HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet - LB - 1999.02.16 BURLINGANE URLINGAME PUBLIC LIBRARY Board of Trustees Agenda g Q� February 16th, 1999 480 Primrose Road- Conference Room SUGGESTED ACTION 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. ROLL CALL: 3. BILLS: Approval City Checks: $ 40,422.36 Special Fund: $ 1,509.32 Duncan Funds: $ .00 4. MINUTES: Approval 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION: Information a. Hillsborough/San Mateo Library Services Agreement b. Letter: BCE c. Letter: ESL New College of California d. Library of California Board Installed FROM THE FLOOR (Public Comments): 7. REPORTS: Information a. City Librarian's Report: Escoffier b. Foundation Report: Herman FJ�� 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: -V4 t(ft) '' ��ft) a. None � 9. NEW BUSINESS: I � a. Employee Achievement Awards Procedure/Review Discussion/Action b. Plan of Service Discussion 10.ADJOURNMENT: qpw\ Adjourn Agenda] I.RLIIGAME U_IW_I B U R L I N G A M E P U 8 L I C LIBRARY Burlingame Public Library Board of Trustees Minutes January 19th, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting of January 19th, 1999 was called to order by President Dunbar at 4:30pm. 2. ROLL CALL: Trustees Present: Berger, Coar, Dunbar & Herman Trustees Absent: Morton Staff Present: Alfred Escoffier, City Librarian Judy Gladysz, Administrative Secretary 3. BILLS: M/S/C (Herman/Berger) unanimously to approve the bills as presented. 4. MINUTES: None 5. CORRESPONDENCE AND INFORMATION: Correspondence was mailed in the packets. 6. FROM THE FLOOR: None 7. REPORTS: a. City Librarians Report: Mr. Escoffier reviewed his report. Brief discussion followed. b. Foundation Report: Herman: Trustee Herman reported the Foundation has tentatively scheduled it's "Elegant Affair" fund raiser to be held on April 15th. She reported that the new President of the Board is Don Roberts. Trustee Herman said the Foundation received a thank you note from Project Read for a donation for Burlingame residents using "Project Read". She announced the newest Board member on the Foundation: Jane Dunbar. 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: a. Exhibit Policy (12-14 Draft): MIS/C (Herman/Berger) unanimously to approve the Exhibit Policy to include a correction in Section 8 adding a disclaimer for personal injury. 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • Burl i n g a m e • C A 9 4 0 1 0 - 4 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 * Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www . pls . lib . ca . us / pls / pls . html 9. NEW BUSINESS: a. Revision of 1999 Holiday Schedule: M/S/C (Coar/Berger) unanimously to approve the revised 1999 Holiday schedule. b. Change February Meeting Date: There was no change in the February meeting date. 10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting of January 19th, 1999 was adjourned at 5:05pm with the next meeting scheduled for February 16th, 1999 at 4:30pm in the Board Room. Respectfully submitted, Alfred H. Escoffier City Librarian Trustees Minutes] 01/20/99 Page 2 BURU G-E T B U R L I N G A M E P U B L I C L I B R A R Y City Librarian's Report February 16, 1998 Planning Process Complete The Library Plan of Service is complete and ready for distribution. Staff is working on the budget and staffing issues for the plan in an effort to begin implementation as soon as possible. Technology Update Technology continues to change. Last month I mentioned the move toward "WebPac", which will allow the Peninsula Library System catalog to be accessed online via the Internet. This has been a huge undertaking on the part of the PLAN staff. They are currently in the testing mode. Staff will be trained system-wide toward the end of February. Our target date for the public will be National Library Week, April 12'h Reference Services Reference staff attended several Internet training classes sponsored by InfoPeople in Redwood City. Dan Alvarez and Esther Cummings took the advanced class and Maribeth and Tracy attended the all-day Ready Reference class. Sue Reiterman attended a joint meeting of Burlingame Together and the Blue Ribbon Teen Committee on January 19 at the Recreation Center. Plans were announced for a Teen Conference sponsored by the Burlingame Together to focus on Burlingame teen issues of youth activities, peer and social services, establishment of a youth advisory committee, and establishment of a teen center. On Thursday, January 215', we had a class visit from 14 adults who attend a private English as a Second Language program at Millbrae. These patrons are preparing to enter college and need to build library skills. They completed an assignment after their tour of the library. Twelve volunteers contributed over 72 hours performing a variety of tasks in January. Peninsula Library System Update WebPac will soon be available to the public. This is the Internet based online catalog for PLS. Prior to implementation, the system will be tested, the staff will be trained and a public relations promotion implemented. 