HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1986.06.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JUNE 17TH, 1986 CALL TO ORDER• The meeting of June 17th, 1986 was called to order by President Nagle at 4 : 30pm. Trustees Present: Trustees Nagle, Mink, Harvey & Blevins Trustees Absent: Trustee Weatherbe Staff Present: Mrs . Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary Mr. Al Escoffier, Assistant City Librarian Also Present: Mr. Bud Harrison BILLS- M/S/C (Blevins/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $13 , 461 . 39. M/S/C (Blevins/Harvey) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $2 , 807. 79. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MAY 20TH, 1986 : M/S/C unanimously to approve the Minutes of the May 20th, 1986 meeting of the Library Board of Trustees as written. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Secretary Loretta Blevins read a thank you note from Trustee Weatherbe thanking the Board and the staff for the flowers sent in memory of her daughter, and also sending her regrets for not attending the Board meeting, the Volunteer Tea or the farewell luncheon. Sent in the Board packets : Memo from the City Clerk regarding the appointment of Loretta Blevins to the Peninsula Library System Advisory Board and a copy of the letter written to the City Council from President Nagle. Trustee Weatherbe also read a note from Phyllis O'Neal thanking the Library for the Large Print books which the Burlingame Lions Club makes available. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Discussed under Unfinished Business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Budget 1986-1987: Mrs. Bergsing said the Library Budget had been approved, as orginally requested, at the City Council Meeting held on June 16th, 1986 . Some discussion followed. Page 2 - Library Board of Trustees - Minutes - June 17th, 1986 Organ Appraisal: Librarian Bergsing reported that she had the Werlitzer organ appraised. She said the figures varied from a high of $900 to a low of $300 , and asked the Board members what they preferred to do. Trustee Harvey said he still had someone who is interested in looking at it and would be talking to her soon. Trustee Mink asked if Mrs. Bergsing had contacted Ray Wagner at the Recreation Department to see if he could use it. Mrs . Bergsing said she hadn' t but she would and would report back at the next meeting. Duncan Building: President Nagle reported that the City Attorney was preparing a revised draft of the agreement between the City and the Peninsula Foundation regarding the Duncan Property. He expected that a final draft would be ready soon for Council approval. In the meantime, no construction was taking place on the building. Fox and Carskadon had asked the Foundation to help with the expenses to repair the building and the Foundation turned them down. So until things are settled, construction will be at a standstill. Some discussion followed. Fire Safety: Mrs. Bergsing said the fire extinguisher demo by Colin Sullivan of the Fire Department had gone very well and the staff thought it worthwhile. She further said she was pleased with the Fire Department staff touring the Library and becoming more familiar with the layout of all three floors. Volunteer Tea: Librarian Bergsing reminded the Board that the Volunteer Tea was the day after tomorrow (Thursday) . Some discussion followed. Trustee Luncheon: Mrs. Bergsing reminded the Trustees that the "Farewell Luncheon for Trustees Nagle and Weatherbe would be held on June 26th, at 12 : 15 . NEW BUSINESS: Xerox Machine: The subject of the Xerox Machine was tabled pending more information. ADJOURNMENT• The meeting of June 17th, 1986 , was adjourned at 5 : 10pm following a moment of silence in memory of June Weatherbe ' s daughter, with the next Board Meeting scheduled for July 15th, 1986 at 4 : 30pm in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 6/27/86