HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1987.07.21 BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES - AGENDA JULY 21ST 1987 - — { SUGGESTED ACTION { 1 . CALL TO ORDER { 4 : 30 PM /Calif.Room { 2 . ROLL CALL { { 3 . INTRODUCTION OF NEW BOARD MEMBER: WILLIAM { BACIGALUPI { { 4 . BILLS { APPROVAL City Checks : 1986-87: $34,273.01 87-88:11 ,995.{ Special Fund: 693.45 25 { { 5 . MINUTES - Regular Meeting of June 16th, 1987 { APPROVAL { 6 . CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS { INFORMATION { a. Letter from Jan Bisinski { b. Library Spectacles { C. City Newsletter { d. Caltactics { e. Souvenir Invitations of the 75th Anniv. { { 7 . REPORTS { { a. A.L.A. Conference - Trustees Cannon & { INFORMATION Mink { b. 75th Anniversary - President Blevins { INFORMATION c. System Advisory Board - Blevins { INFORMATION d. Librarian' s Report { INFORMATION { 8 . UNFINISHED BUSINESS { { a. Announcement of new appointment to Lib-{ rary Assistant II position { INFORMATION { 9 . NEW BUSINESS { { a. Letter from Renter at 404 Primrose Rd { ACTION b. Election of Officers { ACTION c. Gift to Joe Harvey for 75th CelebrationkACsACTION d. Date for Library Orientation for { Trustee Bacigalupi { ACTION f 9 . FROM THE FLOOR { PUBLIC COMMENTS { 10 . ADJOURNMENT { { { { { 7/15/87 { PMB/jg { { { { { BURLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES JUNE 16TH, 1987 CALL TO ORDER: A duly noticed regular meeting of the Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees was held on the above date in the California Room of the Burlingame Public Library. The meeting was called to order at 4: 30pm by Secretary Carol Mink. Trustees Present: MINK, HARRISON, CANNON AND SOMMER Trustees Absent: BLEVINS Staff Present: MRS. JUDY GLADYSZ, LIBRARY SECRETARY MR. ALFRED ESCOFFIER, ASST. CITY LIBRARIAN BILLS: M/S/C (Harrison/Cannon) unanimously to approve the payment of City checks in the amount of $28 , 677 . 20 . M/S/C (Harrison/Sommer) unanimously to approve the payment of the Trustees Special Fund in the amount of $423 . 14 . MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19th, 1987 were approved. CORRESPONDENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS: Acknowledgements: a. Letter to Friends of the Library from President Blevins thanking them for their continued support. b. Letter to Board of Trustees of the SMUHSD asking them to consider continuing the "Reading Break" program. Trustee Harrison said the Committee and Superintendent are recommending continuing Reading Break to the Board and adding 5 minutes to the present "Break Time. " C. Letter to Iry Amstrup informing him that the Library had framed an old map of Burlingame to be displayed with the other historic pictures. Funds from his gift to the Library had been used to pay for the framing of same. d. Letter from Morning Glory Nursery School thanking Cathy Somerton for the excellent job she is doing. e. Library Spectacles for June was distributed. REPORTS: a. City Librarian: Librarian Bergsing said Councilmen Pagliaro and Amstrup are interviewing for a new Trustee for the Library Board to replace Trustee Sommer. She said the appointment will probably be made at their July Council meeting. Secretary Mink said she wanted the minutes to reflect that she too had attended the Tom Lantos Breakfast meeting. Page 1 Secretary Mink gave a brief description of a 12 hour video program on the Bicentennial that is available for loan from the High School District. ,he said it is a series of tapes starring prominent national leaders ,,_..iscussing constitutional issues. Trustee Mink is suggesting that various PLS libraries show the video tapes followed by a discussion moderated by selected community leaders. Mrs. Bergsing said it is presently being shown on channel 9 if anyone wishes to watch it. There were some questions regarding the calculations and reimbursements for non-residents. Librarian Bergsing explained the process . Some discussion followed. Al Escoffier had prepared statistics showing the number of registered borrowers. These were distributed to the Board members and explained. Secretary Mink thanked him for the figures. System Advisory Board - Blevins: Tabled until the next Board meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Library Budget 1987-1988 and Cataloging/Processing Backlog: Mrs. Bergsing stated that Councilman Pagliaro had expressed concern about the small increase in next year ' s book budget. She explained that the book budget had increased from $108 , 950 last year to $165 , 670 requested for next year. This represents a $56 ,720 increase. She added that if the book budget were much higher it would require more staff and compound the backlog in processing because of the current staff vacancies. Councilman Pagliaro said he wanted the Trustees to be aware of this situation and Mrs . Bergsing said she would express the concern to the Commissioners. Trustee Cannon asked how large the backlog is. Mrs . Bergsing explained at the moment there are probably about 1 , 000 books which could be caught up by July or August. Trustee Cannon asked how long to process a book from the time it is received to the time it gets on the shelf . Mrs . Bergsing replied