HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1986.09.15 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SEPTEMBER 15TH, 1986 / 4 : 30 P.M. AGENDA I . CALL TO ORDER II . ROLL CALL Trustees Present: Trustees Absent: Staff Present: III . BILLS City Checks: $15,161 .51 Special Fund: $ 564.22 IV. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF AUGUST 20TH, 1986 V. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS VI . LIBRARIAN' S REPORT VII . UNFINISHED BUSINESS , Letter to Superintendent of Schools Regarding "Reading Break" Letter to the Peninsula Foundation Regarding Duncan Building VIII . NEW BUSINESS Orientation of New Board Members IX. ADJOURNMENT PMB/jg 09/09/86 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES AUGUST 20th, 1986 CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of August 20th, 1986 was called to order by President Harvey at 9 : 30am. Trustees Present: All three Trustees were present Trustees Absent: None Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS• Trustee Mink asked about the high cost of the P.G. & E. bill. Librarian Bergsing stated that the cost was high and that the cooling of the building in the summer is higher than heating in the winter. She also stated that the library had an energy audit, done by P.G. & E. , and she is working to implement the recommendations. Specifically she was checking on reflectors in the light fixtures which would make it possible to reduce the number of florescent bulbs needed. M/S/C (Blevins/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $23 , 294 . 66 . M/S/C (Blevins/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $1 , 839 . 07 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JULY 15TH, 1986 : Minutes of the meeting of July 15th, 1986 were approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: The August issue of "Library Spectacles" was distributed. Secretary Blevins read a thank you card from Past-Trustee June Weatherbe. June thanked the Board for their thoughtful gift. LIBRARIAN' S REPORT: Duncan Property: Librarian Bergsing reported that she had talked with Mr. Somerville at the Peninsula Foundation, and he said that an agreement had been reached between the Foundation and Fox and Carskadon. The real estate company intends to go ahead with plans to remodel the building and will resume paying rent on October 15th. Mr. Somerville also stated that the upstairs tenant had not been paying rent since the remodeling began, and the Foundation is considering legal action. Hillsborough Agreement: Mrs. Bergsing said that Hillsborough has not signed the new Agreement for Library use. McFarland Estate: Mrs . Bergsing said she will be looking at the donation of books from the McFarland estate in September. Page 2 -Minutes - August 20th, 1986 _ Maintenance Reports: Mrs. Bergsing said she had heard from Alpha Waterproofing, however she could not give them the "go-ahead" until the roof repairs are done. President Harvey said he would contact Ace Roofing to confirm the date of August 25th for them to start their job. Geac: Mrs . Bergsing said the City Managers and Project Directors had met to discuss the possibility of upgrading the Geac System to provide more capabilty. She said the overall feeling is that eventually an upgrade is inevitable however there are concerns for financing. The PLAN Board is particularly concerned about the Redwood City Public Library. On September 2nd there will be a groundbreaking ceremoney for their new library and when it is completed there will not be enough terminals for them. She said there will be another meeting in six months for more discussion and options . Some discussion followed. Mrs. Bergsing said another response time test had taken place early this morning but she had not received the results of that test. Week of the Reader: Trustee Mink suggested that the Board write a letter to Nick Genaro, Superintendant of Schools and let him know that Burlingame High School has the full support of the Library for its "Reading Break" program. Personnel: Trustee Mink wanted to know if the fact that Cathy Somerton at the Branch had reduced her hours, would have any effect on personnel at the Branch? Mrs . Bergsing said the Branch has an excellent and capable Library Assistant, Patti Flynn, who can cover the hours when Cathy cannot be there. Mrs. Bergsing is hoping that Cathy' s schedule will not be a permanent one, and when Patti leaves the staffing situation will have to be reassessed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Wurlitzer Organ: President Harvey reported that Editha Krahner had come to look at the organ and had made an offer of $450 . 00 to purchase same for use in a small church on Mission Street in San Francisco. Secretary Blevins made a motion that the Board accept the offer. Trustee Mink seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. The church will place a plaque on the organ in the name of Ben Hechinger. Duncan Property: President Harvey stated that he had spoken with Ralph Kirkup in Public Works and Mr. Kirkup is concerned about water damage in the front of the building. He feels a letter should be written, to the Foundation, recommending the building be made watertight and immediate action to do so take place. McFarland Estate: Discussed under Librarians Report. Page 3 - Minutes - August 20th, 1986 NEW BUSINESS• Large Print Books : President Harvey said the large print book request for $1, 200 had been approved by the Lions Club at their last Board meeting. He made a suggestion that Mrs . Bergsing get in touch with President Bob Goodman and/ or Dr.Bill VanBoklen to discuss the possibility of a grant from the Lions Club for the talking book cassettes. Mrs. Bergsing said she would follow up immediately on the suggestion. Mrs. Bergsing distributed some literature regarding the Gann initiative that had been written by the League of California Cities . Mrs. Bergsing shared the new reference collection development manual that Mr. Escoffier had compiled. Trustee Mink took it home with her to study. There was some discussion about changing the November Board meeting date. Everyone was in agreement since Mrs. Bergsing will be out of town. Trustee Blevins said she was considering the possibility of attending the C.L.A. Conference in Long Beach in November. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of August 20th, 1986 was adjourned at 10 : 41am with the next meeting scheduled for September 16th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 8/20/86 LIBRARIAN' S REPORT SEPTEMBER 1986 NEW TRUSTEES APPOINTMENTS It is my understanding that the City Council will vote on Monday, September 15th, at their regular meeting, on the appointment of three new Trustees to the Library Board. The new Trustees will assume office at the October Board Meeting. DUNCAN PROPERTY Contruction work resumed on September 1st on the Duncan Building. It is still our understanding that Fox and Carskadon plan to move in around October 15th. MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Work has been completed on the roof repairs at the Main Library. Trustee Harvey is checking on the termite repairs at the Branch, and we hope to have the waterproofing repairs begin at once. WURLITZER ORGAN _ The organ was sold and picked up on September 5th. I also talked with Mrs . Hechinger and told her about the sale, and the Board' s decision to use the money to buy books for the Library in Mr. Hechinger ' s memory. She was very pleased. GEAC A response time test for the Geac system was held during the month. This was scheduled to be the last response time test and had a final payment of $27 , 000 . 00 attached to its successful completion. Geac failed the test. It now remains that Geac will have to discover the nature of the difficulty and report back to the PLAN libraries . Downtime was experienced for a day and a half due to a disk crash on September 1st. Soft back-up was available for some of the time. We still anticipate new software to be installed systemwide on October 1st. PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Friends of the Library Booksale is scheduled for October 17th, 18th, and 19th. Friday night will be preview night from 6-9pm, and the other days the hours will be; Saturday from loam to 4pm and Sunday from 1-4pm. Two adult programs are calendared for the fall. The Friends of the Library will sponsor a docent lecture on the Indian Art Exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. The slide/lecture will be held on Tuesday, October 21st, at 7 : OOpm in the Community Room. —image 2 - Librarian' s Report - September 1986 A second program will feature local author Babes Van Dillen Clinton, who will discuss her book "Give Terry a Bone" , which is a fascinating account of the Dutch resistance during World War II . This program is going to be held on Tuesday, October 28th, also at 7 : OOpm in the Community Room. YEAR OF THE READER The "Week of the Reader" was the focus of exhibits and programs for September. The feature film, "The Pride of Jesse Halum" was shown. We also have a continuous showing of the videocassette, "Drop Everything and Read" . The emphasis on literacy and reading is national during September with feature news stories on all three television networks. HIGH SCHOOL "READING BREAK" Joan Leach and Al Escoffier participated in the first faculty meeting for Burlingame High School teachers on September 2nd. The public Library was presented as a resource for the "Reading Break" program which is a part of the high school curriculum for the first half of the year. We will make contact with the forty one classes at the High School either through book talks or visits to our Library to help support this program. A sign-up sheet was distributed at the faculty meeting. In addition, Joan Leach s putting the finishing touches on a series of booklists on various topics which might be appropriate pleasure reading for the high school/adult level. Several special exhibits of paperback books have been purchased for the program. Marge Johansen, Michael Hubbell and Allen Testa participated in the "Booktalk Workshop" given by Joan Leach. The workshop focused on the various ways to give booktalks and possible things to avoid. The second afternoon, each participant practiced giving booktalks in front of the group. The workshop was also attended by the Burlingame High School faculty and some parent volunteers. Donna Ridley Smith went to a "Public High Schools Library Committee" meeting on August 14th at Burlingame High School. Attendees included PLS librarians and San Mateo Union High School District teachers. The intent of the meeting was to establish a close working relationship between the public and school libraries in support of the new curriculum being developed in the SMUHSD in response to the State of California' s Model Curriculum Standards. Curriculum is being revised for English, Social Studies and Science. Progress of committees : Social Studies is almost done, Enlish is half done, Science is starting. English departments will be expecting a lot more reading/writing