4 8 0 P r i m r o s e R o a d • B u r l i n g a m e • C A 9 4 0 1 0 - 4 0 8 3 Phone ( 650 ) 342 - 1038 * Fax ( 650 ) 342 - 1948 • www . pls . lib . ca . us / pls / pls . html Children's' Services Cathy Somerton did a total of 30 programs including 3 Monday Story Times, 4 Preschool Story Times, 4 Toddler Story Times, 4 Thursday Story Times, 1 Saturday Story Time, 1 visit to Easton, 3 visits to Main, and 10 programs at schools. The programs were attended by a total of 684 children. The Children's Division has donated a "Story Program at Easton" to the Burlingame Community for Education's upcoming auction. Building Issues The Front Doors have been out of commission for over a week, as the contractor replaced the doorframe. The doorframe had not been fabricated as specified and we have had on-going problems with the doors and door hardware. Still to be replaced are the terrace doors. It is likely we will wait until better weather before this project is completed, as it will leave major portions of the upper level open to the weather. Coming Events • President's Day, February 15- Closed • Library Board, February 16,4:30 pm • PLS Council, February 17, 2 pm • All Staff Meeting, February 24, 8 am Literacy Breakfast, February 26, 7:30 am Alfred H. Escoffier/City Librarian/February 9, 1999 2 • STATISTICS FOR JANUARY 1999 REGISTERED BORROWERS: Total Registered Burlingame Adults 13,310 Burlingame Children 3,930 Hillsborough Adults 2,075 Hillsborough Children 1,110 Universal Borrowers 725 Total Registered Borrowers: 21 ,150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION ACTIVITY: Main Branch Adult Print Materials(books, periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 20,666 1,092 Children's Print Materials (books,periodicals, pamphlets, paperbacks) 9,713 1,509 Audio Visual Materials(records, cassettes, films, videos, cd's) 5,436 148 TOTALS: 35,815 2,749 Main Total 1999 Circ: 35,815 Main Total 1998 Circ: 38,972 = 8.10% Dec. Branch Total 1999 Circ: 2,749 Branch Total 1998 Circ: 2,719 = 1.10% Inc. Grand Total 1999 Circ: 38,564 Grand Total 1998 Circ: 41,691 = 7.50% Dec. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCE ACTIVITY: Questions Directions Reference 3,509 600 Children's 1,245 1,254 Lower Level 1,057 2,805 ILL Borrowed: 2,023 Branch 250 115 ILL Lent: 2,971 Total: 6,061 4,774 ILL Total: 4,994 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLECTIONS: MAIN BRANCH TOTAL VOLUMES/TITLES VOLUMES TOTAL VOLUMES Ad.Non-Fiction 132,650 /116,230 5,180 137,830 Ch.Non-Fiction 24,110 / 22,735 2,345 26,455 YA Non-Fiction 1,945 / 1,755 105 2,050 Ad. Fiction 55,480 / 52,325 6,230 61,710 Ch. Fiction 20,595 / 18,460 6,060 26,655 YA Fiction 3,005 / 2,725 385 3,390 Reference 5,600 / 5,400 200 5.800 Totals: 243,385 /219,630 20,505 263,890 OTHER MATERIALS: Pamphlets 28,500 Paperbacks 3,395 Maps 1,730 Records 1,500 Cassettes 12,280 Video Tapes 2,535 Compact Discs 1,970 Deposited with the City Treasurer: Main: 7,086.15 Branch: 116.15 Xerox: 849.30 Room: 15.00 Donations 60.00 CLSA: .00 User Traffic: Total: 39,648 = 1,367 per day Children's Programs: -0- Attendance: -0- Children's Programs for the year 1999: 124 with a total attendance of 3,067 children AGENDA ITEM# 2-1-99 MEETING DATE: CITY OF BURLINGAME TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council DATE: January 19, 1999 FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: Hillsborough/San Mateo Library Services Agreement RECOMMENDATION: That Council approve the attached Library Services Agreement between Hillsborough and Cities of San Mateo and Burlingame. The term of the proposed agreement is five years and includes annual payment increases. BACKGROUND Since 1977 Burlingame and San Mateo have provided library services to Hillsborough on a contractual basis. In recent years this service has been provided on a year to year basis based on a formula using increases in library budgets. Last year the city managers of the three cities met to try an develop a new multi-year agreement. The result of these meetings are included in the attached agreement. The Hillsborough payment for services is increased over a three year period from $298,700 in 1997-98 to $409,500 in 2000-2001 (+ 10% 1998-99; + 12.2% 1999-2000 and + 11 % 2000-01). This phased increase is based on raising Hillsborough's cost to the average county-wide per capita library expenditure level. The last two years of the proposed five year agreement are indexed to Consumer Price Index. The payments from Hillsborough are then split two-thirds to Burlingame ($219,133 for 1998-99) and one-third to San Mateo ($109,566). This distribution is based on past practice and estimated usage. The proposed agreement results in an increase in payments to both Burlingame and San Mateo for library services while providing a five year operating agreement to all parties. Dennis Argyres City Manager c: City Librarian RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BURLINGAME - APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH AND THE