that it varies from one day to two weeks depending on the subject matter. Librarian Bergsing stated that they were actively recruiting for both the Library Assistant and the Librarian position, and they would be recruiting at A.L.A. next week. In the meantime, they are reassigning duties among current staff to help cope with the "backlog. " The Board had several suggestions regarding recruiting possibilities , and Secretary Mink said the Board members are very concerned about the staffing issue and support Mrs . Bergsing' s efforts . Discussion followed. A.L.A. Conference - June 27th-July 2nd: Trustee Cannon said she would be attending the American Library Association Conference that will be held in San Francisco next week. Secretary Mink expressed an interest in attending the exhibits as did Trustee Sommer. Update on the 75th Anniversary Celebration: Mrs . Bergsing said everything for the celebration is moving along very nicely. All of the entertainment has been obtained and the printing is almost finished. Some iscussion followed. Trustees Harrison and Blevins will be at the Library zy 1 : 00 on the 12th of July for the opening ceremonies . Page 2 NEW BUSINESS• nnesty on Fines of the Trustee Harrison made a motion to approve —75th Anniversary amnesty on July 12th for all fines. Trustee Sommer thought however that it might encourage people to keep the books, while Trustee Harrison felt that it encourages people to dig into their closets and return the books they've had for so long. Trustee Sommer said that had never occurred to him and then seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Geac Update and System Mrs . Bergsing told the Commissioners that Questions a company named "Helix Investments Ltd. " has recently invested $20 million in Geac. This should help their recent financial crisis. Trustee Mink asked if there was anything the Board should do regarding the circulation system. Mrs. Bergsing said that at the moment they just needed to be informed and she would keep them up to date on developments. Trustee Cannon asked about the cost effectiveness of the automated circulation system, why it was better than a manual system, and why we were looking toward a larger system. Mrs . Bergsing replied that a committee of PLAN was proposing written answers to these and the other questions distributed to the Board. She also said that some of the answers were contained in a pamphlet on the circulation system that was available. Trustee Cannon asked what a "deletion process" was . Mr. Escoffier explained. Brief discussion followed. San Mateo County Fair: Mrs . Bergsing asked if any of the Board members were interested in working the PLS booth at the Fair. Trustee Cannon said she would fill out an application since her hours are more flexible during the summer. Miscellaneous : Secretary Mink said she ' s concerned about the ceramic art work that' s falling apart throughout the City. She asked if there was anything to replace them? Mrs. Bergsing said she would check with Rich Quadri to see if he has any suggestions. The Board members thanked Trustee Sommer for serving on the Board. Secretary Mink said it was their pleasure and privilege to have him on the Library Board. After he left she made a suggestion to present something to Herb. The Board members concurred. Brief discussion followed. Page 3 ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of June 16th, 1987 was adjourned at 5 : 50pm with the next seting scheduled for July 21st in the California Room. Respectfully submitted, Patricia M. Bergsing Clerk of the Board PMB/jg 06/17/87 Page 4 _ LIBRARIAN' S REPORT JULY 1987 Appointment of New Library Trustee At it' s regular meeting on July 6th, the City Council appointed William T. Bacigalupi to the Library Board replacing Herb Sommer. Bill lives at 317 Chapin Lane. He is the father of three children and is employed as General Sales Manager for KGO Radio. I know the board joins the staff in welcoming Bill to the Library Board. At the meeting we will set a time for an orientation tour of the Library for Bill. Commission Attendance Attached to this report is the copy of the Commission Attendance Report which was submitted to the City Manager for the period January through June 1987. 75th Anniversary Celebration Our 75th Anniversary celebration was a great success ! We are proud to report over 500 people were in attendance at the July 12th event. The entertainment was fun for all. The logistics of staging, sound, etc. , worked very well. The Friends of the Library were busy distributing Friends applications, as well as lemonade and cookies. Joe Harvey did an excellent job as Master of Ceremonies. The day truly felt like July 4, 1912, with so many people in costume, and with the wonderful antique cars parked under the elms on Primrose. All of the Council were in attendance and Mayor Gloria Barton enthusiastically welcomed the crowd. President Blevins gave a wonderful summary of the growth and development of the Library from its beginning to �-- date. The staff did an excellent job of set-up, staffing and clean-up. The silent auction of art prints on canvas will continue at the Main Library through August 12. A.L.A. Conference Almost