skills from students in the district and not just the research paper in English. There will be writing assignments for Social Studies and Science. The impact of the English program will begin in the fall of 1987 . There will be three more meetings of the library/teacher committee before hen. Libraries will be ordering materials for their collections in preparation. Our focus at BPL will be secondary sources in literature. This is in keeping with our long-range collection development in the field of literature. --eage 3 - Librarian' s Report - September 1986 CHILDREN' S SERVICES "Read-Around-Summer" , the children' s summer reading program, was completed by 203 children. The "Read Aloud" program for younger listeners finished up with 90 children receiving certificates . Both parties were a success . Our thanks go to the Burlingame Lions Club for underwriting both programs . These programs reached approximately 30% of Burlingame ' s elementary school children. Attendance at the summer pre-school storyhours included another 112 children. EXHIBITS Exhibits for the month included the Peninsula China Painters and the Peninsula Art Association group exhibit. Also, the Potcarrier, a Burlingame store devoted to Native American arts and crafts exhibited storyteller dolls including one by Helen Cordero, noted New Mexico artisan. PERSONNEL We are still running the Library with a twenty five hour vacant slot in the Reference Department. We have been asked to provide justification for the position to the City Manager. We are currently pulling together a chart and -)ther materials on all of our 20 hour-plus part-time positions for the past _.ifteen years . We are filling in with on-call librarians and full-time staff working overtime. Deanna Draper, Library Assistant II in Technical Services, received 12 hours of training for the Reference Desk back-up work which began this month. Mrs . Draper will be providing reference back-up on a regular basis due to staff shortages. A Page examination is scheduled for Thursday, September 25th, at 4 : OOpm in the Community Room. We currently have openings for 4-5 student assistants. Statewide recruitment is continuing for the 15 hour per week Children' s Services Outreach Librarian. INFORAMA RESOURCE Marge Johanson attended a meeting of the recently reconstituted Inforama Committee on August 19th. Inforama is a printed resource which was developed by the PLS libraries . It lists local clubs and organizations throughout San Mateo County. The file was compiled and is continuing to be revised using the CIP staff and the Stanford Spires computer file system. The purpose of the committee is to update Inforama and for each member to collect local information on clubs and organizations. nMB/jg x/10/86 STATISTICS FOR AUGUST 1986 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Additions Total Registered Burlingame Adults 10 ,871 237 11, 108 Burlingame Children 1 , 679 34 1 ,713 Hillsborough Adults 1 ,990 44 2 ,034 Hillsborough Children 647 20 667 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 182 14 196 TOTALS: 15 , 369 349 15 ,718 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 18 , 534 1 ,818 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks ) 4 , 944 1 , 142 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints , slides, equipment, talking books) 1 , 840 3 TOTALS: 25 , 318 2 , 963 Main Total 1986 Circ: 25 , 318 Main Total 1985 Circ: 25 , 613 = 1 . 15% Dec. Branch Tot 1986 Circ: 2 , 963 Branch Tot 1985 Circ: 3 , 027 = 2 . 11% Dec. GrandTotal 1986 Circ: 28 , 281 GrandTotal 1985 Circ: 28 , 640 = 1 . 25% Dec. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 5 , 191 I .L.L. Borrowed: 93 I .L.L. Lent: 237 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 5, 521 I .L.L. Total: 330 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 138 , 478/103 ,710 373 / 287 221 / 103 138 , 564/103 , 894 Ch.Non-Fic. 17 , 843/ 14 , 582 51 / 31 73 / 42 17 ,821/ 14, 571 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 324/ 3 , 217 8 / 8 3 / 1 3 , 329/ 3 , 224 Ad.Fiction 46 , 925/ 42 , 920 111 / 65 302 / 179 46 ,734/ 42, 806 Ch.Fiction 14 , 899/ 10, 256 42 / 23 31 / 19 14 ,900/ 10 , 260 YA Fiction 3 ,101/ 2 ,771 9 / 3 3 2 3 ,107/ 2 , 772 TOTALS: 224 , 470/177, 455 594 / 417 633 / 346 224 , 431/177 , 526 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 23 , 689 106 89 23 ,706 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2 ,726 Maps 1, 511 -0- 4 1 , 511 Records 5 , 298 29 -0- 5 , 327 Cassettes 1 , 149 48 -0- 1 , 197 Video Tapes 170 -0- -0- 170 Films 109 -0- -0- 109 Art Prints 103 -0- -0- 103 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main; 1, 202 . 15 / Branch: 143 .70 Meeting Rooms : _.__.. 00 Total: $ 1 , 345 . 85 Total Meetings Held: 9 People in Attendance: 403 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH August Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 38 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 2 _ B. Hours contributed 142 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits A. Number of patrons 22 B. Number of visits made 32 C. Items circulated 207 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No.of Visits Attendance Materials CircUlate( A. LaVrar 2 0 30 B. H i I rFa—)Len 2__— 42 12 C. Hacienda 2 20 30 D. Burl . Care 2 48 0 E. Marian Convent 2 30 30 F. 5. Totals (3&4) A. Shut-in patrons 162 B. Visits made 42 C. Items circulated 306 Comments/ activities: At the Burlingame-Retirement Inn- wP hava arldp(I now Outreach patron named Mary. Dreschlar wA wnlrnme tor' -