motion needed for payment from the Revolving Fund. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 18TH, 1986: M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the March 18th, 1986 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: A copy of the "City Resolution Establishing Procedures for Commission Appointments" was sent to each Board member in their packets. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Trustee Blevins asked how many applicants had applied for the part- time positions prior to the extension date for filing. Assistant City Librarian Escoffier replied sixteen had applied but of those sixteen, only 6 were qualified. He said due to the heavy ads in the weekend papers 60 to 70 calls had been received however there aren' t any people responding to the ads that are qualified for the professional positions. The Board members expressed their congratulations to Cathy Somerton on the birth of her new baby daughter. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Update on Duncan Building: President Nagle said there had recently been a meeting between City staff including the City Attorney, City Planner, Fire Inspector, Building Inspector and representatives of the Foundation and Fox and Carskadon to discuss City code requirements and other regulations remodeling the Duncan property. He said he had not had a chance to meet with Mr. Horn since he was out of town until the end of the month. He said he will report back at the next Board Meeting. Some discussion followed. NEW BUSINESS: Request for Trustee Funds to Support Volunteer and Staff Recognition Programs : There was a motion made by Trustee Blevins, seconded by Trustee Harvey that funds be expended from the Trustee ' s Special Fund to provide _ Volunteer and Staff Recognition Programs. All were in favor. i Page 2 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees -April 15th, 1986 Trustee Harvey mentioned that he knew someone who might be interested in purchasing the organ. She will be in to look at it soon. Mrs. Bergsing said she would be getting an estimate of how much the organ is worth and the Board could determine what the selling cost should be if anyone wishes to purchase it. Librarian Bergsing said the Library Services Contract to Hillsborough is about to expire and to determine the use & cost. She will be using the new circulation system to gather statistics. Librarian Bergsing also announced that she may be able to obtain "Teleguide" (a computerized restaurant and entertainment guide) at no charge. She said they normally charged between $500 and $600 per month to place the guides, however since there is so much "foot traffic" in the Library, the company will consider installing one at no charge. Mrs. Bergsing said that the new fiscal year budget had been presented to the City Manager and it will be available to the Board members at the May meeting. Some discussion followed. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of April 15th, 1986 , was adjourned at 5: 10pm with the next Board Meeting scheduled for May 20th, 1986 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 4/16/86 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT MAY 20th, 1986 LIBRARY BUDGET 1986-1987 Attached to this report are the following: a) Budget Transmittal Letter to the City Manager, b) the Library Budget, c) the revised Budget showing the cutbacks requested by the City Manager, and d) a Salary and Benefit Survey conducted by the Assistant Librarian. We can discuss these at the Board meeting. It is my current understanding that the Budget will be forwarded to the City Council on May 15th. There will be a special study session on Wednesday, June 11th, and hopefully formal adoption of the Budget at the regular Council meeting on June 16th. If this changes I ' ll let you know. The cutbacks recommended are the result of input from all of the Departments within the Library and discussion