HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - LB - 1987.02.17 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES FEBRUARY 17th, 1987 CALL TO ORDER- The meeting of February 17th, 1987 was called to order by President Blevins at 4 : 30pm, at the Easton Drive Branch Library. Trustees Present: Blevins , Mink, Harrison & Cannon Trustees Absent : Sommer Staff Present: Mrs. Judy Gladysz , Library Secretary BILLS: M/S/C ( Cannon/Harrison) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $16 , 150 . 68 . M/S/C (Harrison/Mink) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $889 . 08 . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JANUARY 20TH, 1987 : M/S/C unanimously that the Minutes of the meeting of January 20th, 1987 be approved as written and ordered filed. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Secretary Mink read three items of correspondence, the first item was a memo that had been sent to all the Commissions in the City regarding the Commissioners attendance rules . The second items were a letter to the City Librarian from Mr. & Mrs . F. M. Holzemer complaining about the parking problems in the back and around the Library, and the City Librarian' s reply. The third item was a thank you note from Warren Wickliffe thanking the Trustees for the plant and card they sent him while he was recovering from his automobile accident. The other items listed under correspondence were distributed or had been mailed in the Trustees packets. REPORTS: City Librarian: President Blevins commented on how wonderful the "Many Mansions" program was . Mrs. Bergsing said there were about one hundred people attending and because of the interest another program by Mrs . Horn on the Carolands has been scheduled for May 12th. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Trustees Workshop - Mrs . Bergsing reminded the Trustees about the workshop that will be held on February 28th in South San Francisco. Budget Requests - Mrs . Bergsing said she would be receiving the budget instructions from the City Manager on Wednesday, February 19th and the Trustees should be thinking about any special requests or recommendations they may have. Librarian Bergsing reminded the Board that revenues are down, however, and that this will be a tight budget year. She also gave the Board a brief report on the Saturday Study Session between the City Council, City Manager, and the Department Heads. As part of the discussion, Trustee Cannon requested information on the current costs to run the Easton Branch, and Librarian Bergsing said she would have Page 2 - Minutes - February 17th, 1987 ,,_ those figures for the March Board meeting. The Board agreed to table further budget discussion until then. NEW BUSINESS• Copy Machines : Librarian Bergsing reported on the options re- ,garding obtaining another copy machine or simply having a company "place" a copy machine in the building. She also suggested placing the "older" Xerox machine in the Periodical Reading Room. Discussion was held on the various financing options , and what copying fee should be charged. Secretary Mink made a motion to obtain a new Xerox machine. The motion was seconded by Trustee Harrison subject to financing to be approved at the March Board meeting. Librarian Bergsing said she would get the additional information required to make the decision. Community Room Policies: Mrs. Bergsing explained briefly the problems that have been occurring with regard to the public ' s use of the Community Room. She suggested that the Board should review the current policy, and see if it needed revisions . The Board requested additional information on who uses the room, how often, etc. Further discussion was tabled until the March meeting. Bedtime Story Hours - Main Librarian Bergsing explained the proposed and Branch Libraries: Bedtime Story-Hours and Trustee Cannon made a motion to conduct a Bedtime Story Hour at both the Main and Branch Libraries which means opening the Branch on Wednesday evenings for one hour for eight weeks. The motion was seconded by Secretary Mink and passed unanimously. Helen Ward Appreciation M/S/C (Mink/Harrison) unanimously to approve Day: that $250 . 00 be spent from the Trustees Special fund to finance the Helen Ward Appreciation Day. Mrs. Bergsing said money not used would be put back into the Trustees Account. The event is to be held on April 29th, from 3-6pm at the Main Library. Miscellaneous: Trustee Cannon suggested that the page of statistics supplied to the Board each month be included as a regular Agenda item, so there would be time for questions and/or discussion. After some discussion, it was agreed that �- whenever possible the statistics would be mailed with the other Board materials prior to the Board meeting. Page 3 - Minutes - February 17th, 1987 Trustee Cannon inquired about the garbage receptacles by the front door of the Main Library. Librarian Bergsing replied she had talked with Ralph Kirkup, Director of Public Works , and he said the City was purchasing new garbage receptacles for Burlingame Avenue and the Library could have two of the old ones for a nominal charge. Trustee Cannon was pleased with this news . FROM THE FLOOR: Nothing. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of February 17th, 1987 was adjourned at 5 : 50pm with the next meeting scheduled for March 17th in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 02/18/87