all of the staff took advantage of the A.L.A. Conference in San Francisco during the end of June and first of July. Most of the full- time staff attended meetings, as well as going through the exhibits. Most of the part-time staff at least were able to see the exhibits. Everyone agreed that the Conference was worthwhile, but so large it was a little overwhelming. Trustees Cannon and Mink, Al Escoffier and I can give you brief reports at the meeting. Duncan Property Attached to this report is a letter from the renter upstairs at the Duncan Property. She would like to continue to rent the flat after her lease expires in February 1988 . I took the liberty of consulting with former Board members Bill Nagle and Joe Harvey and City Attorney Jerry Coleman and they all recommend continuing on a month-to-month basis instead of renewing any lease agreement. I told Mr. Somerville that you would decide at the July Board meeting, and I would notify him immediately thereafter. Page 1 Librarian' s Report San Mateo County Fair Many members of the staff are preparing to participate in the Peninsula Library System booth at the San Mateo County Fair later in July. The award winning display will feature the lottery spin for prizes, with the theme "Everyone is a Winner at the Library. " We are pleased that the Burlingame Friends have donated $ 100 . 00 toward the cost of prizes and materials that will be distributed at the fair. Each PLS Friends group was asked to participate. Children' s Services The Summer Reading Club, sponsored by the Burlingame Lions Club, is in full swing. "Summer of Celebration" features a hot air balloon theme. A spectacular replica of a hot air balloon adorns the center of the children' s room. Preparation was the keyword in June as Cathy Somerton, Diane Casey and Barbara Lazarus finished visiting the schools to tell children about the Reading Club. Nancy Montague and Paul Dimitre completed the Branch and Main decorations . Paul made and painted the giant hot air balloons at both libraries. Casey, our orange-haired clown, designed to promote the Read-to-Me program, was made by Cathy Somerton. She made a twin for the Branch. Barbara Lazarus is doing pre-school story hours on Tuesdays . Cathy and Diane are doing the Bedtime storyhours . One hundred and ninety children are participating in the Club to date. Ninety-two are enrolled in the Read-to-Me program. Begin with Books Program Cathy Somerton presented 19 programs at Preschools in June, for a total of 255 children. Programs were given at both the Main and Branch libraries, as well as Washington School and West School. Sixteen baby bags went out in June. Bedtime storyhours included 20-22 children at each of the programs to date (June 22 , 24 , 29 ) . Fred Thayer Carpets donated approximately 50 carpet squares which are being used for the bedtime storyhour at the Main Library. GEAC Training for the IBM/PC back-up for our Geac circulation terminals will take place the week of July 20th. Efforts are being made to clean up various aspects of the database, to improve overnight processing time. At this point, the overnight is taking all of the hours the libraries are closed with only a 10-15 minute window before we open. Each library has been sent a lengthy list of unnecessary transactions to purge from the system. The system copy specific hold procedure has been revised system-wide, primarily at our request. The new policy will encourage PLS libraries to place holds on other library' s books beginning with the San Mateo County Branches . Burlingame and Menlo Park, the libraries with the highest non- resident imbalance, will be the libraries of "last resort" for inter- system loans. Of course, this will not affect direct access to all libraries by walk-in users. Page 2 Librarian' s Report Following the American Library Association Conference, the Automated Planning Group of PLS has completely reorganized. Goals and objectives have been written and a plan of action begun. Members of the APG will have a report/discussion meeting with the PLS Administrative Council at their August meeting, centering on the issues involved in a system upgrade. Geac offered a private demonstration of their on-line catalog system at the Ramada Renaissance Hotel during the ALA Conference. The demonstration gave PLS staff a glimpse of the use of such a catalog, as well as the format of the Concept 9000 system. When PLS does upgrade its system to the Geac 9000 , a number of changes will need to be made in the system itself. The chief change is the necessity to upgrade our database so that all records have the standard MARC (Machine-readable) tags. PLAN is about the hire a Database Manager who will coordinate this activity system-wide. The deletion of bibliographic records program was successfully run during June. Over 10 , 000 items were removed from the system. Reference Division Reference statistics were up 70 over the same month last year. Esther Cummings participated in the PLS Staff Visit Program with a visit to Tom Kam at the Redwood City Public Library on June 26 . Esther reviewed the technical book selection process and reference tools available at Redwood City. A senior Economics class from Burlingame High