of a wide range of possible options . We reached a strong concensus that these were least damaging to the Library programs and services . HILLSBOROUGH CONTRACT Stastical surveys are currently underway to review Hillsborough patron usage. Geac will provide statistics on the number of Hillsborough registered borrowers as well as the amount of circulation to Hillsborough users. We should have these figures together in time for your meeting. The City Manager has requested them for this re-negotiation of the Hillsborough contract which expires the end of June. We are including for your information a copy of the current contract. FIRE SAFETY Since I was in Los Angeles on April 29th, the day the Los Angeles Public Library caught fire, this has caused me to reassess Burlingame Public Library' s fire safety precautions and procedures . I have met with Malcolm Towns, Burlingame ' s Fire Chief, and we are planning some fire drills for staff, and a demonstration on how to use fire extinguishers. The Fire Department is going to do a walk-through of the building to become more familiar with the lay-out and we will do some pre-planning. In addition, I have talked with a fire protection consultant. He is familiar with the building since he did the plans for the smoke detector system. He thought it would cost a minimum of $150 , 000 to install a sprinkler system. He thought a better way to go might be to increase insurance coverage. I would estimate roughly that the value of the librry and its contents is between $6 and $7 million. He also thought that trying to block the spaces between the stack floors and/or creating fire walls would cause ventilation and circulation problems. We can discuss this further at your meeting, but in view of the City' s spending priorities maybe the best we can do is improve on our current fire safety procedures . I have a lot of confidence in Burlingame ' s fire fighting capacities as well as its rapid response time. Geac Geac continues to function very well. The sad news of the month was the report of Geac ' s Mark Smith, our technician who suffered a brain hemorrhage mid-April. Mark ' s condition has stabilized, but his prognosis is uncertain. The PLAN Board is exploring options for a revised CPU module which would allow additional terminals to be added to the system and could eventually lead to an on-line catalog. None of the options are cheap. I 'm attaching the preliminary cost data to give you some idea of what we are looking at. Page 2 - Librarian' s Report - May 20th, 1986 : VOLUNTEER TEA We have scheduled the annual tea to honor our volunteers for Thursday June 19th from 4-6pm on the Duncan Patio. We will again ask the City Council, City Department Heads , and Library staff to join us . Hope you will put the date on your calendar and plan to attend. REFERENCE SERVICES Reference services library-wide are burgeoning. April statistics reflect a 35% increase over April of last year. CHILDREN' S SERVICES Our Saturday Special featured "The Echo" , a storytelling duo who told a Brer Rabbit tale and included the audience in their program. Sixty children and adults attended the program. Our next Saturday Special will feature the "Three Penny Players" with songs , stories and poems on Saturday, May 31st at 11 a.m. Regular Pre-School Story Hour and Toddler Story Time were held this month. Mrs . Lazarus did two playtime sessions for the Recreation Dept. She also did a pre-school story hour at Easton Drive Branch for Presbyterian Nursery School and Our Lady of Angels. Joan Leach did two Tot-Time sessions for the Recreation Department. In addition, Ms . Broch from Lincoln School brought her 25 second graders for a library orientation and stories. United Methodist Nursery School did artwork to celebrate the Week of the Child. Their work is being exhibited in the Children ' s Room. Work has started on our summer programs. The theme for 1986 is Summer- Read-Around. We