CITY OF SAN MATEO TO PROVIDE LIBRARY SERVICES TO THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH FOR FIVE YEARS RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Burlingame: WHEREAS, since 1977, the Cities of Burlingame and San Mateo have provided library services for the citizens of the Town of Hillsborough on a contractual basis; and WHEREAS, this mutual agreement has benefitted all three communities with stable funding and enhanced services; and WHEREAS, the proposed agreement for the new five-year period will continue this relationship, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED: 1. The Agreement contained in Exhibit A hereto is approved, and the City Manager is authorized and directed to execute the Agreement by and on behalf of the City of Burlingame. 2. The Clerk is directed to attest to the signature of the City Manager. MAYOR I,JUDITH A MALFATTI, City Clerk of the City of Burlingame, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council held on the day of 1999, and was adopted thereafter by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: CITY CLERK Jan-25-99 16 : 41 TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH 650 3757475 P _ 02 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH AND THE CITIES OF SAN MATEO AND BURLINGAME FOR LIBRARY SERVICES 1998-2001 This AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 1999 by and between the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, a municipal corporation, CITY OF SAN MATEO, a municipal corporation, and CITY OF BURLINGAME, a municipal corporation. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH does not have library facilities for the use of its residents; and WHEREAS, the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO have extended the use of their library facilities to residents of the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH on a contractual basis since July 1, 1977; and WHEREAS, the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO desire to continue to provide library services to residents of the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH on a contractual basis; NOW, THEREFORE the parties hereto agree that the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall provide library facilities and services to the residents of the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH for a period of five (5) years on the following terms and conditions: 1. The CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall issue library cards upon request to the residents of the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH at no cost to the resident. 2. The CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall provide library services to residents of the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH which are provided to residents of their respective cities. 3. The TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH shall provide free of charge copies of its Annual Operating Budget and Capital Projects Program, and City Council Agendas to CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO Jan-25-99 16 : 41 TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH 650 37574/5 N .u� libraries for their use as reference materials, which shall be made available for public viewing during the term of this AGREEMENT. 4. It is understood that the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall retain complete authority regarding the level of service, including the authority to close branches, adjust hours and set fees and charges for special services, classes and programs. 5. In exchange for such library services the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH agrees to pay the following sums to be divided between the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO. Fiscal Year 1998/1999 $328,700 Fiscal Year 1999/2000 $369,000 Fiscal Year 2000/2001 $409,500 Fiscal Year 2001/2002 $409,500 + CPI Adjustment Fiscal Year 2002/2003 FY 2001/2002 Contribution + CPI Adjustment CPI Adjustments shall be calculated by the CITY OF BURLINGAME by May 30th of each year, based on the average increase for the previous twelve months (bi-monthly statistics released June-April) of the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index "AII Urban Consumers" for the San Francisco/Oakland Area. 6. The payments made by the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH shall be distributed two-thirds (2/3'd') to the CITY OF BURLINGAME and one-third (1/3'd) to the CITY OF SAN MATEO or as the CITIES OF BURLINGAME and SAN MATEO mutally agree. 7. The CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall invoice the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH on a monthly basis for 1/12 of the annual portion of the payment. 8. The TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH and the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO reserve the right to extend or amend this AGREEMENT upon the mutual consent of all parties. 