had a library assignment which required them to use Valueline and Standard and Poor ' s reference materials. After the assignment, we noticed significant sections missing from Valueline. Donna called the instructor, Mrs . Siepser, to report the vandalism and Mrs. Siepser was very upset by the student behavior and most cooperative. She wanted to know the stocks covered on the missing pages , and the price of Valueline so she could speak to the class. She hoped the guilty parties would come forward. Next year, four of her classes will have similar library assignments . She hopes to avoid these problems by warning the students before the assignments . Allen Testa gave a computer class to 10 staff members on June 24th. The class served as an introduction to the IBM PC and microcomputers in general. The class was well received and another is planned for late July. Circulation Division Deanna Tomei reports all members of the desk staff assisted in assembling the souvenir invitations and the bicentennial tour books for the 75th celebration. The Fine-Free Day resulted in the return of a number very overdue items, some from 1985. Joan Giampaoli and Brenda Buckley Chavez co-hosted a page party on the patio on June 9 to honor those pages graduating from high school. Helen Ward also attended. Page 3 Librarian' s Report Exhibits and Displays Oil paintings by Doriane Heyman, a display on Older Americans materials and services, books and music from 1912 and children' s art from the United Methodist School were featured at the Main Library. Currently, the silent Art Auction of art prints is on display though August 12 . Easton Branch The Branch staff have all participated in installing the displays for the Summer Reading Club. New acquisitions in the Lions Den include puzzles, and blocks, as well as magnetic board games. Personnel Due to a number of page resignations, we re-hired two former pages as "summer help. " Lance Flodin and Joe Ken will be with us through much of the summer. We also gave a page test in June, and hired 2 young people from that test. Another test will be given July 15 for additional pages. We are currently interviewing for Library Assistant II in Technical Services. We anticipate the new person will be hired by the July Board meeting. Donna Ridley Smith began her four month leave on June 23rd. On June 26th, she and her husband adopted a brand new baby boy, Owen Tyler. Page 4 Librarian' s Report STATISTICS FOR JUNE 1987 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Additions Total Registered Burlingame Adults 12,219 278 12,497 Burlingame Children 1,906 35 1,941 Hillsborough Adults 2 ,260 49 2 , 309 Hillsborough Children 776 ( 7 ) 769 Non-San Mateo Co. Borrowers 274 14 288 TOTALS: 17,435 369 17,804 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main: Branch: Adult Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 19 ,050 1 ,818 Children' s Print Materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 5,820 1,190 Audio Visual Materials (records, cassettes, films, videos, art prints, slides, equipment, talking books) 1,705 7 TOTALS: 26,575 3 ,015 Main Total 1987 Circ: 26,575 Main Total 1986 Circ: 25,608 = 3 .78% Dec. Branch Tot 1987 Circ: _1;41-5,Branch Tot 1986 Circ: 3 ,074 = 1. 92% Inc. GrandTotal 1987 Circr'29, 590 ;GrandTotal 1986 Circ: 28,682 = 3 . 17% Dec. REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Total Reference Questions: 5 , 591 I .L.L. Borrowed: 77 I .L.L. Lent: 228 Grand Total Ref. Activity: 5,896 I .L.L. Total: 305 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: added withdrawn total VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES/TITLES Ad.Non-Fic. 139, 017/104 , 332 195 / 79 400 / 320 138,812/104 ,091 Ch.Non-Fic. 17, 942/ 14,694 22 / 1 -0- / -0- 17,964/ 14,695 YA Non-Fic. 3 , 319/ 3 ,227 1 / 1 33 / 1 3 , 287/ 3 ,227 Ad.Fiction 47,400/ 43,574 120 / 67 15 / 1 47, 505/ 43 ,640 Ch.Fiction 14,882/ 10,219 97 / 1 3 / -0- 14 , 976/ 10,220 YA Fiction 3 , 165/ 2,824 17 / 13 -0- / -0- 3 ,182/ 2,824 TOTALS: 226,725/178,870 452 / 162 451 / 322 225,726/178,710 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 25, 358 271 -0- 25 , 629 Paperbacks 2 ,726 -0- -0- 2,726 Maps 1,524 2 -0- 1, 526 Records 5 , 375 17 -0- 5 , 392 Cassettes 1, 529 69 -0- 1,598 Video Tapes 173 11 -0- 184 Films 6 -0- -0- 6 Art Prints 103 -0- -0- 103 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: $ 1 , 116 . 28 ' Branch: $ 295.61 Meeting Rooms: $ 22. 0 Total: $ 1, 434. 39 Total Meetings Held: 21 People in Attendance: 620 MONTHLY REPORT MONTH June Outreach Activities 1. Volunteer Coordinator A. Hours worked 61 2. Volunteers A. Number of volunteers 21 B. Hours contributed 171 3. Shut-in Patrons--Indivuadual Visits �. A. Number of patrons 22 - B. Number of visits made C. Items circulated 4. Shut-in Patrons--Institutional Visits No. visits Attendance Materials circ. A. LaVrar 2 0 30 B. Hilihaven 2 42 C. Hacienda 2 22 30 D. Burl . Care 2 48 0 E. Marian Convent 2 30 30 F. 5. Totals (3&4) I A. Shut-in patrons 164 B. Visits made 42 C. Items circulated 301 Comments/ activities: Statistics are up again this mo th Outreach has fillPri a lot of special requests Thank you VniuntAArs again - fo all Your soecial Pffnrts,l