will also have a read aloud program. Nancy Montague designed all of the graphics for our summer program. On Saturday, April 12th, Joan Leach attended the Sacramento Literature Symposium on realistic fiction for children and young adults . Five authors spoke about their books and children' s fiction today. ADULT SERVICES Our two docent lectures on the Impressionist Exhibit were SRO! (Standing Room Only) . Both lectures were received enthusiastically. We had two high school students paricipate in Youth in Government Day on April 23rd. The students attended an overview of City services by Dennis Argyres and Meg Monroe, then went on to a tour of the Fire Department. Following that, the students took a tour of the Library and learned more about library services . PERSONNEL Two reference librarians were hired to fill our two vacancies. Gina Andreasson comes to us from positions at the Washington, D.C. Public Library, and the Mechanics Institute Library in San Francisco. Gina has also been associated with the San Mateo County Library. She is fluent in French, German and Russian. Page 3 - Librarian' s Report - May 20th, 1986 : Michael Hubbell comes to us from the San Francisco Chronicle Library. His MLS is from Western Michigan University, wher he was a resource librarian for the Division of Research. Our recruitment efforts included a 6 week statewide recruitment, attracting over 100 contacts. Approximately 40 persons submitted applications of which approximately 27 were qualified. Nine were interviewed. Three new pages were hired as a result of the recent Page Exam: Vincent Chun, Jennifer Robinson, and Heather Rose. PLS NEWS Allen Testa chaired his first Microcomputer Committee meeting on April 14th. Discussion topics included upcoming PLS Microcomputer Conference. Al Escoffier chaired the PLS Collection Development Committee on April 30th. The committee is working on cooperative collection development systemwide. Marge Johansen attended a meeting of the PLS Public Relations Committee on April 22nd. The agenda items included discussion of the PLS Booth at the San Mateo County Fair. STAFF DEVELOPMENT Three staff members have attended brushup courses on CPR. Others are attending time management workshops sponsored by the City. NEW TRUSTEES AND S.A.B. MEMBERS The City Manager has been notified that two vacancies are coming up on the Library Board. In addition, Trustee Mink' s term is expiring on the System Advisory Board. Trustee Mink has decided against seeking reappointment for another 2-year term due to personal reasons . Your past practice has been to recommend a Trustee to Council for appointment to the S.A.B. You will need to decide at your Board meeting if you wish to make a recommendation. PMB/jg 5/15/86 STATISTICS FOR APRIL 1986 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Additions Total Registered Burlingame Adults 10 , 017 6 10 , 023 Burlingame Children 1 , 585 ( 80 ) 1 , 505 Hillsborough Adults 1 , 835 34 1 , 869 Hillsborough Children 592 ( 6 ) 586 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 149 16 165 TOTALS: 14 , 178 ( 30 ) 14 , 148 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Adult Print Materials Main: Branch: (books , periodicals , pamphlets , paperbacks) 21 , 790 1 , 822 Children' s Print Materials (books , periodicals , pamphlets , paperbacks ) 5 , 184 988 Audio Visual Materials ( records , cassettes , films , videos , art prints, slides , equipment, talking books) 1 , 201 6 TOTALS: 28 , 175 2 , 816 Main Total 1986 Circ: 28 , 175 Main Total 1985 Circ: 25 , 471 =10 . 62 o Inc. Branch Tot 1986 Circ: -,816- Branch Tot 1985 Circ: 2 , 604 = 8 . 