9. The CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO shall indemnify and hold the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, its officers and employees harmless from any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses related to or as a result of intentional or negligent acts for which the CITY OF BURLINGAME'S and the CITY OF SAN MATEO'S officers, employees or volunteers are responsible. 10.This AGREEMENT comprises the entire AGREEMENT. Page 3 Jan-25-99 16 :41 TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH 650 3757475 P _04 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH and the CITY OF BURLINGAME and the CITY OF SAN MATEO have executed this AGREEMENT by the duly authorized agents of each party as of the date first written above. SIGNED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH Anthony Constantouros, City Manager City Attorney CITY OF BURLINGAME Dennis Argyres, City Manager City Attorney CITY OF SAN MATEO Arne Croce, City Manager City Attorney Page 3 Burlingame Community for Education Foundation P.O. BOX 117730, BURLINGAME, CA 94011-7730 - (650) 259-3824 t January 22, 1999 Cathy Somerton Burlingame Public Library—Children's Department 1800 Easton Dr. Burlingame, CA 94010 Dear Cathy, Thank you for the generous donation of the Story Program at the Easton Library for the "BCE Goes Hollywood" auction! Your contribution is sure to generate much-needed funds for BCE and the Burlingame School District. The Dinner Dance is going to be "Award Winning!" and it is because of contributions and efforts such as yours that make it so. _ Sincerely, Tricia Godowski Ginny McGraw BCE Dinner Dance BCE Dinner Dance Auction Committee Auction Committee 4 Ttlp_ t 4b 1 HZT ! BCE is a non-profit foundation dedicated to enhancing the educational opportunities of the children in the Burlinqame School District. IRr ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE INSTITUTE of NEW COLLEGE OF CALIFORNIA wx 450 CHADBOURNE AVENUE,MILLBRAE, CA 94030 TEL:650-697-6313 FAx:650-697-6316 E-MAIL:ESLI@AOL.COM 1 q ct . r—. \L 0- C— TL— -wl7LiJ (c C�.r1 v�:�J � �-�' ` �iZ-s.>��✓ �Li�1 �' C,.�l�f�. < \"� \J L(�.'J1\�-�.J L� t -�h�11c yaps l�b►-ary . T ���tjed s�y��g i-herP . TA u ke +v c "+-o ibere. a v/ CCc\ w a. se h'r(I bl"liy S,.\sa.nc�2. Veil iYlLAcVV mt•-ciL 1\ oYc\Yy C(2V1� Sa za- CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY NEWS January 28, 1999 New library board installed SACRAMENTO. . . .The board of directors of the new Library of California convened its first meeting on Tuesday,January 26. Created by an act of the California Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Pete Wilson last fall, the Library of California will oversee a statewide network of public and private libraries. The new entity replaces the California Library Services Board. The new board was sworn into office by Associate Justice George Nicholson of the Third District Court of Appeal. The president of the new board of directors is James Dawe, a partner in the San Diego law firm, Seltzer Caplan Wilkins &McMahon. Dawe was first appointed to the California Library Services Board by Governor Wilson in 1994• Dawe is a past chair of the Urban Libraries Council and the San Diego Board of Library Commissioners. He is the founding chair of the San Diego Public Library Foundation and a past chair of the Downtown San Diego Partnership. The vice president of the board is Victoria F. Fong of Tiburon, also a Wilson appointee. Fong has served on the Marin County Free Library Commission since 1992. Legislation establishing the Library of California was sponsored Sen. Deirdre Alpert of San Diego and enjoyed broad bi-partisan support in both houses of the Legislature. FOR FURTHER CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY INFORMATION Robert Da se I er ( 91 6) 654-0108 P.O. BOX 942837 CONTACT: SACRAMENTO, CA 94237-0001 With initial funding of$5 million for its first year of operation, the Library of California will establish the telecommunications infrastructure to support a statewide hook-up of all 8,000 libraries in California, including school libraries, law libraries, medical libraries, public libraries, college and university libraries, and libraries run by business enterprises. The motto of the new system is: "One library. . .8,000 doors." Other members of the Library of California board of directors are: Maurice Calderon, San Bernardino; Nolan Frizzelle, Folsom; Ed Harris, Yreka;John Kallenberg, Fresno;Joanne Kennedy, Oxnard; Patricia Otstott, San Francisco; Mary Purucker, Santa Monica; Michael Spence, West Covina; Susan Steinhauser, Los Angeles; and Kim Wang, Torrance. The newest appointee to the board is Maurice Calderon, a senior vice president at the Arrowhead Credit Union in San Bernardino. He is a member of the University of California Foundation board of trustees, the Inland Empire Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Inland Empire African-American Chamber of Commerce. He was appointed to the board to represent limited- and non-English-speaking residents of California. -30-