HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1986.05.20 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES MAY 20TH, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• The meeting of May 20th, 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4 : 30pm. Trustees Present: Trustees Nagle, Weatherbe, Harvey & Blevins Trustees Absent: Trustee Mink Staff Present: Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Asstistant City Librarian BILLS: M/S/C (Blevins/Harvey) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $22 ,844 . 16. M/S/C (Blevins/Harvey) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $3 ,690. 21 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF APRIL 15TH, 1986 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the April 15th, 1986 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees as written. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Secretary Loretta Blevins read a letter from Hope Ridley, who thanked the Library for their excellent programs on Impressionist Art. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Geac: Librarian Bergsing said she had received the preliminary cost figures for upgrading Geac and had included them in the packets to the Trustees . She explained that the figures are rough estimates and not all costs had been included in the report, however, the upgrades will be necessary in order to expand the system. When Redwood City moves into its new library building they will need more terminals ; also, College of San Mateo is interested in joining the system. Mrs. Bergsing said these improvements wouldn' t be requested for at least a year. Personnel: Mrs. Bergsing reported two Librarians had accepted the two vacant positions however one had already tendered her resignation. Trustee Blevins asked what the reasons were and Mrs. Bergsing explained that aside from the wage disparity, the applicant would not be eligble to receive any health benefits until she had worked six months and this was not acceptable to her. The applicant went back to work for San Mateo County where she received a 12% wage increase plus a pay equity adjustment. Page 2 - Library Board of Trustees - Minutes - May 20th, 1986 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Duncan Building: President Nagle said there have been many meetings between the City Attorney, President Nagle and Mr. Albert Horn. He said the "draft" that was included in the packets reflects a basic result of those meetings. President Nagle explained each section of the rough draft as written by Mr. Horn, and concurred that the wording and the figures were fair to all parties concerned. He reported that construction is still at a stand-still however when things are settled, construction should get underway. The Library Board of Trustees reviewed the rough draft as written by Mr. Horn, and Trustee Harvey made a motion to approve the draft in concept. The motion was seconded by Trustee Blevins and passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS: Library Budget 1986-1987 : Librarian Bergsing advised the Board members that she had not yet met with Gloria Barton to discuss the Library' s new Budget however, she should be meeting with her prior to June 11th. She explained the cutbacks to the Board members . Librarian Bergsing further explained that the library book budget, as of this meetings date, had been spent. She said the new fiscal year ' s book budget would be starting off with a large amount due in the first month because she will have to hold back payment for books received from May 15th through June 30th. Hillsborough Contract: Mrs . Bergsing reported that she had forwarded statistics to the City Manager on use of the Library by Hillsborough residents. He will use these in contract negotiations with Hillsborough. Mrs . Bergsing will notify the Board when she hears from the Manager regarding the renewal of the contract. Fire Safety: Mrs. Bergsing said Malcolm Towns , Fire Chief of Burlingame, had contacted Ed Vining, the man who had designed the smoke detector system for the Library. She also spoke with Mr. Vining, a fire protection consultant, and he reported to Mrs. Bergsing that to install a sprinkler system in the Library would cost an estimated $150 , 000 to $200 , 000. He suggested the possibility of increasing the fire insurance coverage on the building and its contents. Mrs . Bergsing said she is also meeting with Dominic Davino on Wednesday morning to discuss fire safety. Battalian Chief Davino has discussed the possibility of having a fire extinguisher drill for the staff to educate as many as possible on the proper usage of a fire extinguisher and there was a date set-up to do this on Thursday, May 30th, 1986 . He is also scheduling tours of the Library for members of the Fire Department so they can become more familiar with the floor plan of the building. Mrs. Bergsing said she will keep the Board informed. Trustee Harvey suggested a "fire ordinance" sign be posted in the Library. Trustee Weatherbe asked if the carpeting was fireproof . There was some further discussion. Page 3 - Minutes - Library Board of Trustees - May 20th, 1986 Volunteer Tea: Mrs . Bergsing said the invitations for the Volunteer Tea have been sent to the printer and the date of the event is June 19th, from 4 to 6 pm. All the Board said they would be in attendance and President Nagle said he would be happy to make the presentations . Weather permitting, it will be held on the Duncan Memorial Patio. Recommendation to Council Regarding the System Advisory Board Representative: Librarian Bergsing explained to the Board that Trustee Mink' s term on the System Advisory Board is up on June 30th. Trustee Mink does not wish to be re-appointed. Mrs . Bergsing asked the Board where they wish to go from here. Trustee Harvey made a motion to recommend that Loretta Blevins be appointed to the Board. The motion was seconded by Trustee Weatherbe and passed unanimously. Mrs. Bergsing said she would communicate with Council to inform them of the Board' s recommendation. Luncheon for Weatherbe and Nagle: Mrs . Bergsing said much to her regret, she must bring up the subject of a "Farewell Luncheon" for President Nagle and Trustee Weatherbe. There was some discussion and it was decided that the luncheon would be held on Thursday, June 26th, at noon. Mrs . Bergsing said she would take care of making a reservation. MISCELLANEOUS: Mrs . Bergsing said the man from "Teleguide" had called several times to express his interest in installing his computerized entertainment guide. The problem is that he wants to install it in the front of the Library and the only place acceptable to him is where the Library Directory is located. There was some discussion and it was decided to contact Teleguide and inform them that the Library is not going to install a machine at this time. Trustee Harvey asked about the termite report and Mrs . Bergsing said she is waiting for funds in the new budget to complete the items that need to be done as indicated on the most recent termite report. Mrs. Bergsing advised the Board members that a Trustee may continue to serve on a Board, until replaced, providing the member is residing in Burlingame. The Assistant City Librarian, Mr. Escoffier, gave an explanation of the Salary Survey he had compiled howing salaries in neighboring libraries compared with Burlingame. Some discussion followed. Trustee Blevins asked about the salary survey that the City was conducting and how the figures compared. Mrs . Bergsing said that she had not seen the City' s survey, but she would see what she could find out. Trustee Blevins asked if Mrs . Bergsing had gotten an estimate on the worth of the Werlitzer Organ yet. Mrs. Bergsing said she had not but she would do so. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of May 20th, 1986 , was adjourned at 6 : 15pm with the next Board Meeting scheduled for June 17th, 1986 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 6/02/86