14 o Inc. GrandTotal1986Circ: 30�'ZrandTotal1985Circ_- - 28 , 075 _10_- - 39oInc_ - - - - REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 6 , 436 I .L.L. Borrowed: 82 I .L.L. Lent: 236 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 6 , 754 I .L.L. Total: 318 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 137 , 419/102 , 682 490 / 394 89 / 2 137 , 820/103 , 074 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 , 700/ 14 , 463 108 / 75 33 / 2 17 , 775/ 14 , 536 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 303/ 3 , 201 7 / 7 -0- / -0- 3 , 310/ 3 , 208 Ad.Fiction 46 , 453/ 42 , 444 162 / 102 30 / -0- 46 , 585/ 42 , 546 Ch.Fiction 14 , 553/ 10 , 106 94 / 50 33 / 4 14 , 614/ 10 , 152 YA Fiction 3 , 049/ 2 , 725 9 / 16 2 / -0- 3 , 066/ 2 , 741 TOTALS: 222 , 477/175 , 621 880 / 644 187 / 8 223 , 170/176 , 257 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 23 , 215 190 28 23 , 377 Paperbacks 2, 726 -0- -0- 2 , 726 Maps 1 , 489 21 -0- 1 , 510 Records 5 , 207 42 17 5 , 232 Cassettes 1 , 009 49 16 1 , 042 Video Tapes 148 -0- -0- 149 Films 109 -0- -0- 109 Art Prints 103 -0- -0- 103 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 989 . 56 \Iea Branch: $ 148 . 35 Meeting Rooms: $ 30 . 00 Total: $ 2 , 167 . 91 Total Meetings Held: 14 People in Attendance: 260 Ll r r JF 8URLI-i(,AML @UDGFT #rATt1S RLPuR r �' 12 WUNT Y-T-0 Y-T-U CUR Mu 1, .cXPE ��UEu ACCT r)L3LPiPrIoN ApPiitJ ESTIMATE ACTUAL ACTUAL VAR IANLE AAL.A' LE I.Ml LIBRARY 75114.1�; _LI8.RAR1(__SAk�ARIE— -- -- ----4448401t�_ ._ 37Qz4Q -�T 98485 __-3��442 1-0 1 _ K48,996 754011 LIBRARY EMPI.vY-EE 8LNEFIT; t988768 165,640 165,640 t6,564 0 33, 124 750012 LIBRARY UVLRTIME v 0 671 103 671- b7t- 7500.13 ,.lIkiRAR'Y_1'ART_(T E — ---_ — 21182b6___. f I68d60 -171_uA!�I -..t6.t237 -----u1179 -- 39L385_ -- 7SO110 LIBRARY OFFICE EXPLNSE 9, 245 7"70f) 31,852 317 3,848 56393 750120 L18RARY SPECIAL UEPTL EXPENSE 13.280 11,070 70567 448 385o3 5. 713 - - -- _ --- __. t ----s.-00!— - 14060 +360 7sot�t---t,z�Ra�r_ ��aK� � MAPS 1r�� 9r�o- -------�o�79u_. _ ��, o�� 7tog7 3 �a�- 750122 LIBRARY PERI50ICAL3 17. 325 14,440 151398 2,476 958- 1 .927 ' 750123 LIBRARY 8It1GING3 08350 7, 790 7, 109 215 6tlt 2,241 750124. I,13RARY CATALOGING _ - -- - Lue91Q--__-- 12�430-----LU1333— 10645 ',- 75012'5 LIBRARY kECO`RD3 CASSETTES 61230 56190 2x522 262 2#6*6 36706 750130 LIBRARY SMALL TOOLS 4 LQUIP 250 210 48 0 1ty2 202 7501.6 LIt3RAF�Y .0©MMUN-�C�►T o s - - e41_S _ _ S6b$0 S '���Rb�- ------ - 75017,? LIk3RARY UtjLITIE5 --_-._ -- - 27,6tj0 23, 000 ---23, .331 2,376 331- 4,269 750194 LIBRARY MAINT BLUG & GROUNUS 1.'16700 120250 91 ;344 18397 20406 4,85b ---750200 LIBRARY EQUIPML4T �ALNTENANCE�_. 9i 0 -- 150 --' - 751 U 1.. 750281 LIBRARY E )UIF' MIAIAIT-A1.li)In VIS --- 950 -- ' ---- is 4 -------328- --- - 486 150402 LIURARY E14UTP MAINT-4FC.SYSTEM 0 t} tl 0 0 U 7504t4_LIURARY PROF $, SPELIAL SERVICE :-.__ 4t.-I-QA-____-__-- 3�4?.0 —._ _ ♦.It�4 Q 684• 0 - -- 75022ti- D3RAHY JTtIEk CONTRUCTUAL bEHV 258900 211250 24, 120 �_----- 0 2,876• 19374 150440 LIBRARY DUES 8- SU83CRIPTIONS 670 560 645 0 SS• 25 750254 LIBRARY TRA_ rtdT —TRAVEL --_ - h` _ 6ti4 540 401 0 79 189 --- 750251 LIu Coto � w-IISAR__IA_ Mi --- -881? -- - �7� _- --- --190 -- --- 0 120- 10 750252 LIE3 CC1%1F tL MTGS-STAFF 600 S00 528 0 ZR- 72 750264 Lt3R1aRY 1RAi�J1Nr 3� SAFETY___. 550 460 474 0 i_4- 70 - - - 750290 LIiJRARY 0-li-E� GHARGE.5 - -- 100 - -- - 88--' -- - --- 2 -------59 - --'— -- ----- rte 750600 CAPITAL UUTLAY 23, 780 23v780 0 90235 0 1+185µS 1v,545 **>t�+• TOTAL L16RARY 1145,370 958,450 `T23:412 9br rias 35,038 221 f 9sa i i ,.r 11« 1 11 nti� F.P. =1%'G,E17 - ,- 1111 1 1 I[Z� 11 7gm 111 I�iir�C� Ems' - Illi �IF�!�hl �lil�!"�NWAII loll 11eAl So llSp6 - 1929411 � Ioil®Iwiis 1/SCE.f : Iamal IIIII1 111113mill1 1i11a1- 11111 moll Ills E150.IE1 . 111111 111•���1pr ' ICOM 11n11�111111�.�.�ll�r�u �. E��la ' - illll�l 1 1n1 �1 Ilfali.' IE. . . . 1111 11 4. . Iloll' INil !� 1 IIII�IIIPifl®Il %11 l71r"7r��1 1 Illl�laa-1 Imp,RA �1101•1 'rl� 1111 �i1C••C!'! .r�ll�..'�i?�1�� �� Milli culolll lmllmlI Nil IN Ing I 1 I 11111 I lim 1=1011 .;til 111111111111imp ffi • 10�?�1:��:ME In11�I10�l�11�7�1 1� 1� 1 lull®Ilnll Intl , 1 Il1111®n11111�111111 111Elmo111111®11111 1111 1®11n11loll Inl ®11n 1®111111®111111 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH April Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 45 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 2_ B. Hours contributed _171 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 21 B. Number of visits made 46 C. Items circulated 273 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No.of Visits Attendance Materials CircUaa' A. LaVrar —2— n -1n B- Hillhayen 2 42 12 _ C. Ha _ i endA 2 20 27 D- Riirl j'are 2 48 0 E. Marian Convent 2 30 30 F. 5. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 186 B. Visits made 56 C. Items circulated 372 Comments/ activities: I have recruited through the Volunteer Center for additional volunteers for Outreach One ha -, antwPrarl the art and nap hag rnmo ip torz;p@pd to flyers left nn nuri,,r hlic desk pay There always seem to h snmP special pnp le Hilt thPra roariV tn £yI I QW- FlReeds .- I thank you ! AOR ,oto. _T_____ `Burlingame `Public Librar8 480 PRIMROSE ROAD `-' BURLINGAME, CALIFORNIA 94010 Patricia M. Bergsing (415) 342-1038 Librarian TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: CITY LIBRARIAN RE: LIBRARY STATISTICS RELATED TO HILLSBOROUGH DATE: - MAY 19, 1986 As of May 1, 1986, the Burlingame Public Library has 2,465 registered Hillsborough borrowers. San Mateo has 1,158 registered Hillsborough borrowers. The total registered Hillsborough borrowers in both cities is 3,623. The total number of registered borrowers in the Burlingame Library is 14,260, and according to the figure supplied by PLAN, San Mateo has 27,191 total registered borrowers. Thus, Hillsborough residents represent 17.29% of the total Burlingame Library registered borrowers and 4.26% of San Mateo Library's registered borrowers. Of the total Hillsborough borrowers, 68.04% are registered in Burlingame and 31.96% are registered in San Mateo. These figures are lower than in 1984 because of the change in the Automated System in March of 1985. We estimate that it will take at least another year to re-register all of the patrons that were using the Library when we changed over to the new System. During the year, May 1985 through April 1986, the Burlingame Library circulated a total of 338, 039 volumes. Of these, 51,363 volumes were circulated to Hillsborough residents. This shows that 75.19% of Burlingame's circulation is to Hillsborough residents. During the some year period as above, Hillsborough residents placed 984 reserves (or holds) on Burlingame Library books. A total of 4,464 reserves were placed by all borrowers. Thus, 22% of all reserves were for Hillsborough residents. During the same year period, Burlingame borrowed 116 books from other libraries for Hillsborough residents. Total Interlibrary Loan requests were 967. Thus, 12% of the total requests were from Hills- borough residents. PMBIjg CITY BURLINGAME O'oAT[O JVNE 4 z4r (git� of A3urlinpmr SAN MATEO COUNTY CITY HALL-501 PRIMROSE ROAD BURLINGAME,CALIFORNIA 94010 TEL:(415) 342-8931 May 8 , 1986 Mr. Robert M. Davidson Town Manager Town of Hillsborough 1600 Floribunda Ave. Hillsborough, CA 94010 RE: EXPIRATION AGREEMENT FOR LIBRARY SERVICES WITH HILLSBOROUGH Dear Bob: As we briefly discussed the other day our current agreement for library services with Burlingame and San Mateo expires June 30 , 1986 . I have asked our library staff to develop some statistics concerning utilization of the Library for our review prior to discussing extension of this agreement. I have not yet contacted San Mateo concerning their perspective on renewal of this agreement; but based on our meeting, I assume we all wish the current agreement extended in some form. Please contact me if you have any specific concerns which we should address prior to meeting on this matter. Cordially, Dennis Argyres City Manager fg cc: Zity Librarian San Mateo City Librarian San Mateo City Manager